
  1. How to create a Uber Pakistan?

    Hello fans of alternate history, I've been wonder how would create a timeline with a vastly stronger Pakistan? By stronger, I mean in terms of size, economy, resources, strategic position, influences, population and military strength ect if it means that subsequently a lot of the population...
  2. AHC - Butterfly Away the Nation of Afghanistan

    Butterfly the Nation of Afghanistan and it be divided into 3 parts, Eastern Pashtu Afghanistan more aligned with Indian Subcontinent, Western, Herat led Afghanistan more aligned with Iran and Northern Uzbek and Tajik Areas being part of Central Asia
  3. Effects Of Islamic India -

    Gow would Indian subcontinent be if it were Islamic ? Let's say Arabs are able to overrun North and Central India and Conquer them like Iran, The main question is the effects of Islamic India How would language be, will a new Islamic script emerge or could Sanskrit be written in this new...
  4. AHC - Make Sikhism Indian Subcontinent's Biggest Religion

    Sikhism is one of the world's youngest religion that grew in the fertile and multi religious province of Punjab and has both religious influences from Islam and Hinduism Yet it does not even make up the majority of the Punjab region for many reasons such as persecution, strong opposition and...
  5. Adrien_skywalker

    Threadmarks: 1971 - 1972 - The Embers of an Alliance

    This is something that I have been working on assiduously since the last two months. This is my second most serious project after 'When it rains, it pours! A Frederick the sixth ISOT!' The concept is what would happen if the Bangladesh Liberation war were to occur 14 years later on than OTL...
  6. Effects Of Maratha India

    Maratha empire can be considered the last great Pan Indian Empire, they however collapsed due to wars across the regions from Afghans to Brits, so what if Marathas were more successful and were able to conquer most of South Asia, With minir PODs like Shivaji being alive longer and a stronger...
  7. WI - Buddhist India

    Buddhism was found in India, but was outcompeted by Hinduism, But what if the reverse happened, What if Buddhism replaced Hinduism in India, how would the effects be ? Therevada Buddhism becomes the largest religion in Indian subcontinent (90 % Population) Hinduism Exists, but is clearly...
  8. AHC - Mauryan Empire Implement a Mandate of Heaven in India

    Mauryan Empire is one of the largest empires in Human history and the largest in India, however, it was not able to permanently unite India, But what if it did, If Mauryan Empire was able to exist for long enough that a united sense of being Indian and the Subcontinent was United entity for most...
  9. WI - Communist Indian Subcontinent

    Can a Communist Subcontinent Exist with a POD , Essentially a United British Raj that is Communist in Nature , This is inspired by my previous post called DBWI - No Communist India, and even though that was made for fun, it got me thinking how a Communist India would be in nature and how it...
  10. Sarthak

    Geopolitics of a Balkanized India

    Through some POD Let's assume that the British use their age old tactic of divide and conquer and leave a good amount of successor states to the Raj in 1947. Now I will not be a total ignoramus and give the entirety of India independence but let's say the following are independent nations:- 1...
  11. DBWI - No Communist India

    Today we all know that Communist India, Alongside its so called "Blood Brother" Communist China, have emerged as Rising Superpowers, Being the Largest Economy in the world, Just a bit more than China's Economy, From Invading Afghanistan to protect the Communist Government there to Forcefully...
  12. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: Ambedkar converted to Islam instead of Buddhism?

    Hello all, BR Ambedkar, author of the Indian Constitution, hated Hinduism. As a member of the untouchable dalit caste, Ambedkar faced adversity all his life, and publicised debates with Gandhi and eventual conversion to Buddhism prompted dalits to convert to Buddhism en masse. What if Ambedkar...
  13. WI - Effects of Islamic India

    What if by the 20th Century, Indian Subcontinent was Majority(90%) Muslim in religious demographics due to religious conversions similar to Indonesia , How will it affect India in the 19th century as well as in the future during the Independence How will Indian Independence Movement be in this...
  14. lerk

    DBWI: No Pakistan War

    Pakistan's secret support towards the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, along with Kashmiri jihadist groups, would lead to enough tension with America to the point that, when they sabotaged the Bin Laden raid that there really was no other option but war. We are now nearing one decade of the Pakistan War...
  15. WI Kashmir and Jammu partitioned but Bangladesh remains part of India

    What if, instead of Bengal, is Jammu and Kashmir the region that gets partitioned on religious lines? While Bangladesh remains the only muslim majority state in India? Here is a post from another similar thread : First I was thinking that the partition would be with more or less with the...
  16. Rajveer Naha


    In 2004 amid much enthusiasm SAFTA( South Asian Free Trade Agreement ) was signed. It was an attempt to leave behind memories of the Kargil war and try new bold measures. It was hoped that it will be in time as successful as NAFTA and could even lead to a future customs union. Will it be successful?
  17. WI: All Countries of the Indian Subcontinent are all Upper Middle Income Nations
    Threadmarks: Scenario

    So in this case the POD is 1989 where all the countries of the Indian Subcontinent experience some changes which allows for them to experience highers amounts of growth and results in them gaining wealth. As a result by 2019 all of the countries are upper middle income nations with their...
  18. GauchoBadger

    Continuation: Indo-Pakistani War in 2002?

    A continuation of this thread from the beginning of this year (since it's already too old to be bumped): So, the consensus seems to be that Pakistan, in the event of a nuclear war with India during the...
  19. PC/WI: India Partition Reversed As Soon As Possible

    Immediately after the partition of India, when’s the most plausible scenario and time that could be reversed? Assuming it was possible for the partition to be reversed and India and Pakistan (both sides) gets reversed, when and how could this happen? How does the history of Asia change as a...
  20. Beacon

    Bangladesh joins India after the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971

    I want to write a timeline for this, but I'd like to hear out if anyone has any thoughts on how likely this is to happen & what they think about this TL One way I see if happening is that Bangladesh-Pakistan conflicts spread out to India and India decides to outright annex Bangladesh into India...