no ww2

  1. NZBushRanger

    Weimar Germany Survives?

    I am thinking of a TL in the works in which the Weimar Republic (or at least some version of it) survives into the 1950's and beyond. But due to Germany's political state OTL, I'm having trouble making it so Germany still maintains a democratic system. Even if the national socialists never...
  2. No Nazism and no WWII in Europe - What does the Pacific War looks like?

    Like how I already detailed in this thread, I am brainstorming a TL where Hitler ne ver joins politics, an alt-Beer Hall Putsch results in the early Nazis being destroyed as a party early on in the 1920s, and Germany either becomes a non-Nazi right-wing military dictatorship, or the Weimar...
  3. No Nazism (and maybe no WWII) - What is the ultimate fate of the Second Polish Republic?

    Overall, most people on this forum think that should the Nazis either not exist or not succeed as a movement, the Weimar Republic would still fall to some kind of militaristic right-wing nationalist and revanchist regime (Notzis/Kaiserboos are not what I have in mind, these tropes are just lazy...
  4. Could fascism survive to the present without WW2?

    I know that fascism is a nebulous term where the definition isn't entirely agreed upon, with debates over whether Franco was fascist or not, but just assume a more broad definition of the sort of right-wing nationalist dictatorships that popped up during the interwar years, like Austria, Italy...
  5. Hitler,Lenin,Trotsky,Stalin,Mussolini killed before WW1

    In 1913 Hitler,Trotsky and Stalin were in Vienna. They visited the same cafe. What if Lenin and Mussolini also went there while got blown up a revolutionary ? I guess the October revolution fails. So Russia remains in WW1 preventing the Spring Offensive. No CCP either. While communism remains a...
  6. If no WW2, is there still a Baby Boom?

    I found this article recently talking about the causes of the Baby Boom, and it basically says that the main causes were the adoption of new appliances, better healthcare, and rising homeownership. Basically, it says that the causes were mainly unrelated to WW2, and that it was already beginning...
  7. WI: No Nazis in Europe, French-British-Soviet gank of Japan in the Pacific?

    Okay, here's a basic outline of a "no WW2" timeline I'm toying with, curious for thoughts. The point of divergence is that Hindenberg does not run for reelection as President. The new President is Eckener, beating out Hitler, producing a different series of elections in '32, the Nazi Party...
  8. Kurd Gossemer

    Europe and the rest of the world without WW2.

    The pod is simple: Hitler dies from his wounds after being blinded by mustard gas on WW1 and never enters politics, meaning that while there's several far right-wing groups causing troubles they never get to wield any serious power outside of working as a block. So for Germany there's no war as...
  9. Gabingston

    Cultural Evolution of a world without the Nazis

    It is no secret that Nazi Germany and WW2 have had a massive impact upon the direction Western and even global culture has taken in the last 80 years. In fact, it may not be an exaggeration to say that the Third Reich has become the Satan figure around which Western political and cultural...
  10. Hitler ousted in 1938

    Chamberlain adopts a harder line regarding Sudetenland and the talks break down. Hitler decides to carry out the invasion of Czechoslovakia, and consequently gets overthrown and assassinated by the elements of the Wehrmacht involved in the Oster conspieacy. How do events proceed from here? There...
  11. Aluma

    PC/AHC: Delayed WWI - Can Imperial Germany go Nazi?

    One thing I often hear here is that World War 1 was inevitable with the upscaling of german military build-up, the alliance system and everything going around the balkans. Another is that Hitler and his gang would have easily been butterflied away from rising to power if any change were to...
  12. (military) technological progress without WW 2

    This thread is not about discussing the notion of whether or not war is a social and technological catalyst. I personally believe WW II, apart from advancements in specific fields, was a net loss given that 50-60 million people died and the famines, genocides, political instability, civil wars...
  13. Nightingale

    AHC: 1960s Successful US Civil Rights and Feminist Movements Without World War I and World War II

    Hi! I'm currently searching through threads talking about a scenario in which World War I and World War II don't happen at all. While I'm glad that I can get some sort of bearing on where technology, decolonization, and birth rates may be in this counterfactual, but I have not seen any...
  14. SealTheRealDeal

    DBPC: The plot of Weltkrieg 2?

    So I watched the Welkrieg films (the original Adolf Hitler ones, not the Hollywood remakes from the early 2000s). And it got me wondering how plausible Weltkrieg 2 really was. For those who aren't aware, Weltkrieg 1 was a historical drama firmly grounded in the events of the actual Great War...
  15. European Integration without WW2

    Some form of European integration seems unavoidable in the long run. Ideas like ethnic nationalism, racial hierarchies, and eugenics would've faded away more gradually without their sudden discrediting OTL after WW2, but they likely would've declined in either scenario. Once Europe is mostly...
  16. WI: No WW1+2, does the Age of Liberalism continue?

    I think many here are aware that WW1 was a turning point in European and world history. But i also think many underestimate just how much the western world changed in the wake of WW1 in terms of culture and economics. WW1 marked the end of the era of classical liberalism. It basically killed...
  17. The World without WW2

    I would like to present some of my thoughts for a no-WW2 TL. I think it is hard imagining the 40s and 50s without a major war, so some input and critique for my thoughts is very welcome. scenario: Germany in 1932/33 is taken over by a Reichswehr Junta. Instead of the insane rearmament of OTL...
  18. Japanese influence in pop culture without fascism and ww2

    Let's assume that Japan never goes fascist and continues the path of democratisation of the Taisho period, maybe they don't even participate in WW1, the point is: how much is Japan's massive presence in modern pop culture a product of important historical events like the American occupation...
  19. SealTheRealDeal

    Russian Population Sans World Wars?

    So, what could Russia's population be in a timeline where the World Wars either don't happen, don't involve Russia, or are short affairs that have little if any impact on populations?
  20. Guaro

    Poland cede Danzig, how long can Germany last without the war spoil?

    as the title, coming up in this forum I learned a lot of things and that a lot of confrontation in war, economy is absolutely crucial, so in this scenario we have Poland that get cold feet, and at the last moment decide to cede Danzig and hold referendum in contested zone, so to cut the story...