
  1. TheMasterAltHistorian

    Smash Every Last One of Them! A Buisness Plot Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Boiling Tensions under the Helmet

    Smash Every Last One of Them! The Development of the USA By TheMasterAltHistorian Authors note: This is my first Alternate History TL. After lurking for quite a bit and getting inspired by many great authors, I thought it was time to put in my share for what I have in my mind. I hope you enjoy...
  2. King(Henry)George

    The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression
    Threadmarks: Foreword

    Foreword The Premise In Paris on May 7th, 1919, Herbert Hoover would discuss the Treaty of Versailles with his friends John Maynard Keynes and Jan Smuts. They would agree that "The economic consequences alone would pull down all Europe" if it were unaltered. In 1931, Hoover would listen to the...
  3. What if FDR had lost at the 1932 Democratic National Convention?

    I've been reading up on the 1932 DNC to research for a timeline I'm hoping to write at some point, and I was surprised by how close FDR's coalition came to fracturing during the voting. For instance, shortly before the third ballot, the Mississippi and Arkansas delegations seemed to be at risk...
  4. Ambassador Huntsman

    WI: James F. Byrnes became FDR’s running mate in 1940?

    IOTL, Henry Wallace was personally picked by FDR as his new running mate in 1940. A presidential nominee picking his own running mate was considered unprecedented and do set that precedent moving forward, so this could’ve easily not happened. Instead, FDR goes with someone his aides were...
  5. FDR killed as president elect in 1933 and his VP is a Keynesian southerner who’s also interventionist on foreign policy (not Huey Long), what changes?

    I’m very curious on this because I’ve wondered about how having a liberal southerner being the one to implement the new deal without caring of budget deficits would change how US politics would look like. How much support would he have in congress? if he tried to court pack would southern dems...
  6. Who would the 1932 Democratic presidential nominee be if FDR had lost his bid for governor of New York?

    FDR's efforts as governor of New York to address the Depression were crucial in establishing him as the clear front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1932. But his first election to that office in 1928 was extremely narrow, he defeated the Republican nominee by just 25,000...
  7. PlanetaryIceTea

    AHC: Hoover re-elected in 1932.

    (This is my first attempt at one of these AHC posts, so I apologize if there is a standard format here that I am not aware of!) I've been reading more in-depth recently about the Hoover Presidency for a TL I'm writing at the moment and I'm more and more astonished at how much of a mess it was...
  8. The Century of the Common Men - A Henry Wallace and USSR wank poll TL
    Threadmarks: Convention time, 1

    Convention time, 1944 Despite the DNC's best efforts and slander, FDR insisted. Wallace was not only a trusted politician, but a personal friend of Roosevelt and his family, and he would not fire a friend of his from the ticket. As FDR's health waned Wallace would stay by his side. The...
  9. WI: William Stormont Hackett car never crashed

    Hackett, former mayor of Albany and running mate of Al Smith in the 1926 Gubernatorial Election of New York, was visiting Cuba in February 1926 when, without warning, the car in which he was a passenger hit an obstruction or a rough patch of road. Hackett was ejected, and sustained severe head...
  10. So if FDR wins a third and fourth term, is there any reason why the 22nd amendment DOESN'T pass?

    Its a common idea in alternate history for the 22nd amendment that created presidential term limited to never come into effect. As most know, the big reason it passed was due to the Republicans controlling congress in the late 40's and basically reacting to FDR being president for so long...
  11. JohnEdwards2012

    John Nance Garner as President in 1933?

    There is a great thread about this from about 8 years ago, but I was hoping to reignite discussion on this subject. "bguy" deconstructed much of the mythology regarding Garner being this very conservative, anti-New Deal figure, and laid out a case for Garner, though being far less pro labor than...
  12. TheDoofusUser

    WI - Byrd is FDR's Running Mate then VP-elect, then Zangara kills FDR, What is President Byrd like?

    I recently looked up interesting conservative candidates for the 1932 Democratic Nomination and one name who comes up quite a bit is the 50th Governor of Virginia (1926-1930) and the Democratic Nominee for Virginia Senate that year Harry Flood Byrd Sr. On the first ballot, Byrd had 25 Delegates...
  13. Political ramifications for republicans if Dust Bowl was compacted to 1929-1932?

    Obviously a little ASB but I was thinking about ways if the dust bowl was compacted to during Hoover years how much that would change things to the American political landscape and economy. But in particular how much more it would hurt republicans and if democrats would do even better in 1932...
  14. Herbert Bloover

    Monday, February 16th, 1920. New York Governor's Mansion. Governor Roosevelt was sitting in his office in the mansion in the middle of his second two-year term as Governor of New York. He thought about his options. "I could run for a third term." The Governor said to himself. "I could hand it...
  15. What if FDR never ran for a third term?

    Let's say FDR does not run for a third term in 1940 and announced his retirement from politics before the convention, how would things turn out? For starters his VP, John Nance Garner would most likely win the democratic nomination. Garner had consistently polled as the top pick for the...
  16. WI: FDR Wins 1914 New York Senate Election

    FDR ran an unsuccessful bid in 1914 to become New York senator. FDR was defeated soundly in the primaries by James Gerard, who in turn lost to James Wadsworth. PRIMARIES PARTY CANDIDATE VOTES % Republican James Wolcott Wadsworth Jr. 89,960 42.85 Republican William M. Calder 82,895...
  17. Vidal

    WI: FDR does not become Governor of NY in 1928?

    POD: FDR, fearing an electoral loss and believing he needs to focus on recovering from polio, refuses the 1928 draft attempts for New York governor. According to Jean Edward Smith's biography, Roosevelt repeatedly turned away calls for him to run for governor -- it was only when he was drafted...
  18. WI: Churchill/FDR die in 1931/1933?

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_F._Cantasano https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Zangara Cantasano kills Churchill and Zangara shoots FDR dead? Now, in a world where Churchill/FDR are never PM/President, we have different people involved in 1938/1939, although even this is still by no...
  19. WI: Democrat Eisenhower Succeeds Four Term FDR

    Following a mild heart attack in 1940, FDR decides to stop drinking and smoking, which extends his life by another decade. Thomas Dewey, and not Wendell Willkie, becomes the Republican nominee in 1940 and suffers the same crushing defeat in the election. FDR manages to keep Henry Wallace on the...
  20. What if FDR lived long enough to complete his fourth term?

    Franklin D. Roosevelt was one of America's most unique and groundbreaking Presidents. One way he proved different from all others was by successfully breaking George Washington's famous two-term precedent, being elected four times. This is something that, in all likelihood, will never happen...