Chapter 1: Boiling Tensions under the Helmet
Smash Every Last One of Them!
The Development of the USA
By TheMasterAltHistorian
Authors note: This is my first Alternate History TL. After lurking for quite a bit and getting inspired by many great authors,
I thought it was time to put in my share for what I have in my mind. I hope you enjoy this TL and will stick around till the end!
The Development of the USA
By TheMasterAltHistorian
Authors note: This is my first Alternate History TL. After lurking for quite a bit and getting inspired by many great authors,
I thought it was time to put in my share for what I have in my mind. I hope you enjoy this TL and will stick around till the end!
Chapter 1: Boiling Tensions under the Helmet
America’s soul had been shattered into millions of pieces. Prosperity and joy had been the status quo for the nation thanks to the Roaring 20’s economic prosperity that it shared with the nation. It was not meant to last as in 1932, the Stock Market crashed taking the 20’s optimism with it. A ray of hope and optimism did break through the thick fog of pessimism as FDR was elected president with the promise to end the Great Depression and reform America’s system to ensure prosperity for the working class and that the Great Depression wouldn’t be repeated. Not everyone shared this sentiment however and that group were veterans.
After thousands of battalions were sent over to their deaths in French trenches mangled by machine gun fire and barbed wire, many surviving soldiers expected to return home with benefits and a warm welcome from the government for their sacrifice. They would get some benefits with the Bonus Act of 1924 and they did bask in the prosperity of the Roaring 20’s. But once that imploded in ‘32, the Veterans were left with nothing as the Bonus Act had a catch as certificates allowing the said benefits were only to be granted in 1945 while many veterans were suffering right now. They would be extra cynical and bitter among America’s populace as not only were most in extreme poverty, but now they fully realized that they had watched their comrades die in gnarly ways and suffered extreme injuries, just to be mostly left for dead by the government and
only given crumbs of aid that was about to be given in a decade. Veterans would protest for more treatment from the government in the form of the Bonus Army which was at first crushed by Hoover and MacArthur. The veterans looked longingly at FDR for at least a promise of aid to appease the vets, but they were meant with a swift condemnation from FDR along with an opposition to aid. This would be met with plans for a 2nd Bonus Army from the veterans of the first Bonus Army to protest FDR. FDR, however, already knew this probably would happen, so in response to these plans, he would sic one BOI leader J. Edgar Hoover to spy on veterans who potentially would have participated in the planned second Bonus Army and arrest anyone who aided or is an accomplice in any Bonus Army, in order to ensure that the planned 2nd Bonus Army would be nullified from the start.
J Edgar Hoover
Former Leader of BOI and FBI
Operation Eagle’s Nest would begin on February 23th, 1933. Hoover would use the same wiretapping method he infamously used for bootleggers and gangsters during Prohibition, this time by spying on suspected original Bonus Army veterans and veterans who may have wanted to join the 2nd Bonus Army. This would lead to multiple innocent people getting spied on and arrested as Hoover feared that they would form another Bonus Army and he wanted to arrest the original members of the Bonus Army. Over 602 people were arrested in Operation Eagle’s Nest, with a decent chunk of said arrests being those against innocent people who had no connection to the First or Second Bonus Army, but were either way suspected to be aids and accomplices. The Operation was declared a success by J. Edgar Hoover and he claimed he stopped a 2nd Bonus Army from happening. This has faced scrutiny from modern historians however, as after Eagle’s Nest was commenced, FDR decided to extend an olive branch to the veterans through offering the remaining Bonus Army veterans jobs from the Civilian Conservation Corps which modern historians say is the reason why the Bonus Army died off.
The 2nd Bonus Army was effectively aborted before it could happen and most veterans were happy with the opportunity of jobs in the CCC, but a few radical veterans became more disillusioned with American society and government after Eagle’s Nest. One of those radicals was Marine Smedley Butler. Butler was nominally left wing on economic and foreign positions and was already disillusioned with the government due to what he saw a mal treatment at Camp Pontanezen during WW1, and then being despised by President Hoover during the twilight of his career. This would lead him to a cynical view of America through seeing America’s adventures as imperialistic wars based on greed. But thanks to the other Hoover not only acting like the last Hoover he knew, but now arresting his fellow comrades, he believed that God had abandoned America’s soldiers and that now was the time to do revolution.
Smedley Butler
New York City, New York: August 1st, 1933
“No! I have repeatedly made my damn point clear!”
“Do you want that tyrant to stay in the White House!?!”
8 o'clock in the morning, and the pleasant sound of manic arguing rang around a hotel room 15 floors up. The silencer that was the pale blue door was unable to contain the roaring argument and keep it to a muffle. Thankfully for the 2 men in the room, there wasn’t anyone in the rooms beside them or any staff nearing. Before the ruckus, 2 men gain contact with Butler with the names of Gerald C. Macguire and Bill Doyle. Doyle was affiliated with the Connecticut section of the American Legion and MacGuire was affiliated with Wall Street Company Grayston Murphy and Co. The 3 had 2 meetings with each other, and both Doyle and Macguire had discussion of planning retributions for veterans after Eagle’s Nest and how to make the government pay. They tried that through persuading Butler to join the American Legion through giving a speech and becoming a national leader of the organization. Butler didn’t bite however, so MacGuire invited Butler to a one on one chat with him about the Legion and the plan for veteran payback.
After a quick breakfast at the hotel restaurant, The 2 returned to the luxurious hotel room that was adorned with spotless paintings and dishes along with decorative furniture. The discussion started out as Butler imagined it would. Full of talks about how veteran’s weren’t respected enough by the government, how veterans deserve some form of pension for their physical and mental sacrifice in past wars, and plenty of cursing against FDR for his “tyranny”. Butler was even willing at first to be a leader in a supposed revolution against the government. However, things turned south when they started discussing which groups to get for this revolution and about the American legion.
“Not all socialists hate veterans.” Butler lamented. “I have seen a few youngling socialists who have revealed to America how veterans and soldiers were poorly treated. They can-”
MacGuire cut him off with a hearty chuckle. “And I’ve seen a million more of them younglings call all you good folk nothing more than greedy bloodthirsty sadists”, he spat back with. “I keep trying to hammer it into your thick skull that fascism is the only ideology and movement that respects veteran rights! I have plenty of powerful friends and comrades in the American Legion who could easily aid us to stop FDR. The Legion has members across the nation 500,000 strong, all ready to take down the federal and state governments”, Macguire pleaded. “Remember Mussolini-”
“Fuck Mussolini!” Butler roared back, disgusted by the mere mention of his name. “The bastard’s an authoritarian tyrant like Roosevelt.” Butler sat down on one of the cushioned velvet armchairs after he explained his feelings on Mussolini.
MacGuire shook his head in frustration, seeing no progress being made in recruiting Butler. “I wasn’t going to completely kiss his boots.” Macguire retorted. “I know how he's another stooge of the king. I was pointing to him as an example as his revolution was led by veterans who were just like you and your Bonus Army friends.” Butler only raised an eye in response, but MacGuire continued, circling near Butler as the wooden floor creaked. “The American Legion empowers veterans and gives them freedom along with the common man. Look at how Mussolini had given nothing but respect to veterans in his movement. The Legion has to follow his example and you are the best contender for that position I ever knew”
Butler’s unconvinced look was still stapled onto his face. “I don’t have good feelings about Mussolini.” Butler replied blankly. “From what I’ve seen, he's someone who has spat on American values and has little regard for others.” Butler crossed his arms as he continued, “And I sure as hell don’t want to act as an American Carbon Copy of Mussolini.”
“How many times do I have to tell you, we don’t have to act like Mussolini is someone we should completely act like,” Macguire groaned, “ I’m saying we should just follow their tactics on how to overthrow and manage a government!”. Butler made a face as if he were about to reply to MacGuire, but Macguire retorted as he stood in front of Butler, “Hell, I’d argue your socialist friends and FDR are also tyrants as they like and want to trample on American business rights and private property of many good men just like ,my friends at Grayston Murphy.” MacGuire stepped towards Butler as he finished, feet clopping at the floor. “If you could just agree to this, my bosses would gladly help fund the movement needed to put FDR’s head on a mantle.” MacGuire finished his stroll and was now towering over the sitting Butler. “They already helped found the New York section of the American Legion and could easily establish one that can overthrow the government in DC.”
Butler’s face soured like a grape when his ears digested the last sentences of MacGuire’s speech. His mind had churned out a meaning behind the last sentence. The pro-business undertone along with MacGuire’s job had painted a disgusting explanation for why MacGuire and Doyle wanted so badly to recruit Butler. “So…” Butler hissed and stood up, facing MacGuire’s tired expression. “That's what all of this is for? You and your so-called powerful friends didn’t give a shit about veterans and only wanted to protect rich people and their property?” Butler grabbed a firm hold onto MacGuire’s shoulders, shaking him like a pepper grinder. “THOSE SAME BASTARDS WHO THROUGH MY MEN OVER THE LINES TO THEIR DEATHS IN FRANCE!” Butler roared as spit was shot at MacGuire’s face. Butler shoved MacGuire to another velvet couch that stood in front of Butler’s armchair, rattling the trinket plates and paintings adorning the wall.
“I shoulda known you American Legion Boys were no good with being affiliated with Wall Street itself. Ya nothing but a Strikebreakers outfit.” Butler turned with only his face facing MacGuire.“Fuck this, and fuck you.” Butler hissed once again, “I’m out… You hear me?” Butler turned to walk out the door in a calm yet angry march, boots hitting the floor with a thump each.
“So this is how you're gonna act!”, MacGuire shouted back as he stood back up. “Going to throw this whole opportunity away because of some tensions!?!” Butler stopped and only replied solemnly, “My interest is, my one hobby is, maintaining a democracy. If you get these 500,000 soldiers advocating anything smelling of Fascism, I am going to get 500,000 more and lick the hell out of you, and we will have a real war right at home.”
MacGuire froze, then hollered in laughter as he only replied, “Not if those 500,000 Men are stuck in chains. Your men got thrown into prisons and had been kicked to the pavement for you to get cold feet and get mopey at me it seems!?!”America’s soul had been shattered into millions of pieces. Prosperity and joy had been the status quo for the nation thanks to the Roaring 20’s economic prosperity that it shared with the nation. It was not meant to last as in 1932, the Stock Market crashed taking the 20’s optimism with it. A ray of hope and optimism did break through the thick fog of pessimism as FDR was elected president with the promise to end the Great Depression and reform America’s system to ensure prosperity for the working class and that the Great Depression wouldn’t be repeated. Not everyone shared this sentiment however and that group were veterans.
After thousands of battalions were sent over to their deaths in French trenches mangled by machine gun fire and barbed wire, many surviving soldiers expected to return home with benefits and a warm welcome from the government for their sacrifice. They would get some benefits with the Bonus Act of 1924 and they did bask in the prosperity of the Roaring 20’s. But once that imploded in ‘32, the Veterans were left with nothing as the Bonus Act had a catch as certificates allowing the said benefits were only to be granted in 1945 while many veterans were suffering right now. They would be extra cynical and bitter among America’s populace as not only were most in extreme poverty, but now they fully realized that they had watched their comrades die in gnarly ways and suffered extreme injuries, just to be mostly left for dead by the government and
only given crumbs of aid that was about to be given in a decade. Veterans would protest for more treatment from the government in the form of the Bonus Army which was at first crushed by Hoover and MacArthur. The veterans looked longingly at FDR for at least a promise of aid to appease the vets, but they were meant with a swift condemnation from FDR along with an opposition to aid. This would be met with plans for a 2nd Bonus Army from the veterans of the first Bonus Army to protest FDR. FDR, however, already knew this probably would happen, so in response to these plans, he would sic one BOI leader J. Edgar Hoover to spy on veterans who potentially would have participated in the planned second Bonus Army and arrest anyone who aided or is an accomplice in any Bonus Army, in order to ensure that the planned 2nd Bonus Army would be nullified from the start.
J Edgar Hoover
Former Leader of BOI and FBI
Operation Eagle’s Nest would begin on February 23th, 1933. Hoover would use the same wiretapping method he infamously used for bootleggers and gangsters during Prohibition, this time by spying on suspected original Bonus Army veterans and veterans who may have wanted to join the 2nd Bonus Army. This would lead to multiple innocent people getting spied on and arrested as Hoover feared that they would form another Bonus Army and he wanted to arrest the original members of the Bonus Army. Over 602 people were arrested in Operation Eagle’s Nest, with a decent chunk of said arrests being those against innocent people who had no connection to the First or Second Bonus Army, but were either way suspected to be aids and accomplices. The Operation was declared a success by J. Edgar Hoover and he claimed he stopped a 2nd Bonus Army from happening. This has faced scrutiny from modern historians however, as after Eagle’s Nest was commenced, FDR decided to extend an olive branch to the veterans through offering the remaining Bonus Army veterans jobs from the Civilian Conservation Corps which modern historians say is the reason why the Bonus Army died off.
The 2nd Bonus Army was effectively aborted before it could happen and most veterans were happy with the opportunity of jobs in the CCC, but a few radical veterans became more disillusioned with American society and government after Eagle’s Nest. One of those radicals was Marine Smedley Butler. Butler was nominally left wing on economic and foreign positions and was already disillusioned with the government due to what he saw a mal treatment at Camp Pontanezen during WW1, and then being despised by President Hoover during the twilight of his career. This would lead him to a cynical view of America through seeing America’s adventures as imperialistic wars based on greed. But thanks to the other Hoover not only acting like the last Hoover he knew, but now arresting his fellow comrades, he believed that God had abandoned America’s soldiers and that now was the time to do revolution.
Smedley Butler
New York City, New York: August 1st, 1933
“No! I have repeatedly made my damn point clear!”
“Do you want that tyrant to stay in the White House!?!”
8 o'clock in the morning, and the pleasant sound of manic arguing rang around a hotel room 15 floors up. The silencer that was the pale blue door was unable to contain the roaring argument and keep it to a muffle. Thankfully for the 2 men in the room, there wasn’t anyone in the rooms beside them or any staff nearing. Before the ruckus, 2 men gain contact with Butler with the names of Gerald C. Macguire and Bill Doyle. Doyle was affiliated with the Connecticut section of the American Legion and MacGuire was affiliated with Wall Street Company Grayston Murphy and Co. The 3 had 2 meetings with each other, and both Doyle and Macguire had discussion of planning retributions for veterans after Eagle’s Nest and how to make the government pay. They tried that through persuading Butler to join the American Legion through giving a speech and becoming a national leader of the organization. Butler didn’t bite however, so MacGuire invited Butler to a one on one chat with him about the Legion and the plan for veteran payback.
After a quick breakfast at the hotel restaurant, The 2 returned to the luxurious hotel room that was adorned with spotless paintings and dishes along with decorative furniture. The discussion started out as Butler imagined it would. Full of talks about how veteran’s weren’t respected enough by the government, how veterans deserve some form of pension for their physical and mental sacrifice in past wars, and plenty of cursing against FDR for his “tyranny”. Butler was even willing at first to be a leader in a supposed revolution against the government. However, things turned south when they started discussing which groups to get for this revolution and about the American legion.
“Not all socialists hate veterans.” Butler lamented. “I have seen a few youngling socialists who have revealed to America how veterans and soldiers were poorly treated. They can-”
MacGuire cut him off with a hearty chuckle. “And I’ve seen a million more of them younglings call all you good folk nothing more than greedy bloodthirsty sadists”, he spat back with. “I keep trying to hammer it into your thick skull that fascism is the only ideology and movement that respects veteran rights! I have plenty of powerful friends and comrades in the American Legion who could easily aid us to stop FDR. The Legion has members across the nation 500,000 strong, all ready to take down the federal and state governments”, Macguire pleaded. “Remember Mussolini-”
“Fuck Mussolini!” Butler roared back, disgusted by the mere mention of his name. “The bastard’s an authoritarian tyrant like Roosevelt.” Butler sat down on one of the cushioned velvet armchairs after he explained his feelings on Mussolini.
MacGuire shook his head in frustration, seeing no progress being made in recruiting Butler. “I wasn’t going to completely kiss his boots.” Macguire retorted. “I know how he's another stooge of the king. I was pointing to him as an example as his revolution was led by veterans who were just like you and your Bonus Army friends.” Butler only raised an eye in response, but MacGuire continued, circling near Butler as the wooden floor creaked. “The American Legion empowers veterans and gives them freedom along with the common man. Look at how Mussolini had given nothing but respect to veterans in his movement. The Legion has to follow his example and you are the best contender for that position I ever knew”
Butler’s unconvinced look was still stapled onto his face. “I don’t have good feelings about Mussolini.” Butler replied blankly. “From what I’ve seen, he's someone who has spat on American values and has little regard for others.” Butler crossed his arms as he continued, “And I sure as hell don’t want to act as an American Carbon Copy of Mussolini.”
“How many times do I have to tell you, we don’t have to act like Mussolini is someone we should completely act like,” Macguire groaned, “ I’m saying we should just follow their tactics on how to overthrow and manage a government!”. Butler made a face as if he were about to reply to MacGuire, but Macguire retorted as he stood in front of Butler, “Hell, I’d argue your socialist friends and FDR are also tyrants as they like and want to trample on American business rights and private property of many good men just like ,my friends at Grayston Murphy.” MacGuire stepped towards Butler as he finished, feet clopping at the floor. “If you could just agree to this, my bosses would gladly help fund the movement needed to put FDR’s head on a mantle.” MacGuire finished his stroll and was now towering over the sitting Butler. “They already helped found the New York section of the American Legion and could easily establish one that can overthrow the government in DC.”
Butler’s face soured like a grape when his ears digested the last sentences of MacGuire’s speech. His mind had churned out a meaning behind the last sentence. The pro-business undertone along with MacGuire’s job had painted a disgusting explanation for why MacGuire and Doyle wanted so badly to recruit Butler. “So…” Butler hissed and stood up, facing MacGuire’s tired expression. “That's what all of this is for? You and your so-called powerful friends didn’t give a shit about veterans and only wanted to protect rich people and their property?” Butler grabbed a firm hold onto MacGuire’s shoulders, shaking him like a pepper grinder. “THOSE SAME BASTARDS WHO THROUGH MY MEN OVER THE LINES TO THEIR DEATHS IN FRANCE!” Butler roared as spit was shot at MacGuire’s face. Butler shoved MacGuire to another velvet couch that stood in front of Butler’s armchair, rattling the trinket plates and paintings adorning the wall.
“I shoulda known you American Legion Boys were no good with being affiliated with Wall Street itself. Ya nothing but a Strikebreakers outfit.” Butler turned with only his face facing MacGuire.“Fuck this, and fuck you.” Butler hissed once again, “I’m out… You hear me?” Butler turned to walk out the door in a calm yet angry march, boots hitting the floor with a thump each.
“So this is how you're gonna act!”, MacGuire shouted back as he stood back up. “Going to throw this whole opportunity away because of some tensions!?!” Butler stopped and only replied solemnly, “My interest is, my one hobby is, maintaining a democracy. If you get these 500,000 soldiers advocating anything smelling of Fascism, I am going to get 500,000 more and lick the hell out of you, and we will have a real war right at home.”
The final sentence became concrete for Butler as his legs came to a screeching halt. The words MacGuire uttered last had stung his heart strings as memories began to flashback. Arguments with Hoover, him learning of the dreadful news of the cracking down of both the first and planned second Bonus Armies, and the horrid thought in his head when he had the vision that his own men may have been arrested and treated horridly after Eagle’s Nest.
“I get that you’re more idealistic than pragmatic,” MacGuire resumed, approaching Butler ever so slightly as the sound of the floor revealed “... but please be pragmatic for a second would ya?” He needled. Butler’s emotions flipped from anger at what he saw as ludicrous proposals from MacGuire, to genuinely considering his words as he spat them out. “As Machiavelli said, “Politics and Morals have no relations with each other””. MacGuire finally managed to fully romp his way to the frozen Butler, shoes clunking making echoes across the room as he gripped Butler’s left shoulder.
“Right now, your socialist friends don’t give two shits about veterans and only care about their own inflated egos.” MacGuire stared deeply into Butler’s eyes and gave out an ultimatum from his blank face. “You have one shot to end FDR’s tyranny and give respect to your comrades. I’m not asking for a lot, just for you to be pragmatic and work together so we could get both of our interests.” MacGuire extends his hand coldly. “Will you accept this and be the leader of our revolution?”
Butler tepidly started to think harder than he did ever before in his life to the point where it could give him a headache. He had been given an offer to lead a putsch against FDR. The offer did seem tempting with Butler detesting FDR. But he knew that the inclusion of fascists and rich businessmen in it conflicted with his own political views. He wondered if this putsch was just to consolidate the bourgeois power and not liberate the common veterans and people. However, this was the first time he had someone at least pretend to care about veterans and attempt a plan for enacting revenge on the government. Memories of his fellow comrades getting curb stomped once again flooded his head filling him with emotions of sorrow and rage. The memories of his comrades told him to accept MacGuire’s offer in order in honor of his comrades. Butler had made up his mind, and he felt MacGuire’s eyes demanding an answer.
“I’ll do it.” Butler blurted out. “But after Roosevelt’s dead, I don’t want to be associated with the new government in any way. Got that?”
A smile carved its way to both sides of MacGuire’s face, creating a toothy yet sinister grin as he replied. “You got yourself a deal. Glad you got your head on ya shoulder.” MacGuire extended a hand to Butler, in which Butler tepidly shook his hand up and down as a form of friendliness.
After the awkward exchange of pleasantries, Butler went to sit back down on the velvet armchair, mind having been rattled hard by the argument, almost as if he were back in the trenches during an artillery bombardment.
Meanwhile, MacGuire snickered to himself as he finally achieved his goal. The American Legion had gained a major national leader. He imagined how the fascist government would operate after the Putsch. How many of the New Deal provisions that went after his bosses would be repealed to please his friends. And most importantly, how glorious it would be to see many fascists and veterans storm the capitol and strangle FDR to death.
All of these thoughts made MacGuire smile even bigger as he knew one thing for certain. America would never be the same after.
Waldorf Astoria.
The hotel where the Plot against Democracy was conceived
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