communist america

  1. Weak US during the cold war

    Releated to another thread of mine, what would have happened if the US proved weak in the fight against global communism? Say for example, they back down during the cuban missile crisis or leave Vietnam early. Is there a real chamce that a 'The heartland of capitalism doesn't even try to defend...
  2. Zyobot

    Potential Reverse Cold War Timeline w/Pre-1900 PoDs

    If you've kept up with my posts, you'll know that I've started a few Reverse Cold War threads; that is, a global standoff that takes place between a communist America and a capitalist Russia. Most of the approaches on this site, at least to me, seem to rely on rather doubtful post-1900 PODs...
  3. AHC: Permanently Communist USA

    What could happen to result in the United States of America turning permanently communist in the 2000's? Point of divergence varies according to you, from the start of World War 1 to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
  4. ETGalaxy

    DBAHC: Reverse Cold War

    You're challenge here is to create a reverse Cold War where the Americans are democratic and the Russians are a communist dictatorship. Bonus points if instead of just keeping the USA alive there's still a pan-Anglo Saxon movement like in OTL. OOC: The one rule I'll have for this DBWI is that...
  5. Whiteshore

    What would a Communist America look like?

    In a scenario where the US went Communist in a "Second American Revolution" during the 1930s due to a worse Great Depression compounded by ineffective administrations, what would said Communist America look like? What flavor of Communism do you see being the main ideology of such a Communist...
  6. WotanArgead

    Socialist Revolution in the post-war USA.

    There is a cold war .... Under what conditions can radical leftists come to power in the US? Conditions: 1) There are no serious changes before the war. 2) The revolution occurred in the late 70's - early 90's The variant of the invasion of the Soviet troops is not protected (this will only lead...
  7. Whiteshore

    DBWI: No Second American Revolution

    As we all know, the Second American Revolution led to the overthrow of the US government and it's replacement by the United People's Republic of America with it's role in the Second Great War setting the stage for the Silent War between the German-led Mittleeuropan Pact, the Japanese-led...