The List Regiment at Havrincourt

In 1929, Hitler again made few requests, except providing funding for a five year expansion program for the Lufthansa and a marine diesel factory to be completed by MAN diesel. The official task for Lufthansa would be to make transatlantic passenger flights, thereby demonstrating German technological prowess.

Mmmmh... long range planes...
Interesting premise. Germany with a more rational industrial, agricultural and military policy would be head and shoulders above its OTL counterpart. Especially if some things are not rushed, and limited funds are invested properly.

Liked the part about the revitalization of railroads, that would have long term benefits fo them, as will the greater focus on mechanization of agriculture, which will also have benefits, and not just in regards to agriculture. Greater availability of motor vehicles will certainly impact the army once rearming stops being secret, with greater amount of trucks and artillery tractors availlable, and I do wonder how will panzers look ITTl, with greater emphasis on reliability, and less rushing.

Also, does anyone know what were Reicshwehr plans without Nazis/Hitler taking over? How would it look without them?

Great TL, and good work.
Also, does anyone know what were Reicshwehr plans without Nazis/Hitler taking over? How would it look without them?
The Germans were secretly sponsoring a lot of weapons development in Sweden, take a look at Swedish tanks of the 1930's & 40's and I think one can get a rough idea of what non-Nazi tanks might have looked like.
The Germans were secretly sponsoring a lot of weapons development in Sweden, take a look at Swedish tanks of the 1930's & 40's and I think one can get a rough idea of what non-Nazi tanks might have looked like.

Well, I am afraid I expressed myself wrong. I meant what were Reichswehr plans for expansion (were there any to begin with), how would they rearm and how large would the army be? I very much doubt that they would go OTL route without Hitler. The more rational plan, something the German economy could actually support without grinding to halt.
Well, I am afraid I expressed myself wrong. I meant what were Reichswehr plans for expansion (were there any to begin with), how would they rearm and how large would the army be? I very much doubt that they would go OTL route without Hitler. The more rational plan, something the German economy could actually support without grinding to halt.
Ah I see, probably smaller forces, even more emphasis on quality maybe?
Well, I am afraid I expressed myself wrong. I meant what were Reichswehr plans for expansion (were there any to begin with), how would they rearm and how large would the army be? I very much doubt that they would go OTL route without Hitler. The more rational plan, something the German economy could actually support without grinding to halt.

Ah I see, probably smaller forces, even more emphasis on quality maybe?

There will be a lot of updates on these subjects later. Just want to state that it is Hitler as we know him. He just have a few different sets of thoughts imprinted in his mind (to which reality must bend). He will prepare for war when he gets the chance. The only difference here is that he knows it will take some years.
Quality vs. size? Certainly reliability.
Chapter 9. The NSDAP/industry alliance

1926 was indeed Hitler’s most influential year up until 1929, and he could now use his acquaintance with Hjalmar Schacht to string plans together and find creative financing opportunities. When Deutscher Aero Lloyd and Junkers Luftverkehr merged to form Lufthansa, and Hitler would vote for public loans and investments to Lufthansa, in exchange for the commitment of Lufthansa to service a number of domestic and international lines. Interestingly, Lufthansa would in turn start to help the NSDAP in running sportfliegerclubs for the youth, primarily with the use of gliders. This was a way of stimulating the German aircraft industry through otherwise exceptionally harsh times. Similarly, 1926 was also the year of the merger between Daimler and Benz which prompted Hitler to speak out against the starvation of German technology corporations and secure funds for forward looking investments.

The German aviation and aero engine industry would be given basic funds to stimulate training of new engineers and proposal for new ideas and concepts and in 1927-8, requests for new families of aero-engines were issued aiming at both inlines, radials and diesels and for sport planes and larger long-range multiple engine passenger and transport planes.


Mmmmh... long range planes...
Yes, dedicated research above OTL from 1926 and onwards
Chapter 12: the year of the crisis.

While the NSDAP could not independently assure an SPD majority, getting the backing from NSDAP made a lot of other bargaining less critical. Publically, Hitler would denounce the SPD, but still keep backing SPD in parliament except for a few symbolic issues. Key among the public denouncement was the SPD’s spending on soft services such as school meals and health care while Hitler would only spend on strengthening Germany. While the 1929 financial crisis was international in origin, it was felt locally and the claim that SPD had precipitated the crisis resonated as Hitler had indeed been warning about this for years. In late 1929 it was known that the Germany economy would be strapped for cash, and SPD looked for cruiser construction as a symbolic target to save money.

Not surprisingly, Hitler cried betrayel and denounced all SPD collaboration. Suddenly, no SPD politics could be carried through parliament (including cancellation of passed bills), and Hindenburg, not himself a social democrat refused to allow rule by decree: The 1930 election was inevitable.

Hitler also then extended the reach of the Sicherheitsdienst. Seeing the naval rearmament in jeopardy, the foreign branch of the SD was formed and Himmler appointed a bright and ambitious young man, Rheinhard Heydrich as its leader*. The foreign branch was initially expanded from within the SD to protect the secrets of rearmament from appearing in British newspapers as rearmaments secrets had been before, and it would rapidly be expanded within and abroad under the ambitious leadership of Heydrich. One of the first victims would be Carl von Ossietszky ( who succumbed in a traffic accident before exposing secrets of the Soviet aerial exercises in German newspapers.

[*IOTL he came in an started the SD at this time, ITTL it would be fitting to see him starting a new branch of the SD]
The next update will cover 2 years and see the Nazi rise to power, thus ending the first part. guesses on how this will play out are welcome.
Well, earlier election would be interesting to see, Hitler getting into power earlier and by somewhat less violence would also have some interesting effects, especially in foreign countries.

Maybe he would be seen as less of an threat by Britain, and other neighboring countries, with the exception of France maybe, being percieved less as a warmonger, and more like a man trying to restore peace and prosperity to Germany, focused only on internal matters.

Also not building Deutschland class, and in fact being opposed to it, being seen as limiting Reichsmarine/Kriegsmarine to primarily a Baltic based force, would be interesting to see from a foreign point of view. Germany would be seen as less of a threat to Western powers and its neighbors, being acceptable ally against percieved communist threat.

Great work, I cannot wait to see where you take this.
Well, earlier election would be interesting to see, Hitler getting into power earlier and by somewhat less violence would also have some interesting effects, especially in foreign countries.

Maybe he would be seen as less of an threat by Britain, and other neighboring countries, with the exception of France maybe, being percieved less as a warmonger, and more like a man trying to restore peace and prosperity to Germany, focused only on internal matters.

Also not building Deutschland class, and in fact being opposed to it, being seen as limiting Reichsmarine/Kriegsmarine to primarily a Baltic based force, would be interesting to see from a foreign point of view. Germany would be seen as less of a threat to Western powers and its neighbors, being acceptable ally against percieved communist threat.

Great work, I cannot wait to see where you take this.
These are very good predictions, and without him knowing how he would have been perceived in other times, a more trustworthy perception of him, with the capacity for rearmament has been important for Hitler ITTL.
Chapter 13: 1930 election, the Wall Street crisis and the end of the Weimar Republic.

The May 1930 election would see the decimation of the SPD to 103 seats and they were surpassed by the NSDAP winning 143 seats and becoming the largest party in the Reichstag. While there was no majority behind Hitler, no other coalition was possible without Hitler’s backing. Hitler would have grave hesitation but decided to support a center-right coalition. His famous quote would be: “Democracy has left us with no backing to any kind of government. National Socialism is not about compromise. It is about wealth through strength and it is paramount to make Germany Great again. The socialists betrayed this course and will give you wealth by paying you to do nothing and impoverish the state, the center will save government wealth by not paying for anything. We will now support the center so there is a government and they will pay the price for making Germany great again. Next election, I trust the German people will vote for National Socialism”.

The center minority government of 1930 could not maintain any illusion of keeping NSDAP at arms length. Now, Hitler had unofficial, but well-known shadow ministers such as Göring for the interior, Blomberg recruited for the Wehrmacht and being praised for resisting the French occupation. With these ruthless people in charge behind the scenes Germany started rearmament and prepared the foundations for war in earnest.

These preparations had public and secret components. Public ones as the light cruisers, airports, and acknowledged increases in coastal defenses as allowed under Versailles and clandestine elements as the order of tanks, aircraft and submarines, design of a new class of heavy cruisers designed to cheat the Versailles provisions, orders for massive new gun pits and scaling up of hardened steel production. Most importantly was the increase in funding for training and the admission of more officers within the Wehrmacht.

The strategy chosen was along the lines of the 1929 mobilization plan in which each division would be split in three, each forming the nucleus of a new division and thus expanding the army to 21 divisions. The major question was how to recruit 200000 men in secret and how to maintain a 21 division force and make it look like 7. The solution to this problem sealed the fate of Germany and was decided shortly after the elections of May 1930 in a secret meeting between Hitler, Blomberg and the general staff. Hitler’s SA had now swelled to 150000 loyal men and it was decided to use this force as the manpower donor on which to build the new cadres of German divisions. With the plan set in motion to have Hitler in direct control over 2/3 of the German military Hitler could feel power getting inevitably closer and closer. With Schacht now president of both the Reichsbank and the Metallurgische Forschungsgesellschaft, additional funding for rearmament now came in several hundreds of millions rather than 10’s of millions, while in the meantime and in public, the NSDAP directly took credit for large scale public works to improve autobahns, railroads and waterways throughout Germany. Under the auspices of the Sicherheitsdienst foreign branch, research also started into the more clandestine parts of the military hardware such as submersible inspection vessels, chemical and biological weapons, electronic warfare etc.

One of Hitler’s most pronounced foreign policy issues was to enforce the center government to stand their ground and not offer further concession beyond the Young pan to the reparations committee at the Second Conference of The Hague (January 1930). This was a success and France nevertheless agreed to withdrawal from the Rhineland*.

The government investments and the ongoing reform of the agricultural sector was to an extent able to keep the worst of the depression from Germanys doorstep, but hundreds of thousands of hands were simultaneously freed from farm work and at the time of the 1932 presidential elections unemployment had reached 5 million and communists were again fighting with NSDAP for control over the streets. Hitler ran against Hindenburg and secured 42% as compared to 44% for Hindenburg in the first round. Between the first and second round the Wehrmacht put pressure on Hindenburg to abstain and finally, a parade of 10000 SA/Wehrmacht troops drove home the point in Hindenburgs brain that by winning, he would be condemning Germany to civil war. Hindenburg resigned and recommended full support for Adolf Hitler. In the second round on April 10th, Hitler was elected president with an overwhelming 80% majority with 20% abstaining to name a candidate (many people didnt vote). Hitler called for general elections and on May 20, 1932 NSDAP became the absolute majority in the Reichstag with 46% of the votes (10% wasted on smaller parties). The communist party was quickly outlawed and with the help from the remains of the German national people’s party and the center party, emergency powers were installed in the chancellor and president titles, both of which were Held by Hitler. While no-one declared that there would be no further free elections, in reality, The Weimar democracy had seized to exist.**

[*IOTL Schacht resigned as president of the Reichsbank over adaptations to the Young plan. The earlier and more profound embarresments of the French ITTL made the hardliner course impossible. Rearmament on the scale proposed here had just been initiated under Schleicher when Hitler assumed power IOTL. Here it starts 2½ years early from a stronger starting point with an already recruited army (SA).
** ITTL Hitler build up his reputation and achieves a fully legal takeover as supreme leader of Germany 9 months ahead of time. Compared to OTL it is a Hitler who as the only one stood up against international provocation (the Deutschland class cruisers), he is far more a player within the rules (the bank robberies go back 10 years and was never pinned fully on the NSDAP and not at all on Hitler personally). If a successful conclusion can be found to the perceived Versailles injustices, Hitler is seen by the British as a potentially stabilizing force in Europe. Notably, the military already has or are close to having 27 divisions (part timers is not the same as full-timers, but they are organized and will be full-timers soon), of which the SA is a disciplined pseudoarmy working within the real army.]
There it is. The central change is of course the legal political turnover.
The second most important part is the trusting relations with the wehrmacht which allows an accelerated preparation and start of re-armament. With this trust I find it plausible that the wehrmacht would take up the offer of a tribbling in size, even if it has a political tie attached. Off course, from the time point when two thirds of the army is tied or getting tied to Hitler he can pick the presidential elections as the time of legal (or as a back-up) illegal take-over. Thus, from 1930, the wehrmach know when the take-over will happen.
If Hitler has not won the presidential elections, Hindenburg would have been marginalized and effectively isolated.
Great update. So Hitler has consolidated his power, won over the Wehrmacht (or is it still Reichswehr?), and has done it with a minimum of fuss, both internally and externally.

I am not sure, but is the increase in size somewhat smaller then in OTL, with less new divisions being formed, but it is happening quicker then OTL?

Lastly, will there be any organizational or equipment changes to the infantry divisions in comparison to OTL, or are they using the standard German WW2 set up?
Great update. So Hitler has consolidated his power, won over the Wehrmacht (or is it still Reichswehr?), and has done it with a minimum of fuss, both internally and externally.

I am not sure, but is the increase in size somewhat smaller then in OTL, with less new divisions being formed, but it is happening quicker then OTL?

Lastly, will there be any organizational or equipment changes to the infantry divisions in comparison to OTL, or are they using the standard German WW2 set up?
The Germans ITTL have largely completed the rearmament program started under Schleicher IOTL which served as the template for the first phase IOTL.
The Numbers ITTL is only for the first phase. Taking place when the Germans were only starting to form 36 divisions IOTL.
Organizational changes? Not sure. Fewer tanks Per panzer division, more repair, recovery and supply vehicles. Except for that I am open to suggestions.

Edit, corrected division Numbers/timeline
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Chapter 14: Epilogue
Chapter 14: Epilogue

A small summary before we move into part 2. As stated in the beginning, the purpose of this ATL is to show how bad the post-WWI instability could have gone. ITTL I have a delusional leader set on world war who makes Germany considerably more prepared for a long war, than Hitler did in OTL.

I would encourage anyone to explore this route (or just start it from here), because there is a potential that things could have gone much worse. Irrespective of how I take it from here.

First chapter in part II will be uploaded in a few minutes.
Part II: Chapter 15: Nazi transformation of Germany: Basic trends in 1932-33.

Not many days had passed after May 20 1932 until a transformation of Germany was in full swing. The Reichsbank went into overdrive as power harnessing, rapid rearmament, infrastructure improvements and economic resilience was promoted with equal and unrelenting vigorousness.

Economic resilience was promoted by a statistics analysis bureau set up by Hjalmar Schacht and soon featuring Herman Göring as the prognostic implementation bureau head (the bully). Search for domestic resources or resources in Germany’s neighboring countries was lavishly funded as was focusing on obtaining strategic materials such as oil, iron, coal, tungsten, for gathering of huge national stores and the build-up of a separate industry that centered around synthetics such as fuel, rubber, lubricants and textiles. The latter new-industry could build on earlier research from notable companies such as IG. Farben.

One of the most obvious consequences of the developments in the preceding years was the ongoing mechanization of the agricultural sector. This increased food surplus, the labor force and competitiveness, but necessitated fuel consumption which would be an obvious problem in case of foreign blockade. A possibility which it seemed rooted in Hitler’s Nazi ideology to prepare against. For this reason, a steady drive was now being maintained to invest in iron, coal, synthetic fossil fuels and oil reserves throughout the remainder of the 1930’s with building of strategic storage facilities in abandoned salt mines integrated into anti-unemployment measures on an equal footing with roads, railways and waterways.

German industry were on the one hand governed by market economic principles and on the other stimulated by direct investments into handpicked industries. The tractor factories, shipyards, locomotive factories, engine producers and aircraft manufacturers were receiving and some had already received direct investments to expand capacity and loans offered for their suppliers, only the most tone-death of which failed to see this as a good time to increase their investments in return. Economist looking back on this period likened the economy to a hockey-stick curve were the crisis had been mitigated by an agricultural investment boom which improved the foreign exchange balance (FOREX) and still saw millions getting unemployed making the industry ready to capitalize on the coming investment boom. The investment boom in turn stemmed from an international financial crisis climate that increasingly saw Germany as the country of financial opportunity as opposed to a stagnated domestic economy*.

In addition to increase oil availability and local production/synthesis, domestic vehicles were also changed. They were by law supplied with an extra lower gear and all engines were designed for easy addition of a gasogen unit. In addition, coal powered tractors were being offered with government subsidy and these tractors would gradually start to impact domestic consumption or at least slow down the hitherto rapidly increasing diesel consumption.

The hectic pace with which the German economy was turned around was publically symbolized by the construction of the autobahns and a more dense and expanded railroad and waterways network.

The direct armaments related industries followed a multistage approach. Immediately, production capacity had to expand to produce the weapons needed for a rapidly expanding military. Available technologies were used to push new weaponry into service and additional assembly lines were being prepared to start a second line of production with modernized technologies in 1935-37. Engineering wise, long-term research was being funded to support a third category of weaponries to be implemented by 1938 and onwards.

Overall, the army was to be more than doubled to 54 divisions over the next 4 years with officers training quadrupled. Initially 4 panzer divisions and 4 grenadier division were being formed with a program headed by Oswald Lutz and his protégée Heinz Guderian. Hitler directly intervened in the design of these divisions and insisted on what was seen by many conservatives as excessive logistic supports, but this policy was heavily backed by Guderian.

The Luftwaffe was still officially non-existing and unofficially part of Lufthansa and the sportflieger clubs, just as the expanded German army was still officially a part of the SA (in reality, the SA had been consumed by the Wehrmacht. Not by decree, but the leadership material in the Wehrmacht was just superior to that available in the SA). Nevertheless, orders were quickly placed for new aircraft and a new generation of monoplane aircrafts planned to use the Daimler-Benz, Junkers Motoren, Brahmo and BMW engines that had received direct developmental subsidy since 1926. Hitler saw the Luftwaffe as the only arm to be devoted 100% in all the conflicts of the coming years and accordingly prioritized a massive training program. Fortunately, both Lufthansa and the glider clubs had expanded dramatically with government support and skilled insructors were available.

The navy embarked on the construction of heavy cruisers that had been postponed a few years earlier as well as replacing existing E-boats and motortorpedoboats. This will be covered in the next chapters following a description of the role played by the SicherheitsDienst (SD) and technological development.
Part II: Chapter 15: Nazi transformation of Germany: Basic trends in 1932-33.

Economist looking back on this period likened the economy to a hockey-stick curve were the crisis had been mitigated by an agricultural investment boom which improved the foreign exchange balance (FOREX) and still saw millions getting unemployed making the industry ready to capitalize on the coming investment boom. The investment boom in turn stemmed from an international financial crisis climate that increasingly saw Germany as the country of financial opportunity as opposed to a stagnated domestic economy*.
A lot of my earlier TL's dealt with economy a lot, because otherwise you always have to trade tanks for ships and ships for planes etc. This is different. IOTL, the Geman economy dropped 30% before the Nazis came to power, it didnt here because of Growth in sectors that will also fuel the armaments industry. Still, like OTL there are millions of unemployed to absorb new Growth, the forex Exchange is better and this germany does not need to default on its loans. Rather, it can borrow more.
It is going to be incredibly difficult to change these trends into quantitative figures, but there is 30% bigger industrial base, much more in many of the important sectors, and ready access to Capital. The RM being the top dog of central/Eastern Europe will have tremendous influence on the ability of Germany to enter trade agreements with other countries.
A thank to J vonAxel for inspiration regarding the loan market seen in the "An extremely Enthusiastic Führer". More to follow regarding the late war years (edit: late 30’s)
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Chapter 16: The rise of the foreign branch of the SicherheitsDienst (SD) and Reinhard Heydrich
Chapter 16: The rise of the foreign branch of the SicherheitsDienst (SD) and Reinhard Heydrich

The SD had been formed already in 1929 and had formed dossiers on journalists and politicians involved in armaments decisions, identified the leaders within military technology development and had held them under periodic surveillance. In 1932, SD came to lead these activities throughout Germany and took over foreign industrial espionage from the Abwehr. The resources for domestic counterespionage were dramatically increased which lead to early successes in identifying spy’s working for foreign governments (See Otto Krueger example in the next chapter). The SD next attempted to establish networks abroad with a far reach. Even including activities to be supported in South America, Mexico, Canada, The United States and Great Britain and Ireland. One of the immediately informative routes was basically to ask follow-up questions to the offers Germany received to establish tractor factories in Germany. The offers included documentation of competences and thus the US route would help create a detailed map of strategic armaments installations in the Soviet Union. It was a fact of considerable irony that the Germans did not need to steal secrets in the US. They could be bought. Once a business collaboration had been established (eg. a contractor to design a larger aeroengine plant for Brahmo radials), it became easier to purchase research assistance. Once secrets had been sold or reengineered in Germany, blackmails and/or further bargains could keep the information coming.

The SD also took part in some rather less intelligible activities under direct orders from Hitler. The SD was to seek influence and information in political circles and the media to establish and reinforce a picture of Germany as the Bulwark of western civilization. On a more offensive nature, the SD was to search for the nature of international Jewish conspiracies and sensitive information on influential Jewish people in order to limit Jewish influence in the years ahead. Heydrich would perform all of these tasks diligently, but never saw any information of an actual Jewish conspiracy. Nevertheless, falsified information, misinformation, and just the information that could be dug up could be construed to paint such a picture as the anti-Semitic sentiments were there from the onset.