Rumsfeldia: Fear and Loathing in the Decade of Tears

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Given the deterioration in military logistics and morale over the past years, and given the rank and file's own economic hardship, I'm not certain they or even the officers will obey Rumsfeld's orders to crush the uprisings in California. And if the invasion of Cuba coincides with civil unrest back home they may as well mutiny and hand Fidel a huuuuge propaganda victory.

Even in OTL North Korea, the military (at least the praetorian guard) was kept insulated from widespread famine and allowed to run its businesses. In Rumsfeldian USA, being a soldier earns no perks, so why fight for your masters?

Mao Zedong must be having the last laugh with his adage about power flowing from the gun barrel.
We know from the fact that Obama writes from the future that the world doesn't end in Nuclear fire. So that's a Hope Spot for you.

I'm not expecting a worldwide nuclear fire. Rumsfeld is moving towards a point where he's getting willing to throw a few around locally. Like I said, I'd hate to be living in San Francisco. Or for that matter, downstream of the Aswan Dam.

But no one else is going to play ball with him. Ryzkov is going to be careful to avoid a confrontation. I think his perception is that the Rumsfeld administration's collapse is inevitable, and all he has to do is play nice and he'll sweep up America's clients. India's definitely out of the picture. I'm not sure what's happening in China, can someone remind me? And Europe's gone neutral.

If you want my guess as to what comes out of the wreckage... It'll be Denton, LaHaye and the Theocrats taking over and installing a religious Dictatorship. They don't need a functional economy. Hell, the more dysfunctional the economy, the more panic stricken converts they have. And their theocratic ideology positions them to take over what's left of the welfare system. So anyone who wants to eat better learn to shout Hallelujah. Their ideology is distinctive enough from the Corporatism that they can deflect all blame onto the Rumsfeld old guard. The opposition is in complete disarray. If the Hughes bunch can't find a way to take them out definitively in the two possible go rounds they have left... then they win.
And if the invasion of Cuba coincides with civil unrest back home they may as well mutiny and hand Fidel a huuuuge propaganda victory.

Nah. It's a Falkland Islands situation. Argentina's economy in free fall, the regime in trouble, they went for a cheap fast Blitzkrieg. I agree that military logistics is the shits and morale is pretty bad, but the US still has the juice to overrun Cuba. And like I said, Ryzkov won't defend it.

Occupying Cuba? That might be a different thing. Any kind of long term occupation is probably going to be untenable, financially and in terms of resistance. But the Regime just doesn't have that long.

Given the deterioration in military logistics and morale over the past years, and given the rank and file's own economic hardship, I'm not certain they or even the officers will obey Rumsfeld's orders to crush the uprisings in California.

Follow that thought through. What does Rumsfeld do when he finds he can't get the troops to crush California? What does he reach for?

I think the Tall smoky man with the big wide hat may appear over San Fran.
Oh... oh god. Rumsfeld's arguements are just as bad as those of the tumblr feminazis. Wait, scratch that, Rumsfeld's arguements are worse. :eek:

On another note, YAY! California has finally and officially seceded from the Union, and now Hawaii's done the same thing?!


This is gonna be good.



Follow that thought through. What does Rumsfeld do when he finds he can't get the troops to crush California? What does he reach for?

I think the Tall smoky man with the big wide hat may appear over San Fran.

Perhaps on the `tall smoky man' however if he fails to get enough of the US Military to crush California then the same troops will surely be up for removing him. Looks like as if the US running out of any clean/democratic removal of the regieme


How does the rest of Western Europe feel about California's independence? Methinks they could be a good trading partner/ally against Rumsfeldia.


Been a long time, but been keeping up with this. Really if I didn't know any better I would think that Drew is setting this up for a Handmaids tale. (A group of organized generals and government officials who are the Sons of Jacob are behind the terrorist attack that leads to the implementation of Gilead) So I noticed how at one point you mentioned their being

As many survivors of the period were to testify in later inquires, for all but those committed to the far-left, there seemed little alternative to the Liberty Battalions, the Christian Values movement and Rumsfeldian Republicans. The Libertarians, who opposed the twenty-eight amendment, refused to co-operate with the We The People and Socialist Workers Party for ideological reasons. Some Libertarians did argue for a practical re-examination of this particular policy, and this served to fracture the Libertarian focus.
So about that, do you mean that the liberty battalions will be purged? (Good if this is what you are going for. Many of these people may be desperate but they chose to run their nation into the mud and the nation is better without them). Or are these survivors of these savages riots?
Masterfully written update Drew. You know things are bad when Dick "The Dick" Cheney is second guessing decisions.
The White House mentioned coming down on Idaho; are the Libertarians seceding as well?

And God, another nuke and more international war in India. Pakistan should make some gains but will more than likely overextend themselves in the North, while warlords will start taking control in the south.
I want to think that this is going to end with Cheney's gorilla soldiers overrunning the White House and ripping Rumsfeld and LaHaye's limbs apart in live TV.

If that happens Ian may as well close, because there's no way this site gets better than that.
Pretty excellent. I admit, I didn't see the Evangelical "coup" coming. Make sense, It's like an incredibly exaggerated Bush administration. Neo-cons and fundies. Obviously nothing like this....

I feel like the whole house of cards could just come down very quickly, especially if (some of the) business community, the military and people like Cheney just pull out. I can't imagine the rate of secession will slow down.

Please don't nuke San Francisco. :(

What I really think is neat about this timeline is the success of the USSR and the realigning of the world in their direction, plausibly and without the end of democracy or capitalism in western Europe. Liberal democracies allied with the USSR! Crazy!
"WI: Rumfeldia/UK Nuclear Exchange?"

At this point, it doesn't seem like a completely ASB thread topic ITTL. I'm sure Rummy would like to tie up those loose ends in Oxford...just one warhead wouldn't usher in the Apocalypse, right? :eek:

"topkek" as the kids say.
And Rumsfeld is openly supporting terror attacks in both the UK and mainland Europe...

When Rumsfeldia began I joked that it would end with the americans landing in Europe again to "liberate" us from socialism, but now it seems as if it may be the other way around.


I want to think that this is going to end with Cheney's gorilla soldiers overrunning the White House and ripping Rumsfeld and LaHaye's limbs apart in live TV.

If that happens Ian may as well close, because there's no way this site gets better than that.

Oh damn, I had forgotten the Gorillas. :D Hilarious !

And yes, this TL gets better with every update. The OTL Rumsfeld quotes are, by themselves, rather worrying about that wether or not that man ever grew a brain (though President Bush was the worst of the lot, looks I was wrong).
So we have Rummy quoting Stalin, creating the FSB, controlling the media, but at the same time wanting to close the government down, and thinking he can control the evangelical right. :eek:

This is the ultimate boiling a frog timeline. While the current situation seems absurd from the start point, each individual step along the way has been grounded in some sort of sense
I'm amazed at how insane Donald Rumsfeld has gotten.

To be honest, his Presidency has always been a pretty crude caricature of the man, but I can see the situations affecting his reason.

My only other comment is "this is just silly", but it's a fairly engaging plot and I want to see how long Runsfeld can last. (Much longer than He should have.)
Back to the only bastion left of Western style democracy aka Europe.

One thing that i see it's the European nation not even thinking about a reduction of the military budget, it's even more probable that the armed forces will obtain a lot more fund than OTL, due to the fact that this world is a lot more chaotic than our and frakly Europe need a military strong enough to keep the Soviets honest in their deal. Naturally this without even considering the interwiew of Rumsfy...for christ sake, the man is in the stage of real believing his own propaganda and with the add that with years of cowed media having to face a real journalist show totally his true colors, people in the continent will litterally scared to death, demonstration in front of the US embassy will be both daily and enraged and the various goverment will need to show the people that they are doing something (even because this is just the final straw, after supporting terrorist and separatist, Greece intervention, etc. etc.) as the electors will be feed up.

This mean that the various socialist/labour/eurocommunist will need to show to their electorate that they are not weak in defence or a pawn of the soviets, and this mean, contrary at kinnock (and probably many other across europe) desire a continue series of military intervention will continue and frankly they feel compelled to anwer at any military challenge with overwhelming force...basically the feel the need to be more royalist than the royals.

On the bright side, this mean a greater European cooperation, probably even a common procurament program, for nothing else than saving money on the not so bright side, as said above, the EDC will begin to stir his military muscle for show to both US and Soviet that they are not pushovers. In general there will be much more pressure for a true federal reform of Europe, hell i see EEC and EDC quickly merge in a single organization.

Stalinist Portugal seem like the ally that the Soviet really don't want...maybe when the current regime is strong enough they can safely discard the Portughese, even allow a true democratic goverment to rule the place, as a 'gift' the their best patner/good neighbourgh aka Europe

I see alternative energy source and nuclear become widespread in the old continent at a quicker pace than OTL (and probably without much backlash), due to the Arabian situation and with the clear even if not openly said intention to be not to dependent of the Russian oil and gas

Space wise, the US will probably lead or at least will be on par with Ariane regarding the commercial launch, but the real developement of research and innovation will be almost exclusive of the Euro-Russian, this thing are not really immediately bankable or alluring to the private sector and honestly only a goverment funded agency can lead the way

Economy in the US seem in a state of 'calm before the catastrophic storm' and ironically the Christian Value people will be the one to benefit more, at least initially, with the TRW and sisters, try to salvage what they can and maybe even opting to jump from the boat and relocate in other nations...move that probably will not end well for them. In general the various CEO and board of administrators are toasted, if not by the CV by the post-Rusmfeldia goverment and while the middle management can be let go with a slip of the wrist due to pratical reason like keeping the boat afloat and try to do a 'healing of the nation', they are too tie with the past goverment, to know to be left they will become example.
Naturally this implie the fact that they survive the clusterfuck that happen when the economy tanks, as Tsarist Russia teach, people tend to be violent if they and their family are at risk to die of hunger and without the social net things will gonna go ugly quiclky (normal privatisation will have caused a general downgrade of the service...but here? Corruption, cronism and a little of incapacity will make a lot of damage
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