Qilai! Qilai! - A History of Modern China and The World


Creative timeline and full of rule of cool, although it seems you've decided to tone up dystopia after making the entire world liberal and reasonable.

The cent-- er, liberals cannot hold. :p

The Saudi royal family should've been able to get out in time. Unless if Riyadh spontaneously erupted into an Islamist rebellion when the frontlines were far away and caught the royals off guard

Like Hitler in Berlin, they fought to the end... sorta.
Chapter X


Qilai! Qilai!
A history of Modern China

"Shit Goes Kaboom"


Dai Xianglong (Democratic League)

Dai Xianglong is often referred to in Chinese history books as the "Forgotten One". From his entrance into Chinese economics and politics in the early 1970s as a member of the Communist Party, he became a major figure in the post-Convention Chinese nation after being named President of the Central Bank, and a major proponent of agricultural and industrial projects to improve China's economic status against European powers. He was a major supporter of Chairman Zhao, and after retiring from the Central Bank in 2000, he was appointed to the office of Finance Minister.

In the 2001 election, he beat out the numerous competing politicians. He soundly shattered the debate of the populist Pan-Blue nominee, Jason Hu from the Formosa provinces, whose foreign policy primarily railed on China's need to intervene in the Middle East and bring the radical Islamic regime to heel, before it was too late. This focus opened him up to attack, and Dai made advantage of it, and managed to spin the RKMT, Communist and People's Party candidates as "out of touch with the current issues, China's concern does not lie in the Middle East, but in Asia", guaranteeing his election.

After his election, he immediately set off by announcing a "vast project of infrastructure improvements" to help establish a higher standard of national transport and economic traffic for the entirety of the country, and to bring modern conveniences to those living in rural districts and towns.

However, unfortunately for him, his administration never got their feet wet in dealing with China's internal economic needs.


On April 23, 2002, China was the first nation to be hit by the wave of terrorism that would ensue in the week. In the early morning, a number of bombs rocked the subway system in China's major cities of Nanjing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Beijing, killing thousands. Chairman Dai was whisked away to the Zhongnanhai in Beijing, but his motorcade was assaulted on the streets of Beijing by masked men wearing black headbands, and carrying assault weapons. The People's Liberation Army escort for the Chairman opened fire on the group, but an RPG missile slammed into the Chairman's motorcade, killing the leader of China instantly. The terrorists were all bagged, but not quick enough.

Similar attacks on civilians by masked and armed men were seen in numerous major cities in China, leading to a death-toll that exceeded 10,000 people by the end of April 23, 2002. The People's Liberation Army, and the remaining members of the Dai government, proclaimed martial law, and armed soldiers took the place of police officers in the streets of China, reminding many of the Maoist coup d'etat in the 1950s.

The government was unsure who would take the reigns now, but a decision was finally made; and, the Minister of Domestic Affairs was appointed to the position of Interim Chairman. This man was Wan Li, a member of the People's Party.


Chairman Wan Li

The attacks that followed in the West were just as bad as they were in China. In the United States, Islamic gunmen set off a number of car bombs and hidden bombs in a number of major cities across the continental United States, and numbers of squads attempted to kill civilians en masse in the name of their false Prophet.

The decision for what should happen to Washington D.C. was a far different decision, but one made clear by the Islamic Caliphate leadership.


At 10:17 in the morning on April 24, less than 15 minutes into the attacks on the U.S. in the major cities across the east coast and west coast; The heart of Washington D.C. was hit with a number of "dirty bombs" of minor nuclear content. Largely taken from Pakistani silos that hadn't gotten off the ground during the Kargil War, the jury-rigged nuclear weapons were approximately 10 kilotons nuclear force.

The bombs weren't placed properly in areas such as the Memorials, but were rigged up into motor vehicles that were abandoned around the D.C. area. There were four bombs, and they were left abandoned on thoroughfares, such as Virginia Avenue, Constitution Ave, at the Farragut West Metro, and at Logan Circle. The fourth bomb, left on Constitution Avenue near the U.S. Capitol building, fortunately, was a dud.

The immediate fatalities included over 200,000 Americans, including President Conyers and Vice President Sanders, who were in the West Wing at the time of the attacks. The mushroom clouds of the attacks were visible all across the American Capital, particularly from The Pentagon, where an immediate DEFCON 1 was ordered by a panicked Secretary McCain.

Similar attacks in France, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom had been ordered in tandem, and were undertaken with critical mass. The Islamic Caliphate had exacted their "revenge" on the world for oppression of the Islamic warriors of Afghanistan and Pakistan, but at what cost?

As the dust settled, Herbert Bush was sworn in as the President of the United States on April 25, 2002, and inherited an American death toll of nearly 400,000 people after the events of 4/24. Due to the fact the bombs were radiological in nature, the newly sworn-in President was forced to give his speech from a safe location outside the D.C. limits.

From Camp David in northern Maryland, President Bush gave a speech to the American public. Where instead of remorse and sadness in his eyes, there was burning fire. Gone were his friendly mannerisms and folksy Texan charm, now replaced were the cold, calculated, and decisive eyes of a President who had to take up the reins against his own desires. He spoke plainly to a shocked and dismayed, and yet at the same time, indignant and angry America, "Like an Old Testament god, the American people will exact righteous and merciless revenge against those responsible, and we will ensure that they are wiped from the face of the Earth." In China, this speech was met with resounding support, as many Chinese chimed in support for the new President of the United States, calling for those responsible to be exterminated off the face of the Earth.

The United States did not back off of DEFCON 1, and soon, telephone calls were being made across the world to discuss options at hand; and how the world would respond to these heinous acts of war and murder.

For Muslims across the globe, they began to worry about their own future, if things got worse.​
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!!!!!! :D

OTL 9/11 was bad enough, but I get the feeling that a lot of serious questions are going to be directed at various intelligence agencies about how all these sleeper cells went unnoticed. Heads will roll. :cool:
I seriously doubt that the Caliphate is going to enjoy their "victory" for long. Here's hoping that at least some of their leadership lives to see their equivilent of Nuremberg. Is Washington destroyed or was it just irradiated?
How was this attack possible? Seems too large a scheme to have gone unnoticed. Also surprised that Korea and Japan had gone unscathed, they're usually part of the "Western puppet regimes" set up across Asia.


How was this attack possible? Seems too large a scheme to have gone unnoticed. Also surprised that Korea and Japan had gone unscathed, they're usually part of the "Western puppet regimes" set up across Asia.

There's going to be some serious questions about that everywhere. The attacks were possible because of serious lapses in the ability of the US and Chinese intelligensia. That's not to say they didn't have any idea, they just didn't have enough of an idea in time.


I seriously doubt that the Caliphate is going to enjoy their "victory" for long. Here's hoping that at least some of their leadership lives to see their equivilent of Nuremberg. Is Washington destroyed or was it just irradiated?

The equivalent of small-yield nuclear devices means that no, D.C. is neither, but there will be some radiation, and now much of the western parts of the city are basically blown to smithereens; but not like a nuclear wasteland.
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Event: The Purge, 2002


Qilai! Qilai!
A history of Modern China (and the World)


Event: The Purge - 2002

The United States had just experienced the worst disaster in her modern history -- more people had died in the April 2002 attacks than in any other time in modern American history, except perhaps the Civil War. All over the nation, cities were racked with grief as bodybags and collateral damaged costed the cities and states millions of dollars. Many national icons had been eviscerated by the terrorist attacks on Washington D.C, and for days, many people were too afraid to leave their homes.

Herbert Bush was, as a result, not a happy man. Foist into the office of President of the United States entirely by the acts of madmen, he had to get grip fast. In media, he was often one of America's "kind fellows", a passionate Speaker of the House who often looked for bipartisan solutions, and was a close ally to the White House, and to the moderate Republicans, including Secretary McCain.

While Bush's presidential aspirations had been sunk in 2000 with the re-election of John Conyers and Bernard Sanders, they suddenly came alive again as the new Head of State in a time of struggle.

One of the first things Bush did upon taking the office, was sit down with the remainder of the Cabinet that had survived the attack. Secretary of State Arthur A. Hartman had died of acute radiation poisoning, but the remainder had managed to weather the conflict out. President Bush held his first Cabinet meeting inside Camp David's compound, and as well, summoned the CIA, FBI, and NSA directors, their deputies, and any proxy heads within those departments. He also brought in the FAA as well.

From documents taken that day, as well as testimony given by Secretary of Defence John McCain, the President went off on a tangent, angrily teeing off on all of the Secretaries for gross incompetence and failure to deal with the situation before it got to this point; particularly, laying into the CIA and FBI directors, going so far as to call them stupid.

By the end of the meeting, President Bush had fired most of the cabinet members responsible for the matters at hand -- he had retained McCain after McCain made it clear the United States armed forces had no way of telling of an impending terrorist attack of this scale except through minor whispers -- the FBI, CIA, NSA directors had all been sacked, as had the National Security Advisor.

Bush began to draw up a reshuffle of the cabinet in response. McCain was of a different political party than Bush, but Bush had agreed with Conyers' choice -- McCain was a sound man, and a perfect fit for the DoD. Bush decided that a good choice for the office of Secretary of State to replace Hartman, would be Colin Powell. Colin Powell was another Republican in the cabinet, but Bush reasoned that in these trying times of vast political struggle, it was better to have a man with military experience in the State seat, and that politics didn't matter when it was the nation's security and safety in mind. The establishment of two high-profile Republicans in the Cabinet stirred up a measure of concern in the DNC, who wondered if Bush was as fealty-stricken to his party as he seemed, but Bush shut down the DNC arguments, pulling the "bipartisan cooperation" card once more.

His father, the former CIA director under Presidents Sanford and Haig, was contacted for advice on appointments for national intelligence. Bush's father, a high profile political figure, became even more public after he reamed out America's intelligence agencies for their failure, and called for serious changes.

Dubbed, The Purge, a large number of people inside the intelligence agencies of the United States were effectively handed their walking papers and let go, and the U.S. began to undertake a massive reform of their intelligence operations, perhaps to avoid another issue like this from happening again.​
World Leaders, 2002


As of 2002...

Leader of the People's Republic of China:
1949-1953: Mao Tse-tung (CPC)
1953 - 1956: Zhu De (CPC)
1956 - 1958: Deng Xiaoping (CPC)
1958 - 1959: Lin Biao (Junta/Military)
1959 - 1965: Jiang Qing (CPC)
1965 - 1972: Aisin-Gioro Puyi (CPC)
1972 - 1985: Deng Xiaoping (PPC)
1985 - 1990: Constitutional Convention
1990 - 2002: Zhao Ziyang (RKMT)
2002: Dai Xianglong (DL)
2002 - present: Wan Li (PPC)

General Secretary of the Soviet Union:
1922 - 1949: Joseph Stalin (CPSU)
1949 - 1974: Georgy Zhukov (CPSU)
1974 - 1980: Alexei Kosygin (CPSU)
1980 - present: Nikolai Ryzhkov (CPSU)

President of the Republic of France:
1947 - 1954: Vincent Auriol (SFIO)
1954 - 1958: Georges Bidault (Popular Republican)
1958 - 1966: Charles de Gaulle (UNR)
1966 - 1975: Francois Mitterand (FGDS)
1975 - 1988: Lionel Jospin (FGDS)
1988 - 1994: Jacques Chirac (RPR)
1994 - present: Alain Juppé (AN)

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom:
1947 - 1951: Clement Attlee (Labour)
1951 - 1955: Winston Churchill (Conservative)
1955 - 1956: Anthony Eden (Conservative)
1956 - 1959: Harold MacMillan (Conservative)
1959 - 1966: Hugh Gaitskell (Labour)
1966 - 1970: Edward Heath (Conservative)
1970 - 1979: Harold Wilson (Labour)
1979 - 1987: Geoffrey Howe (Conservative)
1987 - 1997: Roy Hattersley (Labour)
1997 - present: John Lennon (Labour)

President of the United States:
1945-1953: Harry S. Truman (Democratic)
1953 - 1961: Estes Kefauver (Democratic)
1961 - 1969: Nelson Rockefeller (Republican)
1969 - 1973: Harold Stassen (Republican)
1973 - 1975: Henry M. Jackson (Democratic)
1975 - 1985: Terry Sanford (Democratic)
1985 - 1993: Alexander Haig (Republican)
1993 - 2002: John Conyers (Democratic)
2002 - present: Herbert Bush (Democratic)

Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany:
1949 - 1963: Konrad Adenauer (CDU)
1963 - 1966: Ludwig Erhard (CDU)
1966 - 1969: Kurt Georg Kiesinger (CDU)
1969 - 1972: Willy Brandt (SPD)
1972 - 1980: Rainer Barzel (CDU)
1980 - 1981: Franz-Josef Strauss (CSU)
1981 - 1998: Helmut Köhl (CDU)
1998 - present: Klaus Kinkel (FDP)

President of the People's Republic of Korea
1980 - present: Park Chung Hee (United Democratic)


A major reason for the wave of terrorism that was so much more violent than OTL's 9/11; remember that there was this huge wave of refugee movements from the radical Islamic regime of Pakistan, into the West.

Inevitably, there's going to be some lingering radicalization; it's why the United States was so reluctant to take new migrants.


How will they intervene in Pakistan? Directly or through allies?

Pakistan is a bunch of radioactive warlords by now; I'm saying that the Islamic Caliphate is using Pakistani radicals that emigrated to the West as a method of delivering terrorism.
Ouch. Still, annoying the 'big 3' isn't going to do the Caliphate and long-term favours. I'll also note that Steve Jobs has done a bit of an Igor Sikorsky in reverse.
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Event: Pan-European Development Plan


Qilai! Qilai!
A history of Modern China (and the World)


Event: Pan-European Development Plan (PEDP)

Alain Juppe was the President of France during the 2002 attacks on the Western and Eastern world by Islamic terrorists. Elected in 1994 as part of the Alliance National, Juppe was known for his Eurocentrism and pro-federalist plan, as well as his open opposition to what he saw as "subservience to American military whims".

To this end, he pursued in his last 8 years of office, a heavy policy of drawing the members of the European Community together into one roof on various issues -- and shortly before the attacks, his plan looked ready to come to fruition. The Pan-European Development Plan was taking shape in a matter of months.

On January 1, 2002, the Euro, a unified currency for the European Community, came into effect in France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain and Portugal. The remaining EC members (United Kingdom, Sweden, Greece, Tunisia, Czechoslovakia and Hungary) remained without the Euro, preferring to remain on their default currencies. Great Britain retained the pound sterling, Sweden retained the krone, Greece retained the drachma, Tunisia retained the dinar, Czechoslovakia retained the koruna, and Hungary retained forint.

In April to May 2002, after the 2002 attacks, Juppe unveiled his newest plan for "European Defence and Unity", termed, the Pan-European Military Community (PEMC), which boasted a better unity and more efficiency in defending Europe from foreign aggression than NATO could. Juppe cited the attacks on cities across Europe as an example on why NATO would not be able to stop the hordes of Islamic barbarians from overrunning European ways of life through their 'foreign customs' and 'refusal to assimilate'.

Juppe's plan to form a new military bloc was ratified by the European Commission, and soon was sent to each state to be voted on. Most of the European Community soon joined in Juppe's "Eurodefence" strategy, leading to a massive withdrawal of nations from NATO, all from the EC. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Tunisia, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden all withdrew from NATO and immediately joined into the EC. Seeing the writing on the wall, and wanting "better protection", Norway soon joined them as a non-EC member of the alliance.

The Baltic States, whom had been neutral since their independence from the Soviet Union, soon applied for membership into the PEMC; and were accepted. This annoyed Secretary Ryzhkov and the Soviet government, who felt that the PEMC's expansion into the Baltics was a violation of previously made agreements on Baltic neutrality. However, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary refused to join the PEMC, and remained faithful members of NATO. Greece and Turkey, as well as Morocco and the United Kingdom, also turned their noses up at the European military alliance, and remained committed to their long-standing alliance with the United States, also making clear their disinterest in further participation in the European project, as they had when they were invited into the EC in the 1980s. Prime Minister Lennon's gaffe to the press involved him calling Juppe a "real wanker" before a press conference earned him no love in Bruxelles.

As a result of this, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Greece formally withdrew from the European Community, and Poland, who had been heavily negotiating with the Europeans for entrance in 2004, rejected any membership solutions, and stuck to "pure and simple sovereignty". Great Britain followed shortly afterwards.

President Bush was quoted as being "agitated at the news" according to the British ambassador to the United States, and was aggressively pursuing "policy options to deal with the sudden withdrawal of our European allies." -- the Chinese government commented on the situation, expressing their concern that Europe's new defensive strategy would cause "untold problems for any future campaigns against the Islamic Caliphate, due to their unreadiness for war."

The PEDC's first exercise in readiness came after the outbreak of a revolt of Islamic fundamentalists in Tunisia, intent on overrunning the coastal republic with an Islamic regime that would be aligned to the Islamic Caliphate. The PEDC forces, lead primarily by Italians, French and Tunisians, managed to put down the rebellion after lengthy fighting, showing the general inexperience of the new chain of command and supply, but showed the potential for Europe to emerge as one force to be reckoned with.​
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European federalism will advance faster in the Euro members. The member states' economies will also improve from the increased cooperation.
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Info: The Fascist Regimes of Europe


Qilai! Qilai!
A history of Modern China (and the World)


Information: The Last Two Of Their Kind

It has been nearly 30 years since the death of Francisco Franco, the first Caudillo of the Spanish State, and not much had changed in Spain since -- Spain remained, as ever, a dictatorship of the few. The whispers of democracy were often blown into the ears of Spain's youth, and Spain's ethnic minorities such as Catalans, Basques and Galicians; but the fact remained that Spain was still years, if not decades, away from any real progress towards the unraveling of fascism.

With the 1970s and 1980s being a time of general economic prosperity for most of the world with the onset of Chinese economic expansion, and the numerous means of making peace with the world abroad, Spain's economy had continued to grow leaps and bounds, achieving near parity with most of the European Community by 1985. Spain's entrance into the organization in 1989 further sounded that the technocratic fascist regime was ready for European federalism.

The European Community didn't condone Spain's overt fascist government, but didn't condemn or try to force it's abdication. Alain Juppe's populist platform allowed him to find common allies with some of the more liberal people in the fascist apparatus, and gain France a solid ally to the southwest.

Since Franco's death, the ruling Falangist party, Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista had dissolved due to a declining interest in the particulars of the party. This created what could be seen as the world's first multi-party fascist dictatorship. After Franco's death in 1975, he was briefly succeeded by Rodríguez de Valcárcel as Caudillo, who ruled until his death in 1976.

After this, the FET y de las JONS effectively dissolved into numerous factions. Since 1976, Spain had been ruled by a large faction of technocrats, primarily lead by the people who had been the largest proponents of the Spanish Miracle during the Franco regime. César Alierta was the current Caudillo of Spain, having taken office in 1996. Before being named as Caudillo, he had been the President of the state-owned telecommunications service, Telefónica, S.A.

His stature as a man of economic knowledge, and the company's vast profits in international dealings during the 1980s and early 90s had earned him the support of many, propelling him into the office of Head of State. As of 2002, Spain's economy is very strong and is part of a rising group of economies in Europe, called "PIIGS" -- Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain all formed major fledgling economic powers that would inflate Europe's already grandstanding economic expansion against the three superpowers, the Soviet Union, United States, and China.

Likewise, Franco's regime's survival played into the hands of the man to the west of him. António Salazar, the Prime Minister of Portugal for over 30 years, had retired in 1968, and died in 1970 of natural causes -- however, the Estado Novo did not stop, despite their numerous set backs in their colonial empire.

Spain's economic success and strengthening of state kept the Estado Novo from going completely off the rails, allowing for a faction of technocrats within the EN to seize power of the state away from traditional fascists. This new generation of technocrats sought to emulate the Spanish Miracle, and propel Portugal's economy forward -- and they managed to get that going. Portugal's economy has bloomed in the last 15 years, and as of 2002, she is one of the "up and coming" economic powers in Europe.

These two states, both the relics of an era of fascism and World Wars, remain stable and powerful despite the forces of democracy in the world -- many often wonder how the fascists managed to stave off being surrounded by democracies, when the Communist system effectively unraveled into Social Democracy in a matter of years.

It was a mystery, but it was what it was. Fascism was no longer the same beast it was in 1939, but it was still Fascism; and it remained beating in the heart of the Iberian Peninsula, a reminder of what used to be, almost 70 years ago.​
So what happens to Angola, Goa, East Timor, and much closer to "home", Macau?

I don't suppose PM Lennon would be much amused with having to continue to deal with Francoist Spain. He most probably had his honeymoon in Gibraltar near Spain just to wind them up.