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Board member who joined in August 2007.

DelawareWerewolf is obviously from Delaware, an area that many denizens vehemently believe doesn't exist; DelawareWerewolf himself is now beginning to doubt whether the state in which he resides does exist.

He is 18, a Republican politically, and has interests that include Alternate History, Cooking, “The War of the Worlds”, Gardening, Werewolves and weather/meteorology.

In November 2007 Delaware Confederate changed his name to DelawareWerewolf, to better reflect his personality, and his interest in Wolves, Werewolves, and Threanthropy.

He has been a participant in 2 Shared Worlds games, one of which, “New Interactive Nations Game,” has been immensely popular.

He is also a Confederate sympathiser, and believes that both the Confederate Battle Flag and the Confederate uniform are both more aesthetically pleasing than their Union counterparts.

On the board, some still refer to him as “DC,” but most have switched over to “DW” now. There is also a joke between VulcanTrekkie45 and him, about the ongoing war between vampires and werewolves.

On May 25, 2008, he declared his candidacy for Parliament, under the YSP.

Changed His Name Yet Again

EvolvedLupine (as he is now known) is currently Strategos of Martian Tripod Forces on Mars.

offtopic/delawareconfederate.1212008460.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:15 (external edit)

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