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Workable Goblin

American, specifically Texan member of Likes space. Likes space a lot, actually.

Formerly known as “truth is life” until the name change in July 2013.


Eyes Turned Skywards - About an alternate post-Apollo space program. Currently being in progress, co-written with e of pi. WG's own comments: “This TL grew out of my earlier efforts, seen here. For one thing, it hasn't got a Space Shuttle.”

To Rise From the Earth : An Alternate 'post-Apollo' Space Program - A smaller, older timeline, with a different take on an alternate post-Apollo program.

Future TL plans: “Might do some other stuff in the future; an alternate Gemini-centric space TL might be interesting, or a couple of old ideas I've had. However, I probably won't have the time to actually do anything past ETS for a while, since I recently entered graduate school.”

offtopic/truth_is_life.1415317142.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:15 (external edit)

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