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One of the numerous Australians who infests the board. A student at UTAS stuck in some strange super-position of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year subjects in a combined Science-Engineering degree. His politcal views are a rather strange mixture, while in some ares (notably the environment) he could be passed off as a whining liberal, in other areas (notably military expenditure) he is somewhat right wing. On the issue of republicanism in Australia, Cockroach openly makes his fanatical monarchist tendencies known. Formally a Mosaic Earth addict, but has since kicked that habit. He operates a blog named Roach Infestation Other quirks include a strange desire to reduce the island of Java to a radioactive wasteland; a desire to invade New Zealand and other things that may eventually result in the formation of the Pax Australis. Cockroach does not currently follow any of the religions (although if given the chance he may one day found a cult based around an animal which is neither witless [see Sheepism] or disloyal [see Goatism]… I'll let ya know more when I've worked out the details of Equianism/Horsism) but is rather keen on the mass sacrifcice of n00bs.

In real life his interests include fencing (epee mainly) and horse riding (only recently got serious about it, still not sure where I'll go with it).

Time Lines

Yet another friggin Alexander the Great TL... with gunpowder


Appearances In Others' Works Cockroach has had the fortune of avoiding any mention in the series. He has however ended up as a rather short lived chracter in When Clio Dances by JC Denton/Anung/Adam/(whatever else he's calling himself this week). Cockroach is also scheduled to receive a short lived Cameo in Aozhouhuaren's Welcome to 2038.

offtopic/cockroach.1189973080.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:15 (external edit)

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