Table of Contents

Points of Divergence : Liechtenstein

Points of divergence concerning alternate historical developments within the modern day territory of Liechtenstein.


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The Middle Ages

Small countries grow large

Plausible expansions for tiny countries


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Early Modern history

Small countries grow large

Plausible expansions for tiny countries


Challenge: Liechtenstein as a great historical power

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18th and 19th century

Small countries grow large

Plausible expansions for tiny countries

No Liechtenstein


Liechtenstein not a member of the German Confederation

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20th century

Small countries grow large

Plausible expansions for tiny countries

If Liechtenstein wasn't neutral in WWI, who would they side with ?

Liechtenstein in a CP-Victorious World

Plausibility check: Why didn't the Nazis invade Liechtenstein ?

WI Nazi Germany invades Liechtenstein ?

Successful Nazi coup in Liechtenstein

What if there was a coup/takeover attempt in modern day Liechtenstein ?

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21st century

If an accident befell the whole modern princely family, who'd inherit the throne ?

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ASB / ISOT / Geological

2012 Liechtenstein ISOT to 1816 - consequences ? - A discussion about what chances would modern day Liechtenstein have if it was ISOTed to early 19th century Europe, shortly after the Congress of Vienna.

2000 Liechtenstein ISOTed to 1631

Liechtenstein ISOT 2014 to 1914

WI Leichtenstein ISOTed to Late Middle Ages ?

Microstates ISOTed to the past

2015 Monaco, San Marino, Andorra, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg ISOTed to 1900

WI: Liechtenstein and Andorra forced to fight by larger countries

WI there was a takeover in Liechtenstein ?

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

See Also


Liechtenstein Timelines and Scenarios

Useful Resources about Liechtenstein

List of Countries by POD

Points of Divergence Main Directory