(WIP) Modern day Central Powers victory scenario

current up to date map:

I'm making a modern day WW1 Central Powers victory scenario. I'm using Ulyanovsk's Q-BAM as base map. Borders, colors is not final yet but it will pretty much remain similar. The little lore is; most of the events before and during WW1 is happened same way in OTL. Russian Civil War happened, Ottomans got invaded through Iraq and Palestine etc. Finally, Central Powers won the war by a late date victory (like in 1918, Spring Offensive or something like that). Then there happened a series of events/wars like the Bulgarian one. I will finalise the lore, the reasons of those events, borders and share with you.
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Some notes about borders:

-Russia owns Tuna. Tuna choosed Russian Protectorate instead of Chinese, and in Russian Civil War they didn't liked bolsheviks and joined Mongolia, China (with Chinese influence too) OTL. ITL, bolsheviks didn't win, so they either didn't join Mongolia in first place or joined and annexed by Russia in a later date, like in Sino-Japanese War.

-Russia owns Sakhalin and Most of Kuril islands. Japan annexed Sakhalin in Russian Civil War, At the end of Sino-Japanese War, Russia occupied both islands.

-Pakistan owns Kashmir. Since there is no WW2, the partition of India was some different. Jammu Kashmir joined the Pakistan because of their Muslim majority, altough I dont know much about the subject, so like OTL they could join India too.

-East Turkestan/Uyghur and Tibet are independent. There is no Communist China (which invaded both OTL), also Ottomans, Central Asian nations and Russia helped guaranteeing the independence of East Turkestan. For Tibet, since they don't control East Turkestan, they wouldn't make a wide invasion around it, also China was exhausted after the Japanese war and communist insurgencies, and after all they thought it wasn't worth it and didn't invade Tibet.

-Libya looks weird because it has this borders with alongside the Egypt. OTL Libya's borders mostly created by Italy, France and Britain, look at this map and its description below. Those border agreements mostly referred as "Compensation to Italy because of partition in WW1". So ITL, Britain and Ottomans obey the same straight border in south, France and Ottomans make bordef changes according to that line and Libya'a other borders are mostly determined with same border changes as OTL.
Updated base map to latest qbam patches, now borders and lakes are more accurate. Only difference is I kept the Aral Lake (since there wasnt a soviet union who screw it). The next patch probably will be about coloring and fixing the conflicting areas caused by updating base map.

Btw the reason of slow progress is lack of motivation and I'm on mobile. Since there isn't a tool -as far as I know- like recolor in Paint.net in mobile, the progress is slower than pc. I use pc sometimes and will use it again for correcting and editing colors in the next patch.
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Fixed lake colors. Completed Africa, now just Pacific Islands left which I don't think I'm gonna work on it in near future. Now I'm gonna recolor the countries.
There is scope for a little difference in South American borders with a WWI related POD
Ecuador and Peru? I dont know much about the subject, can you give more details about it?
were there something similar to OTL Roaring 20s after WW1
I didn't think about that, and I don't know much about it, so I can't say anything.
also why Lithuania is not long like it was supposed to be
They were long as OTL before. Germany OTL didn't recognized Belarussian State, but after they decided a strong Belarus will benefit to them against Russia (OTL some lands that Belarus claimed was being controlled by bolsheviks, after WW1 with German help they gained control over that lands -like Smolensk-). Belarussian lands that Lithuania controlled before was Belarussian majority and claims of Belarussian State. There were none to little Lithuanian majority/minority. Also Belarussian State had claims on Vilnius too, so in exchange of that areas Belarus revoked the claim.

Another reason was please Belarussian population and authorities to be more loyal to Berlin.

So basically because, Lithuanian minority-absence, Belarus majority, easier control of that area, Germany's strong Belarus desire against Russia.

But also between Paraguay and Bolivia:

Oh I see. As far as I know the controlled areas in Peru and Ecuador at the time was pretty close to the current borders. Chaco war seems like happened in 1930s and i don't have much knowledge about this topic, so i don't know how does a Central Powers victory would effect that war or any border changes about it. So currently i leave them unchanged. However if you think different and tell its reasons i can of course edit the borders.
If you need any help on "understanding" some of the situations or entities portrayed in that map don't be afraid of asking!
Thank you. Btw for clarification, I only draw de jure country level borders for now, thats why I modified some borders and gave, for example, Senussi controlled western Egypt to British.
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