Winter Of Discontent: The Confederate Elections Of 2013

They're the kids in Confederate America -- Monday October 7, 2013

Louisville, Kentucky CSA -- 6:00am Kentucky Daylight Time -- Monday October 7, 2013

Eighty-Four....C-H-A-S RAYCOM NewsRadio Louiiiisville!

-- In local news, last night's Congressional debate in Louisville was also met with continuing protests by student groups at the local universities joined by representative of the now-outlawed Kentucky Manufacturing Workers Union. 75 arrests were made by local police according to the Louisville office of the State Security Agency.

-- Kentucky Governor Mitch McConnell is expected to send his Fiscal Year 2014 budget to the Kentucky Legislature in keeping in line with constitutional edicts. The budget becomes a greater topic because of the postponed elections, set for October 26th.

-- In sports Dixie Baseball action opens with game one of the Dixie Championship Series. Our Redbirds take on the Memphis Chicks in game one live from Louisville Slugger Field downtown first pitch at 7:05, you can catch the action here on RAYCOM Radio 84 CHAS.

-- In entertainment news, the Confederate Embassy in the Lone Star Republic and the Confederate Foreign Affairs Executive Offices will send a stern protest to the Injun Concert For Conscience Organization in regards to a performance at the annual superconcert in the GPUR.

-- The performance, a satire of a song written by teen television personality known to fans in the Plains as "Tina Tulsa" was a scathing attack on North America's only free Christian nation, and according to a spokesperson for the Confederate Foreign Executive, " violated the bounds of taste, moral decency and international goodwill."

Jamie Lynn Sydell listened to blaring clock radio passively. Her dad, an investment manager at a downtown bank was already up, and he always listened to the news, with a somewhat skeptical ear.

For years she and her older brother heard their dad rumbling and judging the stores. He'd murmur, "okay" or "that's true" if he felt the story was actually telling the news. Oh he'd say, "that's load of it," or "that could grow your plants tall" if it was what he felt was an official lie.

Jamie Lynn, a 17-year old high school senior could care less, She just wanted to have fun, play sports and go to school like any teen girl in North America. She looked in the mirror and carefully applied a tasteful, approved shade of makeup. A leggy, athletic, but shapely six-footers, Jamie Lynn would be just as at home on a California beach as she would be at the Confederate traditional debutante ball.

On this day Jamie was in her school day best. Her student uniform for Louisville Arminian Baptist High School.

When her ride to school came she left the home and got in the old Ford of her bestie and volleyball teammate Sandi Sheers. Sheers, short and feisty, is Jamie's setter on the volleyball court. They've been best friends since....well, forever. And Sandi has always had a crush on Jamie Lynn's older brother...a person that Jamie Lynn has never really understood.

"Get in Stretch, we gotta move if we're going to get some morning practice in before home room."

Jamie Lynn got in the car still working on that waking up thing. She wasn't a morning person for sure.

"Hey stretch, guess what I have?"


"You know that anti-Newt song that were talking about at that big Injun concert?"

"I heard something about it on the news. I guess somebody didn't like it," Jamie Lynn said. "Wait, how do you have it? It happened Saturday didn't it?"

"It's all over the pirate UniNet," Sandi said. "I downloaded it."

"You are going to end up in the DIY if you get caught."

Sandi chuckled. "I'll have you know I know tricks with a computer the CSS doesn't know."

Sandi hooked up her smartphone to the car stereo. In an instant music filled the tiny Ford. Piano cords, mixed with Kansas City-Minneapolis-Havana beats...

and a voice that sounded like the Confederate President..

It's our country we can do what we want.
It's our country we can lynch who we want.

It's our country we'll invade who we want.
torture if we want.
and nuke who we want.

followed by a decided young, feminine determined singing voice.

Burnt black bodies lyin' everywhere.
We'll kill and we'll rape and we don't care.

Jim Nabors treatment in Moscow.
Cause its all in our Lord's name, now.

Are you ready for a free vote?
Can I get HELL NO! (HELL NO!)

Cause we gonna keep it all white, if Omaha doesn't like it, we'll fight!

So la da di da di,
Confederate Dem Party
All white and God-ly!
Doing whatever we want

This is our land!
This is our rules!

and We can't stop
and We won't stop

Can’t you see it’s we who are hell bent
To own or destroy this continent?

And we can’t stop
And we won’t stop

We run things, Things don’t run we
We'll make sure no North Americans free!

It’s our country we can do what we want
It’s your country we'll invade if we want

It’s our country we'll detain we who we want
Dirty bomb who we want
Little kids if we want!

To all the kookies crazies like Fred Phelps
Who support Atlanta like nothing else

Remember only God can judge ya
And our God's righteous, cos the Godless hate us!

And to our boys in Nigeria and Caracas.
None of y'all are white but regardless.

Y'all know your place here.
So we'll make space here, yeah

So la da di da di,
Confederate Dem Party
All white and God-ly!
Doing whatever we want

This is our land!
This is our rules!

and We can't stop
and We won't stop

Can’t you see it’s we who are hell bent
To own or destroy this continent?

And we can’t stop
And we won’t stop

We run things, Things don’t run we
We'll make sure no North Americans free!

"We Can't Stop" by Destiny Cyrus (2013)

Louisville Arminian Baptist High School -- 3rd period

Jamie Lynn was in advanced trigonometry when the intercom blurted.

"Jamie Lynn Sydell please report to the prinicipal's office...thank you."

Jamie Lynn did was she was told.

Reverend Jackson Bridger was waiting for her. He's the principal of the school. . Quiet, earnest, spirited and liked by the student body. He graduated from LABHS 35 years ago, and loves the school and puts the kids above himself. A rarity in schools in the CSA really, given the religious and nationalistic bent the country's education has always tried to hammer into its young people.

Jamie Lynn entered the office area of the school where she saw Rev. Bridger with two younger men in suits. Both were handsome but intimidating. She had gotten used to having visitors at school, being a prized college recruit and all that, but these didn't look like college recruiters.

"Come in, Jamie Lynn." Reverend Bridger said. "Sorry to get you out of class like this...Gentlemen Jamie Lynn isn't just one of our best athletes, she is one of our best students as well. In the top 1% of the graduating class of what I feel is the best school in the entire CS of A."

"Reverend, we'll take it from here sir," said one of the agents. "Jamie name is Chalmers Hough, that's my partner Don Tanna. We're with the Louisville office of the Confederate State Security Agency.."

"Oh--kaaay," Jamie Lynn said slowly.

"Just relax Jamie Lynn," the agent said calmly. "You are not in trouble. We just need ask you a few questions. You've done nothing wrong."

"Okay, so what do you need to know from me?"

"Do you know a young man named Gabriel Reinfeldt Hardcourt Sydell.."

She look at the agent, "He's my brother," she giggled. She always kind of made fun of her brothers full name. He always hated his full name.

"What so funny?"

"He never answers to that name sir. He hates it."

"Oh," the agent said. "So that is why he's known as 'Slick'?"

"Not quite," Jamie Lynn answered. "He's a basketball fan and likes some ballplayer named Slick, an old player from way back when I guess."

"We need to know if he's contacted you recently," the agent said.

"Why? Is he in trouble or something?"

"Your brother is a student organizer for the 18 Movement. Has been for some time." The agent answered. "We are concerned that he may be working with elements that pose a danger to our city and our country."

"And," the other agent said. "We are concerned about you. You're a good kid, we just want to help keep it that way is all, ma'am."

" I haven't heard much from him since school stated. I don't talk to him much. Much of the family doesn't. He's gone his own way I guess."

"Well if you do hear from him," the first agent, Hough said as he handed her a card, "Please, contact us immediately. It is very important, and it can save many lives."

to be continued.

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The Confederate Catch Up -- sponsored by Scientific Atlanta

Tuesday October 8, 2013 -- Confederate Communications Commission announced new directive in regard to press coverage of the CSA military in the interest of national security. Analysts and press advocates in LSR Texas-Louisiana and the IRNA call the measure the greatest curtailment of information by the Atlanta Government since 1978.

Wednesday October 9, 2013 -- A Birmingham Press Register show the first real gap for a candidate in the election race as Elizabeth Hanford leads President Gingrich by 4 percent (31% to 27%). Reformer's candidate Ray Perkins is at 24 percent. 8% of those polled are undecided

Thursday October 10, 2013 -- During a campaign stop in Florida, President Gingrich touted his leadership on farm policy with plans to target tax breaks to some of the biggest corporate farm operations in the CSA to encourage growth.
Whig Party candidate Elizabeth Hanford struck back while selling her economic proposals.

Friday October 11, 2013 -- CSA Foreign Minister Steve Spurrier flew to Spain for meetings with Spanish Foreign Minister José García-Margallo. The conservative Partido Popular government had friendly relations with the Confederacy mainly due to military aid and agricultural trade.

Also while in Spain, Spurrier met with a group of aides to Federal German MdBs from parties who sought a greater closeness with Atlanta

Monday October 14,2013 -- The National Electoral Board and the Confederate Presidential Debate Forum annouced that there one be one more Presidential Debate, a forum set for Thursday October 24, 2013. The site of the debate would be University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa. The sponsors would be the Alabama branch of the League of Concerned Confederate Women, and the Alabama Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. For the "snicks" on campuses from Virginia to Arkansas it was symbol that they where being respected by the greater government.

The Atlanta Journal Constitition Polls saw a shift in recent days, and President Gingrich was able flip poll numbers in Tennessee, Alabama and Arkansas back into his column, along with holding a small lead in Georgia. Elizabeth Hanford held on to Virginia, North Carolina . Perkins maintained his lead in South Carolina and Mississippi. Kentucky and Florida were too close to call.

CSS Special Service units began to infiltrate into college campuses across the country to try and counteract growing student protests concerning the addition of military advisors in Venezuela.

Wednesday October 16, 2013 -- Dixievision shows the first pictures of Confederate Marine detachments deploying at three landing sites on the Venezuelan coastline, combined with a joint Colombian-Confederate aerial group, including frontline CV-17 and C-31 detachments.

The formal Confederate "protective police action" had begun.

A videolink feed originating from an area in the dense jungle of Confederate Guyana was picked up and transmitted from a California spy satellite and transmitted to secret rooms in Boston, Sacramento, Austin, Washington, Vienna and Omaha.

Confederate fighters flying patrol some 150 miles North of trinidad report heavy British naval activity, spearheaded by a carrier battle group.

At a campaign stop in Huntsville, Alabama CSA, President Gingrich proposes in the next defense budget. "Huntsville, the home of the research of Confederate space science will be given a new mandate in the cause of peace and security by developing the means to protect our Godly nation from nuclear attack."

Gingrich outlined plans a space-based anti-missile shield he dubbed "High Frontier".

Thursday October 17, 2013 -- Reform presidential candidate Ray Perkins continued a swing to get young voters at Florida Gulf Coast university, and openly denounced the presence of CSS troops embedded into local police forces, "The overreach and militarizing of the civilian police forces is a needless encroachment of the Atlanta federal bureaucracy!"

Friday October 18, 2013 -- A joint Confederate-Nigerian Army group retook a set of key oil installation held by anti-government guerilla in the Niger Delta.

President Gingrich and Military Chief of Staff Marshal General Tommy Franks reaffirmed full release authority to naval commanders at sea in the wake of signs of larger British, AMS, an New England naval commitment in the region.

Russian commandos back by Confederate CSS took down a Chechen separatist stronghold near Alkhan-Kala. According to a Free North American relief organizing over 1,000 people in village were killed by the Army forces. Another 1,000 have ben arrested and according to underground reports, tortured by the KGB and the CSS.

A CSS watch station is reporting two agents on routine patrol near Plains, Georgia have not reported in. They last reported 24 hours ago.
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One Week To The Elections -- Oct 18-Oct 24, 2013

Confederate National Representative Assembly (235 members -- all members up for election)

Confederate Democrats 137
Confederate Whigs 79
Citizen Reformer's Party 19

CD Majority: +15 seats

The Senate of the Confederate States (54 members -- 18 members up for election)

Confederate Democrats 35 (13 seats up for relection)
Confederate Whigs 16 (4 seats up for election)
Citizen Reformer's Party 3 (1 seat up for relection)

CD Majority: +8 seats

Plains, Georgia CSA 7:15am -- Saturday October 19, 2013

The Old Man had just finished his walk and met pointed guns at his front door.

"CSS. Come with us!"

"Who are you?"

"CSS Atlanta...Here's the paperwork..This man is wanted for questioning."

"We didn't get any paperwork!"

"You have it now...This comes from Duke himself. We will teach this traitorous bastard to not forment sniveling race-traitor bratty-ass college protest"

The other man forced the Old Man to the ground and handcuffed him..

The Old Man gritted his teeth as he silently prayed.

The local CSS men were dumbfounded. They had rarely seen the ugly side of the Confederate State Security Agency out here.

The suited officers showed them that side.

"They should have killed you back in '78 you sonofabitch!" One officer said.

They dragged the Old Man to the waiting Hendrick cruiser. Done up in the sinister Cambridge-Oxford blue two tone that had become the symbol of state-sponsored terror in the Confederate States.

They sped off out of town, and out of sight.

The head out for the open road. The CSS cruiser not getting a glace from the state trooper at the edge of town.

As one agent drove, the other reached back...

"Lift up your hands!"

The Old Man complied...and saw the younger man reach for the handcuff and loosen them.

"Forgive me for what I had to do back there," The man said softly. "We had to be sure Reverend General. It is good to finally meet you, sir."

The Old Man looked up..."You mean...You aren't"

The other man, brown-haired and handsome, smiled.

"No, Reverend General sir...We were sent by Commander Mama Angela by direct order of Reverend General Lewis..."

The Old Man smiled. "John? He's alive? The said he was killed at Gullah.."

"No sir!" The other man, a redhead said. "Reverend General Lewis is alive. Praise God..and he sent us for you."

"Why?..What's going on? I mean I get some news, but its all Dixievision and what I can get past the jamming... I hear there are protests."

"Yes, there are, sir...We were a part of them a few days ago...."

"You boys do look young," The Old Man said. "You don't look much order than 20."

"We're both seniors at UGA, Reverend General..."

The Old Man smiled. "And you came for an old Yellow Jacket?"

"Reverend General, I won't hold that against you...until UGA and Tech can play a game as a TRULY free people..."

"We're are we going?" The Old Man asked as the car headed toward the TransCon...A Home Guard truck passing in the opposite direction.

"Reverend General," the passenger said as he handed the Old Man a Holy Bible. "The people need a Sermon...It is time to end your silence...Miss Fiona is waiting for us."

Waldo, Arkansas CSA -- same time

The lanky man slept a little better on this morning. The best he's had in a harried time since he left Florida nearly a month ago.

He had been on the run since. Passed from camp to camp. On foot. In cars in trucks. Hiding for days at a time as the CSS and Home Guard searched Florida, and Georgia.

Even as he slept, he clutch a heavy binder. Inside was information that could help save a continent...or destroy it.

He had seen many faces on his travel..Some white, some black. Many grim and determined.

He was scared, hungry and lonely. The man who contacted him assured him, that they would get his family. They did.

His family was in another location. They didn't say were...But they did show him a digital photo of them surrounding by caring faces.

Still, he longed for them.

And other longed for him.

He was sleeping with one eye open when he heard the door open...Inside was a stern, but caring black face...A young woman, but chiseled.

She had the bearing of a Black Fist soldier.

A white woman and some young kids followed.

One carrying a tray.

"Good morning, sir." A young boy said. "I hope you slept well..For the looks of things you haven't had much of that...Or much of something to eat.."

The young lady next to the boy sat the tray at the foot of his cot.

"Thank you," The man said sleepily. "But where am I? It was a hard trip overnight..and whoever was driving drives like a dang moonshiner!"

The black woman smiled. "Beauregard musta gotcha....Old white man with a scraggy beard?"

"Yeah," the man said. "Driving a damn old race car."

The black woman laughed. "Yep. Sir, what is your name?"

The man looked up. "Peter...Peter Tebow."

The woman nodded. "Well Peter, My name is Athaliah. I'm Black Fist...You are at a safehouse in Arkansas. This is my girlfriend Melissa, and these here are my lieutenants..Artie and Kelsey.."

"So what is this place?"

Artie spoke up. "Sir, you are protected by the comrades of the Waldo Revolutionary Workers Soviet and the Arkansas Red Army, along with commander on loan from the Black Fist. You are safe here, sir."

Peter nodded. "Reds...I guess you'll probably confiscate my Bible."

"No sir," Artie said as he handed it to him.

"Thank you," the man said.

"Get some rest today," Athaliah said. "We plan on getting on the tracks by Monday...and it won't be easy..With the crackdown."

"Where do I go next?" He asked.

Melissa smiled. "Across the wall."

Tebow noticed the magnolia armband on Melissa's arm. "Sodomites, socialists and the Black Fist," he thought. "God help me....I know you work in mysterious ways, Lord...But this don't beat all."

CSA Campaign '13 Final Week.jpg

"Florida, and all of the Confederacy have seen growth and progress in the last six years, but the Whig Alternative wants to negate that growth with higher taxes and regulation, and imposition against your state's rights...while the Reformer's seek to mongrelize your society. These are NOT Confederate values, and I will protest those value we hold most dear against all enemies outside of Godly land and within!"

"Just up the road from here is Washington (booo!) thr Militarist Industrial Yankee regime. For too long we've thrashed about aimlessly and lashed out wildly. It is time to show a calmer, secure, determined face to Joseph Biden and I will show him that face...Newton Gingrich refuses. It is time for a real change in our nation and it must begin here, and extend to our western borders, where we must show the same resolve against governments who would cease our existence if they could!"

A question for you North Carolina? Are you willing to risk Charlotte, Durham and Asheville to perpetrate nuclear gamesmanship?

Are you willing to send your son to the borders from Virginia to Arkansas for provocation and risk mushroom clouds?

Good people, that's the future Newton Gingrich wants, and David Duke wants.

A future that ignored two hurricanes and is still trying to deny 300,000 citizen their right to vote.

And what of the Whig Alternative? Two people who have voted on the side of the Confederate Democrats more than 80% of the time...and they have the gall to call themselves "outsiders"

Friends if you want a real change in our country, the opportunity is here.

Time has come for the Confederate People to move forward and truly take of home, and in turn become a nation strong enough to take the step I promise I will take if elected. I WILL HAVE OUR NATION AND CONTINENT AT PEACE WITH ALL, and I WILL HAVE MY NATION AT PEACE WITH IN ITSELF!

That is what this election is truly about.

CSA Campaign '13 Final Week.jpg
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One week to the elections (part 2)

Governor's Mansion. The official residence of the Governor of the Commonwealth of Confederate Kentucky, Mitchell McConnell -- Frankfort, Kentucky CSA 1:00pm Eastern Time -- Saturday October 19, 2013 \

"Governor we are trying to stave off a disruption of the election here. We need to bring in CSS troops on the campuses," President Gingrich said through the phone line.

"Agree with you Mister President," Governor Mitchell McConnell said haltingly , "But sir, I would much rather have Kentuckians deal with a Kentucky problem."

"And we would like to avoid another student protest gone out of control, Governor. That's is why we are rotating the forces. Kentucky CSS troops will be sent to Tennessee, I'm bringing in a contingent from East Tennessee in to help with Lexington and Louisville."

"The State's Righters won't like it," the Governor fumed. "Remember sir, I have a legislative team that has to be reelected, let alone me."

"The sooner we quell this, this better Governor...and we can perhaps move those military forces back to their bases. I don't like the build up...and I'm worried about the industrial response. We have enough to deal with overseas, without having a war at home."

"We wouldn't have a war at home if we stopped listening to that CSS bastard," Governor McConnell thought.

"Governor, the CSS is sending one of their best to help out from what I was told. Their leadership in Atlanta is very high on him."

"I've heard. They said he'd come into CAS Frankfort around 3."

CAS John Bull -- Hamton, Georgia CSA -- 1:00pm

CSS Colonel William Barton was looking at the operational plan for the CSS 'emergency deployment' as they were calling it.

The young CSS man was hand-picked by the Chairman of the CSS to be the point man for CSS infiltration and policing in Louisville. He'd go head-to-head with a critical nerve center of the student protest movement.

It was the last place anyone would expect a person with Barton's history to be. He is the son of a first family of North Carolina blueblood gentry. Charlotte-born and raised in privilege few Confederates enjoyed, even those high in the apparatus of the CSA.

His father sits on the boards of the largest Confederate corporations. His family is the money power behind the CSA's largest bank. His older brother is a corporate officer at WrightSouth-Sukhoi.

His younger sisters each are 20-something and accomplished. One working in the Confederate Democrat National Committee, the other is touring with the All-Confederate Choir in Spain.

William had a bit of a rebellous streak. Whereas his family steered toward the lifestyle of the antebellum, disaffected uber-class, he was the one who ignored his parent forbidding him to try out for football, and being a starting quarterback. He was the one who's parent fainted when he competed for a place in the Confederate Naval Academy.

He didn't get into Mobile, so he fell-back on being another rich boy at Vanderbilt, but he still ached to build his own place, against the father for whom he could never quite measure up.

That opportunity found him while he was bored in Vanderbilt Law School. He was recruited by the Confederate State Security Agency, and his life was never the same again.

He rose up the ranks quickly and systematically in the CSS in a period of 7 years. At age 23, he was an analyst, but his athletic background and strategic mind hones over years of playing chess with his father and older brother, made him an operative.

By age 27, he was coordinating field operations in the IRNA, and Europe and building links and contacts. His prowess caught the eye of David Duke, the chairman of the CSS.

Today, at age 30 Col. William Barton now leads a CSS unit in addition to being chief analyst and strategist. As one of the youngest in the CSS officer corps, he is on the fast track to perhaps being CSS Chairman himself one day.

At the same time, he is conflicted as well.

His conflict is tall, leggy, intelligent...and fully committed to a fierce opposition to everything the CSS stands for.

Even as he against uphold his oath to the state and the regime, his mind tussles with thought of a woman he has grown to love.

Sunday October 19, 2013 --

The CSS units begin mass deployments at major college campuses in the Confederate States. In keeping with the CSS plan, the units are rotated away from home areas. This is by David Duke's orders.

"If we use home-based units in their areas, we open ourselves up to co-option by familiarity. The base troops must operate within the narratives we give them to be the most effective in quelling illegal dissent." -- CSS Chairman David Duke

A Unit 35 safe house in the Louisville Male Negro Semi-Autonomous Area -- Louisville, Kentucky CSA -- 2:00pm Eastern Time Sunday October 20, 2013

Slick was led down a corridor toward a small office. His escorts were both armed young men perhaps his age. Elvin was with him.

As the entered the room, a tall slam older man stood in wait. Slick eyes widened as he saw the man. Elvin had said he would be meeting with a leader within the Unit to relay the news he heard.

He wasn't expected meeting THE leader of Unit 35.

"Welcome," the man said. "I have heard of you and what you and the 18s are doing at the University."

Slick's brain took a minute to digest whom he was speaking to. The older man before him was one of the local legends of the movement...and of Slicks favorite thing in the world

"Thank you, sir," Slick said. "I..I was not expecting this...I am honored and humbled.."

"At ease, son," the man said easily. "I am not a Reverend General. I'm just a man fighting to see his people free...same as you."

"Sir," Slick said. "Still, it is an honor..Not just for the movement...But to meet a legend in the greatest game there is."

The man smiled. "Basketball fan?"

"The biggest, sir. One of the best times of my life was playing on that floor at Male Underground."

"You played in The Freedom League? (1)"

"Yes sir," Slick said proudly. "Freedom League and on the Peace Cup squad Many of the Cardinal 18s learned the real story from the games."

"Elvin tells me you have information on what coming down."

"Yes sir," Slick said. "I've gotten information from people close to the CSS and with some contact across the Bridge (2) in Indiana. They are planning to bring in CSS personnel from outside Kentucky, and move Kentucky CSS troops to areas outside the state."

The man looked at Slick quizzically. "It figures, and its smart strategy by Chairman Duke. Bring armed men with no knowledge into the fray and program them with what ever belief you want."

"But we still have contact within the police and the press," Slick said.

"Perhaps," the man said. "But you can bet they'll crackdown on anybody who'll help us from the outside. We may have to shunt the access to the official organs through this. In the meantime we have to look at how we can agitate in the open and in the shadows. Especially with the elections coming up."

"My cadre is ready to help in anyway we can," Slick said.

The man looked beyond the door..."Promo, step in here for a minute!"

A wiry younger black man entered the room.

"Prometheus, meet Slick..."

The taciturn younger man shook Slick's hand. "I've heard of this kid, Dunk," he said in a low slightly growling voice. "You really do wear those California-Minneapolis jeans doncha?"

"Do let them fool you, brother." Slick answered back.

"Okay, Tim Wise," Prometheus nodded, "I look forward to working with you. So does my people on the other side."

"What's the play?"

"Full court press, holmes. Elvin's people and your people together on keeping this occupation busy and at the same time educating the people on the real story...and helping the Black Fist EPS.."


"Election Protection Squad," Elvin answered. "If we can't stop election, we can at least insure a fair vote."

Slick answered, "Is there a such thing?"

Prometheus looked at the white student, "There may be. I have information that some of Benefactors are placing a bet on this one, especially with the polls being tighter than the news is reporting....Some people have reason to believe that the ruling government may change...and even if it doesn't there may be big trouble in Atlanta. Either way, we must be prepared."

The leader spoke up as well, "That was our biggest blind spot in 1977, youngbloods. We were not prepared for a next move after they stole the election. The word has come down from the very top. We will not make the same mistake should the opportunity come this time."

Prometheus and Slick both left the room as they walked out, Prometheus had a chance to relay one more piece of information.

"My people at Arminian Baptist are keeping an eye on someone you know...Jamie Lynn Sydell..."

"My kid sis?" Slick said. "Why? She wants nothing to do with us."

"It is a favor to your father."

"My father?"

"Your dad has done a lot for The Movement, much you may not know about. I can see where you get it from."

"Dad?" Slick said with shock.

"Let me fill you in," Prometheus said. "That talented young lady is drawing a lot of attention, and she may get the chance to fully realize it. She's growing up and she's waking up. Each one, teach one..."

Monday October 21, 2013 --
AJC POLL 10252013.jpg

To: All Campaign Staff
Fr: Toby McKeehan, Campaign strategy director.











-- CANTOR --









Captain's quarters aboard the Aircraft Carrier CNS Charlie Connerly 50 miles off the coast of Confederate Guyana -- 4:30am Tuesday October 22, 2013.

Captain Blaine Whittington. Confederate States Navy. Columbia, South Carolina.

The captain is an enigma among military men in the Confederacy. The rare blue blood who joins "The Gray Line".

His family is among the first families of South Carolina, with a lineage going back to first settlements in North America.
They are known as aristocratic, and eccentric throughout their line.

Blaine Wittington, a handsome 44-year-old commander of a nuclear carrier, is no exception. He has the bearing of leadership, but at the same time an aire about him that can be grating to those not of the aristocratic class of the CSA. He's one of those "hoity-toity" folk as the enlisted men would say.

He is brilliant, intelligent, driven, but weird just the same. Most of his life, he has taken on the model of his greatest hero....His grandmother...

His grandmother, Miss Anne, a powerful patriarch was his greatest influence, even down to pursuing a place in the Naval academy.

Even as he moved up the ranks, he was a free-thinker in a place were free-thinking could get you trouble. Yet, he moved forward partly because of name and family's power behind the scenes. Partly because of his skills.

And partly because of his knack to survive...and hide...right down to many of a weird traits of genius/madman that the CSS's moral screening missed.

Only his first officer knew...and neither would talk..

"Captain," the first officer said as he knocked on the door.

"Come in, First,"

The first officer saw the Captain preening in a mirror. He often did that when he was stressed.

Captain Whittington handed his first officer the printout. The source of the Captain's stress.

The first officer read it, "We've had release authority for a long time,"

"The main orders will be coming later this morning," the Captain said in a mournful, yet seductive tone. "That jackass wants us to lead an assault against the British forces out yonder. Our battle group against that damn QE."

The first officer was stunned, "WHAT?"

"We're going to war," Captain said. "We're gonna see if this Helms-class boat can get it done."

The Connerly was the second Helms-class carrier to enter service. Literally out of the ConBoat yards outside of Mobile. It is pegged to be the Confederate answer to the powerful Queen Elizabeth class British carriers.

"You are scared, Captain?"

"Hell yes," the Captain said. "Because of why we are doing this, and why the damn Brits are here. It because of that vulgarity they are doin' in Guyana. My grandmama was so damn right. The worse thing ever was Strom Thurmond and his people getting the power of God Almighty. I'm telling you, if we ever use those atom bombs, I'm going to back into my closet, grab my Clemson cheer uniform, the shell and the skirt and the sexiest thigh highs, don my blondest curliest locks, and sing "Hold That Tiger" until the mushroom clouds come.

The first officer sat down, "Captain...You are scaring me right now."

The captain looked up with hard blue eyes. accented by a soft bluish eye shadow.

"First, " The captain said sternly, "The bastards have a site in Guyana. They are gonna put hellfire in space, and threaten everybody with it. Its bad enough they've given every wannabe Bull Connor a nuclear handgun out here, but now? Damn Franks wants to bring his rapture. That man is Lucifer.."

"They want to send us into war..and they've even given me license to nuke that QE if necessary."

The first officer's shock grew, "They can't be serious."

"They are, First," The Captain said. "Remember that 'consultation' I told you about in Atlanta back in August."


"You can't repeat what I'm about to tell you."

"Miss Blanche, you have kept my secrets..and I will keep yours."

The captain continued. "First, we were at Pigeons Forge. The President's retreat out there. Your neck of the woods."

"Why there?"

"All the brass were there, including Franks, David Duke...all the big guns..And Franks has this plan...He called it CALVARY...and if he runs it he'll crucify us all on a cross of atoms. They want to play nuclear blackmail with the Plains, Texans, Industrials and Californians, and possible drop those damn bombs they'll put up there first. Crazy men. Damn, my grandmama was right."

The captain look at his first officer, "Son, I need to know...If I line up against this madness, will you back me? If not, I will do what I can to transfer you out."

The first officer didn't hesitate, his loyalty to compelled him to answer..and as well as worry over two people close to his heart, some 50 miles away.

"I back you, the same way you've backed me."

The captain gave a sly smile. "First, by the way, how is the woman and your little girl?"

"Got to see them on shore leave in Leestown. I miss them so much...If it wasn't for the duty I'd have take them and ran across the wall like that boy in the Air Force last year."

"Why haven't you?"

"Fear and duty, Captain. Besides, the CSA is my home, and its theirs, too. I have a duty to my home and my country."

"You sound like my grandmama near the end of her life. She went from Confederate Belle, to John Lewis near the end on her deathbed. Most of the family thought she was senile. But oh, she was lucid all the way until day she died."

"You know Captain, your grandmama must have been one helluva woman."

"Son, you don't know the half," the Captain said rising from the easy chair.

"Also First," the Captain said. "The ballot plane will be coming today, make sure all the men who are voting gets those in...This is the only trip out."

"Have you made a choice yet, Captain."

The Captain smiled again, "My grandmama would haunt me if I didn't vote for Hanford. Us girls have to stick together."

The first officer rolled his eyes. " Would anybody believe that this lunatic is the best damn commander in the entire Confederate Navy?" he thought.

1. The Freedom League -- The underground integrated high school basketball leagues that have flourished in Kentucky since the 1970s.

In Kentucky there is the "official" championship in scholastic basketball, which is al- white by law. But the Freedom Championship by many Kentucky hoop fans is consider the real championship because competition between white high school and the black underground school is allowed, and during the summer league season, the teams by rule must be integrated..including the Kentucky entries in the annual Leonard-Hall Peace Cup basketball tournament in Indianapolis, IRNA. The Freedom League has been a proving ground for some of the greatest players in Kentucky scholastic basketball, many of whom have gone on to play at the highest levels of collegiate and even professional basketball.

One of the major components of the league, in addition to a high level of basketball competition, is an educational initiative that which has introduced many white students to the concepts and theories of the SCLC and the greater Freedom Movement, in turn the experiences have influenced many white youth in Kentucky to question the established order and even join efforts such as the 18 Movement.

2. "The Bridge"/New Albany-Louisville International Border -- One of the most heavily militarized stretches of land in the world, yet at the same time one of the most open border crossing between two enemy nations in the world as well. This border links Louisville, Kentucky CSA with the main Kentuckiana Highway towards Indianapolis. The route does brisk trade between the two cities and regions, and is also a vital access route for the intelligence services of the IRNA to conduct operations with the anti-government movement centered around Louisville.

The border is also a symbol of a lot of underground common anti-Atlanta sentiment between Kentuckians and Hoosiers, many of whom would like the see the Kentuckiana region become closer or even merge to form a new state within the IRNA.

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THE ISSUE OF 2013 -- Thursday October 24, 2013

University Pavillion -- University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Alabama CSA -- 8:25pm Thursday October 24, 2013

The Future of the CSA

"The next six years will be a new order for the CSA in relation to the world. We have already seen our influence grow in Europe, Asia and Africa. Our Godly way is making an impact. Look at the new spiritual revival in Soviet Russia. Client states with people outside of our sphere united in Christian faith and submission to our Lord in Colombia, Nigeria, the Phillippines, Ceylon. Greece and Spain.

Cultures who understand their place. Willing trading partners. The creation of a new world order, while working to peacefully co-exist with those who do not agree.

My charge in my next term is a Confederate States taking its rightful place in the world, and challenging godlessness and indifference to greater moral order."

"Very flowery words, Mister President, but the facts are obvious. We cannot have this 'new order' without bringing order within our own country. Look at the protests, the strike the dissension. We are divided by economics, region, gender...and now we see our youth, our gentle Godly seed of this nation rising in defiance..

But is this defiance? Or is this a reaction, and crying out. It is both.

Whether we like it or not. We must have an answer for it...and that answer is not in Lagos, Caracas or Moscow...It is not in armed conflict on the Aegean Sea or in the Pacific...It is between Virginia and Arkansas...From Kentucky to Florida.

The answer is getting right with ourselves...That is the Whig Alternative. Instead of lofty goals towards Mars, we must make the long trek to make our nation better right here."

The future of the CSA are in the eyes of these young people. They are scared. They are angered and they have a real message that us old folks need to listen to.

I was them...Granted that was 50 years ago...But I remember.

I remember being at this campus right here..University of Alabama. I studied I played football...and i did my turn as a border troop....Along that "Crimson Wall" Nose-to-nose with the red man across that wall.

Now President Gingrich can't remember that, because he never experienced that. Seven deferments.

We who may put these young people in harms way MUST LISTEN!

And that is why I and John Michael Thomas want to secure a real future for our country. Economically and politically.

And we must begin with a will to listen serve and work...Not the will to do the bidding of the weapons makers and the preachers!

ELECTION DAY -- Saturday October 26, 2013

Good morning. You are watching Dixievision. Television for North America's only free, Godly Republic.

Today the Confederate people, bound by our faith in Our Lord, and our way of life engage in a fair, free vote to determine the future of the nation.

Looking at the news, anti-social sodomite student riots continue at a number of college campuses in the country. The biggest riots continued this morning on Louisville, Kentucky, but CSS troops have quelled. We are weeding our the traitors, satanists and terrorists plaguing our young and we will win God's fight!

President Newton Gingrich voted in Atlanta this morning and then jumped on DIXIE ONE for a last ground tour of the battleground state of Florida. Florida's 60 electoral votes could decide one of the closest elections in our history.

Confederate Whig candidate Elizabeth Hanford is also in Florida after voting in her district in Charlotte, North Carolina. Hanford seeks to be the first woman to be elected President in our history, and she is close in the polls.

Reformer's Party candidate Ray Perkins voted in Mississippi and then headed up to Western Kentucky to begin what his campaign officials say will be a final whirlwind tour of battleground states that will take also take him to Tennessee, Alabama, Florida and South Carolina.

For all three candidate it has been a rough week of final campaigning, climaxing with Thursday's heated debate at the University of Alabama. Needless to say this election will go down to the wire...

And we at Dixievision reminds all citizens...Your vote counts, so do your duty to keep our Godly land free.

-- click RAYCOM --

Good Election Morning from your Independent Confederate Television News -- RAYCOM 24...

We have breaking news at the hour. Sources close to the Confederate Naval Department says that the aircraft carrier CNS Charlie Connerly was met with "hostile challenge" from British picket ships that crossed the terrortorial water line off the coast of Guyana. The Royal Navy strongly denies any hostile action...."


High Noon In The Confederate States -- Saturday October 26, 2013

We interrupt Confederate College Football on Dixievision for this special report. Here are the first pictures of the Confederate Marines barracks in Caracas, Venezuela. 50 Confederate Marine troops confirmed dead after terrorists drove a truck bomb into the compound and detonated the bomb...

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CS-9 News has learned that another skirmish has occured between Confederate warplanes and British and New England fighter planes off the coast of Guyana..Two enemy planes have been confirmed destroyed. A Confederate plane was also downed. The plane was identified as coming from the CNS Charlie Connerly, which has been on a protective mission on the Guyana Coast since last week.

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Blessed citizens, good afternoon.

I'm Jimmy Carter...and I should have been your President.

Election Day is normally the last day I'd ever want to speak. I've 36 years dreading them. The memories and sadness of 1977 are hard.

Internal exile is even harder. But I am compelled to speak to you after all these years of exile and arrest and thanks to brave young people in the freedom moment...I can...and I shall.

By now you are hearing the news of what has happened in Venezuela. My prayers go out to the families of the Confederate Marines killed in Caracas. It is a sad thing for our people and our troops.

However it should also bring up the righteous anger we need to have! The righteous anger that our black brothers and sisters have used as fuel for the aspirations to free us all since 1962!

The spirit of arrogance, militarism, false prophecy and genocide are a sign of the malaise that has polluted our national will since the founding of our nation.

The Confederate Democrat Regime that has enslaved us all since 1947, is no embarking on a course to kill our hopes from freedom and perhaps kill us all as a human species.

At this moment we have a ruling cabal willing to go to the brink of war through expansionism and terror. They are reinforced by an sinister, ugly, ungodly, combination of the false prophets and warmongers among the unconstitutional Church Council. The vile evil of the CSS, aided by a willing group of military leaders who are using their power against the entire Confederate citizenry.

For seven decades we have pursued arrogance and sinful pride. We have started war and called them peaceful. We have engaged in the worst injustice and called it just. We created the means to destroy would God hath made and called it Godly.

I take my share of responsibility. As a young man I was an engineer, and I was on the research team that build our first nuclear weapons. May God have mercy on me for the power I helped give. To my contribution to this malaise that strikes at the heart of the country I love.

But just as we ask forgiveness there is an opportunity for redemption, and today I ask that all citizen take this opportunity.

Firstly, we must resist the false choices in the voting booth today. This election is a farce, and given the event playing out as we speak and the ugly plans that this government has already put in motion, we must as a citizenry stand up for our nation.

I ask and beg that all citizen join the Freedom Movements actions to disrupt the election. Let us NOT support this cabal and the status quo with more of the same.

No matter who wins the vote tonight, the dark forces among the military, the security state and the dens of thieves that dare masquerade as places of a worship, have already set a deadly course.

The scriptures warned us in Matthew for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Newton Gingrich and the Confederate Democrats have led us down this wide road to hell, but we have a way out. There is an off ramp to take for our salvation as a people.

That is why we as White Confederate citizens must rise up in massive numbers , in Godly love and resistance to join with our black and brother and sisters... To join with the brave student movement on our campuses.

To join hands with all people who good will, even those who may not share the faith in God that I and many of you have.

To join hands with the brave gay and lesbian brothers and sister who formed the Magnolia Army.

To join hands from factories, offices, workers, intellectuals, people of faith a free clergymen and women, all citizens of our nation. Today is OUR time!

Those who do not remember history will be condemn to repeat it. Today let us write a new history based on the hard lessons of the past, and together lets rise up in love, faith and the unity that God sought for all of His Children...

And let us end the malaise and bring a free, democratic, peaceful Confederate States back into the civilized world.

And I leave with a message to Mr. Gingrich, Mr. Hanford , and Mr. Perkins.

Should either of you win today, know this:


Thank you for your time today. God Bless you all.​

University of Louisville -- Louisville, Kentucky CSA 12:45pm Eastern Time -- Saturday October 26, 2013


JIM-MY CAR-TER (clap, clap clap-clap-clap!)

A Presidential limousine -- Sarasota, Florida CSA-- same time

"How the hell does Jimmy Carter get on the Damn UniNet!" President Gingrich roared.

"We're working on finding out," David Duke said dryly. "That explains what the hell happened to those agents last week.

"Mr. President, I wouldn't worry about it," Toby McKeehan said. "I've got the early exit numbers. We are winning in Florida and Alabama and we may get Virginia, that gets us the Presidency..."

David Duke looked at Marshal General Franks. Franks was smiling, "No matter who wins the election, I win. We'll still have CALVARY in place."

Cape Longstreet, Florida CSA -- same time

"We are T-minus 8 hours to launch. Flight control to Shuttle Fidelity....Come in Fidelity with flight system report.

We are looking good for the scheduled launch..

Longstreet to Site B....Site B, respond.

Site B, situation report...

We loading the bus now, and T-minus 20 hours to launch. We are a go at this point.

CAS Joint Air Station Baranquilla, Colombia -- same time

"Our orders have changed gentlemen," General Massey told his fighter groups, "We are flying halo over a naval installation in Guyana..That's all I know right now.."

As Massey left he was confronted by the flight leader, Colonel Justin Timberlake. Timberlake something wasn't right. "Sir, what's going on?"

"Timberlake, we have our orders. That all you need to know...."

The worry was on Massey's face.."Sir, something about this stinks with you...Talk to me!"


-- FLASH --- MILCOM --- FLASH ----







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The Polls Have Closed -- Saturday October 26, 2013

Dixievision Confederate Campaign '13 coverage continues. Live from our Election Command Center in Atlanta here's Nancy Grace...

RAYCOM Independent Confederate Television News Presents, the Confederate Vote 2013...Election Night in the CSA...Live from our RAYCOM Election Headquarters in Atlanta...Chris Meyers

This is CS-9 Election 2013.....From our CS-9 NewsCenter in Atlanta..Lead anchor Brittney Spears...

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So far in the early minutes of Campaign 2013 1% of national vote and President Gingrich is off to the early lead but its going to be a long night...Polls have closed in Kentucky, Alabama, and the next hours the rest of the states will begin bringing in numbers, but we do not expect to project a state for some time..

A breaking bulletin has reached our newsroom. The Confederate State Aeronautics Administration announced that our orbiter Fidelity will launch at 830 Eastern Time on what has been called an "Emergency Mission to the Mir Space Station for important repairs. We will have more on this story, and we will have footage of the launch."

Gingrich-Waltrip Victory Party -- Days Inn Luxury Pavillion -- Atlanta, CSA -- same time

President Newton Gingrich was huddled with his campaign aides, led by his campaign manager and Toby McKeehan, the point man-turned strategists..They are taking a hard look at the exit polls, and the real numbers.

"These numbers are tight, very tight," the President said.

"It's going to be a bumpy ride and its going to be close," the campaign manager said. "So far so many states are in the balance. Kentucky, Alabama, Virginia, Florida"

"There's good news," McKeehan said. "Senator Waltrip delivered Tennessee, the numbers look good there. Georgia will should tip in our column, and we maybe able to steal North Carolina from Hanford, thanks to Ray Perkins.."

"So its really me against Liddy Hanford," President Gingrich smiled. "What are the chances we can win this outright and not have to worry about the Electoral College?"

the next suite over -- same time

"We must move into the next phase quickly! We have to identify the electors and get them working with us."

"We don't even know who is going to win yet."

"It doesn't matter who wins, gentlemen. As long as they understand that the state's power must rest hand-in-hand with the Guardians for God. We cannot be outflanked by the CSS."

Defense Department Situation Room -- Federal Administrative Zone-Atlanta -- same time

General Tommy Franks CINC-CONJOINTCOM is looking at an HD feed of Cape Longstreet, in contact with CINC-SPACECOM

"T-minus 16 minutes and counting, sir." CINC-SPACECOM said. "I'd prefer not have this launch on RAYCOM, DV or CS-9"

"Doesn't matter," Franks said. "They'll report what we tell them to report. The civilian space cadets do what we tell them to do."

An office at Cape Longstreet -- same time

VALENTINA: The emergency launch story is a lie! We must stop this.
ZERO: We are close to a solution.
ZERO: Your greatest fear has become your greatest hope.

A Hendrick CSS cruiser on patrol near Cape Longstreet -- same time

-- A7 E6 54 C3 --

"I'm in."


"Random computer issues every two minutes," the young black man with a laptop thought. "Let see them launch their spaceship now."

A mansion outside of Charlotte, North Carolina CSA -- same time

Rick Hendrick was sitting in his palatial den watching the returns, while on his cellphone, on conference with a group of his management team and some political insiders.

"I'm not kidding you boys," Hendrick said. "Given what those damn CSS and Preachers tried to do to my company, I'm hoping for Miss Hanford tonight. But either way, no matter who wins..Hendrick has to put itself in the best position as a company."

"Sir, we've been in contact with some important people in the next Congress. People who are sure to win. The interests of Hendrick Motors will be protected."

"Also consider who the Vice President could be. Ol' DW has never let us down on the track, and I'm sure he won't do it off of it," another board member said.

"But that Victor Ashe and that David Duke tried to come after us because of that business in Mississippi. Ashe has never liked us, neither has Duke. Between them and that phony Franklin Graham we may not get a moments peace."

"One thing in their favor though is Spurrier," Brian France, the head of NASCAR, said. "Spurrier is openly seeking to get us in the North American Stock Car Chase for the Championship. That could be big for NASCAR and for HMC, especially with Rudd talking about building more home-designed vehicles. "

"No matter who wins they need to keep him around," Hendrick said. "Steve Spurrier talking to the world can do a damn sight more for us than Corker ever could."

"I agree," France said. "Spurrier's the person I'd want talking to John Lewis."

"You still believe we need to talk to the blacks, France?" another voice said.

"To get to where we want to go in sport and business, it would be wise."

Looking at the Congressional desk so far three house seats have been projected in the states where polls have close, two of them are holds for the Confederate Democrats, but one seat in Eastern Kentucky has been projected as a gain for the Reformer's Party.

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Election Night UPDATE 9:30pm -- Saturday October 26, 2013

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CS-9 projections in the House races show a definite trend against the majority Confederate Democrats. One of the big upset of the evening has occured in South Carolina. Rep. Jeff Heflin, who made the famous quip that "The only thing a woman can do for me is get me wings at Hooters" was BEATEN tonight, by Whig candidate Karen Floyd.

Elsewhere the Reformer's Party have won CD seats in Kentucky, South Carolina and Florida, and according to our CS-9 projection the Confederate Democrats may hold a slim plurality in the lower house.

In the Senate. Three of 18 results so far...All holds, but we have a developing situation in Georgia.. Senator Clarence Chambliss a longtime ConfedDem war horse in the Confederate Senate is fighting for his political life in a tough three-way battle with Whig State Senator Jack Wages and Reformer's Party Congressman Barry Goheen, currently Goheen leads Chambliss. Chambliss is the Confederate Democrat Senate Majority Leader and he's under fire at this hour.

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We have a projection from Dixievision in the Presidential race at this hour...Arkansas 12 electoral votes according to our Dixievision estimates will go to the President, Newton Gingrich...

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Our man about town, Monte Durham, is covering the Gingrich campaign and he has a very special guest..

"Chris, I'm here with baseball great Larry "Chipper" Jones, who has been a spokesmen for the Gingrich campaign. Chipper, we've just found out that RAYCOM has put Arkansas in the President column, how confident are you about another term for Gingrich.

Monte, today has confirmed that we have right man at the right time. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those lost in Caracas today. Those brave men of the Confederate Marines..and it shows why the best man for the job is already in place in President Gingrich. The CSA needs strong leadership and we have that, and we shouldn't change horses now!"

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"McCarron down the middle...completed to Gansler, and another great throw for the best QB in the country...he is riddling Tennessee tonight.

Eli, McCarron is playing with a lot of worry tonight, we found out before the game that two cousins of his were a part of that Marines unit that was caught in the terrorist bombing in Caracas today...Both are injured but they are alive...Praise God...."

"That is true Joey Jones, 175 CSA Marines died in that bombing and the toll is still being counted...A sad day for our nation on election day no less..

And notice the patch that McCarron is wearing on his jersey...He's making no secret who he is supporting to the lead the country. That's not the most popular choice for young people..

"I wouldn't say that Eli, I think the silent majority of our nation's young have their minds right and I think they know who is really looking out for them."

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A flurry of results -- 11:30pm Election Night


CS-9 Election Night continues, but first a News Bulletin...We have received word on an assassination attempt in Downtown Atlanta.

CSS sources confirm that Air Force Chief of Staff Charles Moss Duke was the target of an assassination attempt about 30 minutes ago.

It is not known whether Duke survived the attempt. According to witnesses, the Duke was abducted on the street during the attempt on his life. CSS, Military Police and the Atlanta Police are conducting a grid-by-grid search..

CS-9 will have more on this story has situations warrant and develop.

In the election results, a flurry of results have come in in the last few hours...Look at the national map 54% of the national vote in and from the Popular vote standpoint Elizabeth Hanford, former North Carolina representative leads the tally with 34%, President Gingrich trails by some 41,000 votes out of over 26 million cast...Ray Perkins trails by a little more than 800,000...

But the Electoral Vote column is where the drama is.. President Gingrich has carried 4 states Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia for 90 electoral votes, Florida could sweep him back into Gwinett Gray House.

Elizabeth Hanford has her home state of North Carolina, and its 40 electoral votes, BUT she leads in Virginia and Florida at this hour...and trails in Kentucky but is within striking distance in 3-way battle...If Hanford sweeps the board she will be elected President of the CSA.

Even Ray Perkins at 32 electoral votes can win this election.. But he must sweep the board...He leads in Kentucky, runs a strong third in Virginia...and right now is within 2,000 votes of both Gingrich and Hanford in Florida..Florida is the biggest prize 60 electoral votes in Florida.

If no one gets a majority, the top 2 in the electoral vote will face a run off scheduled for November 23rd. Should someone get a majority tonight, the Confederate Electoral College will meet in early November to confirm a result or force a second runoff through that mechanism.

In the Senate and NRA races, its been a rough night for the ruling party. CS-9 projects the Confederate Democrats have lost 5 seats in the Senate, the biggest being the upset loss by Clarence Chambliss in Georgia to Reformer's Congressman Barry Goheen. In the NRA, our CS-9 News Estimates projects that Confederate Democrats are very close to losing even plurality control of the lower house, and that the Confederate Whigs could gain enough seats to gain control...We will keep an eye on those numbers. One of the biggest routs was in Mississippi and South Carolina, the Confederate Democrats the first time in the nation's history will be completed shut out of the lower house from a state. All CD NRA Reps were beaten tonight in Missisippi. Only 2 of 7 representatives held their seats in South Carolina. One of the big losses tonight ranking Representative Jeff Heflin losing to Karen Floyd in the district that includes Clemson University. Our analysts believe that the mounting protests in Mississippi...and the Eastern Sunday crisis in Aiken, South Carolina greatly damaged the Confederate Democrats in both states...."

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I'm not sure how different Karen Floyd is ITTL. (It's likely my favorite SC female Republican would not be in the CSA ITTL- Gloria Arias Haskins. Of course, I do have plans for her in the future...)
Thrilling. Politically interested Germans again on the edge of their beds late during the night... Like during IRNA or GPUR elections.
Treat…and Tricks…--- Wednesday October 30, 2013

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Welcome back to our RAYCOM Independent Confederate News Special…The Confederate Vote 2013, and this hour..the headline is we will have a runoff most likely. RAYCOM has learned that the Florida recount has gone in Elizabeth Hanford's favor by some 700 votes. Hanford, the Confederate Whig Candidate has 143 electoral votes. That is two short of the number she needs to win. Next Monday it has been announced that the electors of the Confederate Electoral College will meet in Atlanta to have their confirmation vote…IF the electoral college stays with these numbers, we will have a runoff election, now scheduled for November 30th.

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Sources close to the Gingrich-Waltrip campaign have told Dixievision News that they have filed a legal challenge to the results of the Florida recount, citing that a number of absentee ballots of Confederate Forces were not counted in the state. The Florida State Supreme Court says they will rule on considering vote Thursday.

Perkins-Thomas Campaign Headquarters -- Biloxi, Mississippi CSA -- 8:15pm Eastern Time Wednesday October 30, 2013

Cain Hamilton Jordan. Confident, young, bold. The 44-year-old campaign manager for the Perkins-Thomas effort walking down a hallway in the plush hotel suite that housed the Reformer's bid for the presidency. Flank by his campaign aides and Mississippi State Senator Brett Favre, who efforts put Mississippi in the Perkins column by a wide margin.

Jordan's phone has been ringing constantly since Sunday many of the calls coming a from a Whig campaign team in Charlotte, North Carolina.

It was mid-Sunday afternoon as Jordan was watching his Atlanta Falcons battling the Birmingham Stallions when he got the terse, raspy phone call from the Hanford campaign manager.

"You know what I'm calling for," the man said. "When will you release the electors."

"We have no intention to do so at this time," Jordan said. "Not without some give and take on you end."

"Oh? Well we only need two.."

"You won't get two. You won't get any, not if things stand as they are. After all, right now, both you and Mister Gingrich need us. Not that it matters, pops. We have enough seats in the NRA to make what either of you want to do difficult. I suggest you get off the phone, maybe pray and then call me back when you actually want to do business."

-- click --

Jordan entered the main suite where Ray Perkins and John Michael Thomas were watching Virginia Senator Jeff Burton on RAYCOM…Openly demanding Reformer's support in the confirmation vote of the Confederate Electoral College.

"Typical old Whig arrogance," John Michael Thomas fumed. Being in the Whigs until the primary vote in the spring, he knew of the sense of entitement dripping for the Hanford campaign.

"I wouldn't worry about it," Cain Jordan said. "I and Senator Favre have been on the phone with our electors in every state. To a man, they won't budge."

"But what are trying to gain here?" A female campaign strategist said. "We didn't win"

"No," Cain answered, "But right now, nobody's won and from the looks of things and from people I've talked to in Atlanta. Nobody will win on Monday. This is going to the next round."

Ray stood up and pointed to a man in an adjacent seat. He looked like a professor. White-haired and cultured. He also looked every bit like the country lawyer he was.

"Everybody, this is a good friend of mine," Ray began. "Professor Whit Reardon, he's a constitutional law professor at Mississippi State. He's probably the best expert on the Confederate constitution living…that people don't know about."

"Let's just say some of my views on Confederate society aren't suitable for Dixievision," Professor Reardon said.

The professor turned to Cain Jordan. "I knew your uncle well, son. He'd be right damn pleased at what you've done in this campaign."

"Ray and I have been talking," the professor said to the room. "We've discussed what happen next, now young lady, let me tell you…We are in a good position, especially if our electors hold court, because both sides have to come to us.If not the electoral college…then in the general vote itself. They can't ignored 31% of the populous. That 31% decides the election."

"Now to me if the Whigs are serious, really serious about avoiding November 30th, they need to make concessions, starting with a strict non-invention policy. BRING OUR TROOPS HOME NOW!"

"Secondly, our views on the CCC and the CSS. End using superstition in government and end the illegal encrouchment of the state onto the rights of the citizen. The 1947 Constitution made no provisions for a State Security Agency, and neither did the 1862 Constitution. Both bodies violate the basic freedoms of the right to worship, or in my case not to. Both violate the right of the people to their privacy. and Both are an infringement on basic right to conduct trade. They are a bane to our national productivity."

"Third, we construct a government of national unity. We get half the cabinet positions and the Vice Presidenc Ray and I discussed this and John we feel that you should take your rightful place as the VP, working with us an expanded program."

"Fourth, we must end the Jim Crow laws, the morality laws. All of them! Repeal them! Let individual people decide their course of their relationships and personal affairs. Should the state have the right to jail or kill because I perhaps fancy a black woman?….or a man? Why should the state dictate if Lance Bass likes girlyboys then he should be sent to a gulag?

Hell, most of these so-called "morally right white folks" do business with a black man in Atlanta whom I know quite well. Runs those houses of "ill repute" up there. And yes, I'm a client…So what? Don't judge me."

Whit Reardon's cadence went from academic to preacher.

"Now the government must talk to other nations. I have no qualm with that. We should avoid direct alliance with them, but we need to foster a live-and-let live peace…and we should do that in this country with the anti-government groups. Let's come together and build a framework for a free Confederate State and strong free Confederate market."

Ray Perkins stopped his friend, "Now, Whit and I differ on that market."

"Of course old friend," Whit smiled. "Now we both may be 70-something old men, but its never too late to learn, Ray. Someday I'll convince you that socialist pie-in-the-sky works no better than preacher-on-Sunday-pie-in-the-sky."

Cain asked. "Sir? Are you one of them 'Atlas Yawns' kinds of people?

The professor smiled, "Yes I am, son. But, I'm working with Ray out of friendship and out of hope that we also repeal the the power of the National Election Authority and give all citizens the right to vote and the right to run. I plan on bringing a Galtist Party to the Confederate States, and get us back to the good part of our nation. Our original call to state's right and individual rights for all of the people, but unlike 1862 and 1947, we will do it right. The rights to be protected must includes the rights of the womenfolk, young folks, black folks, and the magnolia folks. "

"I may not agree with John Lewis or Morris Dees or the mainstream parties..and you may not agree with me, but all should get a hearing and let the marketplace of ideas, the people decide."

"Now what if they don't agree," John Michael Thomas asked.

The professor's voice stayed even. "Then we consider plan B."

"And that is?"

"The conclusion our fore bearers in the First Confederate Republic came to when they felt the greater state didn't respond to their calls for their rights….And we can get the parts in place for that."

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If the whigs were smart they'd try to form a sort-of-coalition govt with the reformers. I persobally can't wait until somewhat knocks Duke off...
Charlie's Tale -- Thursday October 31, 2013










We are friends of 34. We are holding Air Force General Charles Moss Duke hostage in protest to the attempts of the Atlanta Government to hold the world hostage.

We have no love for you, our your sycophants in Soviet Russia, Red China, Greece, Spain or among the Uncle Tom nations of the non-white world who do business with you.

We should splatter the General brains across a wall.

You tried to do that to our leaders.

But the General is not our objective.

The names of 50 valued comrades in Gulag Stone Mountain are.

You will release them and send them to the Old Milledgeville Bridge.

We will be waiting with General Duke and a few other various agents of your dying regime.

We do this in the name of the greater humanity of the Freedom Movement.

Unlike the fake preachers of the CCC, we actually live by the word of God.

Old Milledgeville Bridge, near Milleledgeville, Georgia CSA 12:01am Friday November 1, 2013

Four unknown figures in black led by a Halogen flashlight, led a group of prisoners onto the bridge.. Four more followed one man.

General Charles Moss Duke, was bruised, battered, scarred and scared.

He could see the shadow approaching from the other side of the bridge. Hardened young and not-so-young black men and women.

He also looked down at the red beacon attached to his leg.

He saw some CSS, CID and State Police meet at the middle section of the bridge.

"That's far enough," an authorative voice dressed in commando black said. "We have your people. They have been treated according to the dictates of the Geneva Conventions."

"Where's General Duke?" The leader, a CSS Militia Leader asked.

The Black Fist guarding Duke pushed him to the front.

"Here's your answer, Cissie," the Black Fist leader said. "Like we said. We have completed our part of parlay. Give us our people and we leave peaceably."

"Our people shall cross first," The CSS man said.

"That violates the Geneva Conventions rules on exchange."

"The Conventions do not apply here," the CSS man said. "You are terrorists, not an Army. A raggedy terrorist band. You are an irritant I do not respect."

General Duke grew even more worried.

"Where does the CSS find these people," Duke thought angrily. "Some fair-haired boy who cain't pee straight is trying to play military court lawyer, against these Bond-trained commandos?"

"White boy," the Black Fist commando said softly. "You are too young and too stupid to box with me about who are. I know a lot of your rocket men in Arkansas who feel differently about our status as an Army. We are the only legitimate army of the Confederate people."

The voice took our a sinister disdain for the power of the regime. In the distance, General Duke could hear rifles priming…on both sides.

"Now that you have put us all a hair-trigger, I'll say again," the Black Fist said calmly. Send out people to the point and we will exchange..They we will all leave peaceably."

"What to stop us from just rounding y'all up," The Georgia state trooper among them said.

The Black Fist man answered calmly. "A remote detonator and ten C4 ankle bracelets. Monte Durham always says 'accessories make the style', son."

The CSS man motioned to the bridge..And the prisoners began to walk across.

Many of them had been beaten and tortured. Squeezed by the CSS for any information. A good number of the 50 were in their teens. The next wave of the future of the struggle.

Charles Moss Duke looked them all in the eye.

Many of the young were the age of his grandchildren. Inside his blood boiled, his heart heavy. Not because of the hate of which he was conditioned to have…but with despair over what the hate produced.

Gunfire. confusion…

"Die crackers, die!!!"

The smoke of flying bullets..

How did they get in… it didn't matter..

General Duke was in the terrace of George Patton Center, taking in the night air and trying to clear his head from the intense planning coming through the Defense HQ of the CSA.

He heard the gun shots..and was going inside with the military police came for him…and he saw them gunned down..What approached him were two black men…

"We found him…What are you orders..

"Smoke him!"

As they raised there weapons….He prayed for a split second…

They he saw them fall….bleeding..

He felt a hand grab him…

"You are coming with me, General!" The voice said..

It was a blur…As he was led across the lawn with alarms going and sirens


He remembered being shoved into a car. Still disoriented.

It was after they were away from Patton Center that he began to comprehend.

He looked around at the car. It was stealthy and all business…A roaring V8 under the hood.

The driver was being pursued by a group of police and CSS…But expertly negotiated the streets shaking a lot of pursuers.

"What the hell," he said as he looked at her drive with one hand, and holding a gun on him with the other.

"General," the voice said sternly. "Do not attempt to stop me or fight me. I am ordered to protect you. Please General, sit back, put on your seat belt and relax."

His brain was furiously processing what he saw.

She look young. Maybe 30. Her skin a perfect dark chocolate brown. Hair determined…Legs beautiful..

In an sane country, she would be a beauty queen.

She was determined to carry out the mission, even if she looked more like a Las Vegas showgirl, than a commando.

"Gal, who the hell are you? Who the hell sent you."

"You can call me Siren, General. I was ordered to get you…"

"By who?"

"You will get your answers after we escape."

More blur….Tire smoke, some shots fired…

Where the hell did she get this car? It's very rare…Very few are left.

He was held with other prisoners. The guard were rough with him…

"Why am I here."

"Forgive us, General, but we have people who are definitely not of our opinion..We must put up certain appearances."

"Who sent you!"

"I did, by order of the Reverend General,"

The aging black man was known to many in the Atlanta regime. He was a the chief propagandist for the movement. He was also a theoretician. The shadow warrior.

"Charlie, we meet again. Its been a long time."


"General, we have information for you."

"Why the hell would Black Fist try to kill me and then save me."

"The men who came to Patton Center were NOT our people."

"They were black!"

"They were trained by David Duke, and lackeys from the Industrials."

"You have proof of this?"

General Duke was handed a folder. Inside…He saw a dossier…He recognized the face…It was one of the men who was ready to kill him."

"David Duke is trying to get you out of the way, General."

"I know, but I don't have the people in place yet..I need more time. We need more time."

"Charlie. The time is running short. We cannot allow a crucifixion by CALVARY."

"You can't stop it without us, Julian."

"We may have to try without you, General. It is time for you and yours to truly come over the bridge. "


"Faith. We don't need overwhelming forces, just a committed few at the ready..Especially if this election goes the way I think it will."

"But Gingrich will win."

"Don't bet on it, General. There's more of you in this country than you think.."

General Duke was in the back seat of a Georgia State Police car. The security-conscious CSS man made at least one smart choice. Put the biggest target in the least expected option.

The trooper was young and ernest. "Jesus Christ, General..I'm surprised those darkie bastards let you live."

"We shall pay them back trooper," General Duke said.

"Damn right," the trooper said. "By freeing this country, General."

The trooper stopped the car..and held up his CRA bandana.

"Comrade General," he said. "Julian's orders. He wanted me to make sure you were okay."

"How does a red get in the state police."

"You'd be surprised how many of us there are, General. My orders are to be your protection, and my Soviet will protect you sir."

"Trooper," Duke said. "A question?"

"Yes sir,"

"What do you know about strikingly beautiful colored woman driving a very rare car."

"Wouldn't be a black Hendrick Grand Champion E3 would it?" (1)


The trooper smiled. "Damn Black Fist sent one of their best to getcha, boss."

"You know her?"

"Yes, and I'm damn glad we're on the same side."

All for Freedom, come and take a stand.
One people's soviet hand in hand.

For justice, for freedom, one nation for all.

Colors of our Confederacy! United, strong, one family!
In socialist fellowship, the march carries on!

-- "Konfederacii Nerushimy" by Alexander Bashlachev, Yegor Bashlachev (1) and Alabama (2008)

1. Hendrick Grand Champion E3 -- After legendary driver (now-Hendrick Motor Corporation motorsports director) Dale Earnhardt won his third straight NASCAR Championship in 1988, Hendrick Motors built 1,000 special edition Hendrick Grand Champion SS models with a 700-hp turbocharged version of their HM-8 small block competition V8. Every car was painted black with a special "E3" championship badge, giving the car its name.
The E3 is also a part of the secret of the double life of the legendary driver as a supporter of the Freedom Movement in the shadows.

The car is very rare, and today surviving models are in the hands of collectors people of wealth and car collectors worldwide. Those models are worth nearly a million pounds today.

Rick Hendrick built 10 models and personally gave them to Earnhardt. Earnhardt kept one of the example for himself, build sold the other 9 to private collectors, many years later.

The proceeds of the sale, each copy going for prices between 600,000 and 800,000 British pounds each, were given to the Southern Christian Liberty Conference through a backchannel.

One of those models, sold to a wealthy Georgia banking scion, was given as a gift a couple of years ago to lovely lady in the Buckhead district who gave a lonely widower a shoulder to cry on.

2. Alexander Bashlachev -- A Soviet Russian poet, social critic and musician who is nicknamed "Gorbachev's Troubadour". In the 1981 Bashlachev as a solo artist, penned and performed Odna iz (One). Worldwide the album was a hit with activists, and peace movement people, it was the soundtrack for the 1980s push to reunite and reform Russia, which at the time had been split between Soviet Russia and South Russia. Among the the songs in the album was a satirist's version of the Soviet Russian anthem Soyuz Nerushimy titled Sojuz Rabotaet Nestabil’no (Union Unstable) The words were changed as a criticism of the Kosygin governments of the 1970s and their hardline stand toward South Russia, Trans-Siberia and their support of the Helms regime in the CSA.

Many credit 80s era musician such as Bashlachev and imprisioned peace rock artist Yuri Shevchuk as builders of the popular movements that led to the 1985 One Russia Agreement between South Russian premier Mikhail Gorbachev and then-Soviet Russian leader Viktor Grishin. The agreement led to the political reintegration of the two countries into a common Union of Soviet Socialist Russia in 1987, which all-Russia party elections held. The election was won by Gorbachev, who assumed the post of General Secretary of the USSR, the official name of the head of state.

In years since Bashlachev remained a reform minded poet, satirist and social critic, with a sharp pen underneath his soft shyness. In the 1990 Bashlachev became an international voice in human rights, and a critic of the backdoor deals European nations were making with the Confederate States. While touring the CSA as part of a Soviet Russian cultural delegation in 2006, Bashlachev, during a stop in Birmingham, Alabama CSA made secret detour to meet with a group who he cited as an influence in music as an activist. He met with Alabama and along with his young son Yegor, (who lives in the Republic of Greater California and is a guitarist and songwriter for the California group Metro Station) began writing a version of their 1981 protest hit called "Konfederatcii Nerushimy" (Confederacy Unshakable). In 2008, it was released in the underground and has become a second anthem for Confederate Socialism along side Alabama iconic version of "The Internationale"

Today Alexander Bashlachev is still writing and performing, and like many who oppose the Putin government are living somewhat in hiding. Even in hiding, Bashlachev's words and observations are getting out into the world at large. In 2010 he was tapped as a special Russian correspondent to The Lennon Letter.
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The Day of Protest -- Sunday November 3, 2013

Peace, peace will bring us together
Think of peace and joy whenever
A hate and a grudge of a man comes along singing that song
Don't mess around
You gotta be strong
Just Stop [stop], 'cause life is worth living
Stop [stop], be graceful and forgiving
Look in your heart and let peace bring us together

"Peace Will Bring Us Together" by Daryl and Toni (1973)

"This is Comrade Fiona, together with the voices of Southern Freedom!"

You are looking at live pictures from Louisville, Kentucky where over 150,000 have braved the CSS crackdown on a cradle of Freedom Movement to protest and call for both the CSA and the Lone Star Republic of Texas and Louisiana to each pull back from brink…and to call for the Electoral College of the Confederacy to completely abstain from tomorrow votes, under the Emergency Elections Act of 1982 to ENFORCE a opening of the voter rolls and allowance for true candidates and true voices for Confederate Democracy to have their say in the process.

"Dear Confederate Electors, In your heart you know that the only Godly choice, the only Confederate choice is to end the Confederate Democrat-CSS-CCC totalitarian regime and begin the hard, but necessary task of revitalizing our nation and truly building peace within the Confederate people and throughout the world.

As a Christian Confederate, I see this as a duty is solemn as the oath I took as a young man in the Confederate Forces, as the oath I took as a minister. I beseech you all to look in your heart and seek His grace to do right by our nation as His creation…Our world." -- Reverend General James Earl Carter Jr.

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Laurie Pritchett Center -- headquarters of the Confederate State Security Agency -- Atlanta, CSA -- 8:30am Sunday November 3, 2013

An aide is in the meeting with David Duke, looking in on the protest in Louisville through the report of field agents.

"Chairman Duke, the CSS leadership in Kentucky is calling for actions, sir."

Duke look at the computer monitor and assessed his options.

"Not from us," Duke said. "Let the yokels handle this. They know our directives, besides, who is really listening or watching this tramp 'Comrade Fiona'. She's probably some overweight socialist pig in the middle of nowhere."

"And that damn fool Carter talking about using the '82 Act. Some backwoods country preacher doesn't quite realize why that law was put in place. I can use it, too and we will."

Duke got on his phone…



"David. Have you got anything from your people in Texas?"

"Don't worry about the ultimatum, General, by tomorrow this will be a new game and we can start forcing our hand."

"I'm more worried about the traitors on our side, Chairman."

"Patience Marshal General," Duke answered. "The space cadet will stay quiet and people blame the Coon Fist for it. As for Everybody's All-Confederate? After tomorrow, he's a non-issue. Newton knows what side his bread is buttered on…Beside, with the markers I have…I may have to call movers."

Franks smiled as he heard Chairman Duke, "You sound like John Lewis just now."

"The black bastard has one thing right," Duke replied. "The CSA does need regime change. But it won't be the change he wants."

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