Why the Japanese Empire should have stuck around


The region would be more peaceful, after all.

The problem in OTL was that the military got power-hungry (and full of themselves from constant victories)...but lets assume cooler heads prevail.

Well, ask yourself, if Japan hadn't given up its control over all that land, what might we have avoided?
  1. Cambodian Genocide
  2. Vietnam War*
  3. Korean War
  4. Governmental problems (with Japan breathing down their necks, would anyone in the Philippines** or Indonesia do anything stupid?)
and how many others?

The Chinese Civil War?...well, its possible that, minus the US/Japan war, Japan might have convinced both sides to stop fighting. Though, ultimately, this might be the lone exception.

** = The Philippines may be forced into a "be Neutral or be ours" by this Japan, not wanting to invite American attacks for invading their ally.

* if it takes place, Vietnam might have been more Japan-vs-China than USSR-vs-US in who the backers are.

And with no Vietnam or Korean Wars, then there will be no hippies - and that can only be a good thing.

is my head turning into The Onion? or is this how ironic reality is?

Just because those OTL wars are avoided, doesn't mean less get people killed. The Japanese were killing thousands of civilians in the occupied territories every month.

Creating a desert and calling it peace definitely makes a region more stable, but that's not necessarily a good thing.
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Yes. Little technological or economic development, a stagnating regime, rapes, murder, civil destruction...wonderful. At least there'd be hentai for everyone.
This, ladies and gents, is a failure to understand a basic economic principle:

"Opportunity Cost".

We would indeed not had to worry about these problems, instead, we'd have nuclear missiles pointed from the Marianas, massive depopulation in China, and giant military buildup in the Pacific.

Of course, there would be more hentai. The Troops that brought you the Nanjing Massacre will be sure to acquire the support of millions of comfort women.

Before I continue this sarcastic streak, I'm just going to ask ONCE:

Are you out of your mind, OP?


It's basically a good thing if you are ardently anti-communist and believes that anything is better than communism.

In other words, if you are the product of 50 years of American cold war propaganda.
At least there'd be hentai for everyone.

Actually Pornography extremely limited in Imperial Japan and Banned during WWII. It only Came back in force when Playboy was brought to Japan.

so simply put, America is Responsible for the Hentai that terrifies you all.
Way to go. :rolleyes:


Just because those OTL wars are avoided, doesn't mean less get people killed. The Japanese were killing thousands of civilians in the occupied territories every month.

one thing I was never able (here or elsewhere) to get an answer on, is how much of the slaughter was retaliation (you kill one of our troops, we kill a hundred of your people), and how much was them emulating the Germans in Africa?

Actually, OP is quoting someone else, presumably at a different forum.

am quoting one of the lesser voices in my head.

Before I continue this sarcastic streak, I'm just going to ask ONCE:

Are you out of your mind, OP?

no - but this is why I rarely let the voices have access to my hands.
It's basically a good thing if you are ardently anti-communist and believes that anything is better than communism.

In other words, if you are the product of 50 years of American cold war propaganda.

Yeah those those hundreds of millions of Chinese, Korans, Vietnamese and Indonesians dead are acceptable losses so long no pinko gains power! Now all we need is someone to slap down those uppity Japs. Thank god we have Tsar Vladimir and the Neo-Russian Empire around to keep em on guard a little. Giving good ole Uncle Sam the breathing space to deal with those Islamo-Fascists. Who’d have thought that a K.G.B puke would actually be the legitimate Tsar of all the Russias? Well I guess working for the K.G.B would be good cover for a secret Romanov.;)

Actually Pornography extremely limited in Imperial Japan and Banned during WWII. It only Came back in force when Playboy was brought to Japan.

so simply put, America is Responsible for the Hentai that terrifies you all.
Way to go. :rolleyes:

Well as Imperial Japan was seriously repressed in ways that make Victorian England look like a bunch of uninhibited hippies, I suspect the hentai ITL would be much much worse even if availably is down. So there’d be plenty of ways to cater to their sick tastes for you average Japanese pervert.:rolleyes:

BTW Victorian England was also seriously devant in ways that would make De Sade blush. Seems to be common the more repressed a society the weirder the underground culture.


So we replace the Killing Fields of Cambodia with the Killing Fields of all of East Asia?

What Nutball said this Keenir, where’d you find it?
What happens after you kill everybody? Surely the Japanese would wise up to that eventually?

"Hey buddy, let's go rape and kill the natives again!"


...some time later...

"Seriously, every one of them are dead? What will we do now?!"
I notice nobody answered the question

I will you’ll get that you get Cambodia on a larger scale, covering all of South East Asia. The Japanese Empire…How can I put this delicately was run by a bunch of lunatics. Even if the militarist regime was replace with something more sane and the empire survived. The devastation left by decades of militarist rule, leaves on all the land the empire encompasses even Japan makes Asia much worse off than OTL.

Sure the Imperials will let most of the locals live as helots for the Japanese overlords but that’s about it. They can forget any kind of economic or human development, (education or any chance at medical care etc)and expect their economy to raped in order to provide the home islands with labour and raw materials for free basically.