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  • Amon34

  • Hi Red, I've just reread Decisive Darkness and I wanted to know how the sequel you wanted to do would go? Also, do you think you could threadmark your chapters, it's a bit hard to follow on 200 pages, in any case, I wish you a good day.
    The Red 2
    Thanks! I've had a few ideas for sequels, one involving Japan in the sixties and another being a sort of "Where are they now?" look from the present day. I have already done a bit of work on the latter but might do both at some point. I can't add threadmarks because the thread is locked, sorry.
  • Wanderer101


  • Just found Decisive Darkness and I plan on reading through it. Going through over 200 thread pages almost turned me off it since I can't find a story only thread. I could make one for you while I go through the whole thing if you don't mind.
  • Simeon


  • You know, I really want to see Decisive Darkness in its HBO glory. Your story make for compelling narratives and point of view.
    • Like
    Reactions: The Red
    The Red
    Thanks! That does sound like an interesting concept.
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