What is this forum's view on Huey Long?

I don't think he was a fascist, I don't think he was a savior, I don't think he would have had much effect on the 1936 election if he lived, and I think that by 1940 he would be more likely to be in jail than to be in the White House. See my post at https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.history.what-if/DbPyRlLOTWk/0506sMqWSosJ
I don't think anyone IOTL is saying he was a Fascist. Unfortuneatly I don't think he really even knew what Corporativism is, just like everyone one else in America.
When people talk about Long as a 'dictator' what specifically did he do to deserve the title?

He had a rather strong grip over the state Louisiana, more-so than any governor in the past or present. He was also incredibly ruthless to his enemies.

Anyways, I'm surprised that quite a few people like Long! I myself like Long but was afraid of saying so because most places I go view him as a evil dictator or even a Fascist. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one!
He had a rather strong grip over the state Louisiana, more-so than any governor in the past or present. He was also incredibly ruthless to his enemies.
Having a 'strong grip' doesn't mean having dictatorial power. And there are many degrees of 'ruthless'. I mean, some people earlier compared him to Fidel Castro but he didn't come to power in a revolution to overthrow a brutal, corrupt dictator and then become a dictator himself, he came to power in an election, presumably. You can say a lot of things about representative democracy here and how it's just a little bit shite but by the common understanding of 'dictator', it doesn't seem he fits at all. Of course, a lot of people, for some bizarre reason, claim Hugo Chavez was a dictator.

So basically, what I'm asking for is specifics and maybe citations from anyone who's read more into him about what exactly it is that he did or avoided doing that make some consider him a dictator.
I myself like Long but was afraid of saying so because most places I go view him as a evil dictator or even a Fascist. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one!

There are dozens of Long supporters here and in other forums (like the paradox one and star destroyer), and just like you, they usually are too afraid to say in public that they support Huey

Anyway, I found something you may like, it is the first modern recording of "Every men a king", sadly it is just instrumental:

Edit: You will also like this:
When people talk about Long as a 'dictator' what specifically did he do to deserve the title?
As someone who doesn't kiss the feet of dead tyrants I'll explain. He may have been elected, but these elections were no more legitimate than the elections Kim Jong Un or Saddam Hussein did. In one infamous case, dozens of precincts in one election that Long favored one side were unanimous, and many more had identical vote totals. Even in Long's rigged system, the courts found hundreds of election officials guility of rigging that was even excessively beyond the pale in the Dixiecrat south, where in one example South Carolina was described as having similar political freedoms to East Germany. One precinct in his senatorial run had 913 votes, when there were 912 people total (children and disenfranchised blacks included) in the census conducted that year! (All for Long, naturally). When a congressman died and the state Govermnet (Long controlled) refused to hold an election, causing the residents to effectively revolt and riot as the Long controlled state party declined then to hold a primary and appointed a new representative (as there were no other candidates on the ballot) This was too much even for the federal Govermnet, so they annulled the election and forced a new one to take place, with a less perfered candidate being elected.

And that's literally only the elections. There is the monumentus corruption, use of martial law to crush dissent, and deploying the national guard to crush revolts and far, far more.
As someone who has read "The Falcon Cannot Hear", Long seemed like a bad guy. But in opinion he really wasn't, he seems to me to be an anomaly of a politician, and an interesting character.
Mixed opinion. On the one hand, I'm not a fan of the use of dictator-esque tactics (I'd hesitate to call him an actual dictator). On principle, that is: even an actually benevolent dictator only comes to power by ignoring democracy, meaning that the people at the mercy of whoever becomes dictator when the benevolent one goes the way of all flesh.

On the other hand... He did do a great deal for the people of his state, especially those people who needed things done the most. And I'd far prefer him over some of the obnoxious thugs who were big names in Southern politics of the era.