What if Hitler had been a monarchist?

I've seen a lot of talk about what would have happened if Hitler had been a communist, a democrat, or even an anarchist, but I never read about this possibility, a Hitler who saw Republicans and Democrats as to blame for the defeat in the First World War and believed that the monarchy should return since it was deliberately "betrayed", what do you think of this Adolf who seeks the restitution of the Kaiser? (I know the description of this alternative line is very short and ambiguous but for now I just want to explore this possibility in a simple way)
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I suspect he doesn't get very far. I can't imagine the monarchists being willing to work with a mere Corporal and most of the grassroots Nazis wouldn't have been interested in the idea so he would have struggled to find a political group to align himself with.
I suspect he doesn't get very far. I can't imagine the monarchists being willing to work with a mere Corporal and most of the grassroots Nazis wouldn't have been interested in the idea so he would have struggled to find a political group to align himself with.
Assuming he tells everyone that he wants to bring the monarchy back. It is not like he didn't fool pro-monarchists to join his camp, or the royal family for that matter... well he fooled many people to join his camp, which later got purged or lost any relevance.


Assuming he tells everyone that he wants to bring the monarchy back. It is not like he didn't fool pro-monarchists to join his camp, or the royal family for that matter... well he fooled many people to join his camp, which later got purged or lost any relevance.
Thing is Hitler was rarely secretive about his big goals, and those he did express were generally popular with the political classes.

Rattenfänger von Memphis

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Dealing with a Hohenzollern monarch would no doubt cause additional headaches for Hitler. But, as he restored Germany to great power status, he would be able to compare himself, in the eyes of the German people, even more closely with his role model Bismarck who had his own difficulties with Kaisers.

And Hitler could really commiserate, in a whole new way, with his fellow dictator Mussolini who had his own sticky situations with the King of Italy.
It's not a particulary outlandish idea. The Nazi Party was tactically open to restoring the monarchy before taking power and the Crown Prince of Prussia was himself enarmoured with National Socialism, so you don't really need to change anything in the parties ideology, you just need to alter the circumstances. Had the elder Wilhelm not endorsed Hindenburg and ordered his son to stay out of the Presidential race there's every chance that the Crown Prince would have run as the unity candidate with Hitler campagining for him, later to be appointed Chancellor as the leader of the largest and most popular right-wing party - whereupon he would no doubt find some way to turn the new Kaiser into a puppet.
Could it be similar To Hungary with Horthy? The retaining of the Red, White Black, as opposed to the Swastika, might make the horrors seem normal.
I read an article from 1934 on JSTOR noting that Hitler restoring the monarchy was 'beyond a certainty in the course of time' so it's clearly not unthinkably bizarre.

Maponus has the best idea I'd think. Crown Prince William becomes president, Hitler is appointed chancellor, Hitler offers William the crown to kick him upstairs. Or a perpetual presidency like in that one no Hitler timeline whose name escapes me. Our little colonel would still be the omnipotent focus of the cult of personality, but William would be allowed out on special occasions to act as the fuhrer's vanna white.
Could it be similar To Hungary with Horthy? The retaining of the Red, White Black, as opposed to the Swastika, might make the horrors seem normal.
I don't think the horrors would appear normal, especially a Germany that commits the mass murder, war and genocide that it did.

Yes, while we all agree pol pot was a genocidal maniac none talks about him really, yes mao was a the same as were many others. What set Germany apart, was that this was a white Anglo Saxon nation that didn't even try to hide being over the top whack. Let's take all the whack we can find and just go full tilt. Even today on this site there is little talk of the Japanese vs Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany set a bench mark for holy crap that's just so crazy that even the other nations doing crazy dumb stuff stop and say .. holy crap.. then said nation has truly flipped it's bit.

The soviets were horrendous, park that next to Nazi Germany ... etc.. they set a bench mark for planned barbaric behaviour that makes everyone pause and ask just how drunk are they?!

Even horthy was but a dreamer to the scale of what Germany did in 15 years. And again we are talking Germany, the cradle of empires, the land of enlightenment and education , the efficient Prussian machine.

There was no way after world war 2 and all the horror the went with it, to, normalize the camps, the mass murder.

You can normalize authoritarian, you can normalize racial inequity, but full scale industrial murder, that's a rough one.

(Rant off)

Now to the other part, a Nazi Germany that allowed to be pro monarchist ( Hitler wasnt a monarchist btw) would be a different Germany. The Nazis did use imperial colors when it wanted to, hell the Nazi flag uses the same colors.

Hitler also comes from no special background to be respected by monarchs , his rage and lack of trustworthyness is another item that would exclude him from a gentleman's club.

A Hitler who would now to a monarch won't be the Hitler we know and you would need to change things enough to make the monarchy and willy or the crown prince popular enough, or find a replacement of enough royal character to suffice , to again make things vastly different.

The Nazis wanted not just the return of the German empire .. they wanted mainland Europe , and all Germany. Peoples under the banner of the reic, and everyone else to be slaves, dead or if they were lucky while not considered German, they wouldn't be untermenchen

Btw .. I'm pointing out the obvious .. and not trying to pick any fights, I agree it's not hard to imagine in many ways, but the monarchy and Hitler/Nazis don't compliment each other, not could they tolerate each other, nor would they. You're pod needs to start very early and that change would change Nazis all together .
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It's not a particulary outlandish idea. The Nazi Party was tactically open to restoring the monarchy before taking power and the Crown Prince of Prussia was himself enarmoured with National Socialism, so you don't really need to change anything in the parties ideology, you just need to alter the circumstances. Had the elder Wilhelm not endorsed Hindenburg and ordered his son to stay out of the Presidential race there's every chance that the Crown Prince would have run as the unity candidate with Hitler campagining for him, later to be appointed Chancellor as the leader of the largest and most popular right-wing party - whereupon he would no doubt find some way to turn the new Kaiser into a puppet.
A kaiser as a puppet? I really like that idea, damn, no matter what timeline he's in, if is alive, he's always looking for his consolidation of power in one way or another
It's not a particulary outlandish idea. The Nazi Party was tactically open to restoring the monarchy before taking power and the Crown Prince of Prussia was himself enarmoured with National Socialism, so you don't really need to change anything in the parties ideology, you just need to alter the circumstances. Had the elder Wilhelm not endorsed Hindenburg and ordered his son to stay out of the Presidential race there's every chance that the Crown Prince would have run as the unity candidate with Hitler campagining for him, later to be appointed Chancellor as the leader of the largest and most popular right-wing party - whereupon he would no doubt find some way to turn the new Kaiser into a puppet.

A kaiser as a puppet? I really like that idea, damn, no matter what timeline he's in, if is alive, he's always looking for his consolidation of power in one way or another

And come to think of it Italy was a monarchy but Mussolini ran the day-to-day political business, so to speak. So a fascist nation with a figurehead monarch does have precedence.
Regarding him crowning himself Kaiser, unlikely, at most he might, after victory in France, get the hand of a royal for marriage, effectively joining the Hohenzollern family. Adolf von Hitler-Hohenzollern... though would he marry Princess Cecilie?
Here is a totally way out ASB Idea, but I have to mention it. What if That Italian aristocrat who is King Of Croatia, offers a daughter to Adolf as part of an attempt at A European peace settlement, with or without Hess?