ww2 aftermath

  1. Prince Albert, later George VI, marries a German princess whose family would go on to have connections to the Nazis. Impact on the British monarchy?

    Prince Albert, later King George VI of the United Kingdom, was born in an age where royal intermarriage was the norm. As such his marriage to a woman from British nobility, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, was far from common. Germany, due to having plethora of existing royals, and mediatized ones too, was...
  2. Nazi Germany/Fascist Italy relations in a postwar Axis victory world?

    As the question says, what would relations between a victorious Nazi Germany and a Fascist Italy be like in a hypothetical Axis victory world? Let's say that in sum, the USSR is defeated up to the A-A line or the Urals, and the UK is forced out of the Middle East/North Africa. With a hegemonic...
  3. Midge

    Unthinkable World 1965

    Had an idea, decided to map, whoever can guess the POD gets a virtual cookie
  4. Plausible alternate borders in Europe post-WW2?

    Asking for a map I am probably going to make sometime in the future, what are some plausible alternate border settlements in Europe after WW2 given the OTL war? There can be changes as far back as Yalta and other wartime agreements about the state of Europe post-war, but assume that the war goes...
  5. What if Hitler had been a monarchist?

    I've seen a lot of talk about what would have happened if Hitler had been a communist, a democrat, or even an anarchist, but I never read about this possibility, a Hitler who saw Republicans and Democrats as to blame for the defeat in the First World War and believed that the monarchy should...
  6. Gojira_Minus_1

    What if: the Marburg files are revealed in 1945-46?

    The Marburg files were a series of top-secret documents discovered in Germany during May 1945 near the Harz Mountains and compiled at Marburg Castle, Hesse. These documents detailed plans for the Nazi's in using the Duke of Windsor and former King Edward as a pawn to form peace, reinstate him to...
  7. wildviper121

    How would the Morgenthau Plan have killed people?

    I see it commonly stated that the Morgenthau Plan, which held that the heavy industries of Germany were to be destroyed, would have killed 25-30 million people. That number I think comes from critics who looked at the difference in population between pre- and post-industrial Germany. But how...
  8. "Scenario: Valkyrie" What if World War 2 ended in stalemate? (Rewrite 1)

    As 1944 dawns upon the world, the Greater German Reich and the Empire of Japan continue to fight on. In 1939-40 Germany quickly took over Poland, Denmark, Norway, the Benelux countries and France. Knowing that Italy was not prepared for war, Mussolini not join the war on the German side...
  9. "Scenario: Valkyrie" What if World War 2 ended in stalemate?

    As 1946 dawns upon the world, the Greater German Reich and the Empire of Japan stand undefeated. The German Victory at Stalingrad in 1942 and the survival of the winter counterattack has allowed the Reich to obtain the oil of Baku. The Germans would later take care of Leningrad in 1943. The...
  10. WI Japan developed the bomb? Tripolar Cold War!

    What if Japan invented and used the Bomb on an American possession in the Pacific before the US could bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Let's say this happens after the Nazis surrender, so Japan drops the bomb between May and August 1945. Probably on Hawaii; I doubt Japan would have been able to get...
  11. Mussolini's Triumph: How italy Won WW2 (1935-2023)

    1935-1939: Italy's Preparations In the years leading up to World War II, Benito Mussolini embarked on an ambitious plan to transform Italy into a formidable power. Recognizing the untapped potential of Southern Italy, he initiated a comprehensive industrialization program, bringing the region's...
  12. W/I No Lend Lease and Operation Unthinkable

    I've heard it argued, I think persuasively, that even without lend lease the Soviets would likely have beat the Nazis back. It would have taken longer and would have exacted a much larger toll on the Soviets, but in the end they probably would have fended off Germany. I'm curious what would...
  13. WI/AHC : The Franco-British Union as a proto-EU ?

    What if the Franco-British Union wasn't as the it was proposed in our world but more on the lines of post-WW2 EEC ? How can it be achieved ?
  14. WI : German Victory In The Eastern Front But It Still Gets Defeated By The Western Allies ?

    What if the Soviets are defeated but the Third Reich still looses to America, United Kingdom, Free France and others ? Consequences I can see : the Caucasus is thrown into chaos probably, regardless if the Germans have broke through the Mountains or not. Ukraine is free but the first to take...
  15. WI: Hirohito was assassinated in the immediate aftermath of WW2 by a disgruntled US solider

    Scenario: A US soldier is among the manyy grounds troops fighting in the Pacific Theatre. This soldier, like many of his comrades, holds a natural dislike towards the Japanese government that they are fighting. For him, however, things become personal to him when several of his friends, also...
  16. Population of East Germany if USSR decided to forcibly send all the expelled Germans from Silesia & Pomerania there?

    If the USSR and Poland, during the expulsion of the Germans from Pomerania and Silesia, decided to forcibly send all the expelled Germans to the Soviet Occupation Zone instead of allowing them to move to the Western Allied occupation zones preventing freedom of movement, as well as not allowing...
  17. OxSpace

    AHC: A Post-War Polish Vilnius

    During WW2, that status of the Polish-Soviet border had been brought up on several occasions, the most prominent of these discussions was the Tehran Conference where the Curzon Line was, in some form, agreed upon by the "Big Three". A special map (contemporary version) developed during the...
  18. Austria Hungary in cold war

    After World War 2 a neutral zone is established called the Austria Hungary zone. From Graz to Gyor to Bratislava and a small part of Slovenia this zone is later turned into a neutral Republic. It was vey unstable, Yugoslavia, Hungary ,Austria and Slovenia hated it. Its capital city was in...
  19. Simeon

    After The Red's Decisive Darkness, or, the Aftermath of Operation Downfall

    Spoilers for this particular paragraph: After reading Paul Hyne's/The Red's Decisive Darkness, I can't help but shudder at the effects of such wholesale destruction that it has brought. Alongside the loss of Modern Japan as we knew it - at least when concerning ourselves with that specific...
  20. Could Greater Finland survive a WAllied victory without the USSR?

    In a scenario where the USSR is defeated in WW2, but the Western Allies still defeat Germany years later (Finland is neutral again at this point), would they allow Finland to keep the territories it took from the Soviet Union? If it survives, the SU would be very weak, so I guess it'd be up to...