Ultimate Challenge: Unternehmen Seelöwe

We are a group of Nazi officers, and it is January first, nineteen forty. Plans have already been set for the invasion of France, and the United Kingdom is expected to surrender following the occupation of Paris. However, there are some in the Officer Corps that believe a much stronger blow may need to be landed to end the war. As such, they have hired us to formulate a plan on how to invade England from across the English Channel or North Sea. Plans have also been submitted to us regarding Unternehmen Weserübung and Fall Gleb, so that we may know our limitations, though we can make reccomendations regarding the former since it will require the use of the Kriegsmarine. The Fuhrer demands we start now.


Basically a discussion. It is this forums challenge to create a workable version of Operation Sealion that has a chance of succeeding, while also facing similar limitations as the German military did at the time. I will be popping in and out, giving my own recomendations here and there based on others comments, and also add a few ideas of my own. Let us see if there is any way we can make this possible.
Mein Fuhrer, I propose that we focus on destroying the RAF in the British airfields, to gain air superiority over Britian.

I also propose a total war economy to build up a navy that can take on the Royal Navy of the British.

(BTW, I'm RPing as a Nazi officer)
Mein Fuhrer, I propose that we focus on destroying the RAF in the British airfields, to gain air superiority over Britian.

I also propose a total war economy to build up a navy that can take on the Royal Navy of the British.

(BTW, I'm RPing as a Nazi officer)

The former I agree with. We will need air supremacy to win any conflict with the British. However, do you honestly think we can build a navy in six to eight months? No, we only can use what we have. Maybe we could produce a couple of destroyers within that time, but nothing largely useful.
Trying to disguise the Unmentionable Sea Mammal as a challenge isnt going to make it any more attainable, you know....:p
Trying to disguise the Unmentionable Sea Mammal as a challenge isnt going to make it any more attainable, you know....:p

It never stops them from trying.

I read a Sealion time line in the archives by an otherwise rational, if Manstein besotted, member which rapidly turned into a howler. Among the many things which made me laugh out loud was the use of hydrofoils and coastal artillery which could range across the Channel.

These constant attempts to resurrect Sealion without also making the deep fundamental changes any successful or near successful invasion would require reminds of people who regularly buy lottery tickets. In this case, instead of being a case of numerical illiteracy, it's a case of historical illiteracy.

Yeah, someone always wins the lottery but that doesn't mean you're that someone. And, yeah, an invasion of Britain in 1940 is possible, but that doesn't mean an invasion of Britain within the OTL or near-OTL situation isn't possible.
i hear already pepole say:
Hey D-Day work in 1944 so Operation Seelöwe !

no so quite
D-Day aka Operation Neptune and Operation Overlord.
take years of planning, build landingships
so they used 6,939 vessels during Operation Neptune
1213 warships, 4126 transport vessels (landing ships and landing craft), and 736 ancillary craft and 864 merchant vessels.
over 160000 troops and and their equipment were move over the Channel.
and 24000 paratroopers were parachute drop behind german lines
also the French Resistance were included in the plan for Overlord.
with attacking railway lines, ambushing roads, or destroying telephone exchanges or electrical substations.

and Third Reich in 1940 ?
Only plans, no working program
then handfull landing ships and landing craft Prototype, not mass producktion.
had to move move 67000 soldiers and their equipment in boats over the Channel.
and droping Paratrooper on Brighton and Dover
they had no underground NAZI movement in Great Britan

the Orginal Plan involve 2 massive minefield in the Straits of Dover,
to lay them without the Royal Navy notices that? dream on Hitler !
a more realistic "the sea mammal that dare not speak its name"
Sealion is sorta like blackjack - the only way to win is not to play.

Except not quite, because blackjack is beatable by counting cards. Sealion isn't winnable for the Germans, period.
Ironically when Admiral Raeder asked if he should change naval construction plans based on the upcoming attack on France he was told by one of the top panzer generals to give thanks if they had broken through to the sea within six months(!) which left him convinced no dramatic resource shifts would be sensible.
Probably best that he didn't shift plans - well, best for the Germans, anyway. There's no conceivable construction mix he could shuffle around in that time frame that would have done anything other than get a lot of soldiers, sailors, and airmen killed.
Alright, it is in my opinion that we will need to close the English Channel before any Operation can get off the ground. We will also need Air Supremacy, but we can get to that later.

The Kreigsmarine cannot fight in close quarters with the Royal Navy, even though it is just the Home Fleet. That is if we follow through with Unternehmen Weserübung, where we will be risking a rather large portion of our fleet in the North Sea. Therefore, I am going to recommend that Unternehmen Weserübung be shelved until further notice, and only activated in defense of Norway from English occupation. Also, all other surface ships should be recalled to port, and restricted to operating from the Baltic Sea to the Skaggerak. Any and all of these ships will be required in order to ensure success on any level.

However, the Kriegsmarine alone will not be able to close off the channel. Again, it is simply not powerful enough to do so. Therefore, it needs to work in concert with the Luftwaffe and Coastal Defence Forces that will be established along the Coast of France. I had received reports from a certain officer regarding a plan to place heavy artillery emplacements along the French Coast, of ten inch caliber or higher. This could be useful, positioning would have to be provided by either radar installations or the Luftwaffe.

Any comments before I go on?
I propose that the so called "Big Bertha" Artillery Piece be used, not in any practical use of course , as that would be near impossible, but rather in an attempt to distract the British.

The very idea of us taking a skyscraper sized artillery cannon from Calais and pointing it at England just MIGHT draw the RAF to attack it over Calais, perhaps nabbing us a tactical victory in the sky to, as said before, help maintain air superiority which is desperatley needed to subdue the British. The gun does not have to work, the British just have to think it will do the job.

I also suggest that in the invasion of France we try to take as many British captured as possible, that way we can use them as a sort of "ransom".
I propose that the so called "Big Bertha" Artillery Piece be used, not in any practical use of course , as that would be near impossible, but rather in an attempt to distract the British.

The very idea of us taking a skyscraper sized artillery cannon from Calais and pointing it at England just MIGHT draw the RAF to attack it over Calais, perhaps nabbing us a tactical victory in the sky to, as said before, help maintain air superiority which is desperatley needed to subdue the British. The gun does not have to work, the British just have to think it will do the job.

I also suggest that in the invasion of France we try to take as many British captured as possible, that way we can use them as a sort of "ransom".

I had thought about the possibility of the British Expeditionary Force, yes. I even thought about suggesting postponing Fall Gleb for another month to allow additional English soldiers to be deployed to France, but that also shortens the time we have to prepare for Seelöwe. Therefore, we just have to be sure to capture as many of the regular English Army that is deployed in France as possible.

As for the Coastal Artllery guns, we cannot use regular artillery guns. They have proven to not be effective against shipping. The Big Berthas could be used as a reserve at most.
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We need not use them effectively, and I was not proposing normal artillery, only our showpiece massive artillery, and perhaps any captured French Artillery.

Drawing the RAF out to what it might see as a threat to its shipping, or if it over-estimates the capabilities, a threat to Dover, is worth it.
We need not use them effectively, and I was not proposing normal artillery, only our showpiece massive artillery, and perhaps any captured French Artillery.

Drawing the RAF out to what it might see as a threat to its shipping, or if it over-estimates the capabilities, a threat to Dover, is worth it.

That is true, but we do need ACTUAL and WORKING guns along the coastline to aid the Kreigsmarine and the Luftwaffe in keeping the Channel clean. Anything less creates failure.
You said yourself that coastal artillery has proven ineffectual against shipping.

We need the artillery there as more of a mind game.

Air superiority should be the first target.
Naval superiority in the channel can ONLY be achieved through that.


I hereby submit my request to be reassigned to a combat command. This so-called "plan" is fruitless and will never achieve a workable solution to the problem. The might of the Royal Navy is simply too great. We might as well speak of digging a giant tunnel under the English Channel. Perhaps if we had started planning in 1936, we could have achieved something. With the time at our disposal, though, the task is simply impossible.
You said yourself that coastal artillery has proven ineffectual against shipping.

We need the artillery there as more of a mind game.

Air superiority should be the first target.
Naval superiority in the channel can ONLY be achieved through that.

No, I did not say that, or meant that if I came across saying that. We basically will need at certain points along the channel Naval Gun Stations positioned on the Coast. They would need aid from the Luftwaffe and the Kreigsmarine to properly aim at targets at long range, but it can be done. Smaller caliber artillery guns, especially thos meant entirely for land use, are not effective Coastal Defence guns except at short range.

Currently, our fleet stands as follows:

2 Battleships
- 2 Scharnhorst Class

2 Pre-Dreadnaughts
- 2 Deustchland Class

5 Heavy Cruisers
- 3 Deutschland Class
- 2 Admiral Hipper Class

6 Light Cruisers
- 1 Emden Class
- 3 K Class
- 2 Leipzig

23 Destroyers
- 4 Zerstorer 1934 Class
- 12 Zerstorer 1934A Class
- 6 Zerstorer 1936 Class
- 1 Zerstorer 1936A Class

19 Torpedoboats
- 6 Type 23 Class
- 5 Type 24 Class
- 8 Type 1935 Class

These are the resources available to us unless the process of commissioning the other ships is quickened. Of particular use is the Battleship Bismarck, better still if her sister ship, the Tirpitz, is commissioned as well. Both have already been built, as have many other ships waiting for their commission.

Now, we shall continue discussion about the naval aspect, but we will need air supremacy first regardless, as this fellow states. How should we defeat the Royal Air Force, and what should be our objectives?
No unofficial rules. It's not bad form, rude, or inappropriate to discuss Sealion here.

OOC: Yeah... As counterfactual historians (using the correct term here. 'Alternate historians' would just conjure images of whackjob conspiracy theorists.), we should try to come up with a workable Unmentionable Sea Mammal. The only problem is that the plan does not want to yield to us...

IC: It's simple, mein kameraden. We just need to keep pounding the airfields. No airfields, no RAF. We also need to take out the factories (duh!). While we do all these, we must also not forget that we should steer clear of the cities. The Luftwaffe is not capable of mounting a simultaneous air supremacy and terror campaign like we did in Poland, France and the Low Countries. The RAF is a far better match compared to the weak air arms of these countries. Also, we don't want the British to use our bombing of their cities as an excuse to bomb ours.
No, I did not say that, or meant that if I came across saying that. We basically will need at certain points along the channel Naval Gun Stations positioned on the Coast. They would need aid from the Luftwaffe and the Kreigsmarine to properly aim at targets at long range, but it can be done. Smaller caliber artillery guns, especially thos meant entirely for land use, are not effective Coastal Defence guns except at short range.

Currently, our fleet stands as follows:

2 Battleships
- 2 Scharnhorst Class

2 Pre-Dreadnaughts
- 2 Deustchland Class

5 Heavy Cruisers
- 3 Deutschland Class
- 2 Admiral Hipper Class

6 Light Cruisers
- 1 Emden Class
- 3 K Class
- 2 Leipzig

23 Destroyers
- 4 Zerstorer 1934 Class
- 12 Zerstorer 1934A Class
- 6 Zerstorer 1936 Class
- 1 Zerstorer 1936A Class

19 Torpedoboats
- 6 Type 23 Class
- 5 Type 24 Class
- 8 Type 1935 Class

These are the resources available to us unless the process of commissioning the other ships is quickened. Of particular use is the Battleship Bismarck, better still if her sister ship, the Tirpitz, is commissioned as well. Both have already been built, as have many other ships waiting for their commission.

Now, we shall continue discussion about the naval aspect, but we will need air supremacy first regardless, as this fellow states. How should we defeat the Royal Air Force, and what should be our objectives?
And here is the size of the Royal Navy Home Fleet which was attained by the Abwehr. Whether it is accurate I do not know, but the size shows how impossible this task is. This does not include their large fleets in Rosyth and Orkney which they would undoubtedly use in the event of an attempted invasion.

I humbly suggest abandoning this madness and pulling out all stops for negotiatging.

Naval Commands, and Sub Commands/ship locations within them, are listed approximately north to south/east to west

Some warships are listed with their own unit and again when detached to another


Adm Sir William James KCB

Portsmouth Command, Portsmouth Sub Command

Base ship, Portsmouth - VICTORY

Battleship – QUEEN ELIZABETH (Cdr R Gotto DSO) at Portsmouth repairing to comp 31 Jan 41

Light cruisers - FIJI (Capt W G Benn) dep the Clyde 4 Jun to work up at Bermuda, Dutch JACOB VAN HEEMSKERCK at Portsmouth, towed from Amsterdam in May in incomplete state, comp construction 5 Oct 40.

Monitors - EREBUS (Capt R Shelley) at Southampton to rearm, comp 12 Jul, MARSHAL SOULT (Cdr G C L Dalley) at Portsmouth for turret refit through to end of year

Seaplane carrier - PEGASUS (Capt P G Wodehouse DSO Rtd) at Portsmouth refitting to comp 22 Jun

20th Destroyer Flotilla (Capt J G Bickford DSC)
39th Division - ESK (Lt Cdr R J H Couch) at Portsmouth repairing to comp 13 Jun, EXPRESS (Bickford) arr Portsmouth 4 Jun repairing to comp 13 Jun, IVANHOE (Cdr P H Hadow) at Chatham repairing to comp 24 Aug
40th Division - ICARUS (Cdr C D Maud DSC) at Portsmouth repairing to comp 16 Jun, IMPULSIVE (Lt Cdr W S Thomas) at London repairing to comp 4 Jul, INTREPID (Cdr R C Gordon) at Middlesbrough repairing to comp 12 Jun

22nd Destroyer Flotilla (administered by Captain D, Portsmouth) - ACHERON (Lt Cdr R W F Northcott) dep Scapa Flow 31 May, SABRE (Cdr B Dean DSO Rtd) at Sheerness repairing to comp 17 Jun, SALADIN (Lt Cdr L J Dover) dep Portsmouth 9 Jun SARDONYX (Lt Cdr R B S Tennant) at London refitting to comp 15 Jul, SCIMITAR (Lt R D Franks) at London repairing to comp 21 Jun, SHIKARI (Cdr H N A Richardson) at Plymouth repairing to comp 18 Jun, SKATE (Lt Cdr R A Fell, Lt F W Hayden from 14 Jun, Lt F P Baker from 3 Jul) cnverting to anti-submarine ship since 15 Apr, to comp 13 Jul

Destroyers under long repair - VICEROY (Lt L A Lall Rtd, Eng Off) at Portsmouth, converting to escort destroyer to comp 10 Jan 41 (Lt Cdr D P Trentham), WOLSEY (Lt Cdr C H Campbell DSC) at Portsmouth refitting to comp 21 Jun, escort destroyer BERKELEY (Lt Cdr H G Walters) arr Milford Haven 9 Jun

Anti-submarine vessels - sloops FOXGLOVE (Lt Cdr T I S Bell) arr Portsmouth 2 Jun, ROSEMARY (Lt Cdr R C D Grimes) arr Portsmouth 23 May for repairs

Minelayers (Rear Adm W F Wake-Walker hoisted his Flag on 17 Jun in TRELAWNEY in Kyle of Loch Alsh, codenamed Port ZA) - ADVENTURE (Cdr G K Whitmey-Smith) at Plymouth repairing to comp 18 Sep, AGAMEMNON (Capt N B C Brock Rtd) at Albert Docks fitting out, MENESTHEUS (Capt W H D Friedberger) at Govan fitting out, PORT NAPIER (Capt J N Tait CBE, DSC Rtd) at Tyne fitting out, PORT QUEBEC (Capt E C Watson Rtd) at Haveston fitting out, SOUTHERN PRINCE (Cdr G C Colville) at Clydebank fitting out, TEVIOTBANK (Cdr R D King-Harman Rtd) dep Immingham 9 Jun

Motor Torpedo Boat Base - HORNET (Capt F H P Maurice Rtd)

Motor Torpedo Boats - MTB.2 at Stanwich for repairs and conversion to Motor Attendant Craft 2, MTB.19 at Portsmouth for repairs and conversion to Motor Attendant Craft 6

3rd Motor Torpedo Boat Flotilla (Training Flotilla) - MTB.100 (Lt S L B Maybury) arr 6 Jun, MTB.102 (Lt C W S Dreyer) arr 5 Jun, both arr Portsmouth

Motor Attendant Craft - MAC.1 (ex-MTB.1) at Portsmouth converting, MAC.5 (ex-MTB.5) at Harwich, MAC.7 (ex-MTB.40) at Yarmouth

27th Anti-Submarine Group - anti-submarine trawlers CAPE PALLISER (Sk S Phimister RNR), KINGSTON AGATE (Sk J Porter RNR), KINGSTON AMBER (Sk J Flett RNR), KINGSTON CAIRNGORM (Sk G Murray RNR, reassigned to minesweeping trawler WISTARIA on 3 Jun) aground and paid off, KINGSTON CEYLONITE (ChSk J S GarnhamRNR), KINGSTON CHRYSOBERYL (Sk R C Green RNR) under repair, all but one at Portsmouth

81st Anti-Submarine Group - anti-submarine yachts CAMPEADOR V (Cdr C H Davey OBE Rtd), RION (Cdr H F Besant OBE Rtd), WILNA (Cdr A D Smyth Rtd), all at Portsmouth

21st Anti-Submarine Striking Force - anti-submarine trawlers DANEMAN (Sk A Flett RNR), WELLARD (Lt A D White RNR), both at Hull

Anti-submarine patrol yacht (for attendance on submarines) - anti-submarine yacht WARRIOR II (Capt A E Johnson Rtd) at Portsmouth

Anti-submarine experimental ship - patrol sloop KINGFISHER (Lt Cdr G A M V Harrison) arr Dover 3 Jun, to Lowestoft for repairs comp 7 Jul

Minesweeping trawlers - ASAMA (Ty Sk R C Allen RNR), CHERWELL (no CO) for disposal, COURTIER (ChSk F E Barker RDRNR), DAMITO (Lt Cdr J C Benson RNVR), all at Portsmouth, EMPYREAN (Sk R Wilson RNR) dep Portsmouth 5 Jun for Gibraltar, ERIMO (Sk T Catchpole RNR) at Portsmouth, IJIUN (Sk J J McKenzie RNR) at Cowes, LEPHRETO (TySk R A Mathews RNR) at Portsmouth, MILFORD HAVEN DUCHESS (Sk D Main RNR) at Gosport, RESPARKO (TySk J Fountain RNR) at Cherbourg, RETURNO (Sk G S Burr RNR) dep Portsmouth 5 Jun for Gibraltar, ROYALO (TySk W D Warford RNR) at Cherbourg, ST MELANTE (TySk A Osborne RNR) at Portsmouth, STRATHCOE (no CO) at Portsmouth for disposal

VERNON experimental minesweeping trawlers - CAPESPARTEL (Ch Sk H C Gue DSC RNR), MAGNOLIA (Lt W H Calverley), SAWFLY (Ch Sk W T Harwood RNR), all at Portsmouth

Experimental minesweeping drifters - BENANDLUCY (S/Lt F G M Iles RNVR), DORIENTA (Sk W F Reynolds RNR), GOLDEN HARVEST (Sk D M Mein RNR), GOLDEN NEWS (Sk A C Borrett RNR), all at Portsmouth

Minesweeping drifters - ARCADY (Ty Sk E W B Norton RNR) under repair, CHARDE (Sk M Slater RNR), CONSOLATION (TySk J Tipple RNR) at Cowes, GILT EDGE (TySk R S Mills RNR), JEANNIE LEASK (TySk J C Boyd RNR), REFRACTION (Sk J W Howard RNR), ROSEBUD (Ty Sk J R Buchan RNR) under repair, SOLSTICE (Ch Sk J W Christian RNR), all but one at Portsmouth

Special service vessels - EMERALD WINGS, HOLLAND, MOYLE (no COs listed), all at Portsmouth

Harbour defence patrol craft - three at Portsmouth

Inner Patrol craft – 12 at Portsmouth

Examination Service - ten patrol craft at Portsmouth

Boom defence vessels - three at Portsmouth

Rescue tugs - RESOLVE (Ty Sk C R Baker RNR), ST OLAVES (Ty Sk H L Forster RNR), all at Portsmouth, STALWART (Ty Lt F J Horwood RNR)

Vessel for salvage duties - minesweeper TEDWORTH (Lt Cdr W J Stride MBE Rtd) at Androssan.

Drifter - EBBTIDE (no CO listed) at Portsmouth for harbour duties only.

Schools and Training Establishments

NavigationalSchool - DRYAD (Capt T C Armstrong Rtd), minesweepers ALRESFORD (Lt Cdr D N Venables Rtd) repairing, SALTBURN (Lt Cdr F Y Bethell), both at Portsmouth.

GunnerySchool - EXCELLENT (Capt J P Brind), tug ST FAGAN (Lt Cdr G H Warren MBE) at Portland

Torpedo School and Experimental Establishment - VERNON (Rear Adm B Egerton Rtd), miscellaneous ship BLOODHOUND (built similar to an MTB as tender to VERNON) arr Portland 2 Jun, armed boarding vessel LAIRDS ISLE (Cdr J Lunnon RNR), tug REVUE (Lt H Pearson Rtd), motor boat, last three at Portsmouth

Submarine Training Establishment (FortBlockhouse) - DOLPHIN

5th Submarine Flotilla - miscellaneous ship/tender DWARF (Cdr E S Felton) at Portsmouth, submarine depot ship ALECTO (Lt Cdr H C Cumberbatch) at Portland, submarines CACHALOT (Lt Cdr J D Luce) at Plymouth repairing to comp 6 Jul, H.32 (Lt M J P Walters, Lt J L Livesay from 11 Jun) at Sheerness refitting to comp 14 Jun, H.33 (Lt E B Talbot, Lt E P Tomkinson from 11 Jul) at Campbeltown for anti-submarine training, H.43 (Lt G R Colvin) at Plymouth for anti-submarine training, L.27 (Lt J D Martin, Lt R E Campbell from 11 Jun) at Portsmouth refitting to comp 29 Jun, OBERON (Lt C B Crouch) at Portsmouth for training, OTWAY (Cdr H R Conway) at Portsmouth for training, TIGRIS (Lt Cdr H F Bone) at Portsmouth, Dutch O.9 (Lt Cdr H A W Goossens), O.10 (Lt Cdr G Quint), both at Portland for anti-submarine training

Yacht - VICTORIA AND ALBERT (Lt W G C Crouch MVO, DSC Rtd) at Portsmouth


Base ship - FORWARD (Capt A A Lovett-Cameron Rtd)

Minesweeping drifter - OCEAN SUNLIGHT (Ty Sk R J Crane RNR) at Dover

Examination Service - two trawlers at Newhaven

Portsmouth Command, Portland Sub Command


Vice Adm Hon E R Drummond CB, MVO Rtd

Base ship - BOSCAWEN

40th Anti-Submarine Group (attached to OSPREY for instructional purposes) - anti-submarine trawlers HERTFORDSHIRE (Cdr J A Shater Rtd) at Portland, OLVINA (Lt Cdr C G Cuthbertson RNR), TOPAZE (SO, Lt Cdr J N Hambly MBE), both at Dover

89th Anti-Submarine Group (attached to OSPREY for instructional purposes) - anti-submarine yachts CONQUEROR (SO, Capt E T R Chambers AFC Rtd), ST MODWEN (Cdr W A Ford Rtd), SHEMARA (Cdr H Buckle Rtd), VALENA (Capt W H Poole RD RNR), all at Portland

Trawler - SPINDRIFT (Lt G J Parry RNR) at Portland

2nd Motor Anti-Submarine Boat Flotilla - trawler KALAN (Ty Lt J L Barton RNVR), att OSPREY for instructional purposes, fitting out at Irvine, motor anti-submarine boats MA/SB.6 (SO, Lt W G Everett, Lt H R Kidston from 14 Jun) at Harwich, MA/SB.7 (Pbty Ty S/Lt W H L Richmond RNVR) arr Dover 5 Jun, MA/SB.8 (Ty S/Lt R S Anker-Simmonds RNVR) at Harwich, MA/SB.9 (Pbty Ty S/Lt J Cutting RNVR) at Harwich, MA/SB.10 (Ty S/Lt P A Williams RNVR) arr Southampton 6 Jun

Motor launches – ML.101 at Portsmouth, ML.102 at St Helens, IOW

Minesweeping Group 49 - minesweeping trawlers COMPUTATOR (Ch Sk C W H Shearing RNR), LADY ENID (ChSk R Masson RNR), NEIL SMITH (TySk B D Barnet RNR), T R FERRENS (Lt L A Hill DSC RNR), all at Portland

Minesweeping drifters - KINDRED STAR (Ty Sk T W Sheridan RNR), THRIFTY (Ty Sk G Corney RNR), both at Portland

Examination Service - three paddle steamers at Portland, one at Invergordon

Contraband Control Service - motor fishing vessels ETHFA, PTARMIGAN (no COs listed), b oth at Portland, harbour defence patrol craft, two patrol craft at Portland, one at Dover

Boom defence vessel - one at Portland

Rescue tug - ST ABBS (Lt T E Brooker Rtd) at sea


Adm Sir M Dunbar-Nasmith VC, Commander-in-Chief

Western Approaches Command, Devonport Sub Command

Base ships - DRAKE (Adm Sir M Dunbar-Nasmith VC) at Plymouth, EAGLET (Vice Adm L G E Crabbe CB, CIE, DSO Rtd) at Liverpool, SPARTIATE (Vice Adm J A G Troup CB Rtd) at Glasgow

Aircraft carrier - ILLUSTRIOUS (Capt D W Boyd DSC) at Plymouth, due to sail for Dakar for trials, but changed to Bermuda due to French Armistice

Cruisers - heavy cruiser EXETER (Cdr A H C Coe, Eng Off) at Plymouth repairing to comp 10 Mar 41 (Capt W N T Beckett MVO, DSC from 12 Dec), cruiser FROBISHER (Lt Cdr C H Campbell) at Plymouth rearming to comp 13 Feb 42 (Capt J F W Mudford from 13 Jan 42)

Light cruisers - BONAVENTURE (Capt H J Egerton) at Clyde undergoing trials to comp at the end of Jun, dep 4 Jul for Halifax and Bermuda for working up,, ENTERPRISE (Capt J C Annesley DSO) at Plymouth refitting to comp 22 Jun

Target ship - CENTURION (Lt Cdr W F Nicholas Rtd, Capt J B Haly Rtd from 26 Jul) at Plymouth refitting

9th Destroyer Flotilla (Capt E B K Stevens DSC) - HARVESTER (Lt Cdr M Thornton) dep Portland 9 Jun, HAVELOCK (Stevens) dep Vestfjord covering Narvik evacuation, HESPERUS (Lt Cdr D G F W MacIntyre) at Dundee repairing to comp at end of Jun, HIGHLANDER (Cdr W A Dallmeyer) dep Scapa Flow 31 May, HURRICANE (Lt Cdr H C Simms) bldg at Vickers Armstrong, Barrow to comp 21 Jun, arr Plymouth 30 Jun to work up

11th Destroyer Flotilla (administered by Rear Adm C H Knox-Little Rtd, Captain D, Liverpool) - MACKAY (Cdr G H Stokes) arr Harwich 5 Jun, VANOC (Lt Cdr J G W Deneys) arr Lerwick 10 Jun, VANQUISHER (Cdr C B Alers-Hankey DSC) at Sheerness repairing to comp 16 Jun, VISCOUNT (Lt Cdr M S Townsend OBE, DSC) arr Greenock 10 Jun, WALKER (Lt Cdr A A Tait) dep Vestfjord covering the Narvik evacuation, WARWICK (Lt Cdr M A G Child) dep Greenock 9 Jun, WHIRLWIND (Lt Cdr J M Rodgers) arr Lerwick 10 Jun, WINCHELSEA (Lt Cdr W A F Hawkins) arr Chatham 8 Jun repairing to comp 13 Jun

17th Destroyer Flotilla (administered by Capt A H Maxwell-Hyslop AM, Captain D, Plymouth), BROKE (Cdr B G Scurfield) dep Plymouth 9 Jun, VANSITTART (Lt Cdr W Evershed) at Tyne repairing to comp 22 Jun, VOLUNTEER (Lt Cdr N Lanyon) arr Lerwick 10 Jun, WANDERER (Cdr J H Ruck-Keene) at Dover, WHITEHALL (Lt Cdr A B Russell) at Plymouth, Dunkirk damage repaired 9 Jun, boiler repairs to comp 26 Aug, WITCH (Lt Cdr J R Barnes) dep Greenock 9 Jun, WITHERINGTON (Lt Cdr J B Palmer) arr Greenock 10 Jun, WOLVERINE (Cdr R H Craske) arr Greenock 10 Jun

Canadian destroyers - FRASER (Cdr W G Creery CBERCN) refitting to comp 11 Jun, RESTIGOUCHE (Cdr H N Lay RCN) dep 9 Jun, ST LAURENT (Lt Cdr H G DeWolf RCN) dep 9 Jun, SKEENA (Lt Cdr J C Hibbard RCN), all dep or at at Plymouth

Destroyer - VANITY (Cdr H J Buchanan RAN from 18 Jun) at Plymouth refitting as escort destroyer to comp 12 Aug

Armed merchant cruisers - CANTON (Capt G D Belben AM, DSC) dep Portland 7 Jun, CORFU (Capt W G Agnew) dep Clyde 1 Jun, MALOJA (Capt V Hammersley-Heenan Rtd) dep Clyde 1 Jun, MONTCLARE (Capt H M Spreckley Rtd) dep Greenock 1 Jun

Western Approaches Escort Force

1st Sloop Division (administered by Captain D, Plymouth) - sloops ABERDEEN (Cdr H P Currey) dep Plymouth 4 Jun, BIDEFORD (Lt Cdr J H Lewes DSC) at Portsmouth repairing to comp early Feb 41, ENCHANTRESS (Cdr A K Scott-Moncrief) arr Plymouth 7 Jun, FOWEY (Cdr H B Ellison DSO) at Plymouth, SCARBOROUGH (Cdr C T Addis) dep Liverpool 8 Jun with OB.163GF for OG.33F, due back with HGF.34 on 19 Jun, WELLINGTON (Cdr R E Hyde-Smith) arr Portsmouth 10 Jun

2nd Sloop Division (administered by Captain D, Liverpool) - sloops DEPTFORD (Lt Cdr G A Thring) dep 30 May, FOLKESTONE (Lt Cdr C F H Churchill) dep 9 Jun, LEITH (Cdr G R Waymouth) arr 9 Jun, ROCHESTER (Cdr G F Renwick) repairing to comp 27 Jun, SANDWICH (Cdr M J Yeatman) dep 9 Jun, all dept, arr or at Liverpool

Corvettes - ARABIS (Lt Cdr B Blewitt RNR) arr Dover 9 Jun with convoy HG.32, CALENDULA (Lt Cdr A D Bruford RNVR) dep Plymouth 8 Jun, CLARKIA (Lt Cdr F J G Jones RNR) dep Plymouth 7 Jun, GARDENIA (Lt Cdr T A O Ellis RNR) dep Portland 9 Jun, GLADIOLUS (Lt Cdr H M C Sanders RNR) at Plymouth boiler cleaning to comp 14 Jun, HEARTSEASE (Lt Cdr E J R North RNR) at Belfast working up, HIBISCUS (Lt Cdr R Phillips RNR) arr Plymouth 10 Jun, PERIWINKLE (Lt Cdr H Row RNR) dep Plymouth 9 Jun

20th Anti-Submarine Group - anti-tubmarine trawlers LORD HAILSHAM (Sk F J J Cannon RNR) dep 8 Jun, LORD SNOWDEN (Sk G McK Sutherland RNR), LORD STAMP (ChSk J D McKay RNR), LORD STANHOPE (Sk W R A Hicks RNR), LORD STONEHAVEN (Sk J Main RNR), all at Plymouth


Minesweeping Group 52 - minesweeping trawlers BRECONCASTLE (Ch Sk F Armitage RNR), DORINDA (Sk W F Reynolds RNR) repairing, HATANO (Ch Sk P Cormack RNR), RADNORCASTLE (Ch Sk A H Foster RNR), all at Plymouth

Minesweeping trawlers - BEN URIE (Ty Sk G Abram RNR) at Hebburn fitting out, BILSDEAN (Ch Sk E C Rowe RNR) at Hebburn fitting out, EDEN (no CO) at Plymouth scrapping deferred, LORD INCHCAPE (TySk A H Simpson RNR) at Plymouth, LUDA LORD (TySk F G W Banks RNR) at Plymouth, OCEAN VIEW (TySk G W MilehamRNR) at Plymouth, ROCHEBONNE (Ch Sk W R Settlefield RNR) at Hebburn fitting out

Minesweeping drifter - SALPA (Ty Sk J W Burwood RNR) at Plymouth under repair

Special Service trawlers – minesweeping trawlers COMET (Lt Cdr S R J Woods RNR), MANOR (Ty Sk A Rosling RNVR), both at Plymouth

Armed patrol vessels - two trawlers at Fleetwood

Examination Service - special service vessels SIR WALTER RALEIGH, SIR RICHARD GRENVILLE (no COs listed), both at Plymouth

Harbour defence patrol craft - seven at Plymouth

Boom Defence Vessel - one at Plymouth

Polish base ship, Plymouth - GYDNIA

Coastal minelayer - MELPOMÈNE (Lt Cdr J H Evans Rtd) at Plymouth

Cable ships - KILMUN (Capt H C Pellow Rtd) dep Plymouth 9 Jun, LASSO (Capt H C B Pipon Rtd) arr Greenock 2 Jun

Patrol vessel - patrol sloop PC.74 (Cdr C E H White DSO Rtd) at Androssan

School or Training Establishment

Torpedo school - DEFIANCE, Devonport (Rear Adm R B T Miles Rtd)

Western Approaches Command, Falmouth Sub Command


Vice Adm Sir Henry K Kitson KBE, CB Rtd

Base ship - FORTE

83rd Anti-Submarine Group - anti-submarine yachts MAID MARION (Capt J C J Soutter Rtd) at Falmouth, VIVA II (Capt R L Hamer Rtd) at Liverpool

Minesweeping Group 53 - minesweeping trawler GREEN HOWARD (Ty Sk W E Parsons RNR) at Plymouth

Minesweeping trawlers - EARL ESSEX (Ty Sk C G C Coombe RNR), WAR WING (Sk W J Foale RNR), both at Tyne fitting out

Examination Service - yachts ARLETTE II, ALOMA (no COs listed), both at Falmouth

Tender to Examination Service - yacht SILVER CLOUD (no CO listed) at Falmouth

Harbour defence patrol craft - two at Falmouth, one fitting out at Southampton

Contraband Control Service - yachts KILORAN (Cdr H F Nash Rtd) at Falmouth, SAPPHO (Capt R C Primrose VD RNVR Rtd) dep Plymouth 22 May

Rescue tugs - MARAUDER (Ty Lt W J Hammond RNR) at Campbeltown, SALVONIA (Ty Lt G M M Robinson RNR) at Falmouth

Western Approaches Command, Cardiff Sub Command


Vice Adm W Tomkinson CB, MVO Rtd

Base ship, Swansea - LUCIFER

17th Anti-Submarine Group - anti-submarine trawlers BEDFORDSHIRE (Sk J W Short RNR), LORD WAKEFIELD (SO, Lt Cdr M B Sherwood Rtd), CAMBRIDGESHIRE (Ty Sk W G Euston RNR), KIRKELLA (Sk G T Lilley DSC RNR), WARWICK DEEPING (Sk J R Bruce RNR), all at Swansea

80th Anti-Submarine Group - anti-submarine yachts ANNA MARIE (Cdr F M Simon Rtd), HINIESTA (Cdr H H Horley Rtd) at Grimsby fitting out, ORACLE (Cdr T C C Bolster Rtd), RHODORA (Capt C T A Bunbury OBE Rtd), all but one at Swansea

Anti-submarine patrol trawlers - anti-submarine trawlers CAULONIA (Ty Sk A J Trolle RNR), HAYBOURNE WYKE (Ty Sk J Stafford RNR), LADY ELEANOR (Ty Sk J A Atkinson RNR), LADY ROSEMARY (Ty Sk R J McCulloch RNR), OGANO (Ty Sk Henry Clarke RNR), all on passage Hull to Swansea

Minesweeping trawlers COMMILES (Ty Sk H F Metson RNR), DARNETT NESS (Ty S/Lt J G Wood DSM Pbty RNVR), both at Swansea

Minesweeping drifters - ALCOR (Ty Sk A Chipperfield RNR), GLEN HEATHER (Ty Sk S J Catchpole RNR), KATHLEEN (Sk J W Chenery RNR), MERBREEZE (Ty Sk W G A Thompson RNR), ONE ACCORD (Ty Sk R W Vann RNR), PARAMOUNT (Sk C E Blowers RNR), all at Swansea

Examination Service - pilot boat ROGER BECK (no CO listed) at Swansea

Harbour defence patrol craft - two at Swansea


Harbour defence patrol craft - three at Cardiff


Auxiliary Patrol Vessels - six trawlers at Penarth


87th Anti-Submarine Group - anti-submarine yachts MIGRANTE (Cdr H Owen DSC Rtd) at Southampton, ZAZA (Cdr W H Austin Rtd) at Swansea

Examination Service - pilot boat LASS O'DOUNE, drifters CHIMAERA, BELLE VUE, all at Barry (no CO’s listed)

Port Talbot

Auxiliary Patrol Vessels - four trawlers requisitioned at Grimsby, two trawlers at Port Talbot

Western Approaches Command, Milford Sub Command

Milford Haven

Rear Adm P E Phillips DSO Rtd

Base ship - SKIRMISHER

8th Anti-Submarine Group - anti-submarine trawlers ARSENAL (Sk C R Radford RNR), DERBYCOUNTY (Sk R Armstrong RNR), HUDDERSFIELDTOWN (SO, Lt Cdr J G C Gibson Rtd), LEEDS UNITED (Lt Cdr H L Williams RNVR), YORKCITY (Sk W Tucker RNR), all at Milford Haven

Anti-submarine patrol trawlers - anti-submarine trawlers ANDANES (Ty Sk A J Galvin DSC RNR), CAMPINA (TySk F Wellbourn RNR), COMMANDER HORTON (no CO listed), RAETIA (Ty S/Lt J Clark Pbty RNVR), SHELDON (Ty Lt R A Mason RNVR), all at Milford Haven

Examination Service - yacht DORADE II, tug FLYING BREEZE, both at Milford Haven, drifter GREETINGS at Cardiff (no COs listed)

Harbour Defence patrol Craft - three at Milford Haven, two at Cardiff

Auxiliary patrol vessels - three at Milford Haven, five requisitioned at Hull

Boom defence vessel - one at Pembroke Dock

Rescue tugs - SUPERMAN at Milford Haven, WITTE ZEE at sea, (no COs listed)

Western Approaches Command, Liverpool Sub Command


Base ship - EAGLE II (Cdr H S M Herbert Rtd)

2nd Anti-Submarine Group - anti-submarine trawlers CORNELIAN (Ty Lt H F Hayes Pbty RNVR) at Rosyth, PEARL (Cdr N B Weir Rtd), RUBY (Ty Lt R P Chapman RNR), both at Birkenhead

37th Anti-Submarine Group - anti-submarine trawler GUAVA (Sk H Clarke RNR) at Belfast repairing

88th Anti-Submarine Group - anti-submarine yachts ALTAIR (Cdr D H Rainier) at Birkenhead, EVADNE (Cdr W G A Shuttleworth Rtd) at Liverpool, LADY BLANCHE (Cdr C Euman Rtd) at Birkenhead, VIRGINIA (Cdr S H S Moxly Rtd) at Birkenhead, VIVA II (Capt R L Hamer Rtd) temporarily attached

Anti-submarine patrol yacht - CUTTY SARK (Cdr R H Mack Rtd) at Liverpool

Anti-submarine patrol trawlers - anti-submarine trawlerS BUSH (Ty Sk E Sumner RNR) fitting out, CARENCY (Sk W ReaichRNR), CORCYRA (Sk B Truefitt RNR), DESTINN (TySk J McCann RNR), E & F (no CO listed) fitting out, ELECTRA II (Ty Sk T Threlfall RNR) fitting out, GREAT ADMIRAL (Ty Sk D Nolan Pbty RNR) fitting out, PHRONTIS (Ty Sk J R Carter RNR) fitting out, WARLAND (no CO listed), WARSTAR (Sk W J Barlow Actg RNR), all at Liverpool

Minesweeping trawlers - DOON (Ty Sk J V Bullen RNVR), HORNBEAM (Ty Lt A G Mathews RNVR), both at Swansea, MICHAEL GRIFFITHS (TySk G E Yates RNR), RICHARD CROFT (TySk R H Maulkinson RNR), both at Birkenhead, ST OLIVE (TySk J W KernanRNR from 3 Aug), STAR OF THE WAVE (Ty Sk J Wells RNR), both at Jarrow fitting out, YEZO (Sk L G Pillar RNR) at Liverpool

Minesweeping drifters - ADVISABLE (Ty Sk R Wright RNR), AMALIA (Ty Sk W J Campbell RNR), BANSHEE (Ty Sk S Platten RNR), OCEAN LIFEBUOY (Sk A B Utting RNR), OCEAN VIM (Ty Sk W E Nightingale RNR), all at Birkenhead

Harbour Defence patrol Craft - five motor boats at Birkenhead

Examination Service - yacht CACOUNA (no CO listed), trawlers ST ADRIAN (Ty S/Lt J D Barrrow Pbty RNVR), ST DOMINICA (Lt Cdr C W E Pinckney RNR), all at Liverpool


Base ship - TORCH (Capt J B Kitson DSO Rtd)

1st Motor Anti-Submarine Boat Flotilla - MA/SB.1 (Lt M E Impey), MA/SB.4 (Lt B J Anderson), MA/SB.5 (Lt M E Thorpe), all at Harwich, MA/SB.2 and MA/SB.3 transferred to Malta


Base ship - CLIO (Cdr F C Corbyn Rtd)

Examination Service - yachts MINORA (Ty S/Lt S E Harwood RNVR), SHIONA (no CO listed), both at Barrow

Harbour defence patrol craft - two at Barrow, one fitting out at Barrow

Western Approaches Command, Belfast Sub Command


Rear Adm R M King DSO Rtd

Base ship - CAROLINE

Minesweeping trawlers - KENNYMORE (Ty Sk J W Greene RNR) at South Shields fitting out, RETAKO (Sk P Welsh RNR) at Granton

Minesweeping drifters - GLOAMIN (Ty Sk D Main RNR), HARVEST REAPER (Ty Sk W Smith RNR), JEWEL (Ty Sk H G Stone RNR), all at Belfast

Harbour defence patrol craft - five at Belfast

Examination service - trawlers SMEATON, ROBINA (no COs listed), both at Belfast


Base ship - RACER (Capt T K Maxwell Rtd)

35th Anti-Submarine Group - anti-submarine trawlers BRITISH GUIANA (Sk S C Turrell RNR) at Belfast, BRITISH HONDURAS (Sk J Maclean RNR) at Greenock, PAYNTER (SO, Sk W J P Salaman RNR), VICTRIX (Cdr F R Openshaw Rtd), both at Larne

Anti-Submarine patrol trawlers - anti-submarine trawlers CARBINEER II (Ty Sk J F Nuttall RNR), FLYING WING (no CO listed), KASTORIA (Ty Sk J S Brennan RNR), NAMUR (no CO listed), UNITIA (Ty Sk J Pidgen RNR), all at Larne

Minesweeping trawler - SIR JOHN JOHNSON (no CO listed) at Larne
