Twilight of the Red Tsar

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This is a well explained reasons for how the Western world has benefited from a longer lived Stalin

Welll, communism in Europe ended a generation earlier, and China maybe headed for a much brighter future.

But I wouldn't say the world has really benefited. The Second Holocaust and the fact that a nuclear war took place are going to leave horrific scars for years to come.

But my hope is that these scars, these atrocities, push the rest of humanity toward a better, more peaceful future.

Maybe all these horrors will have been worth it. But not now.

I'm not sure Japan has benefited...

Well, it doesn't have to worry about nuclear threats from North Korea, and it probably got more money from America. Those are pluses.
Here's something to think about: with a Republican president ending Jim Crow instead of a Democrat, perhaps the Dixiecrats wouldn't defect to the GOP and the New Deal Coalition would survive.


Like with the native Baltic ethnic groups in expelling Russians, F#ck them and their deluded beliefs for diplomatic solutions.

Also when is the next update coming around?

I don't think so, there would still be strong memories of the meeting at the Elbe and shared comradeship against Fascism. The NATO response would be to tell Finland to fuck right off or else mushrooms in Helsinki. But I could be wrong as the Soviet Union is more Evil than in OTL.
I don't think so, there would still be strong memories of the meeting at the Elbe and shared comradeship against Fascism. The NATO response would be to tell Finland to fuck right off or else mushrooms in Helsinki. But I could be wrong as the Soviet Union is more Evil than in OTL.

Finland wasn't exactly Fascist during WWII, it was actually a bonafide democracy. Besides, the West liked Finland during WWII, doing fuckall besides a couple air raids and seizing the merchant marine in the US in 1944 (aka right before peace). If NATO says no and the Finns say they're supporting the Soviets over a fellow democratic nation who has had land stolen by the Soviets, you can expect a sizable backlash inside NATO towards the decision.
I don't think so, there would still be strong memories of the meeting at the Elbe and shared comradeship against Fascism.

If the West cared about the "shared comradeship against Fascism" with the USSR in WW2, they're wouldn't been a Cold War in the first place.


Finland wasn't exactly Fascist during WWII, it was actually a bonafide democracy. Besides, the West liked Finland during WWII, doing fuckall besides a couple air raids and seizing the merchant marine in the US in 1944 (aka right before peace). If NATO says no and the Finns say they're supporting the Soviets over a fellow democratic nation who has had land stolen by the Soviets, you can expect a sizable backlash inside NATO towards the decision.

Except the War Generation is still in charge. The West isn't led by armchair generals eager to carve up the Soviet Union, it's led by men who fought with them against the Fascists. And they wouldn't let an formerly axis nation enact Lebensraum on the Soviet Union.



If the West cared about the "shared comradeship against Fascism" with the USSR in WW2, they're wouldn't been a Cold War in the first place.

I know that, but I don't think they would go as far as letting an former Axis nation enact it's revenge on the USSR. They would most likely try to stabilize the situation and put in friendly republics like in the case of Finland, creating a Karalian republic to deter dreams of greater Finland.
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