The World Zionist Organization accepts the Uganda Scheme

There was a really good TL from a while ago where Kenya ends up as a British dominion, and eventually a Jewish state a few years before Israel. Kenya ends up as an Ashkenazi Haredi dominated country, and Israel as a Mizrahi socialist state. There are some problems with this, but it’s interesting to start from.
Link please?
This was explored in a couple of timelines and by professional authors as well. Adam Rovner covered it in his take, which was well done. And the most fun take on it was by Lavie Tidhar, though Tidhar's was not just AH but ASB. Not Richard Nixon used-steamcar salesman ASB, but more like magic and mysticism ASB. I reviewed Tidhar's book on this fine Board. My Review link. TL;DR version: Tidhar is a good author and he tell a tale.

I do not know how viable it could have been, but it makes for interesting reading. It would depend on how motivated the refugees would have been to make a permanent homeland out of it. Bottom line: impossible to predict, but once again, it makes for curious reading.
There was a really good TL from a while ago where Kenya ends up as a British dominion, and eventually a Jewish state a few years before Israel. Kenya ends up as an Ashkenazi Haredi dominated country, and Israel as a Mizrahi socialist state. There are some problems with this, but it’s interesting to start from.
54 million people in Kenya now. The proposed state was just a small part of Kenya, about 13.000 square kilometers, smaller than OTL Israel. If very many Jews would want to immigrate, it might perhaps be too small. I am not sure about the number of Jews in the world at the time. This was before Holocaust. The push factor would probably be stronger than the pull factor in encouraging people to move to East Africa, but with increased persecution and closed borders elsewhere, the push factor might be enough. They would of course need money to move, but I assume there would be many well-off Jews who might be willing to help those who were too poor.