The Union Forever: A TL

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1989: Foriegn and Domestic Developments

Foreign and Domestic Developments


A real color image of Venus taken from the IEF spacecraft Odisseya
In January, the Imperial Eurasian Federation conducted the first manned Venus flyby when cosmonauts Grigol Iona and Saveliy Mihaylov passed by the planet on their 14 month journey. Besides taking pictures and atmospheric readings a lander was also dispatched to the surface. Unfortunately, the lander failed to make communication contact with IEF mission control. Despite this setback, the flyby was hailed as an exploration milestone and a national triumph in the IEF. Upon their return to earth, they received a hero’s welcome, a welcomed distraction to the growing unrest in Manchuria and Central Asia.

In April, President Lincoln became the first American head of state to visit Japan. During his tour of the country, Lincoln voiced his support for Japan’s postwar democratic progress. At a speech in Osaka, Lincoln bluntly contrasted the growth of democracy in Japan with the spread of technocracy in Southeast Asia. In time, many historians would claim the Osaka speech as the official beginning of the cold war between the United States and China’s Technocratic Union. While well received in Japan and several other Asian nations, Lincoln’s remarks were deeply divisive in the United States where many wished the president to concentrate on the struggling economy.

During the summer, Vantage Industries released the Portal Master home computer. Vantage marketed the Portal Master as an easy way to access the global computer matrix or “globtrix” that was increasing in popularity. Success of the Portal Master forced a change in leadership at rival Janssen Computing Machines (JCM) which struggled to keep up.

In October, Manuel III the ailing king of Portugal died. His eldest son, the loyalist civil war commander Prince Fernando, became King Fernando V. In his first three months, King Fernando V oversaw the withdrawal of the last British peacekeepers illustrating Portugal’s transition to a relatively stable constitutional monarchy.

During 1989 the British territories on the island of Borneo achieved full independence within the British Commonwealth. Sarawak became a constitutional monarchy under the long ruling Brooke dynasty. The territory of Northern Borneo was sold for a hefty sum to Brunei which remained an absolute, if mostly benevolent, monarchy. Both nations would use their oil wealth to develop one of the highest standards of living in Southeast Asia and Oceania.

In the United States, the decidedly urban music genre known as “underground” grew in popularity after the Detroit based band Jumbo Shrimp performed on the television show Coast to Coast.

Throughout the year, Christian rebels in the southern region of the Dominion of Chad scored several victories against government forces. The lack of support from other nations in the British Commonwealth eventually forced the collapse of the dominion government. In the arid northern portion of the country, Muslim army officers seized control and established the Islamic Republic of Chad. In the tropical south, the rebels formed the Christian dominated Republic of the Umbangi. The two new nations failed to agree on their common border with firefights and cross border incursions becoming all to common. The disintegration of Chad proved an embarrassing failure for the British Commonwealth who due to public disinterest and fears of antagonizing Muslim-Christian rivalry proved unable to intervene.


Flag of the Islamic Republic of Chad​
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-Cool look at Venus, too bad it didn't result in any sort of surface exploration, but hey ya gotta start somewhere.

-"Cold War" between the democratic USA and Chinese technocracy? Ohhhh snap...should prove interesting in the coming decades!

-Good to see the "globtrix" continuing to pop up in TTL :D.

-Events in the East Indies and Africa look good to me, troubling as the latter case in Chad seems to be.
Intresting to see beginning of Cold War. What kind of relationships USA and IEF have? Seems that situation of Technocratic Bloc is worse than OTL Warsaw Pact.

Hopefully situation with extremist Islam will not be so bad as OTL. Could we get map of Chad/Umbangi?
Great update! Manned flyby of Venus! I look forward to 1990 and a map;)

Cold War:eek:

Unrest in central Asia and Manchuria? Here's hoping for independence to all those nations, but also that none of them fall into the technocratic block, which seems more brutal than the IEF.
Thanks, Mac. I'm pretty impressed you got a color for every nation.

Any movements for New Brazilian states?

Any chance of a government map?
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Well, that makes a lot more sense. Are local monarchs (like the monarchy of Bavaria) still official?

This is a great question. I would assume Saxony is still a kingdom, Bavaria and the other South German states were on the loosing side of the Great War. What do yall think? Are they still under their original dynasties, a Hohenzollern, or a non royal minister-president/premier?
Didn't the Great War start partially because the people of Bavaria were pissed at the King? It would make sense for Bavaria to be a free state while the rest are monarchies.
Didn't the Great War start partially because the people of Bavaria were pissed at the King? It would make sense for Bavaria to be a free state while the rest are monarchies.

This makes sense. What of Austria?

now that I think of it I should do an update on German political structure.
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Probably Austria too is free republic. Habsburgs in Austrian throne might be on eyes of German government bit untrustable. Baden and Württemberg might keep their own monarchies.