The Scarverse by Monsieur Z

The overtop crazy ABS Story of The Scarverse

Were Tsar Nicholas II survive and single hand kills Communism in Russia...

His allies is priest named Stalin

Tsar send Austrian Painter to Mongolia to find...

...The Great Kahn !

Roosevelt deal with great Reaper...
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I think this Scenario is, to be fully honest, not so good. Nicolas II was never competent, and while there are debates on if he was well intentioned or not (in my opinion he wasn't) nobody can deny that he was single handidly responsible for causing the Russian Revolution (and thus ALSO the Bolshevik Revolution), and escalating the Balkan Crisis to the point of WW1 becouse he couldn't comprehend the fact that maybe his shitty little ally that collapsed in half a year wasn't worth a massive war with his 2 major neighbors.
Monsieur Z is one of the worse Alternate History YouTubers, like not WhatifAlthist levels, but yeah. He wrote a book which is mostly scrubbed from his channel called "Uncle Sam" or something like that where it's just him talking about his right winged beliefs.
Monsieur Z is one of the worse Alternate History YouTubers, like not WhatifAlthist levels, but yeah.
Monitor Z is worse in my opinion. he just doesn't even try nor did he ever try to provide evidence or a coherent thought process that could be called realistic. And besides that, He is a supporter and apologist for Woodrow Wilson which is inexcusable.

If Alt hist is crazier in his non-alternat history videos I wouldn't know, I don't watch those.
The overtop crazy ABS Story of The Scarverse

Were Tsar Nicholas II survive and single hand kills Communism in Russia...

His allies is priest named Stalin

Tsar send Austrian Painter to Mongolia to find...

...The Great Kahn !
I gonna watch them all and give my input in a few days.

The weird thing about the Nicholas II obsession is that you don't need to do that for him, if you want a strong autocrat who ain't a total failure you can stan Alexander III instead. It makes no sense to like Nicholas.
I gonna watch them all and give my input in a few days.

The weird thing about the Nicholas II obsession is that you don't need to do that for him, if you want a strong autocrat who ain't a total failure you can stan Alexander III instead. It makes no sense to like Nicholas.
Yeah. Nick II was a bumbling idiot, and the fact that he was able to hold onto the imperial Russian throne for slightly over 20 years is something of a miracle.
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I think this Scenario is, to be fully honest, not so good.
Fully agree with this to be honest. It's downright absurd.

Also I find the choices of some of the protagonists to be... questionnable. Nicholas II is arguably the least problematic of the four.
Nicolas II was never competent, and while there are debates on if he was well intentioned or not (in my opinion he wasn't) nobody can deny that he was single handidly responsible for causing the Russian Revolution (and thus ALSO the Bolshevik Revolution), and escalating the Balkan Crisis to the point of WW1 becouse he couldn't comprehend the fact that maybe his shitty little ally that collapsed in half a year wasn't worth a massive war with his 2 major neighbors.
I think that's a bit harsh to blame everything on him. There is no denying that Nicholas II shares part of the blame sure: when you're in the position he was, you can't avoid it. Plus as nice as he's acknowledged to have been by most, he had none of the qualities needed to be Tsar.

But the Russian Revolution had less to do with Nicky himself and more the way the Tsarist regime worked. Past a certain point, such a level of autocratic government is bound to fail if you don't get the right man for the job. Nicholas II gets the blame because he was the wrong man at the wrong time, but it could have been someone else.

The escalation of the Balkan crisis is also forgetting the place was litterally nicknamed "the gunpowder of Europe" at one point and for good reasons. As well as some of the other powers at play like the Black Hand, Franz Joseph or Kaiser Willy...
Monsieur Z is one of the worse Alternate History YouTubers, like not WhatifAlthist levels, but yeah. He wrote a book which is mostly scrubbed from his channel called "Uncle Sam" or something like that where it's just him talking about his right winged beliefs.
Yeah when I saw the name I vaguely remembered hearing about this guy in a not so nice fashion...
Yeah. Nick II was a bumbling idiot, and the fact that he was able to hold onto the imperial Russian throne for slightly over 20 years is nothing of a miracle.
He was able to hold on to the throne for so long because he did not have any truly major crisis to deal with before WWI. Or at least, not ones on the "regime-crumbling" level that the War proved to be for Russia.

Until that point, his inadequacies were relatively harmless. He still wasn't a great ruler and there are a few questionnable episodes where his responsibility is debated (the thing with Nicky is that because he was so incompetent, blaming his councilors has actually some merit...), but he was mostly content letting the government to others and spending time with his family.
Monitor Z is worse in my opinion. he just doesn't even try nor did he ever try to provide evidence or a coherent thought process that could be called realistic. And besides that, He is a supporter and apologist for Woodrow Wilson which is inexcusable.

If Alt hist is crazier in his non-alternat history videos I wouldn't know, I don't watch those.
He also did a video on the "Great Replacement" and how Democrats are "Colonizing Red States"
He also did a video on the "Great Replacement" and how Democrats are "Colonizing Red States"
He's just a full-on conspiracy pusher now. I can enjoy content by people with different political beliefs than me, don't get me wrong, but his content isn't just conservative, he's just an actual white supremacist. It's unfortunate that he's one of the more notable voices in youtube AH content.
He also did a video on the "Great Replacement" and how Democrats are "Colonizing Red States"
I don't want to make this a political thing but those topics aren't some sort of unexpectable taboo for a video, at least for right-wingers. I mean no offense if you think that then I don't think you could have a reasonable discussion with anyone right-of center.
I don't want to make this a political thing but those topics aren't some sort of unexpectable taboo for a video, at least for right-wingers. I mean no offense if you think that then I don't think you could have a reasonable discussion with anyone right-of center.

The second one is just silly partisan nonsense, but the Great Replacement theory is a white supremacist conspiracy theory and I struggle to see how anyone who isn't full on white power can justify it.
Replacement theory is a white supremacist conspiracy theory and I struggle to see how anyone who isn't full on white power can justify it.
It's not great replacement theory he's talking about the theory that the South became Republican and the north became Democrat... That the parties switched places and why.

Last I checked that's not white supremacy.
It's not great replacement theory he's talking about the theory that the South became Republican and the north became Democrat... That the parties switched places and why.

Last I checked that's not white supremacy.

That’s not, no. You probably should have just said he didn’t do a video on the great replacement theory instead of making it sound like you were defending it.
You probably should have just said he didn’t do a video on the great replacement theory instead of making it sound like you were defending it.
thats the thing I don't know. I just kinda ignore alt-history YouTubers when thier videos aren't about alternate history most of the time. Coddy might be the exception and of course Tigerstar. I just assumed that when you talk about replacement and "democratic colonization" in the same sentence you are well talking about the party switch theory. I forgot about the Great Replacement until you brought it up.

Though now that did some research. I can't find a video of only any of those which is odd since I was sure Whatifalthist did a video on Democratic colonization. @Luxembourgish Jane not to put you on the spot but are the topics you were talking about hidden inside of a video or are they separate?
thats the thing I don't know. I just kinda ignore alt-history YouTubers when thier videos aren't about alternate history most of the time. Coddy might be the exception and of course Tigerstar. I just assumed that when you talk about replacement and "democratic colonization" in the same sentence you are well talking about the party switch theory. I forgot about the Great Replacement until you brought it up.

Though now that did some research. I can't find a video of only any of those which is odd since I was sure Whatifalthist did a video on Democratic colonization. @Luxembourgish Jane not to put you on the spot but are the topics you were talking about hidden inside of a video or are they separate?






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I mean no offense if you think that then I don't think you could have a reasonable discussion with anyone right-of center.
I don't like people pushing erroneous conspiracies and lies that can actively hurt people I know and myself. I've had talks and debates with people right of center to varying degrees, and I could say more but this isn't politcal chat and this is the most political I've been on this forum.

Basically, there are just people you shouldn't respect, and I think Z is actively harming historical, social, and political discourses.
I don't like people pushing erroneous conspiracies and lies that can actively hurt people I know and myself. I've had talks and debates with people right of center to varying degrees, and I could say more but this isn't politcal chat and this is the most political I've been on this forum.

Basically, there are just people you shouldn't respect, and I think Z is actively harming historical, social, and political discourses.
You shouldn’t accuse people of propagating great replacement conspiracies when they aren’t.
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