Oh. So Minnesota TTL is like Progressive OTL Alabama until 70s?
Yeah the legacy of Floyd Olson has left the party in a really strong position. After the party split in 1944 let Republican Harold Stassen win labor in the state made it clear they wouldn't tolerate the left splitting on a statewide level and would back whoever won the Progressive nomination.
Yeah the legacy of Floyd Olson has left the party in a really strong position. After the party split in 1944 let Republican Harold Stassen win labor in the state made it clear they wouldn't tolerate the left splitting on a statewide level and would back whoever won the Progressive nomination.
This is interesting, because it means that winning a major position in Minnesota means to belong to the centre-left or at most centre (in OTL non-US sense and TTL US sense).
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You know, after this most recent update combined with my rereading of the second part of the TL I'm beginning to think the 1952 Progressive primary will be Glen Taylor vs. Hubert Humphrey.
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Senate Committee on Internal Security
"Mr. Nixon," began Senate chairman Alf Landon, "You have been the head of the Counter-Extremism division at the FBI for almost two years. Your meteoric rise has been accomplished via a series of commendations, some of which, such as saving the Aiken Airforce base from sympathizers of the Revolutionary Union, can be stated publicly, and others of which cannot. Therefore, would you agree that you have personally experienced the trends in extremism over the last two years?"

"Yes, I can." Richard Nixon replied to the committee.

"Mr. Nixon," Landon continued, "Would you like to elaborate on these trends?"

"As can be seen in our published statistics," Nixon answered, "Crimes aimed at the Negro population and Negro activists and their allies have escalated, particularly in the Southeast. The Southeast is also experiencing an unusual amount of crimes between political figures, attempts at sabotage, fraud, et cetera. In a more positive light, anti-Semitic crimes have continued to fall over the last several years."

"Extremist acts committed by left-wing groups, have they escalated since the election of President Taft?" Landon asked.

Nixon paused before answering. "You're asking a very broad question, one that has different answers to different parts. Has the FBI noticed any increase in recruitment to left-wing groups over the last 18 months? No. Has the FBI noticed any increase in violent crimes committed by left-wing groups over the last 18 months? No. Has the FBI noticed an increase in minor crimes, such as vandalism, which we believe to be conducted by left-wing groups? Yes, although as I've outlined in my printed report, we have a significant degree of uncertainty as to the motivation of these criminals. Has the FBI noticed an increase in non-criminal activity, such as the distribution of left-wing propaganda, in the last eighteen months? Yes. If asked to give an overall trend, I would characterize people already members, affiliated, or allied to left-wing extremist organizations as becoming more active in non-criminal and minor criminal activity, without a massive increase in the size of these organizations."

"These non-violent crimes, do they include some of the fraudulent reports alleging to be leaks from various federal agencies, as well as reports of intentional sabotage of the functioning of several of these departments?" Landon was now getting to the main point of these hearings.

"We have noticed a degree of correlation," Nixon began, "Between affiliation in left-wing political organizations and indictment for these crimes. However, most of the alleged acts of sabotage in the federal government have not resulted in a definitive suspect at this time, and the sample size is not large enough at the moment to make any conclusions. It is impossible to rule out that these acts are not simply the result of personal grievances in the departments."

After setting the stage, Landon allowed the rest of the Senators in his committee to dig into the more specific questions, on acts of sabotage believed to have been committed by Communists employed in the U.S. government. President Taft, watching on the television, was frustrated by the results. This Nixon agent continually seemed to downplay or hedge on the level of Communist interference, to a degree that even the trained lawyer Taft thought was excessive caution.

"This won't work," Buffett complained. The Chief of Staff had been hoping that this hearing, widely broadcast over radio and on the new television stations set up in the Northeast and parts of the Midwest, would alert Americans to the threat of Communist sabotage in the government.

They watched as the Senators discussed almost every public incident. There were more, which the administration had decided not to publicize due to possible threats to Internal or National Security. At least Landon's parameters set in his broad opening questions appeared to be intact. He'd chosen reasonable members of all parties to be members of this committee, excluding extremists on both sides. For example, the last Senator, who was about to speak, Henry Wallace, an establishment figure from Iowa, first term, previously agriculture secretary. There hadn't been any controversies about him.

"Mr. Nixon," Wallace began, "This committee has very thoroughly discussed the possibility of left-wing infiltration in the federal government. Very extensively discussed this topic. However, as you've already stated you cannot rule out left-wing infiltration, can you rule out extreme right-wing infiltration of the federal government?"

"No, I cannot," Nixon replied. "In fact, I would have to estimate that there are probably as many federal government employees affiliated to extreme right-wing groups as to left-wing groups, perhaps more counting state and local governments."

"We've discussed many alleged acts of sabotage," Senator Wallace continued, "However, what has not been discussed is a recent act of potential sabotage which has come to light. I have a report that our trade agreement proposal to the Philippines was leaked to the Chinese, and that this incident is under investigation by a variety of our law enforcement and intelligence agencies, including the FBI."

"How the Hell did he find out?!" Taft shouted at the screen.

Wallace didn't even actually ask a question, but Nixon replied, "I cannot comment on classified matters, nor give any details about them. All I can confirm is that we are participating in a multi-agency review to ensure that our government is secure from any critical leaks."

"Mr. Nixon, would you say that any of the alleged acts of sabotage discussed previously in this hearing come close to compromising our foreign policy?" Wallace asked.

"No, none of them do," Nixon stated.

"That's because this is the open hearing!" shouted Buffett. "Say something Nixon, don't let him get away with this!"

"Mr. Nixon," Wallace asked, "Just as there have been claims made that the leftist infiltrators favor the Soviet Union, have you observed any sentiments favoring the British, French, and Chinese alliance among right-wing groups?"

"In some of the confiscated propaganda," Nixon replied, "We have encountered such sentiments."

"Mr. Nixon, statistically speaking, right-wing extremists have committed the overwhelming majority of violent acts of political extremism in the last twenty years, correct?"

"Nearly six to one," replied Nixon. "Excluding Galahad. However, right-wing violence has drastically decreased, following the implementation of the ISA."

"Has the threat been completely eliminated?" Wallace asked. "Could potential right-wing infiltrators in the government and civil society allow for a new outbreak of extremist violence?"

"It is possible," Nixon replied. "Unlikely, but possible. It is even further unlikely that the extremists could carry out another Galahad-style attack. However, the possibility of violence remains, which is why I am so grateful for the brave men at my command in the FBI who work tirelessly, often risking their very lives, to ensure that the pre-ISA threat never again reemerges."

The context called it "unlikely". But the words echoing around America were "another Galahad".

While the White House raged, and called up various officials to try to determine who leaked details of the newest investigation to Henry Wallace, the media exploded into a massive "Right-wing infiltration of the federal government: the hidden threat?" discussion.

Far away from the White House, all the way in Minnesota, Elmer Benson watched Nixon's testimony, and gave a small satisfied smile.
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It shouldn't need to be said, but for the sake of everything right now, I'd like to firmly establish that the threats of different groups of political extremists in 1946 in an alternate history timeline are unrelated to the threats of political extremists in real-world 2017.
Well, that's going to set the cat amongst the pigeons.

He's basically said "If there's any left wing nuts out there, all they do is file pamphlets. The right wingers use guns and bombs. And they're a lot more likely to be in damaging positions of power."

So much for going against those guys, Taft.
Alternatively left-wing infiltration and institutional sympathy for leftists is much more stronger ITTL. Remember Nixon, and I assume most agents, built their careers around thwarting right-wing extremists so it would make sense that they naturally view rightist as the enemy. Also there's the legacy of the war in Peru to consider. Likewise left-wing extremists and Soviet sympathisers are associated with Radical Progressives and Floyd Olson and at worst would be seen as misguided eccentrics with their hearts in the right place.

It's worth noting that the background investigations into Henry Wallace showed nothing, meaning that either things are very different from OTL, or, the person looking into him wasn't looking very hard.
Whew. I just caught up with this great TL and it's been very inspirational for my own project. I've been absolutely loving the wat you've been writing all these characters all while creating an interesting alternate world. I'm so glad I took the time to catch up.

Keep it up!