The Q-BAM Improvement and Core Thread

That's the Yenisei, and yes I've already done it but i've only done a few administrative divisions for Krasnoyarsk so far, mainly in the southern portion since that's going to be the most irritating. However, I've recently lost a considerable amount of time to work on qbam stuff for a while now, not that I had all that much to begin with, and this project is generally dragging my will to do make any sort of qbam map, even historical ones
that's the one i was thinking of, had a moment where i was thinking of the wrong one
and don't worry about getting things out right away, take all the time you need
Did a 50 meter sea level rise map based on the topography map (which I'd say is more accurate than the basemap itself, but overall Q-BAM is a huge mess...) anyhow, here's the map. I'm not at all convinced of the result as it nukes small islands and rounds the coasts way too much, but someone may find it useful for some reason.
Did a 50 meter sea level rise map based on the topography map (which I'd say is more accurate than the basemap itself, but overall Q-BAM is a huge mess...) anyhow, here's the map. I'm not at all convinced of the result as it nukes small islands and rounds the coasts way too much, but someone may find it useful for some reason.
What about with coastal lines?
The best resource that I can found a few years ago were these maps from github: topography-master by ahstat. Althought they could be reprojected to QBAM, they would be too pixeled. I think that might be possible to extract a map from GIS but I don't know how
What if I told you that I actually do not use Q-BAM maps for editing and map-making, I actually use the more up-to-date ones to update my own personal maps that are made in a highly modified 2K-BAM and 8K-BAM.
I have been wanting to make a map like this during a lot of time. Behold the Antarctic bedrock map in QBAM! I guess it would also work for R-QBAM. It is not 100% accurate, but let's say 90% due to reprojection of a reprojected map that retains certain lines from the previous map, but for the moment it is the best that I can do.
1. Reprojected map from the @otpad posted maps
Antarctic Bedrock QBAM - Projection.png

2. Topographic map
Antarctic Bedrock QBAM - Topography.png

3. Blank map
Antarctic Bedrock QBAM - Blank.png
While working on a map I ended-up doing some refinements on the Q-BAM in parts of Europe, notably to Gotland, Estonia, Lake Peipus, parts of the Baltic Coast, the Western Black Sea Coast, Crimea and the portion of the Taman Peninsula directly next to Crimea.

Q-BAM Refinements, 11.5.23.png
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Did a 50 meter sea level rise map based on the topography map (which I'd say is more accurate than the basemap itself, but overall Q-BAM is a huge mess...) anyhow, here's the map. I'm not at all convinced of the result as it nukes small islands and rounds the coasts way too much, but someone may find it useful for some reason.
Denmark is now just a tiny island chain
I'm quite curious, is there any single place where one can easily find a load of Q-BAM resources like bathymetry, heightmap, latitude and longitude lines, and so on?
Krasnoyarsk Krai.png

Patch for Krasnoyarsk Krai, as well as border and secondary administrative patches for Tomsk, Novosibirsk, a small part of Northern Atlai Republic Border Kemerovo and Altai Krai, and of course lake and river changes. Plan to add more of the latter later this week, when hopefully I'll get both Kemerovo and Altai Krai done.
The nightmare is almost over
Russian Federation Colored.png

Nevermind, it's actually today that it ends. I finished everything. I will not be doing anymore qbam patches unless they are much smaller in scale.
Here's what I think is the most updated qbam
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Nevermind, it's actually today that it ends. I finished everything. I will not be doing anymore qbam patches unless they are much smaller in scale.
Would it be possible for you to add the third level divisions of the following districts of Russia?
  • Nizhneudinsky District, Irkutsk Oblast
  • Nenetsia
  • Taymyr Dolgan-Nenets, Evenk, and Turukhansky Districts, Krasnoyarsk Krai