The Pale Horseman Rides Early

Chapter 1: Patient Zero

Douala, (former) German Kamerun, September 28 1914

George Eastland, ensign assigned to His Majesty's Ship the Cumberland, was fucking.
He was, quite obviously, not the first human to ever fuck nor would he be the last. What merits attention about this particular instance of fucking , is who exactly he was fucking. In this particular case it was Tchimi Ngako, a prostitute in a whorehouse just off the harbor in Douala. Douala had just yesterday been captured by British and French forces, which provided the occasion for Eastland’s fucking.

Tchimi had not always been a prostitute, however. Up until last month she had lived in a village in the thick forests of Kamerun, with her husband. A month ago, her husband had wasted away and died; of what, no one could say; and as she had no living family she had been forced to come to the city make a living. Six months before that, her husband had trapped two chimpanzees. While he was butchering one of the chimpanzees, his knife slipped and he cut his finger. He nevertheless continued to butcher the corpse. Three months before he had trapped the chimpanzee, it had acquired a mutant form of a virus endemic to chimpanzees but almost never seen in humans. This mutant virus, unlike others of its kind, was perfectly at home in a human host and was transmissible through many bodily fluids.

If George Eastland had known he would be the man to bring one of the greatest plagues the world has ever seen to the West, he might not have been so enthusiastic about fucking.

Alan Bachmann, A History of Venereal Disease, University of California Press 1971

…It is not known precisely when VID came to Europe. The disease was first recognized as a disease in the 1920s, by which time notable epidemics were already present in London, Glasgow, Paris, and Halifax. It is hypothesized that the index case was a British sailor, who acquired the disease somewhere in West Africa and transmitted the virus through sexual contact with prostitutes in Britain while on shore leave. From here it spread to other sailors and the public at large, and was transmitted to the rest of Europe by troop and ship movements. During the 1920s and 1930s epidemics were reported in India, South Africa, Egypt, the West Indies, the United States, and most countries in Western Europe.

It would not be until the rise of mass vaccination campaigns that the real threat of this disease would be recognized, however…
AIDS comes around almost sixty years earlier than OTL?

Oh boy, this ought to be fun. Especially without the medical advances OTL that let us fight AIDS on an at least somewhat not so steep slope.
VID= Veneral Immunodeficiency Disease?

Could cut off the Sexual Revolution before it even begins if that's it.

EDIT: And right on the heels of Spanish Flu at that...
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How do you find an AIDS vaccine that early on?

Looks like this will destroy the British Empire. And the, er, sea men of the Royal Navy are the culprits. Irony on so many levels.
The first medicines capable of even slowing the progress towards AIDS will most likely not be invented until several decades later. Millions upon millions will die.

This will be interesting!
The first medicines capable of even slowing the progress towards AIDS will most likely not be invented until several decades later. Millions upon millions will die.

This will be interesting!

Come now; necessity is the mother of invention, so maybe something'll come along a bit quicker than IOTL.
Just had a nasty thought for WWII (assuming it isn't butterflied); weaponized VID. It wouldn't be like normal biological weapons; it would be a suicide weapon. During an equivalent to Barbarossa, the Soviets inject women left behind to the Nazi advance with AIDS-infected fluid. They then try to seduce as many invaders as they can, to incapacitate the Nazi soldiers. This kind of thing would only be possible in totalitarian dictatorships; the Soviets I see as the principle users of such a tactic, possibly the Nazis adopt it during the final days, and Japan may make plans to use it, or try to spread it in China.

Unit 731 will have grisly fun with this. And the Nazis in the concentration camps.

I can see a slightly earlier rise of the Nazis in this scenario. If there is a significant VID outbreak in Germany, I can see them blaming it on the Jews, as the Black Death was. And it can be called a disease of homosexuals, who the Nazis also hated.

The Sandman

The worst thing about all of this is that it's happening just as blood transfusions become possible on a large scale. Especially since, at least according to the Genocide, contaminated blood transfusions are by far the most consistent source of infection (about 90% of those exposed to HIV that way end up infected). And I have no idea how long it would be before they'd have any way to reliably test for the presence of HIV.