The New Order: Last Days of Europe Thread II

Adhemar tree


Here a fun fact, I know someone who grew up along with Adhemar and we used that person input to know if he cursed, what kind of hand gestures he did, etc

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What do you think were the most interesting tidbits that this person told you about Adhemar?
He had a strong presence of respect and everyone would call him "Doctor Adhemar". He was a stereotypical responsible gentleman in presence, impeccably dressed, well mannered, bold and also fat (that was seen as a positive characteristic back then). He didn't say swear words (so we opted for him saying insults like "Pig!").
Why does this niche community have so much fucking drama in it? I swear I've lost count of how many mods this has happened to.
My guess is human nature, with it's symptons being more common since the consequences that real life brings to us are minimal in the web.

France leak for TT3! And on that note, with this teaser, we could have a scenario where Margaret Thatcher (as the Prime Minister of a collaborationist UK where the RP won the post-civil war elections), Helmut Schmidt (as the leader of a Gang of Four which has puppeted Speer), and Francois Mitterrand (as the President of France) are the leaders of their respective countries at the same time akin to what happened IOTL between the 1981 Presidential Elections in France and the selection of Helmut Kohl in 1982.
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France leak for TT3! And on that note, with this teaser, we could have a scenario where Margaret Thatcher (as the Prime Minister of a collaborationist UK where the RP won the post-civil war elections), Helmut Schmidt (as the leader of a Gang of Four which has puppeted Speer), and Francois Mitterrand (as the President of France) are the leaders of their respective countries at the same time akin to what happened IOTL between the 1981 Presidential Elections in France and the 1982 Bundestag Elections in West Germany.
I wonder how the free french are reacting to this and how they Will deal with a democratic france appering Will de Gaulle just merge his nation with the mainland.

France leak for TT3! And on that note, with this teaser, we could have a scenario where Margaret Thatcher (as the Prime Minister of a collaborationist UK where the RP won the post-civil war elections), Helmut Schmidt (as the leader of a Gang of Four which has puppeted Speer), and Francois Mitterrand (as the President of France) are the leaders of their respective countries at the same time akin to what happened IOTL between the 1981 Presidential Elections in France and the 1982 Bundestag Elections in West Germany.
Quite sad, I expected Mitterrand to lead the PSF, oh well.

Someone was kind enough to provide us with a pic of that blessed scenario:


Made by septikczec
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I wonder how the free french are reacting to this and how they Will deal with a democratic france appering Will de Gaulle just merge his nation with the mainland.
Since the SS is in France, it makes narrative sense that the Free French would bide their time in Nouvelle-Souabe* until the Soucoupes Volantes Républicaines are ready for deployment.

*) Okay, strictly speaking they're on the Kerguelens. Close enough.
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China rework has been leaked! Though, honestly, what is most interesting IMO about this is what makes the HBZWWYH Fascist and not Despot.
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Oh boy another needless rework of something with years of content already done. Yay
Friend, you do not need to worry about that.

Basically the TNO team has many teams, and they are all developing stuff at the same time in different areas, so the manpower being used in the Chinese team was not taken from the development of TT3, just like me being in Illusions' end do not delay TT3 too.

Basically the main thing that the print above tells us about the TNO development speed is that the "The setting sun" is being developed.
Ladies and gentlemen
Normal people and french "people"

The original CSS Brazilian Dev was Jungle Rat, and he had a original plot before joining CSS. I talked with him on WhatsApp and he passed me the original idea.

Vargas would be in power in 1962, as the Brazilian starting leader under the despotic ideology and Tancredo Neves would be his head of government with Felinto Müller as the security minister. Vargas would die in the carnival of 1962 and this would cause a government collapse that would result in a coup made by Lott that would put Tancredo as the head of a interim government to call new elections.

Jungle also remembers that the UDN candidate would be the legendary lusotropicalist Affonso Arinos instead of Lacerda. The capital still would be Rio and Juscelino would build Brasilia if elected.

The plot got scrapped for many implausibilities, Vargas didn't want to remain a dictator for life for example and then CSS showed up and when Jungle Rat joined it the plot was scrapped.
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