You really think he would spare ANYONE?
You underestimate just how much the Society for the Defense of Liberty despises the Populists. They might spare the odd Congressman sticking out, maybe even a few governors, but in general they see the whole party as the corrupt tool of a Populist Dictator to control American politics through spineless politicians and opportunists.

Goldwater may not subscribe to all these thoughts, but he also knows the Populists are the main enemies of his agenda and will defend the Longist system to the last. What is the Longist system for Goldwater? Essentially the "Big government" and anti-business legislation, one of the few defining things of the Populists.
You underestimate just how much the Society for the Defense of Liberty despises the Populists. They might spare the odd Congressman sticking out, maybe even a few governors, but in general they see the whole party as the corrupt tool of a Populist Dictator to control American politics through spineless politicians and opportunists.

Goldwater may not subscribe to all these thoughts, but he also knows the Populists are the main enemies of his agenda and will defend the Longist system to the last. What is the Longist system for Goldwater? Essentially the "Big government" and anti-business legislation, one of the few defining things of the Populists.
Goldwater I know not much but I think he had a rather conservative look at economy, but liberal look on civil rights.
Goldwater I know not much but I think he had a rather conservative look at economy, but liberal look on civil rights.
Goldwater was quite idealistic when it came to his views, his main concern was always to weaken the federal government in the economy in favor of local initiative and take Washington away from decisions that should be left to the states. In his view, things like abortions, racial matters, LGBT rights etc should be a State matter. To some that's conservative (in the racial part it wasn't different from most Southern politicians) and to others it's liberal (thinking the states should decriminalize sodomy at all). But can't say he was inconsistent on that.
Well, while I'm still finishing with college matters this week, I have something to share. With the help of AI, I have generated the portrait of Ethan Maxwell, Major-General of the 36th Division and our main Point of View in the Mexican War.

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Well, while I'm still finishing with college matters this week, I have something to share. With the help of AI, I have generated the portrait of Ethan Maxwell, Major-General of the 36th Division and our main Point of View in the Mexican War.

Looks like he's an OC, I couldn't find a Wikipedia page for him. How old would he be? 50s maybe? Also, I'm not sure how realistic it'd be to have a middle aged man named Ethan in the 60s/70s, Ethan as a name only began to become popular in the 90s IOTL.
Out of topic disclaimer. I am seriously considering a draka spinoff. I wrote at writers forum: ideas and help welcome!
IIRC AI generated content is banned, whether that be writing or pictures.

Writing yes, but at least for now AI images are completely fine. Even ITTL is at least one AI image about Klara Hitler. And many other TLs (speciality Medieval ones) have used AI images. So not seem being banned. But text witten by AI is banned or at least you shouldn't deliver text from AI on TLs. But that image thing is bit unclear. I haven't even seen mods actioning them with any way.
I would say that spanning those images or images in general is a bigger concern. That and actually saying the image is AI.
What's the list of US Presidents ITTL?
1929-1937 - Herbert Hoover (Republican)
1937-1945 - Burton K. Wheeler (Democrat)
1945-1946 - Cordell Hull (Democrat)
1946-1949 - Strom Thurmond (Democrat)
1949-1961 - Huey P. Long Jr. (Democrat/Independent)
1961-1964 - James "Jimmy" Hoffa (Populist)
1964-1969 - Gerald L. K. Smith (Populist)
1969-??? - Barry Goldwater (Republican)