The Golden Eagle, A Napoleonic France after the Peace of Vienna

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1813-1820: USA
America had lost the 1812 war in the end, The White House was burned, the country was on verge of economical bankruptcy due to the blockade and reparations to Canada, there was only one person to be blamed for the defeat: President James Madison and the Democratic-Republican party. Opposition by the Federalist Party was greatly streghetened and the party put New England and several other states under they control. 1815 was the year after the war ended, America started to rebuild and Trade was resumed with the end of the blockade, but the people didn't forgive Madison and the 1816 elections gave a crushing Victory to Rufus King and the Federalist Party.

The south of the Nation was in disarray, after the Hartford Convention, the Federalists adopted an anti-slavery and Centralized stance against the south. Once in power, President King and the Federalists got a majority in Congress and were able to Implement some of the wishes of the Federalists: New States were required a 2/3rds vote to be admitted and to declare Wars and Embargoes, every president was restricted to run only one term. And an amendment to the constitution was added to curb the dominance of Virginia into the Presidency: Every president had to be born from a different state to his predecessor.

But what pulled the trigger to the south, was the proposal to eliminate the 3/5ths system that overrepresented the southern states. In 1818, South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia. Threatened to secede from the Union if the system was Abolished, the stubborn President King had to concede, revoking some articles of the Constitution made by the Federalists, allowing Presidents to run more than one term and to be from the same state as his predecessor, while also guaranteeing the 3/5ths system as a constitutional amendment.

Other than the "Nullification Crisis" and the purchase of Florida, the rest of King's presidency was a success, the economy recovered and industry was booming with the new trade relations with Britain and the Protecionist Tariffs, the White House was rebuilt and the National Bank of America was created, meanwhile, the Democratic-Republican party was forever discredited by the failure of Madison's presidency. The Elections of 1820 ended with a Landslide to Rufus King (That Ironically broke his own proposal of 1-term Presidency) against the Virginian James Monroe, and the dissolution of the Democratic-Republican party that only managed to carry the states of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. In their place, an new opposition was born to oppose the Federalists: The Whig Party.
The Death of the Tsar Alexander I came as a surprise for the Empire, it soon put Russia in a small power struggle between his two brothers: Konstantin and Nicholas, Nicholas used the time that Konstantin was in Vienna to take the power as Tsar, claiming that Alexander secretly declared him heir before going into Campaign. But Nicholas failed to get support of the army, Konstantin led the army back from Europe and quickly dethroned His brother, Nicholas was executed and Konstantin became Tsar Konstantin I Romanov.

I told you to kill BOTH Alexander and Constantine but you did not pay attention. As a result what you wrote above is not happening on planet Earth. Constantine is a clear and undisputed heir to the throne (unlike situation that existed by 1825) and Alexander did not have any reason to declare Nichols (17 years old) as his heir. So, no power struggle and no execution. Sorry. x'D

Konstantin was much more like his brother Alexander, he was a Enlightened Despot, or a Liberal Autocrat as he called himself. He decided to focus on internal reforms of Russia and follow a more Liberal approach of his Brother's plans. He relaxed on Press and speech laws, and finished the Codification of laws started by his brother.

Somehow term "liberal" is rather difficult to associate with Constantine. The only things known about him are related to his ruddiness toward his subordinates, general stupidity and addiction to the parade ground exercises.

Plans were made to deal with the issue of serfdom, Konstantin wanted to get rid of Feudalism and bring Russia to modern Era, quietly inspired by the French Revolution.

Sorry but this is a complete ASB.

Distributing lands to soldiers to bring them economical autonomy, and allowing serfs to own land.

... and free drinks for everybody....

Soldier at that time served for 25 years and usually was not returning to his home to become a peasant again so what "economic autonomy" are you talking about? Both Alexander and Nicholas adopted Arakcheev's idea of the military settlements but it proved to be absolutely terrible both economically and militarily.
Which land the serfs would be allowed to own?

To encourage the freedom of the serfs by the aristocrats, Konstantin offered a compensation that was paid to landowners for every serf freed.

And, as everybody knows, the rubles had been growing on the trees.... :winkytongue:

The government also seized lands of bankrupt aristocrats and landlords that had no male heirs, freeing the serfs and giving them the control of those lands.

.... and the factories had been given to the workers.... because since his youth Constantine was a member of the Bolshevik Party x'D

The radical reforms immediately put him in confrontation with the Conservative Aristocracy, to avoid the destiny of his father, Konstantin started a crusade against the powers of the Russian nobility, promoting military loyal commanders to form a pro-Tsarist influence inside Aristocratic circles,

Practically 100% of the military commanders belonged to the noble class and these ASB-inspired reforms would hurt either them or their relatives.

the Ohranka (secret police of the Tsar) started to spy over possible dissidenters and thwarted over 7 assassination attempts in 1819.

Okhranka was created only in 1866 and proved to be quite inefficient.

The Tsar gave land and subsided the "Sword Nobility" to increase their influence and loyalty against the Traditional landlords. But by creating an new Noble class, Konstantin created an new enemy for future Tsars.

Look, this starts being plain embarrassing. Not knowing some details is OK but not knowing the fundamental thing like the fact that the officer corps of the Russian army in the XIX century was formed almost exclusively out of nobility is a little bit too much for being taken seriously.
I told you to kill BOTH Alexander and Constantine but you did not pay attention. As a result what you wrote above is not happening on planet Earth. Constantine is a clear and undisputed heir to the throne (unlike situation that existed by 1825) and Alexander did not have any reason to declare Nichols (17 years old) as his heir. So, no power struggle and no execution. Sorry. x'D

Somehow term "liberal" is rather difficult to associate with Constantine. The only things known about him are related to his ruddiness toward his subordinates, general stupidity and addiction to the parade ground exercises.

Sorry but this is a complete ASB.

... and free drinks for everybody....

Soldier at that time served for 25 years and usually was not returning to his home to become a peasant again so what "economic autonomy" are you talking about? Both Alexander and Nicholas adopted Arakcheev's idea of the military settlements but it proved to be absolutely terrible both economically and militarily.
Which land the serfs would be allowed to own?

And, as everybody knows, the rubles had been growing on the trees.... :winkytongue:

.... and the factories had been given to the workers.... because since his youth Constantine was a member of the Bolshevik Party x'D

Practically 100% of the military commanders belonged to the noble class and these ASB-inspired reforms would hurt either them or their relatives.

Okhranka was created only in 1866 and proved to be quite inefficient.

Look, this starts being plain embarrassing. Not knowing some details is OK but not knowing the fundamental thing like the fact that the officer corps of the Russian army in the XIX century was formed almost exclusively out of nobility is a little bit too much for being taken seriously.
Russia Post deleted, anything else ?

The Status of Italy after the Peace of Vienna was decided as a way to balance the Influence of Austria and France, The French Empire was allowed to keep Control of the Piedmont, Genoa and Mantua regions. With the Kingdom of Naples under the French Sphere, ruled by the French Marshall Murat as King Murat I. Austria took control of Venetia and The Papal States and Duchy of Tuscany were placed under the Austrian Sphere. The Duchy of Milan was created as a Buffer state between Austria and France, becoming a barrier in case of War and under the Protection of the Two Emperors. The Duchy of Sardinia was placed as a Protectorate of France, being under their immediate sphere, but Keeping the House of Sarvoia as rulers.

I don't see the Kingdom of Sardinia (why should even demote back to Duchy) under French sphere, protected by the British fleet as tied with Austria diplomatically. Napoleon has no way to enforce terms on Sardinia.
1813-1820: Russia
The sudden death of the Tsar surprised everyone, especially Konstantin, who was now Tsar Kostantin I Romanov. Konstantin was very similar to his brother in some ways, but also harsher with opposition against his rule.

There wasn't much change in Russia with his rise to power. His only significant reforms were related to education and military: He planned to expand the number of universities of Russia by the double and started to teach Napoleonic tactics on military academies. He would make sure that Russia was never going to lose against the Corsican again.

But his most significant actions were in Poland, as a punishment for their support to Napoleon, the Sejm was dissolved and Russification policies were enacted over all the West of the Empire. Martial law was enacted and Military governors were appointed to suppress opposition and keep order.

Overall, Russia was under the rule of a Libeal Autocrat, as long as the people didn't join opposition movements, they were allowed to keep their lives as usual with Little intervention from the Tsar.
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The Greek War
In March of 1821, A rebellion broke out against Ottoman rule in Greece, by 1824 the Ottomans lost control over the Peloponesian and Attica. After the fall of Athens, the Sultan asked intervention from Mehmed Ali of Egypt, he sent Ibrahim Pasha and an army to intervene, capturing Crette and much of the Peloponesian by 1826. But in 1827 A meeting was called by Napoleon, urging the Europeans to set aside their differences to defend the Christian population of Grecce from Massacres made by the Ottoman government. France, Britain, and Russia intervened and declared war against the Turk Empire.

In Navarino, The Fleet of the Triple alliance fought the Ottoman-Egyptian Navy, where Napoleon revealed the ship that would revolutionize Naval Warfare: The Iron Steamship. The "MIF (Marine Imperiale Française) Charlemagne" led the French fleet and created a trail of sinking ships behind, the British also had steamships but nothing like the Charlemagne, fruit of the French Naval Modernization. The Allied Navy sunk half the Ottoman fleet and secured dominion of the seas, allowing French and British Naval forces to land on the Peloponesian to help the Greeks to turn the tide. In 1829 the Ottomans surrendered the Peloponesian, Attica, Crete, Cyclades and Thessaly to Greece.

Now the Question was the future of Grecce: Each nation that intervened desire to put a relative on the Throne, it was decided that an neutral member of the Wittelsbatch of Bavaria would be on throne: The Young Otto I


Meanwhile, The French forces invaded Algeria, taking control of Algiers and Oran, cutting the Ottoman acess and installing a Protectorate in Algiers with no protests from the Holy Alliance.

The Greek Intervention and the Algiers Colonization are some examples of Neo-Imperialism by the French Empire, and the last wars of the reign of Napoleon I.
1820-1830: France
The 1820s was the decade where the weaknesses of the French Empire finally were exposed.

The end of the wars and the demobilization of the economy and army provided a catastrophic economic crisis to France, the high demand for weapons and food were gone and many manufactories bankrupted. France was in economic recession and who did the people blame ? Napoleon Bonaparte.

Napoleon was targeted by protests on the streets that were brutally repressed by the Gerdames, but he knew the destiny of Louis XVI. Napoleon decided to spend the money that was accumulated during the wars, The government subsided several industrials and exempted them from taxes to encourage an Industrial revolution, using the large Coal and iron reserves in places like Rhineland, Wallonia, and Alsace-Lorraine to cause a Industrial boom. Attracting hundreds of thousands of unemployeds to work on factories and increasing the production of cheap consumer goods. The French economical trend reversed and the economy was booming by 1824.

But Napoleon also had to deal with Nationalism. The idea of Uniting the Germans, Italians, and Spaniards were becoming popular in the Rhineland, Flandres, Piedmont, and Catalonia. Nationalist newspapers were shut down and in 1823 Napoleon signed a law that forced all Public schools of the Empire to teach French as a second language, as an effort to reduce cultural differences and slowly assimilate the conquered Regions in the French Culture. The results were mixed: It worked wonders in Wallonia, Sarvoy, and with the dialects of southern France and Britanny. But the further away from Paris, less successful they were, German schools refused to obey the law and similar situations in Turin and Barcelona. In 1826 the government sent the Gerdames to arrest thousands of teachers and Nationalists over the Empire.

The reaction was immediate as the plan was intercepted by Catalan separatists that mounted barricades and armed themselves. In 12th of June of 1826, The Catalans fought the Gerdames in the revolt of Barcelona, Marshall Soult mobilized 15,000 men to attack the City, treating every citizen as a potential soldier. The city was Bombarded and flames engulfed it by the evening, very few of the 28,000 rebels managed to survive and the end resulted in 4,500 French, 26,000 rebel, and 35,000 Citizen deaths.

When he heard about it, Napoleon decided to revoke the law and instead incentive non-violently the education of French: All documents were written exclusively in French and schools that didn't offer French classes would need to pay a tax to the government.

The Catalans, Italians, and Germans didn't forget Napoleon, but they knew that the movements were too weak to fight the French, instead they just started to build strength secretly and had to accept the French dominion for now.

Personally, Napoleon raised his two sons, Napoleon Francis and Louis-Napoleon were raised as close brothers, and soon Francis grew much closer to his mother than his Father, that instead received attention from Louis, and that affected their personalities. Francis was a Austrophilic and liked to visit his grandfather in Vienna, while Louis proved himself a great commander like his father and was much more Nationalistic than his Brother. Napoleon knew that Louis would be a more suitable heir for the Empire, but Francis was heir der Jure and that couldn't be changed without causing anger of Marie Louise and her father. Napoleon hoped that Francis' reign would calm the Tensions between France and the Holy Alliance by making Vienna be more sympathetic to Paris, but there was the fear that he would end up being Inspired by his grandfather to restore the Absolutism. While a Louis' reign would keep France as main priority and secure the rights and liberties of the Revolution, but Louis was the Minor brother and there was no way to put him legally on the throne.

But as is the destiny of all mortal men, Napoleon fell ill in December of 1829 after the Christmas in the Tulleries. And his Colic came back after years, in the 10th of February of 1830, Napoleon I Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, and the men that changed the whole world during his reign, was dead.
I'm really thinking about changing how this TL works, I guess I will put to a vote:

A) Continue following each country and the major events of every decade, separately.

B) Condense it all in a single post explaining events in all countries (with less detail) per decade.

C) Fragment it, seeing each major event of every country separately and make the Timeline span shorter (like 5 years).
1820-1830: Britain
Things were relatively quiet in Great Britain during the 1820s, There were few events politically that deserve attention of Historians other than the death of King George III and the crowning of King George IV, that was serving as regent for the last 9 years of his father's reign. Externally things were different.

First, Britain created the "Triple alliance" with Spain and Sweden-Norway, with Portugal and Sardinia being under protection of the alliance. The main objective of the alliance was to contain French Influence on Europe, without associating with the Holy Alliance as Albion feared that they would dominate the Continent if won another war with France (Or because London could not bear to be equal with Vienna and Moscow) and for sake of Balance, Britain could not allow Russia to take France's place.

With the interest of expanding Mediterranean Influence, Britain declared support for the Greek rebellion. But after the MIF Charlemagne was revealed in Navarino, for the first time since 1066, Britain was threatened to lose advantage at sea. France had the most advanced ship of the world, an Iron steamship, as head of the Mediterranean Navy, and spies reported similar ships in Brest and Bordeaux.

The Royal Navy started to receive 3 times their previous budget now. The race for innovation was started, and Albion had to prove that they Ruled the Waves. Their disvantage was corrected in 1829 when the HMS Princess Victoria was launched in Belfast, even with less firepower and a smaller crew, the ship was faster and more mobile than the Charlemagne Class ships. Britannia ruled the waves, for now.

The French invasion of Algiers was ignored by Britain, they couldn't care less about North African tribes, especially when they invaded Burma and Ashanti, also continuing to expand at the Indian Subcontinent.

Other major event was the creation of the first railroads of the world, with France being the second to have railroads. It marked an new era for human transportation and is the mark of the Industrial Revolution.
What’s the division of land in Germany and Italy?Prussia’s drastically weakened.I’d presume that Germany under Austrian leadership is now favored due to the weakness of Prussia and the need for a strong protector against France.
1820-1830: Spain and Portugal
Spain reached their lowest point during the 1820s. After a long war against the revolutionaries, Spain lost all their American colonies except for Cuba and Puerto Rico. Their economy was broken, their spirit shattered, and their morale was broken.

In 1820, a Mutiny of soldiers ended up with a Revolution that restored the Constitution of 1812 and put the King in House arrest. The Holy Alliance planned to cooperate with the British to take down the Liberals, but Napoleon intervened and blocked acess to the armies of the Holy Alliance, stating that an attack on Spain is an attack on France. Wanting to avoid war, the Holy Alliance retreated and the Spainish Constitution was secured.

Spain would not get any better with the Constitution, as the defeats were inevitable, soon the Criollo elites of Mexico turned against the Spanish Motherland and declared an Empire that went From Utah and California, to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, Crowning the local General Agustín Ituribe as Emperor.

Spain would last the rest of the decade barely surviving, the countryside was destroyed, their richest province was taken away, their politics were divisive and unstable, and Ferdinand was dying.

Meanwhile, Portugal also lost their Colony in Brazil but in a totally different way. When Napoleon invaded Portugal, the royal family escaped to Brazil, turning it into the Capital of the Empire, bringing development and prosperity to their old colony. But in 1820, the Portuguese rebelled against the British occupiers and called back the King João VI, he went back to Portugal and left his son and heir Pedro to rule as Regent of Brazil. But soon the Portuguese Cortes demanded the restoration of Brazil to the Colonial status and the return of Pedro as he prevented the former from happening. But Pedro refused, instead he gathered support from the Locals to declare independence of the Empire of Brazil in the 7th of September of 1822. But the war was limited by few Skirmishes and Brazil had their independence recognized in 1825. In 1826 João VI died and since Pedro abdicated from the rights, his Daughter Maria would be Maria II, but his Reactionary Brother Miguel seized the throne and started a War against Maria and the Liberal Cortes, eventually Miguel defeated the Cortes, it was expected that the father of Maria, The Emperor of Brazil Pedro I, would intervene to save his daughter's throne, but the situation in Brazil prevented that. By 1832 the Cortes were defeated and D. Miguel I restored the Absolutism.
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What’s the division of land in Germany and Italy?Prussia’s drastically weakened.I’d presume that Germany under Austrian leadership is now favored due to the weakness of Prussia and the need for a strong protector against France.
Indeed Prussia is weaker since they don't have the Rhineland and Austria is leader of the German Confederation, but it may not last for much Longer. And I talked about the division of Italy in a specific Chapter.
1820-1830: Germany and Italy
The German and the Italian states out of French influence were living under a Reactionary nightmare, the Austrian Empire and the Holy Alliance cracked down on every sign of Liberalism and French Influence, Nationalists were executed and many Liberals fleed to France, Napoleon's Empire was seen as a light of Liberalism in a world of the Ancien Regime.

Many were deluded as Freedom of Speech was suppressed, but it was much better than the situation in Vienna and Berlin.

Meanwhile, Prussia started to establish their own small sphere of Influence, starting to grow their influence over North Germany, using the Mines of Silesia, Industrialization was arriving in Prussia, but Austria remained as the Dominant power of the German Confederation.

Austria remained Neutral during the Greek intervention even under Russian pressure to invade Bosnia. It would be hypocritical for the Kaiser to support the independence of Grecce from a multiethnic Empire, when themselves were suppressing German, Italian, Hungarians and Croats.

Franz II was becoming more and more closer to his Grandson Napoleon Francis, he expected that he could use him as a Austrian puppet in the Most Powerful nation of the World, and that was the fear of Napoleon and several French nationals too.