
  1. WI: Joachim Murat as King of Portugal (Napoleonic)

    Reading through Andrew Robert’s Napoleon Bonaparte biography and came across this passage: A letter that Napoleon genuinely did write to Murat, however, on the Does de Mayo, read: ‘I will give you the kingdom of Naples or of Portugal. Give me your answer immediately as this must happen in a...
  2. TheDoofusUser

    Josephine dies in 1798, Who does Napoleon marry?

    On March 9th, 1796, Napoleon Bonaparte, at the time a General in the French Army and the future First Consul and Emperor of France, married Josephine de Beauharnais, who was key to elevating Napoleon in the right political circles and allowed him to gain some approval to command the AoI. The two...
  3. WI Prussian royal family perishes in war of 4th coalition

    As in the title what would be the effects of the entire Prussian royal family dying off during the war of 1806-1807? Some die in battle, other die in accidents, couple are murdered by French soldiers, and finally what's remained of them dies of some or another ilness in winter? Anyway, by the...
  4. EasternRomanEmpire

    Expansion of Revolutionary France without Napoleon.

    Say Napoleon falls sick in the Egyptian campaign and dies. What would be the goals of another French government? Would they try to conquer more territories or would they be fine with trying to maintain the status quo?
  5. What if Napoleon II lived?

    What if Napoleon II had lived? Would he eventually return to France and resume his reign? (he was technically emperor in 1815 iotl)
  6. Kaiman

    Great Powers reaction to an Ottoman Collapse in 1807-1808

    Hey guys. I am currently writing a TL where Napoleon didn't make his two big blunders (The Peninsular War and the Invasion of Russia). I found an older post concerning what would happen if the Ottoman Empire collapsed due to the Palace Coups of 1807-1808. My main question is if Mahmud II is...
  7. GameBawesome

    WI: Louis XVII lives... what does Napoleon do with him?

    Louis XVII was the son of King Louis XVI and Marie Antionette. Despite his title, he never really was king, as after his father was executed, he was imprisoned, and later die of an illness at age 10. There would be various people who claimed to be Louis XVII, such as Karl Wilhelm Naundorff and...
  8. GameBawesome

    WI: No Hundred Days

    The Hundred Days, or the War of the Seventh Coalition, was probably Napoleon Bonaparte's legendary moment and last hurray before his final defeat. Originally, Napoleon was exiled to Elba, all the while the King Louis XVIII was becoming increasing unpopular. Seeing an opportunity, Napoleon left...
  9. Surviving Parma, Modena and Republic of Lucca - Failed Italian Unification

    How would the historical trajectory of certain Italian states, specifically the Duchies of Parma-Piacenza, Modena-Reggio, and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, have differed if the Italian Unification had failed? These entities were reinstated post-Napoleon but were later dissolved during the...
  10. vulpesvelox

    What is the after effects of a Grand Sanhedrin surviving in the Jewish world if Napoleon wins?

    In a timeline where Napoleon wins the Napoleonic Wars (the means to do so can be anything from him winning the invasion of Russia somehow, him avoiding his great ulcers that lead to his demise, etc.) In any situation where Napoleon wins, what happens to the Grand Sanhedrin project in the wider...
  11. Kaiser of Brazil

    Would this lead to a Napoleonic Victory?

    I know, invading Britain after Trafalgar is just slightly more likely than Operation Sealion and less likely than Operation Unthinkable in terms of alternate history, but this is not about invading Britain, but rather a possibility in regards to the Great Ulcer. According to Andrew Roberts...
  12. Realistic POD for Napoleon wins in Russia?

    Hi. Basically I'm new and before I try and post a tl I want to gather ideas from other people. The premise is what it says on the tin: Napoleon defeats Russia in 1812. If I say anythting ludicrous, or I have bad ettiquette, please point it out as I am new and only in Year 9.
  13. What if Napoleon ended Prussia and restored Hungary, PLC

    what if Napoleon married young and had an adult heir whom he always took with him to teach war in battles and politics in court. He never invades the Ottoman Empire and Spain. Along with dissolving the Holy Roman Empire created Hungary with Serbian and Croatian territories and Poland both as...
  14. AHC; Largest possible Empire to be created in one mans lifetime?

    What is the most amount of land one man (or woman, though less likely for obvious reasons) could conquer in their lifetime? Some great conquerors that come to mind are Alexander, who started but also died young, and Genghis Khan, who was already past his prime when he founded his empire...
  15. PC/WI: French Shogunate

    Personally I've always had a soft spot for both Bourbon and Bonapartiste France. Let's say Louis XVI doesn't commit outright treason for the Austrians and moderates are able to push a constitutional monarchy with a Chancellor selected and certified by the king and parliament. While France...
  16. ParasaurEwan

    Plausibility check: Napoleonic France if The Americans loose?

    It's a question that seems simple, but is actually complex. If France funds the American revolution, but it still fails, would the French Revolution still happen and lead to the rise of Napoleon?
  17. WI: Written constitutions considered the exception, rather than the rule?

    Whilst there's a bunch of threads on the site about constitutions, I've yet to find one on this subject: "WI: most countries didn't have a written constitution?" That doesn't mean that countries can't have constitutions, of course, they just have to be uncommon. (1) What sort of POD would be...
  18. Napoleon wins Waterloo: Impact on Europe?

    Now, to be clear, I'm not asking whether Napoleon could have won the war, I've read enough threads on the subject to know that he is most likely defeated by an incoming Austrian army if Napoleon wins at Waterloo. My question is waht the impact of Austria dealing the final blow on Napoleon would...
  19. Xekimus

    La Guillotine Permanente: A French Revolutionary Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: 8 Thermidor

    Chapter 1 8 Thermidor "During the French Revolution, Maximilien Robespierre was a leader who fought for the rights of the common people. However, some people called the Thermidorians wanted to take power away from him. They were afraid of Robespierre because they saw him as a threat to their...
  20. LadyPerfidia

    If Josephine and Napoleon had a son in 1797?

    If Napoleon and Josephine had a son early in their marriage, how would this affect the Bonaparte dynasty ruling France? Could this prolong the French empire and possibly prevent Napoleon from losing his throne? More importantly, who would Napoleon marry his son off to if such circumstances were...