The Fire Never Dies, Part II: The Red Colossus

I think this is the only story I've seen so far where someone proposes a Red Japan and I'm hoping it won't end up being a total disaster.

I'm inclined to think the reason is that the Red America and its creation have been interesting and well-developed so far, and overall the story manages to convince me that it's worth suspending disbelief and paying attention to its development.
A socialist America is not exactly the biggest suspension of disbelief in a story like this. Anymore if the United States won the war of 1812 and got Canada by being actually competent or got more of Northern Mexico after the Mexican-American war through a different Ambassador. The biggest suspension of disbelief would be like if a country like Serbia managed to unify most of the Balkans while being the people in charge. This story is quite possible as it was done correctly some of the more wankier aspects aside. I think Reds! is another story about a more right America going socialist, an example of a non-absolute America wank done well.

I think this story of a Socialist America is unique in that it keeps to struggle of politics, and doesn’t have the Red America manage to win over their territories enough to stay in the Union.
The point here was to highlight that Red America is believably constructed and that what you find that makes you think "this wouldn't be so simple" are small details, not the whole premise XD

Which contrasts greatly with other instances that I saw and where the attitude of the thread could be summed up as "well yes, this happens because I said it because that's why I'm the author. Why should I worry about it making sense? Don't read if you don't like!"
The point here was to highlight that Red America is believably constructed and that what you find that makes you think "this wouldn't be so simple" are small details, not the whole premise XD

Which contrasts greatly with other instances that I saw and where the attitude of the thread could be summed up as "well yes, this happens because I said it because that's why I'm the author. Why should I worry about it making sense? Don't read if you don't like!"
I really try to avoid that. I know that I've stretched plausibility in places, or chosen an unlikely outcome because it suited the story better. But what I've always aimed for is to show how things are possible, often by imagining how TTL historians would look back on events. There are many unlikely events in history, after all.
I really try to avoid that. I know that I've stretched plausibility in places, or chosen an unlikely outcome because it suited the story better. But what I've always aimed for is to show how things are possible, often by imagining how TTL historians would look back on events. There are many unlikely events in history, after all.
Will the United States move to low-level state communism such abolishing money anytime soon? Like maybe in the 1980s?
Honestly they're probably the next best candidate alongside Korea for a socialist revolution if China wasn't available.
Honestly if China stayed Communist, Korea would definitely be communist. No amount of aid from Russia could keep Korea capitalist if China was red. Maybe will see something like a communist south, and a capitalist north? Would be a fun mix up.
I actually wonder how Morocco feels about this turn of events
I mean Morocco was a french Protectorate (i.e. practical colony) so I think the local leaders will probably be toeing the french line in regards to the ASU and the like. Although I can also see the Moroccan monarchs also privately worry about what the ASU can do to encourage and support a revolution in the country.
If anything, the outcome of the war in Europe, with Germany's power strengthened, is of more significance to Morocco. It's true that the ASU could aid in ousting France, but they would also oust the monarchy, while Germany would be much more interested in having a friendly independent Morocco.
If anything, the outcome of the war in Europe, with Germany's power strengthened, is of more significance to Morocco. It's true that the ASU could aid in ousting France, but they would also oust the monarchy, while Germany would be much more interested in having a friendly independent Morocco.
Makes sense although I don’t think the ASU has much of an interest in Morocco or Africa in general right now
would they really? Morocco and America go back to the Revolutionary War. It's possible that they become a neutral state that's supported by both Germany and the ASU in the SGW.
It's possible, I guess. But the limit on how much support the ASU is willing to provide is a lot lower for monarchies (or even liberal republics) than it is for socialists.

If Morocco were to be a battlefield in WW2, its fate would depend on who were the ones to throw the French out. If its the Germans, the Italians, or the Moroccans themselves, then we get a Kingdom of Morocco. If, on the other hand, France is still in charge when the Americans reach the major cities, then we get a Moroccan Socialist Republic.