The challenge is simple. Take a brutal bloody dictatorship in last few centuries, and replace it with a less bloody one that eventually leads to more freedom.

1. Figure out when the coup/counter-revolution will start.
2. Figure out who will lead it.
3. How much less bad can it be than the dictator/would be dictator or replaced?
4. How long before the counter-revolution leadership evolves into a society we would call "first world" in the areas of economic and political freedom?
5. Legacy

1. The German General Staff launches a successful coup in 1938 during the Munich Crisis.
2. Genraloberst Ludwig Beck
3. The military government is brief and they quickley restore "civilian" control, with the military providing support for the new Adenauer Chancellorship.
4. Without a war, Germany can focus on economic growth and quality of life. By the early 1950's Germany is a country anyone would like to live in.
5. The Holocaust never happens, Russia has another 100+ million people today. Europe has another 150+ million inhabitants today.

Your Turn......
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