Good TL Rockefeller has so much unused potential I hope you continue this.
Thanks! I bought On His Own Terms: A Life of Nelson Rockefeller recently to research Rockefeller's specific policy positions and his personality, so once I read some of the book, the TL will become active again.
The Aftermath
The perpetrator of the crime was promptly arrested. She was eventually identified as Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, a former member of the Manson family. Fromme was indicted and charged with the assassination of a United States president. After a widely publicized trial, Fromme was convicted and sentenced to death.
Nelson Rockefeller, the new president of the United States, addressed a joint session of congress and eulogized President Ford. Rockefeller's speech was met with thunderous applause after evoking many sentimental anecdotes of his former boss and inspiring the crowd with his intentions for a bright path forward. "America's might will not diminish after this tragic blow, but will emerge as a stronger force. The United States will continue to live up to its title as 'leader of the free world,' and react accordingly to the heinous act that has just been committed."