Revolution! Or, A Victorian Cold War

What country should I cover once I've finished California?

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The Free Republic of Nicobar
The Free Republic of Nicobar is an unrecognised narco state located in the eastern half of the Indian Ocean. The state shares maritime borders with the Scandinavian-owned Andaman Islands, the People’s Democratic Republic of Siam and the Sultanate of Aceh. The nation’s capital is the small city of Campbell Bay, with a population of around 8,500 denizens. Current population estimates of the island chain as a whole range from around 80,000 to 110,000 citizens, about half of which are under de-facto slavery.

The Free Republic was originally known as the Independent State of the Nicobar Islands, ruled by members of the former mixed-race Nordic-Indians and their native inhabitants after gaining independence after a referendum that was held in 1980. The referendum in question was plagued with corruption, vote-rigging and corporate-backed assassinations as it was later revealed that the independence movement was mostly funded by drug kingpins from not only Nicobar, but also from nearby nations such as the British Raj, Afghanistan, Deccan, Siam and British Singapore.

Despite the drama surrounding the referendum and the cover-up that ensued by the local government, Nicobar gained it’s de-facto independence, but was under the de-jure control of a mob of Nicobarese drug lords that were the centre of the infamous ‘Golden Triangle’ - the zone of opioid production that spans from Eastern India all the way to Indochina and as far south as Malaya. The small island chain was quickly forgotten about in the geopolitical mess of the Cold War, as the fall of the Worker’s Republic in Germany and the ensuing Civil War led to much of the world’s problems being put on the back burner – with the issue of the Nicobarese drug syndicates being among them.

Despite the fact that the Nicobar was promised a bright future as an independent state by their European overlords and the billions of pounds of Consortium aid would flood into the country to both fight the drug kingpins and build up necessary infrastructure, it can be safely said that the complete opposite happened throughout the three tumultuous years that the Independent State existed. The drug lords that had once haunted the alleyways and nightclubs of the once-popular holiday destination quickly turned an imperfect representative democracy it into an oligarchy that thrives off of the Indo-Pacific Slave Trade, the Golden Triangle and numerous other illegal industries.

Nicobar exists today as a haven for smugglers in the Eastern Indian Ocean, but is also home to a substantial Siamese minority who fled their homeland throughout the 1970’s and early-to-mid 80’s. The Siamese that stayed on Nicobar have since integrated into the nation’s criminal hierarchy, mostly working as captains on the ships that smuggle all forms of goods in and out of Nicobar and beyond. The rest of the island is made up of the native Indian peoples from the Subcontinent and the ruling minority of mixed-raced Nordic-Indians that were the result of the mostly-Danish settlers interbreeding with the locals.

Nicobar remains unrecognised by the bulk of the world and is now considered de-jure Scandinavian territory by the Consortium. The only nations that trade with Nicobar are the Canontese, East Indies, Liberians and Patagonians – and that’s not including the thousands of criminal gangs that also profit from the island chain’s perfect geopolitical position.
Malayan Federation Flag

The Flag of the Malayan Federation is used by all member states of the supranational organisation and generally flies alongside the flag of ASEAN, the BIC and their respective national flags on federal capitals and other major government buildings. The crescent moon represents the Islamic faith and its importance to the Federation as a tool of unifying its non-Malay ethnic groups, while the red and white stripes represent the Federation's ties to the British Imperial Commonwealth. Finally, the blue triangle represents the Federation as a forward-thinking organisation, while the six stars represent the six member states of the Federation.

Member States of the Malayan Federation
  1. Johor (Sultanate)
  2. Kuala Lumpur (City-State)
  3. Sarawak (Kingdom)
  4. Sabah (Republic)
  5. Malaysia (Republic)
  6. Malacca (Sultanate)
Observer States of the Malayan Federation
  1. Singapore (City-State)
Have you ever considered developing a Liechtenstein meme? In OTL, it can be considered the most reactionary state in Europe. Firstly, it is the last absolute monarchy in Europe with a Prince who can veto the laws of the Diet or even popular referendums...and the people love him more than any politician! Secondly, it is very socially conservative. It one granted women suffrage in 1984 and abortion is completely illegal. Even today, traditional gender roles are popular. Finally, as a means of attracting foreign investment, the corporate tax is almost zero.

Also, have you ever heard of Steve Sailer? He is widely regarded as the man who invented identity politics for the new right and his articles are insightful and often amusing. Here are some examples:

By the way, have you ever heard Hoppewave music?
Have you ever considered developing a Liechtenstein meme? In OTL, it can be considered the most reactionary state in Europe. Firstly, it is the last absolute monarchy in Europe with a Prince who can veto the laws of the Diet or even popular referendums...and the people love him more than any politician! Secondly, it is very socially conservative. It one granted women suffrage in 1984 and abortion is completely illegal. Even today, traditional gender roles are popular. Finally, as a means of attracting foreign investment, the corporate tax is almost zero.

I might do something on Liechtenstein at a later date. I'm fully aware of Prince Hans Adam's libertarian tendencies and that's actually what inspired me to turn Afghanistan into something similar to what His Serene Highness proposes...

"The State should treat its citizens like an enterprise treats its customers.
For this to work, the State also needs competition.
We therefore support the right of self-determination at the municipal level, in order to end the monopoly of the State over its territory."

Liechtenstein ITTL would be so reactionary that it would make TTL's expy of Jacob Rees-Mogg think twice about his politics.

I've been reading too much Hoppe over the weekend please help me

So Sailer's a bit of paleocon then?

The reactionary/paleoconservative portion of right-wing politics is more influential politically (mostly in Europe and North America) due to the surging tide in centre-left classical liberalism after the end of the Cold War in the 1980's.

Perhaps I can elaborate more on the rise of an alt-paleocon movement for the TL. It would focus less on the identity politics and more on the civic nationalism, economic protectionism, closed borders and religion.

By the way, have you ever heard Hoppewave music?

Yes, I have. As much as I have a love-hate relationship with Hoppe and his somewhat-deluded adherents, they can make some decent music. :p

Another space-related preview, showing the major orbital communities located in and around the Inner Solar System.

Take a guess as to who/what most of these factions are? ;)
Regarding future models of the Arab World, I would recommend looking to Sultan Qaboos' Oman...a true renaissance man and enlightened despot who ruled a peaceful, prosperous kingdom surrounded by charismatic clerics, mad mullahs and peasant thugs.
When did Mars get terraformed again? cos that seems remarkably blue and green for something recent.

The terraforming process started in the 1970's. I couldn't find a version of Mars that's half terraformed, so I've stuck with a fully terraformed Red Planet out of convenience.


If you want an idea of what Mars would look like ITTL, it's somewhat of a combination of these two images :D
Regarding future models of the Arab World, I would recommend looking to Sultan Qaboos' Oman...a true renaissance man and enlightened despot who ruled a peaceful, prosperous kingdom surrounded by charismatic clerics, mad mullahs and peasant thugs.

The Arab Republic is either going to collapse in a blaze of nuclear fire from the Iranians and Israelis, or from an internal revolt via the military. The rest of the Arab Gulf States are treading the fine line of neutrality and pro-Arab alignment, since they wish to see better relations with the rest of the Western/secular Islamic world.