Revolution! Or, A Victorian Cold War

What country should I cover once I've finished California?

  • Total voters

Deleted member 82792

Really, really, really shitty... The current Texan government is almost non-functional and on the verge of collapse. Plenty of *ahem* 'special interest groups' (read, nomadic AnCaps and similar groups) are moving into the state, taking advantage of the rather lax border controls.
Can you please do a write-up later? Also, how are things down in Mexico? Wouldn't it be ironic if they wanted to build a wall to keep gringos out?
Do we have World Cup, Eurovision and Oscars in this TL?

Yes, yes and yes! But they're all under alternate names due to butterflies.

The Oscars (and the global centre of films in general) are located in a Russified version of Victoria, British Columbia (in-verse Tsarist Alayska).
Do they have Star Wars ITTL? If not, what are the actors from Mark Hamill to Daisy Ridley doing?

What is known ITTL as *Star Wars (probably under a different name) was a sneaky anti-Red propaganda piece by a George Lucas expy that depicted a *Communist Empire fighting against a Liberal Rebellion*. The film is (in)famously known for somehow evading the Californian censors and becoming a smash hit once bootleg copies were exported to the Free World.

Mark Hamil was probably a high-ranking member of the Californian government, emphasis on 'was' as he probably got killed during the hardliner coup in the 1980's. I'm not entirely sure about Daisy Ridley...

As for some of the other Star Wars actors, I'd imagine that they would go down other career paths. Come to think of it, an alternate Harrison Ford (since Illinois is Quebecois territory ITTL) running for the Presidency under the *Republicans is an interesting idea... :p
TexFax News

Teletext is still a thing ITTL... :p
GeoPol VI
CIRCA 2015 A.D.


Western Africa is a basket case of former colonies, rogue states and almost any number of overseas protectorates and territories that you can think of. The usual culprits of Ebola, famine, corruption and military rule are present, although some of the states are certainly more developed than others…

West Africa

  • The British Dominions of The Gambia, Biafra, Dahomey and Oyo are among some of the most developed states in the West Africa region, rivalling their counterparts on the East and Southern coasts of the continent for economic and social prosperity. Cities such as Lagos, Banjul and Ajashe have grown to rival the metropolises of Europe and the Americas, while a stable economy has given rise to a healthy middle and upper class that is slowly expanding as more ‘people friendly’ MegaCorps begin to flow into the area.

    The MegaCorporations on the African continent aren’t just mere start-ups or subsidiaries of greater international businesses – they are in fact, the descendents of the British colonial companies of old.

    While they’re no longer known by names such as the ‘British West Africa Company’ or the ‘Bight of Bonny Association’, these groups have since been freed from their former British mandates and now fill every niche one can think of.
    From shipping, to telecommunications and general infrastructure, these former colonial relics have been staffed by the native populaces since the mid-late 20th century and have led to the aforementioned explosion in economic growth that have turned their respective nation states into the model for post-colonial nationhood.
  • The former French and Dutch colonies in the region have been a mixed bag of results, from tin-pot dictatorships to thriving republics and even a couple of Kingdoms – set up by either the first ‘democratically-elected President’ or from historical pre-colonial dynasties. These states are what gives West Africa the infamy that it often doesn’t deserve.

    The Dutch-led Sahelsee Project is a massive multi-national and multi-corporate undertaking that hopes to expand the shrinking Lake Chade into a large body of water that hopes to irrigate the arid Sahel region and bring in millions of jobs for the native African peoples. Plans for the outright privatisation of the region are being drawn up by the multi-nationals that have been working alongside the Dutch and Ashanti governments for the past 30 years, but these plans are already being sidelined in favour of giving the soon-to-be-opened body of water international status like the open oceans have under the Consortium’s Laws of the Sea.
  • The Free African Republic of Liberia is the black sheep (no pun intended here) of the West African region, if not the entire continent. The nation was once a thriving democracy, ruled by a mixture of native Africans and Afro-American imports from the colonial era. The Liberians were once an identical copy of the United States in all but name, with a similar commitment to freedom and liberty as their erstwhile colonisers had.

    By the turn of the 20th century and the beginning of the African Proxy Wars in the Congo and East Africa, this attachment to democracy had been shaken by the then-recent coup in the CONUS by the US Army in response to the draconian methods of then-President Spiro Agnew. Various African-American ‘special interest groups’ both violent and non-violent, had been fleeing to the Liberian Republic since the 1960’s and were quickly voted into public office by an increasingly paranoid upper class of American-descended blacks.

    A sudden coup by the so-called ‘Free African Army’ - a black supremacist organisation that had ties to numerous Black Liberation and Ultranationalist groups in the US, UK and abroad – in 1983, decapitated the democratic government in Libera and instituted a dictatorship. Liberia has become a symbol of black liberation in the eyes of many radical Afro-Lib groups in the West and even Africa itself. The fact that the Free Republic boasts a small arsenal of tactical nuclear warheads makes dealing with them a difficult task. The goals of the ultranat-corporatist ethnostate is to created a ‘United African Republic’ wherein the African people can be free from ‘Euro-American tyranny and corporatist oppression’, although the ironic fact that the Liberians are half-corporation-half-nation-state is completely lost on them.

    Liberia is often seen by many pundits and politicians as the antithesis to Rhodesia, which follows a white ethno-nationalist flavour of governance in lieu of the Liberian model of African Supremacy.

Don't worry, Rhodesia will get the same treatment in the Southern Africa GeoPol update. Don't get triggered, mmkay?
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