Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

The land is below all the water.
‘Portugal’ doesn’t lend itself to comeback puns… “It’s Portugal, not Potable” falls flat. So does “Portugal, not Portuguzzle.” Longer diatribes about the traditional association of Portugal and green on maps, and therefore the association with a “green water navy” just get too bogged down in requisite knowledge.

Point is, they won’t be colonizing seabed.
‘Portugal’ doesn’t lend itself to comeback puns… “It’s Portugal, not Potable” falls flat. So does “Portugal, not Portuguzzle.” Longer diatribes about the traditional association of Portugal and green on maps, and therefore the association with a “green water navy” just get too bogged down in requisite knowledge.

Point is, they won’t be colonizing seabed.
What is this heresy I hear? The entirety of history has simply been progressing to lead to the singularity; the enlightenment of the Portuguese people and their final understanding that they need not land for they are men of the seabeds.
…the Portuguese people and their final understanding that they need not land for they are men of the seabeds.
They’re so close to the water already, but they must first rename themselves Baytugal. With the first floating city off the coast of Lisbon, they can finally call themselves Seatugal. Construction downward from the floating city will allow them to anchor where they please, and attaching engines to it will allow them to roam the seas at will.
They’re so close to the water already, but they must first rename themselves Baytugal. With the first floating city off the coast of Lisbon, they can finally call themselves Seatugal. Construction downward from the floating city will allow them to anchor where they please, and attaching engines to it will allow them to roam the seas at will.

This explains why the Dutch hated the Portuguese so much - Seatugal was the enemy the whole time. :p

Back in 2013, a proposal was made by the Chinese construction company HKND to build a canal across Nicaragua. This was because it was thought that the Panama Canal wouldn't be able to accommodate the increased demand for shipping later in the 21st century. They suggested a 50 year concession to build a new canal and operate it, with the possibly of it being extended to another 50 years. Opposite ports would be made on opposite sides of the country and a channel dug between the two. The hope was that this would help turn Nicaragua into a first world nation. There were numerous problems with the idea though.
  • It would've cost around $40 billion and HKND simply didn't have the money, nor a solid plan to acquire that much.
  • Anywhere from 30,000-120,000 people would need to be relocated
  • Lake Nicaragua would've been contaminated with salt water or oil, or even both. And this is the largest source of fresh water in Central America.
  • 400,000 hectares of rain forest and wetland were going to be destroyed, including the habitats of at least 22 endangered species. In addition, the migration routes of numerous other species would be disrupted and invasive species from the ocean could be introduced into the lake and surrounding river ecosystems.
  • To deal with the ongoing risks of tropical disease, entirely new modern hospitals and infrastructure would need to be built.
None of this came to pass because not only did HKND's billionaire CEO lose 80% of his net worth in the 2015 Chinese Stock Market Crash, but the Panama Canal also completed an expansion project in 2016 that could accommodate all but the absolute largest cargo ships.
None of this came to pass because not only did HKND's billionaire CEO lose 80% of his net worth in the 2015 Chinese Stock Market Crash, but the Panama Canal also completed an expansion project in 2016 that could accommodate all but the absolute largest cargo ships.
Chinese company: What if we built a Nicaragua canal in case the Panama canal ever became too small to handle shipping in the future?
Panama canal: Is expanded and everything goes fine.
Chinese company: :mad: