Player Two Start: An SNES-CD Timeline

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Yeah, I was thinking that too. Though I wonder how much a hybrid handheld gaming device/cellphone would cost and how capable it would be compared to a first-generation iPhone... I'll be quiet now. :p

They'd have a lot of money and talent to throw at it, and launching circa 2000/2001... something akin to the OTL Nintendo DS in terms of graphics doesn't seem outrageous. It could be a "give away razors to sell razorblades" situation. It's offer Microsoft (and possibly Apple) a chance to foster/control an ecosystem in which gaming would only be one sector.

Although Apple's involvement would be vital. If Microsoft tried to do a proto-iPhone sort of thing, I imagine it'd look more like the N-Gage.
Well, this interview from Sakurai just came up:

Basically it's all about how Fire Emblem got to be represented in Smash.

A pretty interesting read, and yeah, we'll be seeing at least one Fire Emblem character in this next Smash Bros game.

I'm guessing that this will be Kalinske's last E3. He's been laying off high- and mid-level staff. The Ultra has totally dominated the Saturn despite them doing basically everything right this generation. It'd also make sense that Sega would try new blood with a new system inbound, and it'd feel like a natural end to his arc in Player Two Start.

That said, I do wonder how Sega will market itself going forward. I'm not sure if it was intentional but, from the way this TL has been written, it has seemed like Sega has had confused branding ever since they announced the Saturn's price point (high compared to the SNES-CD). They're not the most powerful console anymore. They tried online stuff but the infrastructure wasn't quite developed enough to support it yet. They're not really pushing more 'mature' content than Nintendo anymore (read: gore and tits). They're cheaper than the Ultra, but they look cheaper too, unless you shell out extra money for the Ring. They've got an air of being more "arcade-y" but only on certain titles, and even then that seems like more of a Japan-centric marketing strategy given that arcades are fading away at this point in North America. There's been no really consistent narrative to the Saturn's marketing.

Seems like Sega's been firing everything they can at Nintendo but nothing's been working. Their lack of focus in advertising has been a problem with them, perhaps by the Katana they'll have a consistent narrative.

Yeah, that seems to be a problem. Yet if that is the case then I could see Kalinske's successor reviewing what went wrong in the fifth generation, and applying those lessons to the sixth. In regards to online infrastructure, it should really coming into its own by the sixth generation and I believe there was an implication that the Katana will still have an online strategy. Furthermore, Bill Gates mentioned that Microsoft found a niche in the market in that interview with Forbes in 2005. Depending how to interpret that, Microsoft's entry into that market may have a more detrimental effect on Nintendo/Sony than it would Sega.

Online will be a big part of Sega's strategy for their next machine, and as for Microsoft...yeah, they'll be doing something in the online realm as well.

Is it too early to speculate on TTL's Railworks/Train Simulator?

We currently don't have any plans for Train Simulator :(

One last E3 question, this time about voice actors. First, is Jaleel White going to reprise his role as Sonic in Sonic the Hedgehog 5, and second, will Anna Gunn be voicing Samus in Metroid: Darkness. I'm especially interested in the second one since you kept your lips sealed about it when I was speculating about such a development when it was first revealed that Gunpei Yokoi was planning a new Metroid game for the UNES and that Gunn was Samus' voice actor by 2015 in rapid succession.

Jaleel White has moved on by Sonic 5, someone else is voicing Sonic in that game. And Anna Gunn doesn't start out as Samus in Metroid: Darkness, she starts out as Samus in a later game.

Question: Does Zelda have voice-acting, ITTL?

So far, only a bit of narration, no formal voice acting yet.
Seems like Sega's been firing everything they can at Nintendo but nothing's been working. Their lack of focus in advertising has been a problem with them, perhaps by the Katana they'll have a consistent narrative.

Online will be a big part of Sega's strategy for their next machine, and as for Microsoft...yeah, they'll be doing something in the online realm as well.

If I could make a suggestion, one area they could focus on in their narrative is its online capabilities. For example if there are any MMORPG or FPSes, perhaps Sega could craft a narrative of, "Bringing the entire world into your living room." Additionally, the name of the system could add to that narrative with the Internet becoming a bridge between cultures and bringing people together across the world.

Just my thoughts.

Jaleel White has moved on by Sonic 5, someone else is voicing Sonic in that game. And Anna Gunn doesn't start out as Samus in Metroid: Darkness, she starts out as Samus in a later game.

Something I noticed was video game voice acting has improved much quicker TTL. Always a good thing.

Would anyone like to speculate who would be voicing Sonic and crew this game? I would like to nominate Quinton Flynn if possible. ;)
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Hopefully when Katana is released Nintendo won't be miles ahead of Sega in the console race.

And is the Doctor Doom in the Fantastic Four movie going to be more true to the source materiel? Doom has such an awesome backstory that it's a shame that none of the Fantastic Four movies have used any of it.
And is the Doctor Doom in the Fantastic Four movie going to be more true to the source materiel? Doom has such an awesome backstory that it's a shame that none of the Fantastic Four movies have used any of it.

That would be telling. ;) But I will be posting the Fantastic Four film after the Pop Culture update. So... I'm just curious, what are your guesses for the cast? This question is open to everyone.

Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic
Susan Storm/Invisible Woman
Johnny Storm/Human Torch
Benjamin Grimm/The Thing
Victor Von Doom

And I have a surprise that MCU fans might kill me over.
If I could make a suggestion, one area they could focus on in their narrative is its online capabilities. For example if there are any MMORPG or FPSes, perhaps Sega could craft a narrative of, "Bringing the entire world into your living room." Additionally, the name of the system could add to that narrative with the Internet becoming a bridge between cultures and bringing people together across the world.

Just my thoughts.


To all PM, will answer later or tomorrow, a road trip, wwe PPV and other keep me busy today.

About that, OTL beat us, that was whole Phantasy Star Online promo:
So far, only a bit of narration, no formal voice acting yet.

Hope not. I'm a traditionalist on Zelda using text boxes. Then again, i'm also a traditionalist on Final Fantasy using text boxes but you fixed that ITTL, mainly because Square ITTL did'nt do one of the shittest English dubs possible on their first try. Fuck off, Tidus and Yuna.
Hope not. I'm a traditionalist on Zelda using text boxes. Then again, i'm also a traditionalist on Final Fantasy using text boxes but you fixed that ITTL, mainly because Square ITTL did'nt do one of the shittest English dubs possible on their first try. Fuck off, Tidus and Yuna.
I'd imagine that those two are completely butterflied away by that time, Tidus at the very least.
Could someone with a TV Tropes account edit the page for TLL? It hasn't been updated outside of Polly Klaas in months.
Well John Romero just uploaded a video of the Super Mario Bros. 3 PC demo that led to Commander Keen. Apparently it's because this is Keen's 25th anniversary.

I just finished watching it from 'other forum' and remember i was so rough a guy working in that subjet(in this in forum Koopas and Keyboards, i was give greenlight to continued, should do it....)

And yeah that is another intertesting POD, what if Nintendo Accepted the Port? how much would have sold SMB3 in PC? Millons? tens of millons?(otl was 18 millons in NES, 5 Millons japan alone)

We would get other ports too?(Zelda, Metroid, Kid icarus')
Go Go, Alternate History Power Rangers! (Part 2)
This one has been a long time coming, but here is the other half to the Power Rangers Turbo update.


Despite the promise Power Rangers Turbo showed in its theatrical outing, fan reception to this season is mixed. Again, the nature of its corresponding Super Sentai, Gekisou Sentai Carranger, made it difficult for the writers of the show to depict as serious children’s entertainment especially after the dark nature of the feature film. The general consensus among fandom is that Turbo is...confusion as it darker than Zeo[, but the slapstick nature of the original Sentai undermined the underlying theme of adulthood and the challenges of the real world. It was also a time of transition was the team’s mentor and technical help, Zordon and Alpha 5 also quietly departed the show to return to Eltar, though Zordon’s capture and the search for him served as the impetus for the following season, Power Rangers Mega Force. However, it would be Billy Cranston who would step in the role as the team’s advisor and technical support. At one point during Zeo, David Yost had considered leaving the series due to the harassment he had received on set. In fact, the two-part episode “Rangers of Two Worlds” had Billy leave the team in its early drafts but Jason David Frank’s on air apology and the promise of a bigger role in Turbo. Additionally, the restoration of his Triceratops powers only held crossover potential, ultimately did not happen until the conclusion of Mega Force.

Meanwhile, Jason David Frank and Catherine Sutherland both expressed their desire to leave, Frank having been with the show since it’s inaugural season. Tommy Oliver was and remains the most popular Ranger, and his departure left some big boots to fill. Writing Frank and Sutherland out was fairly simple; shortly after their graduation from Angel Grove High, Kat receives an offer to train to become a ballerina in London, however that would require her to move overseas. Kat made it clear that she intends to take this opportunity, leaving Tommy with a conundrum as his long-distance relationship with Kimberly did not work out. By “Passing of the Torch” and after much soul searching, Tommy decides to move with Kat and focus on his martial arts. His replacement was probably the most polarizing topic as his successor was none other than Ryan Steele from Saban’s other tokusatsu-derived series, VR Troopers.

Some fans loved it because it established continuity between both series (and VR Troopers arch-nemesis, Grimlord would later appear as a member of the United Alliance of Evil.) Others thought the producers were trying to shoehorn a character from another series that was a dubious choice. The truth was that the producers wanted to cast Brad Hawkins into Power Rangers and he was original choice to play the Gold Zeo Ranger, but scheduling conflicts prevented him from taking the role and it went to Austin St. John. In any case, fans warmed up to Ryan after Turbo when he became the Black Ranger in Mega Force. Interestingly, though Ryan deferred to the Red Mega Ranger, Andros (played by American-born Super Sentai veteran, Kane Kosugi), he was still the de facto leader as the case was for Mega Force’s Super Sentai counterpart, Denji Sentai Megaranger.

Fans responded more positively to Kat’s replacement, Ashley Hammond (played by Tracy Lynn Cruz), who was outspoken, fiery tempered, and loved to play video games… just like a certain hostess of a popular gaming show at the other time. Showrunner Judd Lynn later admitted that idea for the character came from a writer that was fan of their show; they wanted to make a Pink Ranger different from Kimberly or Kat. Ashley Hammond was very much representative of the growing “girl power” movement in children’s media popular with both boys and girls. She often ranks behind Kimberly as the best Pink Ranger among Power Rangers fans. Her first appearances were fairly low key with non-speaking cameos in the first episodes, and later appearing as a cheerleader one of at Adam’s soccer games.

Ryan’s introduction in “Passing of the Torch” was more of an event, with Divatox approaching Karl Ziktor (AKA Grimlord) who had moved his operations to Angel Grove. The show never offered an explanation for the move, but a mysterious figure representing the United Alliance of Evil promises him an empire in both the real and cyber worlds in exchange for his assistance. This is actually foreshadowed in “The Millennium Message” where Grimlord appears with Rita, Zedd, the House of Gadgetry, and Divatox in the Blue Senturion’s message to the Rangers. The Rangers bring attention to this fact, and wonder who this mysterious foe is though those who watched VR Troopers knew. Grimlord tells Divatox that they need to destroy their leader and the “rest of the team would fall” so the Pirhanatrons and Grimlord’s mutants attack Tommy and Kat on route to their camp site. What neither Grimlord nor Divatox anticipated was Ryan Steele’s arrival.

Ryan who saw them under attack at a nearby rest stop, assists Tommy and Kat despite the (unexplained) loss of his Trooper powers. Meanwhile, the other three Rangers come under attack one of Divatox’s monsters, who knocks their keys away. Ashley coincidentally shows up to distract the monster and says what will become a meme that would echo for years afterward: “I know Street Fighter.”[1] Despite what one would think of the cheerleader, Ashley proves herself a capable fighter and even uses a Sega Saturn controller as a lariat to buy the Rangers enough time to morph and force it into retreat. At the end of the two-parter, Tommy and Kat announce their departure from the team and name Ryan and Ashley their replacements. It was bittersweet seeing one of the longest-serving and most beloved Ranger leave, but it could’ve been worse. Despite what many thought about Ryan, we got a veteran and a capable leader and Ashley brought some needed new blood into the team.

Series’ villain, Divatox is nearly universally despised by the fanbase because of whining and petulance. Many (including History of Power Rangers producer Lewis Lovhaug) particularly hate how she chewed the scenery with her tantrums who had no real good reason for wanting conquering Earth, being a pirate and was generally as ineffective as her henchmen, the Pirahnatrons. Personally, I disagree, call me corny but I love villains who act in an exaggerated manner. I personally found her tantrums as amusing as Rita Repulsa’s headaches. Most fans consider Grimlord to be the superior villain is it was his strategies that lead to the Rangers’ defeat at the end of the season with him leading the charge into the Power Chamber. However, Divatox, living up to her name, takes credit for his victory. As competent as Grimlord was, he lacked much in the way of personality compared to Rita and Lord Zedd.

And then there’s Bulk and Skull, the unsung heroes of the Zordon era. It appears that the writers and producers did not know what to do with them for the first half of the season. First Divatox’s annoying nephew, Elgar, devolves them into chimpanzees, then returns them to human form albeit invisible, and then has them doing odd jobs for the rest of the season until they finally land jobs as security guards for NASADA in the final episodes of the season. The producers didn’t give them much development until the final thirteen episodes where they acted as the Power Rangers’ secret keepers and Bulk even expressed his resentment that the Rangers got all the recognition when their good deeds went unnoticed. The peak of their character development came at the season finale “Chase Into Space” where the duo have their “Big Damn Heroes” moment when Divatox and Grimlord’s forces lay siege to the Power Chamber. Through little confusion fu and old-fashioned badassery when they pick up the enemy’s weapons and fire, they give the Rangers a chance to escape. Personally, I found it amusing when Divatox mistook them for “great warriors” (Grimlord knew better, though) and decided to bring them before “Dark Spectre.”

Turbo ended on what had to be the most depressing note of any Power Rangers’ series. It starts with a seemingly pointless news bulletin of the new NASADA shuttle prepping for launch, but quickly turns darker when Zordon informs the Rangers that his homeworld and source of the their power, Eltar, is under attack. The situation escalates when Divatox and Grimlord summon the Goldgoyle, which destroys both Megazords and their weapons. Things get worse when they learn Eltar fell to the forces of the United Alliance of Evil. Though the Rangers insist on helping, Zordon and Billy veto them because it would leave the world defenseless. Strangely, this did not make much sense to me at the time. Mega Force would later establish that the Dinozord powers were from Earth and not Eltar, so it made sense for the Turbo Rangers to go instead of the Mighty Morphin’ Rangers. However, this was in fact a gambit on Billy and Zordon’s part, which would come into fruition next season.

Divatox and Grimlord then begin their siege on the Power Chamber, and oh boy is it a desperate battle with Pirhanatrons and Mutants rappelling in. Despite their spirited defense, Elgar sets the explosives and destroys the chamber. It is also worth noting that Johnny Yong Bosch decided to leave at the end of the season (and would later follow Steve Cardenas into voice acting), so the blast also injured Adam. Before Divatox or Grimlord could finish them off though, a ghostly head to inform them that the Alliance captured Zordon and the other rangers and also summons them to the Samarian Planet on orders from Dark Spectre himself. Both villains (reluctantly) withdrawal. However, Alpha 6 gives them the black box, which gives them instructions to go NASADA where sneak aboard the shuttle to purse Divatox and Grimlord to outer space.

Overall, Power Rangers fans view Turbo as one of its better seasons and is a mainstay of many fans’ “Top Ten” lists despite the regular veering into slapstick thanks to Carranger. It started with massive spike in ratings in the wake of the film, which remained higher than Zeo’s (though ratings took a slight dip when Frank and Sutherland departed) and the season cliffhanger excited the fanbase for Mega Force, which Fox touted as “The end of Power Rangers as we know it.” Some fans, mostly fans of Jason David Frank, had a particular loathing for this season and of Ryan Steele in particular, who declared him an inferior copy. Frank and Brad Hawkins often banter that the latter always seems to follow the former. Indeed, the Cybertron pilot Frank filmed for Saban in 1993 was the forerunner for VR Troopers starring Hawkins and Hawkins replaced Frank as the red ranger, but it was always a lighthearted “rivalry” if one could call it that. Despite fan gripes over the departures of one of its most beloved characters and lacklustre villain in Divatox, Turbo offered a compelling, if not dark, storyline with suspense and compelling characters. With ratings and expectations high, the franchise would fly higher than ever before.

-from the blog "The Musing Platypus" by B. Ronning, March 29, 2012

[1] Another trope namer. ;)
Despite the promise Power Rangers Turbo showed in its theatrical outing, fan reception to this season is mixed.


Overall, Power Rangers fans view Turbo as one of its better seasons and is a mainstay of many fans’ “Top Ten” lists

Yeah, I'm pretty confused.

Must have slipped during the editing process. I don't know HOW long the series will run TTL, but I'm assuming Power Rangers will last to present day. Granted, butterflies will probably effect later seasons so Super Sentai may use different themes, but there will probably be some better seasons than Turbo TTL. So Turbo can still be controversial but make a few people's lists (maybe between 7-10.) Mighty Morphin' will probably rank higher due to nostalgia despite it not being very good story-wise.

Oh, and look at what I found on YouTube while searching VR Troopers: :D
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