Photos of the New Order

I wonder what a TNO version of the Drakaverse would look like?
There probably won't be any recognizable Drakaverse; TTL's Nazis are essentially Draka in every way (slave labor, territorial expansion, the master race, etc), except for that one additional thing that makes them more horrifying than the Draka could ever be.

The Draka see mass death as a means to an end; the Nazis see mass death as the end. Even the Draka refused to commit their own version of the Holocaust because it wasn't efficient. The Nazis have no such qualms, and as such are quite infinitely worse than the Draka.

Stirling TTL probably won't even find a system worse than Nazism; they've pretty much accomplished their goals of mass territorial expansion, genocide, and the dominance of the so-called Master Race over all. OTL Stirling thought up the Draka as a counterpart of the Nazis that were actually competent; TTL Stirling would instead have to concentrate more on Burgandy, or a Burgundian-Type system ruling over "Ordanstaat Germany" (not to mention the inevitable nuclear war) because in TTL the Nazis got what they wanted.

TLDR; Any TTL Drakaverse would instead concentrate on a Burgundian Germany that would attempt to usher in Nuclear War and bring in their own version of the "Final Society" (Aryans over All). And since this is Stirling we're talking about, Himmler succeeds and Germany wins the Final War. Cut to Final Society Nazis encountering their counterpart Final Society Draka through the molehole they created, and watch as even the Draka recoil at Germany's genocide of all human life on the planet (they don't even have serfs, Himmler thought having the Aryan Race rely on slave labor made them weak).
Political Parties in the US in 2020

Communist Party USA(Kaganovichites/Stalinists): Bob Avakian(Authsoc)
Communist Party USA("American Socialists"): Caleb Maupin(Authsoc/Natsoc)--crypto-Ordosocialists/"Totalists" big on American Nationalism, trying to rehabilitate Huey Long as a proto-Socialist and have views that can be seen as reactionary. Their leader's ties with the leadership of the Party of Russian Fascists has led to calls to expel this faction from the CPUSA
Communist Party USA("Orthodox"): Jarvis Tyner--essentially orthodox Hallites and Bukharinists
Communist Party USA(Sablinite): Gloria la Riva(Libsoc)--Dominant wing thanks to Sablin libertarian leninism being the main communist movement
Democratic Socialists of America: Maria Svart(Libsoc/Socdem)
National Progressive Party(Reformists): Rashida Talib(Socdem)
National Progressive Party(Kennedyites/Jacksonites): Tulsi Gabbard(Socdem/Libdem)---dominant wing of NPP
Republican-Democratic Party(Republican Wing): Elizabeth Warren(Libdem)
Republican-Democratic Party(Democratic Wing): Lindsey Graham(Condem)
American Independent Party(Reformists): Rand Paul(Condem)--right wing Libertarians and populists, based on MCS faction in NPP
American Independent Party(Interventionists): John Bolton(Condem/Authdem)--Kirkpatrick influenced Neocons
American Independent Party(Hardliners): Pat Buchanan(Authdem)---neo-dixiecrats
American National Front(Orthodox): Steve Bannon(Fascist)--Scorza+Speerian style governant
American National Front(Laroucheites): Kenneth Kronberg(Fascist)-Essentially Laroucheites, Kronberg dosen't kill himself ttl
American National Vanguard(Neo-Strasserites): Matthew Heimbach(Natsoc)---really, really fringe
American National Vanguard(Crommelinites): Richard B. Spencer(Natsoc)--Wants Nazism, but an American Nazism and is somewhat critical of Hitler, also has ties to the PRF leader
American National Vanguard(Yockeyites): Jeff Schoep(Natsoc)---Essentially wants orthodox Hitlerism to return to Germany and LARP to Hitler and Yockey
American National Vanguard(Christian Identarians): Matt Hale(Ultranat)
National Purity Alliance--James Mason(Burgsys)---Less of a party and more of a ultra-violent terrorist group

Yeah if you haven't guessed it, PRF's leader is Dugin.

CPUSA, DSA, AIP, and ANV all emerged from Jackson's purges and reorganization of NPP. ANF split from ANV due to their shameless Nazi-philia and shameless dissing on Speer as a "traitor"(ANF however will defend Speer vs. Schmidt and the victorious G4, claiming that Schmidt assuming full control led to Germany's "moral decline"), and NPA, originally led by Pierce, split from ANV because it was not violent and extreme enough

Neo Strasserites are extremely fringe everywhere and are kinda the far right's equivalents of Trotskyists in this headcanon(extremely vocal, yet really marginal and incapable of doing anything).

US ususally alternates between NPP and the Republican wing of RDs, through Democrats also can muster significant political influence. The other party dont get into the senate but theres the lone DSA or AIP congressman every once in a while
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Political Parties in the USSR, Note that not all of them will have identifiable leaders because I can't think of one for a couple of parties:

Legal Organizations:

CPSU-Stalinist-Maxim Suraykin(Authsoc)
CPSU-Bukharinite-Gennady Zyuganov(Authsoc)
CPSU-Sablinite-Grigory Isayev(Libsoc)
Makhnovite Syndicalist Union--Collective leadership(Libsoc)-Anarchists, they were allowed to peacefully reunify with Sablinite far east and are the second major party after the CPSU
Krylovites-Essentially formed by Yuriy, who survived the reunification wars, and based on this concept(Libsoc)
Neo-Tolstoyans-Formed from the remnants of Alexander Men's organization(Libsoc)
New Menshevik Party-Ksenia Sobchak(socdem), formed from humanists in Tomsk
National Bolshevik Party (Left)-Eduard Limonov(Authsoc)-Left Ordosocialists, there have been calls to ban this party due to it's "reactionary" nature
National Bolshevik Party (Right)-Sergey Kurginyan(Natsoc)-Right Ordosocialists and outright crypto-fascistic, there have been calls to ban this party due to it's "reactionary" nature.

Ordosocialists were originally suppressed by Suslov but they made a comeback as the "National Bolsheviks" in the 2WRW because they operated in favor of the USSR under the banner of "defending the homeland"

Banned Organizations-Capitalist Restorationalists

Constitutional Democratic Party-Dmitry Medvedev(Libdem)
National People's Union-Yeltsin Clique-Boris Titov(Condem)
National People's Union-National Labourists-Sergey Baburin(authdem)
National People's Union-United Russia Front: Sergey Lavrov(authdem/despotist)

Banned Organizations-Reactionary Nationalist Restorationalists
Russian National Front-Aleksey Zhuravlyov(Fascist), Based on ideals of Matkovsky combined with Italian Fascist beliefs, fascistic and Slavic nationalist, but not to the extent of the racialist PRF and the RFP
Party of Russian Fascists-Alexander Dugin(Natsoc, with Shafarevian Fascist, Neo-Strasserite and Ultranat/Eurasianist internal factions), split from RFP and based on late game Rodzaevsky's ideals, which also makes sense considering how Dugin transitioned from outright pro-SS figure to a more pragmatic figure, they also have ties to the Crommelinites and the AmSocs in the US, which also makes sense considering Dugin's ties with Spencer and Maupin IRL
All Russian Fascist Party-Alexander Barkashov(Natsoc), based on early game Rodzaevsky ideals, unlike rival Russian Nazi organization PRF, looks to pre-Speerian Germany in extremely high regard, but not to the extent as their Ultra-Germanphilie wing
All Russian Fascist Party(Ultra-Germanphilies), Gottfried Voight AKA Nikolay Valentinovich Korolyov(Natsoc), essentially AB wannabes with the same beliefs
Great Eurasian Liberation Front-Alexander Prohkanov(Ultranat)
Children of Perun-Alexei Levkin(Ultranat), Hyperboreans
Society for the Restoration of the Russian Empire (Burgsys), led by Nikolai Skorodumov

The reason there are democratic parties that are banned is because I think it's made clear by the devs that even libsoc Sablin will ban capitalist parties. The reactionaries are all pretty much either internet edgelords(as far as CoP is concerned), or terrorist organizations with the exception of the PRF and the RNF, who do try to function like a political movement.
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Something based on the fact he starts out as the starting leader of the Philippines:


Filipino dictator Benigno Aquino Jr, infamous for his dictatorship over the Philippines over a period of three decades from 1958 to 1988 when he was overthrown in a pro-democracy revolution with his dictatorship being infamous for being amongst the most corrupt in human history, for the massacre of political dissidents, who often disappeared at night, the lavish lifestyle President Aquino and his wife Corazon had, and the genocide of Chinese-Filipinos committed by the Aquino regime.
Hmmmm............ how ironic.
Who deposed the Aquino regime??
Canadian Parties:

Communist Party of Canada-Birchite: Stephen Gowans(authsoc)
Communist Party of Canada-Bukharinist: Miguel Figeroa(authsoc)
Communist Party of Canada-Sablinite: George Hewison(libsoc)
Co-operative Commonwealth Federation-Waffleists: Niki Ashton(socdem/libsoc, Harringtonist)
Co-operative Commonwealth Federation: Charlie Angus(socdem)
Liberal Party: Joyce Murray(libdem)
Progressive Conservative Party-"left"/populist wing: Michael Chong(condem)
Progressive Conservative Party-right wing: Jason Kenney(condem)
Social Credit Party: Maxime Bernier(authdem)
Euro-Canadian Union of Fascists: Ricardo Duchesne (fascist, Mosleyite and Italian-esque)
National Unity Party: William John Beattie(Natsoc)
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Inspired by brooklyn99's Sverdlovsk-Tomsk Russian Re-unification story, I decided to write some of my own stories for potential TNO futures in this thread. I'll start with a Samara Russian Re-unification story, as they are the first faction I unified Russia under in the game. Enjoy!

The Rise of the Russian Republic: A Samara Re-unification Canon




Andrey Andreyevich Vlasov/Андрéй Андрéевич Влáсов

The Russian Liberation Army (Русская освободительная армия/Russkaya osvoboditel'naya armiya) and the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (Комитет освобождения народов России/Komitet osvobozhdeniya narodov Rossii) and the Russian Republic that arose from their re-unification of Russia have an odd, ironic, troubled and controversial history. The Russian Liberation Army, a collaborationist army of mostly anti-Communist Russians that fought under the German Wehrmacht, was founded on December 27, 1942 by Russian Red Army general Andrey Andreyevich Vlasov, who defected to the Germans after being captured while attempting to lift the siege of Leningrad earlier that year. Whether or not Vlasov’s decision to collaborate the Germans and found the ROA was based in a genuine hatred of Communism and Bukharinism or in nothing more than opportunism remains a mystery to this day. Nevertheless, Vlasov's decision would change the history of Russia and the world forever.

During the Second World War, the ROA was an nothing more than an unofficial army formation, with the Germans not wanting to let the subjugated Russians have any significant kind of political power. After the war, the ROA fought anti-German partisans and guarded strategically important locations against attacks from partisan attacks in Reichskommissariat Moskowien. At the start of the 1950s, General Vlasov, seeing that the Germans would not give German-occupied Russia any independence or political autonomy, began to become disillusioned with his choice to collaborate with the German Reich. It was at this same time that Vlasov began to suffer from periodic episodes of depression and some officers close to him claimed that he even contemplated suicide. However, his fortunes would soon begin to change dramatically.

In July, 1952, with the start of the First West Russian War, it seemed that the German Reich would lose control over western Russia to the resurgent West Russian Revolutionary Front, and the German high command turned to desperate means to prevent the collapse of the German front lines. As a result, the German high command, with the permission of a very reluctant Führer, officially permitted the formation of ten Russian Liberation Army divisions on August 21, 1952. Soon afterwards, after more and more defeats at the hands of the resurgent Red Army, the German government allowed for General Vlasov and the ROA high command to establish the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia, a committee composed of the ROA and other military and civilian collaborators with the German Reich from territories of the Soviet Union, mostly from Russians from RK Moskowien, on October 14, 1952. In the minds of Vlasov and his officers, the new KONR was supposed to be the nucleus of a new Russian republic that would rule over any Russian territory liberated by the German counter-offensive against the WRRF. In spite of these goals, Vlasov, the ROA and the KONR were little more than puppets of the German Wehrmacht and were used as nothing more than cannon fodder and metaphorical "attack-dogs" in battles against the Red Army. As the German Wehrmacht and the ROA advanced further, the ROA hoped they would be seen as liberators by the beleaguered Russian people, but instead they were seen as nothing more than collaborators and lackeys to the much-hated Russophobic Germans. As the ROA advanced, their soldiers were greeted with jeers, boos, insults and even rocks and bricks in they numerous Russian towns and villages they entered.

On January 7, 1954, armies of the ROA, led by General Vlasov and Major Generals Sergei Bunyachenko, Mikhail Meandrov and Colonel Constantine Kromiadi, with support from armies of the Wehrmacht under Generalleutnant Hans Speidel, attacked the city of Samara, formerly known as Kuybyshev, in southern Russia, which was held by 2nd Army under Field Marshal Georgy Zhukov and 5th Army under Field Marshal Kliment Voroshilov. After almost a day of fighting, the battle was won by the ROA as they marched triumphantly into Samara, with the WRRF armies in the area having been severely weakened. Within three months, the armies of the ROA and KONR found themselves far from the German frontlines and deep in the territory of southern Russia, and ultimately freed in all but name from their oppressive German overlords. On April 7, 1954, General Vlasov declared to his armies over radio from his headquarters in Samara that the KONR was the ruler of all the territory that they occupied, much to the anger of the German High Command. With that, the KONR became a de-facto warlord state, known colloquially after the aforementioned city of Samara. Thus, the ROA and KONR under Vlasov began to rule over their occupied territories from their new headquarters in the city of Samara. In March, 1955, with the war coming to an end and the WRRF beginning to collapse, the Germans abandoned their former Russian allies in the ROA and KONR as mutinous traitors, and as such the warlord state of Samara was not sparred from the Luftwaffe bombing raids over the free areas of Western Russia.

At the end of 1961 and at start of 1962, almost seven years after the end of the First West Russian War, the KONR/Samara finds itself in an unenviable position as a warlord statelet universally despised and shunned by the other Russian statelets for their past collaboration with the hated Germans that invaded, destroyed and colonized much of the Russian nation and also despised by their previous German benefactors for standing up to the Reich and desiring what they always thought the Germans would give them; an independent Russian republic free from Communism. Yet, not all hope is lost. The only other statelet that has somewhat normal relations with the KONR is the Principality of Vyatka led by Tsar Vladimir, if only for the fact that the Tsar also collaborated with the Germans and their shared hatred of the Bolsheviks in Archangel, the remnants of the WRRF, and while the Germans have cast aside the KONR and continue constant air raid over their land, unofficial channels still exist between the KONR and RK Moskowein, these being the lucrative if unscrupulous channels of the local black markets, which supply much need materiel for the ROA. At the same time, there are three likely successors to the aging General Vlasov, who has begun to suffer from a number of health problems. These three men are; Sergei Bunyachenko, the Ukrainian general who is second only to Vlasov in the ROA, Mikhail Ohktan, the mysterious former journalist and influential yet unsavory general in the ROA, and Milety Zykov, the former journalist and reformist that seeks to democratize the KONR.

With the start of new year of 1962, most in the lands of Samara think it will be a year the same as every other. But will it? Can the KONR redeem itself from its past association with the hated German Reich, or is the KONR doomed to dustbin of history as a result of the aforementioned Faustian Bargain? Only time would tell.
The reason there are democratic parties that are banned is because I think it's made clear by the devs that even libsoc Sablin will ban capitalist parties. The reactionaries are all pretty much either internet edgelords(as far as CoP is concerned), or terrorist organizations with the exception of the PRF and the RNF, who do try to function like a political movement.
Yeah, there was a weird disconnect between gameplay and story there. My electoral law changed to multi-party democracy but the actual event localization made it clear that it was very much not a democracy.
Political Parties in Germany:

-KPD(Niekischites): Horst Mahler(authsoc/natsoc, another Ordosocialist))--party effectively banned in practice in the sense of laws being put in place to prevent manifestation on national politics
-KPD(Anti-Revisionist): Andreas Baader(authsoc)---Essentially made by RAF militants, party effectively banned in practice in the sense of laws being put in place to prevent manifestation on national politics
-KPD(Orthodox/Bukharinist): Patrik Köbele)--party effectively banned in practice in the sense of laws being put in place to prevent manifestation on national politics
-KPD(Councilist): Katja Kipping(libsoc))--party effectively banned in practice in the sense of laws being put in place to prevent manifestation on national politics
-SPD: Norbert Walter-Borjans(Socdem)
-Zentrum: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer(Condem/Liberal)
-National Unity Party: Ursula von der Leyen(Condem/Authdem)--Schmidt's own party
-National Unity Party(Prussianists): Norbert Hofer(Authdem/Despotist, with a small fascist wing)--Right wing of party based on a combination of Kiesinger and Treskow's ideas, even harder right, marginal, elements of this party under Alexander Gauland have tried to rehabilitate Speer to an extent
-National Republican Party: Bjorn Hocke(Fascism, Speerite)--only party on the Federal Level to still hold Hitler in high regard, engages in efforts to distance Hitler from "population cleansings"(TTL name for Holocaust) and Generalplan Ost
-New Black Front: Klaus Armstroff(Natsoc, Neo-strasserite)--party effectively banned in practice in the sense of laws being put in place to prevent manifestation on national politics, but exists as an entity with ties to shady terrorist and paramilitary groups
-Volkish National Front: Jorg Haider(Natsoc, orthodox Nazi)--party effectively banned in practice in the sense of laws being put in place to prevent manifestation on national politics, but exists as an entity with ties to shady terrorist and paramilitary groups
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Part One: The Unification of West Russia (1962-1966)

Flag of the Provisional Commissariat of Western Russia

The year of 1962 was more of the same for the Russian warlord statelet of the KONR, also known as Samara. The Luftwaffe bombing raids continued like clockwork and the lives of the average people did not really change or improve for the better. In the statelet, the most important event that year came on October 28, when General Vlasov officially named his right-hand man and second highest ranking general in the ROA, Sergei Kuzmich Bunyachenko, to be his successor upon his death. The year of 1963 started out as another one of these years. That is until October 16, 1963 when Adolf Hitler died at the age of 74 after years of suffering from dementia and a host of other health problems, leading to the start of the German Civil War. Over the rest of October and into November, the “Neueordung” of the German Reich and the Einheitspakt seemed to be completely collapsing. Most importantly for the people of Western Russia, and Samara, the Luftwaffe bombing raids suddenly ceased, bringing them a sense of immense relief.


Generals and officers of the ROA outside of Samara, winter 1963-1964.

With the end of the bombings, the ROA began to make preparations for a series of military campaigns against the other warlord states of Russia. For almost a decade, the ROA high command had created a number of battle plans against the neighboring Russian warlord states, and now the ROA High Command would begin preparing to put these plans into action. The first plan that General Vlasov, the KONR and the ROA High Command agreed to prepare for was the invasion plan against the separatist Republic of Tartarstan. After six months of preparation, on May 10, 1964, the KONR declared war on and invaded the Republic of Tartarstan, with the KONR claiming that they were doing so “in order to protect the rights of the Russian citizens of Tartstan.” Ten days later, on May 20, the ROA captured the Tartar capital of Kazan after a brief skirmish with the underequipped garrison. After that, the Tartar armies continued to suffer defeat after defeat at the hands of the ROA. On June 6, 1964, the Republic of Tartarsran finally capitulated. Vlasov promised the Tartars that under the KONR they would be equal under the law and that the Muslim religion would be respected. In spite of this, the KONR completely integrated the Tartar lands into their state without any autonomy and arrested any Tartar separatists who spoke out against the government in Samara.


ROA soldiers in combat against the Tartar Republican Army, May, 1964.

Over the next few months, while consolidating their new conquests, the ROA High Command was preparing for an invasion of the Principality of Vyatka. In spite of the fact that Samara and Vyatka had somewhat decent relations, Vlasov and his inner circle were not monarchists at all and saw the Russian monarchy and Tsardom as an antiquated institution that only brought ruin to Russia. Thus, there could be no Tsar in Vlasov’s vision of Russia. In the meantime, on September 23, 1964, the KONR declared war on the Gorky, a small state led by the remnants of the Soviet tankists, which capitulated after on six days on September 29, 1964, giving the KONR access to the rich tank arsenals of the city state.

By the end of October, 1964, the Principality of Vyatka had conquered their former puppet state of Berezniki and the hated Aryan Brotherhood, and the KONR and ROA High Command decided that with the Vyatkan armies worn down after months of warfare, it was the perfect time to begin to put their plans into motion. On January 3, 1965, the KONR declared war on the Principality of Vyatka, which caught Tsar Vladimir III and his government somewhat off-guard, but not completely unprepared, as a significant garrison of armies had been stationed along the Samara-Vyatka border.


An ROA soldier outside of Vyatka, 1965.

The first month of the war was mostly a stalemate between the mostly evenly matched armies. All of this began to change on February 8 when ROA soldiers began to advance in the south of the Principality, and on February 21, 1965, the capital of Vyatka finally fell after a week-long battle which ended with the Imperial Armies retreating to try and recuperate their loses. Meanwhile, before the fall of Vyatka, Tsarina Leonida Bagration of Mukhrani and Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna fled via plane to Switzerland, while the rest of the Imperial government fled via motorized caravan to the city of Perm, temporarily using the same abandoned government buildings once used by the hated Brotherhood. At first, the high command of the Imperial Vyatkan Army, led by Field Marshal Evgeny Messner, believed that the situation could be salvaged and that the ROA could be defeated by the end of the year. However, the ROA continued to advance through the north and center of the Principality, and with a massive offensive taking place at the start of March. With the better equipped and better prepared ROA advancing at a rapid pace, the city of Perm finally fell to the ROA on March 13, 1965 after an almost day-long battle. After that, the Imperial armies began to collapse, often fleeing from or immediately surrendering to the Samaran armies. Five days later, on March 18, 1965, the government Principality of Vyatka surrendered to the KONR, with Tsar Vladimir III being placed under arrest by the ROA. After a brief show trial in Vyatka on March 30, the former Tsar, now referred to as Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov, was sentenced to death for “Crimes against the Russian people” and “for upholding the antiquated institution which led Russia to ruin some fifty years ago.” On April 5, 1965, Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov was executed by hanging in the main prison in Vyatka. His body was then cremated and scattered in an unknown location.

With the monarchists taken care of, Vlasov, the KONR and the ROA High Command decided to go after a smaller target, the separatist Republic of Bashkiria. On July 5, 1965, the KONR declared war on Baskiria, once again using the justification of “protecting the Russian population.” After five days of battle over the Baskir capital of Ufa, the city finally fell to the ROA and the government of the Bashkiria finally surrendered to the KONR on July 10. Once again, General Vlasov promised the Bashkirs that they would be equal under the law and that the Muslim religion would be respected. In spite of this, the KONR completely integrated the Bashkir lands into their state without any autonomy and arrested any separatists who spoke out against the government.

After July, 1965, only two warlord states were left to contest the rule over Western Russia; the KONR under General Andrey Andreyevich Vlasov and the West Russian Revolutionary Front under Field Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, which had already conquered the state of Volgoda and the politically unstable and failing democracy of the Republic of Komi. General Vlasov, as well as his inner circle of generals, bureaucrats and politicians, knew that fighting the Red Army would be their greatest challenge. As a result, the ROA spend to the next five months vigorously preparing for the inevitable war that was to come.

In the government of the KONR and the high command of the ROA, there was some debate over whether the ROA should wait for an attack from the Red Army or if the ROA should strike first. Vlasov decided that the ROA should attack the Red Army first and then strike a series of decisive blows against the Red Army. Vlasov and his inner circle of generals decided to attack on New Year’s Eve and into New Year’s Day, when many of the officers of the Red Army would be celebrating the arrival of the New Year and more distracted as a result.


The armies of the ROA shortly before the attack on the Red Army, 1965.

On the night of December 31, 1965, the KONR declared a surprise war on the WRRF with the ROA attacking positions of the Red Army over the border, with the officers and soldiers of the Red Army almost completely caught off guard by the sudden attack of the Vlasovite armies. The war for the fate of Western Russia had begun. On the next day, January 1, 1966, the armies of ROA began to advance into the territory of the WRRF. In spite of this surprise attack, Field Marshall Zhukov was confident, in his words, that “the fascist and collaborationist scum will be beat back by the might of the Red Army.” Yet, this was not to be. On January 9, the old Komi capital of Syktyvkar fell to the ROA. Yet, the Red Army high command in Archangel remained optimistic. Nevertheless, for the rest of January and into February, the ROA continued to advance across the frigid lands of northern Russia, capturing city after city through many fiercely fought and bloody battles in the unforgiving Russian winter, the Red Army making sure the hated ROA paid for every inch of land in blood.


Armies of the ROA outside of of Syktyvkar, 1966.

In spite of the élan of the men of the Red Army, it was not enough to stop the advance of the ROA, which concentrated much of their forces in the west in attempt to reach the WRRF capital of Arkhangelsk. After a long and bloody siege and battle that began on February 11, the city of Arkhangelsk fell to the ROA on February 23, while the strategically important city of Uhkta fell on two days earlier on February 21. With the ROA in control of all of the important cities in the WRRF, with most of the remaining armies of the Red Army in confusion over the fall of Arkhangelsk and with Field Marshall Zhukov forced to evacuate his ravaged and depleted army from the city, he had no choice. On the morning February 24, 1966, outside of Arkhangelsk, Field Marshall Zhukov and General Alexander Altunin surrendered their forces to General Andrey Vlasov and General Sergei Bunychenko. The war was over, and the KONR has unified Western Russia. There are many reasons as to why the WRRF lost the war, but the main reasons were the fact that the armies of the WRRF were severely weakened as a result of both the Great Patriotic War and the First West Russian War and the continued to use most of the same tactics used in the previous conflicts. The ROA, on the other hand, had grown to become a strategically and technologically innovative army, with new strategies developed during the campaigns of 1964 and 1965 and with the creative reverse-engineering and modification of the weapons of the German Wehrmacht.

On the evening of that same day, February 24, 1966, General Vlasov and the government of the KONR proclaimed the establishment of the Provisional Commissariat of Western Russia (Временный комиссариат Западной России/Vremennyy komissariat Zapadnoy Rossii). With the unification of Western Russia and the foundation of the PCWR, reactions from the international community where mixed. The government of the United States of America under President Wallace F. Bennett remained cautiously optimistic about the new West Russian government, but preferred to maintain relations with the Central Siberian Republic under President Andrei Sakharov, as it was a truly Democratic Russian nation without the baggage of having collaborated with the German Reich. The newly re-unified German Reich under Führer Martin Bormann remained radio silent on the matter, but privately Bormann and his government were very worried about a resurgent Russian state on their borders. The Empire of Japan under Prime Minister Masanosuke Ikeda saw a potential ally in the new Russian state and became the first nation to diplomatically recognize the PCWR. Whatever the case, it was clear that a new era in Russian history had begun.
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Part Two: The Finnish War and Conquest of West Siberia (1966-1969)

Sergei Kuzmich Bunyachenko /Серге́й Кузьмич Буняченко/Сергій Кузьмич Буняченко
At the end of February, 1966, Western Russia had finally been unified under the KONR led General Andrey Vlasov after a brief war against the WRRF. As for the fate of the government and Red Army of the WRRF, on March 1, 1966, Field Marshall Georgy Zhukov and numerous other high-ranking generals in the Red Army were put on trial in Arkhangelsk for “Crimes against the Russian people, propagation of Bolshevism, Bukharinism and Communism and incompetence and defeatism during the Great Patriotic and West Russian Wars.” After a brief show-trail, Zhukov was sentenced to death. Afterwards, the rest of the high-ranking generals and officers in the Red Army were either sentenced to death or giving lengthy prison sentences, with Alexander Altunin also being sentenced to death. On March 15, 1966, on the Ides of March, Zhukov was executed by firing squad in the main prison of Archangel. Minutes before the guns were fired, Zhukov screamed “vyrodki” (a word to translating to degenerates or monsters and conveying pure contempt) to his executioners. The bodies of the executed were then cremated and their ashes were thrown into the Arctic Sea.

With the unification of Western Russia, the newly-established PCWR now had a new major enemy. That enemy was the West Siberian Soviet Republic led by Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, a state following the hardline ideology of Stalinist Communism which in 1965 had re-unified all the lands in West Siberia that had once been under its control during the early 1950s. However, one other problem in the region of Western Russia still remained for the PCWR. That problem was the warlord state of the Anti-Communist Volunteer Guard, also known as Onega, led by Major general Vladimir Kirpichnikov and under the protection of the Republic of Finland led by President and General Karl Lennart Oesch. General Vlasov was not going to let this one warlord state not be under his control before he prepared for any other Russian campaigns. On May 2, 1966, the Russo-Finnish War began over the fate of Onega. Over the next few months, the armies of the ROA advanced at a rapid rate and quickly animated the armies of Onega, quickly annexing the small state and arresting Kirpichnikov. The ROA then invaded the Karelian region of Finland. After another month of fighting, the Finnish government, with their armies exhausted and the war highly unpopular on the home front, offered a ceasefire to the PCWR. On June 13, 1966, the Russo-Finnish Ceasefrie was signed between Finland and West Russia, with Onega remaining a demilitarized zone as a part of West Russia. Kirpichnikov was then offered a pardon if he swore an oath of allegiance to the PCWR, the KONR and the ROA, which he gladly did due to their shared anti-communism. He then retired from military life and continued to live in Onega until his death in 1998.


ROA soldiers fight against Finnish armies in Karelia, May, 1966.

With the end of the war with Finland, General Vlasov began to prepare for war against the West Siberian People’s Republic under Premier Lazar Kaganovich. However, he would never live to see this next war against the new threat of Bolshevism to Russia. On the afternoon of July 3, 1966, at approximately 1:30 PM, Andrei Andereiovich Vlasov died of a massive heart attack at his office in the Central Government Building in Samara at the age of 64. With the death of Vlasov, his second-hand man General Sergei Kuzmich Bunyachenko became the new President of the PCWR and was inaugurated as such on the same day. On July 15, General Vlasov was given a lavish state funeral in Samara, with the residents of the city in a state of mourning and lining up to see his horse-drawn casket and funeral procession. The casket was then placed in a mausoleum in the local Russian Orthodox cemetery.


The Central Government Building in Samara, the seat of government of the KONR/PCWR and the private residence of both Vlasov and Bunyachenko.

The next few years were spent by President and General Bunyachenko consolidating his rule over the government of the PCWR and bureaucracy of the KONR, promoting his loyalists to important government positions, sidelining the democratizers of Mileytey Zykov within the government, promoting loyal officers within the ROA, discharging and arresting disloyal army officers and members of the Ohktan clique, funding of new industrial projects, supporting the new Russian military-industrial complex and building up the ROA for the inevitable war against the Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist Communist menace in West Siberia. It should be noted that the ROA had also been preparing for a campaign against the rouge German-led warlord state of Oberkommando Brauchitschstadt in what was once RK Muskowien led by the infamous SS commander Erich von dem Bach. However, on November 4, 1967, von dem Bach allowed his warlord state to be re-annexed into the Greater Germanic Reich. Thus, plans to reclaim the German-ruled lands of Russia would have to wait for a later date.

One serious point of contention between the PCWR and WSPR were the backwater statelets of the southern Urals, the Ural League led by the Latvian priest Father Janis Mendriks and the Commune of Orenburg, a communist state led by ex-Soviet politician Georgy Malenkov. Bunyachehko and the ROA general staff knew that the Ural states needed to be secured by the PCWR as soon as possible before the WSPR could invade these states and then use their territory as a springboard to invade the lands of the PCWR. As a result, after months of planning, the invasion of the Ural League finally began on May 20, 1968. In response, Premier Lazar Kaganovich declared war on the Provisional Commissariat of Western Russia. This proved to be a grave mistake, as the ROA was easily able to repel the West Siberian armies along their border. Within a week, the ROA had occupied much of the northern parts of West Siberia. That same day, the Ural League and Orenburg both surrendered to the ROA and the PCWR. The next day, on May 30, 1968, only ten days after the war began, the First West Russian-West Siberian War ended in a ceasefire between the two nations, with West Russia annexing the Vortuka region. Father Mendriks and other members of the Ural League government were allowed to live in peace after swearing allegiance to the West Russian government, while Malenkov and the other members of the Orenburg Communal government were put on trial and given long prison sentences for their Communist affiliations, with Malenkov dying in prison in 1978.


ROA soldiers in Orenburg, 1968.

As things turned out, peace along the Ural Mountains would not even last for a year. On April 20, 1969, after months of planning, the PCWR declared war on the West Siberian People’s Republic. The Second West Russian-West Siberian War had begun. That same day, the Battle of Chelyabinsk, the first major battle of the war, began. The battle ended eight days later in a victory for the ROA and a crushing defeat for the Siberian Red Army.


ROA soldiers marching on Chelyabinsk, April, 1969.

From the onset of the Second West Russian-West Siberian War, and based on the brief fighting that took place during the first war, it was clear to the ROA general staff that the Siberian Red Army, with experience from the campaigns of 1964-1966, many excellent former Soviet commanders such as Filipp Golikov and Ivan Konev and as a highly modern and effective fighting force, would be a much harder foe to defeat than the beleaguered Red Army of the WRRF. The First Battle of Tyumen, which lasted from May 12 to May 14, 1969 ended in an embarrassing defeat for the armies of the ROA. Nevertheless, the ROA continued to win battle after battle, albeit with higher and higher causalities. By the end of May, the ROA had reached the West Siberian border with the Central Siberian Republic and by the middle of June had occupied most of the northern territory of the WSPR.


Screenshot from the 2003 videogame Day of Defeat depicting a level set during the Second West Russian-West Siberian War, showing historically ROA accurate uniforms.

The Second Battle of Tyumen began on June 12, 1969 with a massive ROA artillery and aerial bombardment of the city, while other ROA armies encircled the city and conquering many other surrounding towns and cities. The battle was one of the bloodiest of the Russian Unification forces, with Siberian Red Army soldiers fighting fanatically for the Stalinist vision to the bitter end and with ROA soldiers fighting to advance into the city to the last man. After weeks of bloodshed, on June 28, 1969, the ROA made a breakthrough against the Siberian Red Army and began converging on the buildings of the West Siberian government. The next morning, on June 29, 1969, the ROA stormed the building of the Central Committee of WSPR. ROA soldiers then raided the office of Premier Lazar Kaganovich. As they did so, the elderly premier, still in his pajamas and cowering under his desk, was ordered to come out of hiding. As he did so with his hand up in front of the soldiers, he swallowed a cyanide pill under his tongue and then dropped to the floor. His corpse was then kicked and spat upon by the soldiers, then sent to the army morgue to confirm that the man known to many in West Russia as “The Red Ivan” was dead. That afternoon, with the government leaderless, Field Marshall Ivan Konev surrendered the Siberian Red Army and the government of the West Siberian People’s Republic to President and General Bunyachenko and the Provisional Commissariat of West Russia in the ruined city of Tyumen.


ROA soldiers fight the Siberian Red Army in Tyumen, June, 1969.

In the aftermath of the war, the new West Siberian Territories were incorporated into the PCWR, which on July 1, 1969 was officially renamed as the Russian Republic. Meanwhile, outside of the ruins of Tyumen, the ROA cremated the corpse of Lazar Kaganovich and then scattered his ashes in an unknown location outside of the city. The more famous corpse of Vladimir Lenin, long on display in Tyumen, was given the same treatment soon afterwards. In Chelyabinsk, on August 8, 1969, Field Marshall Konev and other high-ranking members of the Siberian Red Army were executed by firing squad for “fighting for the spread of Communism, Bolshevism and Stalinism.” With the PCWR having finally defeated the Red Menace, and with the Nazi Menace having re-established itself in Moskowein to the west, the government of the new Russian Repbulic and the ROA high command began to prepare for new campaigns in Siberia against Central Siberian Republic and the Divine Mandate of Siberia.
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Part Three: The Second Siberian War (1969-1972)

ROA soldiers at the start of the Second Siberian War, 1971
Throughout and the Second West Russian-West Siberian War, the Central Siberian Republic led by Andrei Sakharov was at war against the Divine Mandate of Siberia led by the Father Alexander Men during what came to be known as the First Siberian War. After the end of the Second West Russian-West Siberian War, the First Siberian War would continue for almost another year. The war lasted until April 30, 1970, when the Central Siberian Army occupied most of the Russian Far East and the defeated and demoralized armies and militias of the Divine Mandate of Russia surrendered to the Central Siberian Army and Government outside of Magadan. The CSR annexed the DMR and was re-established as the Siberian Republic. Father Men was allowed by the new Siberian government to remain an Orthodox Church leader in the Russian Far East so long as he took no arms against the Siberian government. The government of the new Siberian Federation also allowed many villages and towns in the Far East to remain semi-autonomous and to govern themselves on Christian Anarchist and Tolstoyist principles, so long as they pledged loyalty to and recognized the federal authority of the Siberian Federation.

In May, 1970, only two nations were left to contest control over Russia, the Russian Republic led by President Sergei Kuzmich Bunyachenko and the Siberian Republic led by President Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov. The two regimes were quite the contrast, the former was an authoritarian, oligarchic and militarist state dedicated to the rapid industrialization and militarization of Russia, and the latter was an idealistic and democratic regime which was dedicated to freedom, pluralism, human rights and the funding and proliferation of science and scientific research throughout the nation. The major unofficial ally of the former was the fascist Empire of Japan under the Taisei Yokusankai and Prime Minister Masanosuke Ikeda, while the major unofficial ally of the latter was the United States of America under President Wallace F. Bennett, a former senator from Utah and the first Mormon US President. To most international observers, it seemed only inevitable that the two Russian republics would become involved in a war against each other. The militaries of both Russian republics, the ROA and the Armed Forces of the Siberian Republic (VSSR), were in fact preparing for the inevitable conflict between to two nations. When it came to the ROA, a war against the Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan was considered to "eliminate Communism from Eurasia" and to use Kazakhstan as a springboard to invade Siberia, but these plans were scraped and abandoned by President and General Bunyachenko so that the ROA could focus all of its military industry and strategic plans on a war against the Siberian Federation.


President Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov

At the start of 1971, as tensions increased between both nations, both the ROA and the VSSR were preparing for a war to begin by the end of the war. Russian Republican propaganda depicted the Siberian Federation as a nation of weak idealists and out of touch scientists who preferred to play around in laborites than to keep the Russian nation strong and powerful to face against the German Reich. On the other hand, Siberian propaganda depicted the Russian Republic as an harsh, autocratic, oligarchic, despotic and fascistic military dictatorship that had only grown in strength due to collaboration with the German Reich. At the same time, President and General Bunyachenko, after much debate between the KONR, the legislature of the republic, and the ROA high command, decided that the Russian Republic would declare war on the Siberian Federation as soon as possible to have the strategic advantage.


Uniforms of the ROA, circa 1970.

After over a year of planning and military exercises, on June 1, 1971, after a series of weeks-long border skirmishes along the Russian-Siberian border, the Russian Republic declared war on the Siberian Federation. Russian Republican propaganda stated that the Siberian Federation was trying to start a war to take control over the Russian Republic, while Siberian propaganda stated that the Russian Republic purposefully escalated the border skirmishes and declared war in a cynical ploy to take over the federation. Most historians agree with the latter assessment, but at the time, only one thing was clear; the Second Siberian War had begun and only one Russian regime would remain if the war did not end in a stalemate.

With the start of the war, the Empire of Japan began to send covert assistance to the Russian Republic through the Arctic Sea in the form of weapons and other war material and the United States of America began to send the same covert assistance to the Siberian Federation through the Bering Straight and the Pacific Ocean. On the frontlines, the ROA advanced at a rapid pace and made a number of initial victories, such as at the Battle of Kainsky Pas and the Battle of Tomsk. On June 12, 1971, the latter battle ended after six days and the Siberian capital of Tomsk fell to the ROA, with the Siberian government flees to the old Yagodist capital of Irkutsk. Next came the Battle of Novosibirsk, which ended in a ROA victory after nine days on June 30, 1971. Barnaul then fell a day latter on July 1, 1971, and the ROA continued to advance across the Russian steppes throughout the rest of the summer.


ROA soldiers in Tomsk, July, 1971

After these initial Russian Republican victories, the VSSR began to defend their new strategic positions with an amazing tenacity, leading to many new ROA causalities and a months-long stalemate. The ROA finally made a breakthrough at the Battle of Krasnoyarsk which lasted from October 26 to November 8, 1971 and ended in a victory for the ROA. In spite of this breakthrough, the two armies began to get in another long stalemate along the lands of the steppe, especially as the harsh Russian winter began to set in.


Screenshot from the 2003 videogame Day of Defeat depicting a battle during the Second Siberian War.

With the start of 1972, the stalemate seemed to end when the ROA broke out and advanced against the VSSR through the former Mongolian lands of the Siberian Republic, and this advance continued for the rest of the winter in spite of the harsh winter and the numerous deaths from the freezing cold weather. With the start of spring that March, President and General Bunyachenko began to plan for a final offensive, the Irkutsk Offensive, where the ROA armies would advance from the west and from the south to capture the interim Siberian capital. The offensive began on March 21, 1972, with the soldiers reaching and besieging Irkutsk on March 26. On April 1, another offensive, the Baikal Offensive, began when the ROA broke out of their occupied lands in Tuva towards Lake Baikal. After the long siege and numerous battle in and around the city, and with the Baikal Offensive a success, the Battle of Irkutsk finally ended with the surrender of the VSSR garrisons and the Siberian Republican government on April 9, 1972. As a result, the Irkutsk Ceasefire was signed. With that, negotiations between the government of the Russian Republic and the Siberian Republic began in the Siberian capital of Tomsk.


An injured ROA soldier outside of Irkutsk, 1972.

After days of negotiations, on April 20, 1972, the Treaty of Tomsk was signed between the governments of the Russian Republic and the Siberian Republic. According to the treaty, the Siberian Republic would be annexed into the Russian Republic, and the scientists of the Siberian government would be allowed to work for the Russian Republican government if they swore an oath of loyalty to the government of the Russian Republic and President Bunyachenko, which most decided to do, while President Sahkarov was allowed to either remain in or to leave Russia, with Sahkarov deciding to leave Russia, after which he moved to California in the United States of America, where he became an influential Russian pro-Democracy and pro-Science activist. The following day, on April 21, 1972, the Russian Republic officially annexed the Siberian Republic, and with that, the Russian Republic had re-unified Russia, except for the lands of Russia still under the boot of the Greater German Reich.



The flag of the SS Order-State of Burgundy (German: SS Ordenstaat Burgund), a totalitarian dictatorship led by Heinrich Himmler from 1954 to 1970 built upon fear and intimidation of its brutal work camp system which regularly sends "undesirables" to work in horrendous conditions comparable to slavery. Because of its notoriety, the flag and all other Burgundian symbols are banned in nearly every European country including Germany. Nowadays, its used by neo-Burngudians and to a lesser extent neo-Nazis in the present day.

Deleted member 96212

There probably won't be any recognizable Drakaverse; TTL's Nazis are essentially Draka in every way (slave labor, territorial expansion, the master race, etc), except for that one additional thing that makes them more horrifying than the Draka could ever be.

The Draka see mass death as a means to an end; the Nazis see mass death as the end. Even the Draka refused to commit their own version of the Holocaust because it wasn't efficient. The Nazis have no such qualms, and as such are quite infinitely worse than the Draka.

The thing is though, didn't TNO's Nazis basically realize the same - that is, that the Holocaust wasn't as efficient as simple slavery? I seem to remember somewhere that this was mentioned but can't remember where. There was someone in the thread for @CalBear's TL, The Anglo/American-Nazi War, where they asked if AANW or TNO was a worse off world. Since to my knowledge TNO's Nazis/Hitler laid to rest the worst excesses of the regime it was a lot harder to call for me and I felt the two were about equal in human suffering.
The thing is though, didn't TNO's Nazis basically realize the same - that is, that the Holocaust wasn't as efficient as simple slavery? I seem to remember somewhere that this was mentioned but can't remember where. There was someone in the thread for @CalBear's TL, The Anglo/American-Nazi War, where they asked if AANW or TNO was a worse off world. Since to my knowledge TNO's Nazis/Hitler laid to rest the worst excesses of the regime it was a lot harder to call for me and I felt the two were about equal in human suffering.
In AANW, Generalplan Ost was carried out, killing and deporting over 100 million Slavs. The remaining slave labor was enough to help prop the Reich up (didn't save them from nuclear hellfire, but w/e).
In TNO, they also started this process but eventually stopped to help prop up their economy due to the 50's economic crash (Speer helped create this, but still didn't save the first ten/twenty or so million). Depending on the German leader, you can either free the slaves (into third-class citizenship, think Area 11), keep the slaves as they are, or continue with Generalplan Ost.

IMO, TNO is more horrifying than AANW. You see, while over 100 million people died in AANW, the Third Reich was the only nation to "win" from WW2 and was eventually defeated. In TNO, while Generalplan Ost wasn't fully carried out, the sheer number of fascist, NatSoc, and ultranationalist states created by the joint Italian/Japanese/German victory certainly has made the world a lot worse in TNO. In terms of human suffering, I think TNO has it down more; the Reich now spans down the middle of Africa, and while we may be getting into philosophy here, the Reich has condemned over 120 million people to suffer in backbreaking slavery. While the original mass death campaigns may have ended, the concept of "Extermination Through Labor" has not.

And they have nuclear weapons. Think about that; Nazi's with nukes. Due to that single deterrence, they now have the ability to carry out whatever plans they wish without foreign interference.

Even without all the mass death, slave labor in the Reich/Burgundy isn't the same as the Draka. In their own, twisted way, the Draka treat their slaves like pets- do what they ask you to do, and get it done quickly, and you get a reward. They even have safety standards for new serfs.

In the Reich, it doesn't matter whether you get your job done; you're still subhuman, inferior to the Master Race. You don't get to cook or work on a plantation; no, you get to break your back and die in the mines.

Even the Draka's system of slavery is much made more brutal by the Reich. In both OTL and TTL, the Nazis were the first to use the concept of industrial slavery in their concentration camps. Like I said before, slaves in the Reich aren't made to toil the fields or cook food, they are made to take the most horrific, dangerous jobs that one way or another will get them all killed.

IMO, I don't know what Stirling was thinking when he made the Draka. To me, they're simply the generic, big bad empire that's going to go conquer everyone in their path. Compare and contrast this to other fictional/historical empires (Rome, the anime GATE's Empire, the Ottomans). I feel that the Draka are honestly the toned-down version of the Nazi's; more rational and pragmatic. Even the depravities they get down to aren't as horrifying as the ones committed by OTL Nazi's (piking isn't that much different than the German tactic of simply massacring people and hanging the bodies).

Still, I wonder what would happen if the Draka had been somehow prevented from getting to Europe. Perhaps halting them at the Ottoman's Ankara line would focus them on Asia instead (no invasion of Greece/Italy); we could see a tripolar cold war between Nazi Germany, the Domination, and the Alliance for Democracy. Maybe instead of either of the Draka or the Alliance winning, Germany would instead triumph and both losing nations would both have to get on the New America together and flee to Alpha Centauri instead.

(sorry for writing such a long response to your thing)

Deleted member 96212

In AANW, Generalplan Ost was carried out, killing and deporting over 100 million Slavs. The remaining slave labor was enough to help prop the Reich up (didn't save them from nuclear hellfire, but w/e).
In TNO, they also started this process but eventually stopped to help prop up their economy due to the 50's economic crash (Speer helped create this, but still didn't save the first ten/twenty or so million). Depending on the German leader, you can either free the slaves (into third-class citizenship, think Area 11), keep the slaves as they are, or continue with Generalplan Ost.

I think the death toll would be about 20-30 million before things changed to be less genocidal, since IOTL Nazi Germany killed (deliberately) a minimum of 13 million civilians in the USSR in the span of only three to four years, and Himmler himself was quoted in private as saying that 20-30 million would be the minimum amount of deaths necessary for German colonization. Of course this doesn't get into the situation with Poland, and as far as I can tell none of the dev team ever told us how many people died even after these meager reforms were instituted. And on top of that, Burgundy's hellish existence doesn't have a solid death count either.

Also I wasn't aware that there was an option to continue the genocide in full. Is it leader specific or is it possible for all potential German leaders to do it?

You see, while over 100 million people died in AANW,

Hate to quibble over details like this but I think it's worth mentioning that the death toll in AANW was 10 million short of 200 million deaths.

In TNO, while Generalplan Ost wasn't fully carried out, the sheer number of fascist, NatSoc, and ultranationalist states created by the joint Italian/Japanese/German victory certainly has made the world a lot worse in TNO.

While the fact that fascism has a major shot in the arm is intensely disturbing, TNO also leaves open the possibility of each of the former Axis members reforming into something approaching sane governance. I said it in the AANW thread already, but the fact that TNO is way more open ended leaves a lot of room for debate.

In terms of human suffering, I think TNO has it down more; the Reich now spans down the middle of Africa, and while we may be getting into philosophy here, the Reich has condemned over 120 million people to suffer in backbreaking slavery. While the original mass death campaigns may have ended, the concept of "Extermination Through Labor" has not.

Again, hate to quibble, but considering that the biggest Reich colony in Africa is run under BurgSys, it would seem that the mass death campaigns haven't truly ended.

I think more than anything the Reich does, the deciding factor for me would be what happens in Asia under Japanese occupation. I haven't heard many details about what Asia is like in TNO aside from Manchuria being run in a way that would make Himmler proud, and at some point the Great Asian War breaks out. Thanks to sheer population density, anything Japan has done to Asia could kill as many people as the Reich.

(sorry for writing such a long response to your thing)

It's quite alright. :)