I'd like to see some elves and some non-evil orcs.
I actually Elves Dwarfs and Orcs have muskets and are pretty advanced at least for most places in the new world. I’m definitely gonna mention them when I go over some fo the factions. I am planing on doing a time line based around this world so I have a lot of notes that I can turn into posts on here.
Land of Confusion:


Constructed over the course of the 80's by the Moss Presidency the Sanctuaries were built to help avail concerns by the American population over fear of nuclear war. Following the outbreak of the Indo-Pakistan War of 76-79, alongside helping with the ensuing economic slump with construction jobs. With the final Sanctuary 255 having been completed in the summer of 1991 during the Richardson administration. Many having been equipped with aquaponic gardens, clinics, machine shops and industrial grade generators or even nuclear reactors. Everything a sizable population would require to survive underground long term...


A total of 1/3 of which would end up being constructed across the American countryside, often adjacent to small rural towns or community and away from major population centers or likely targets for nuclear attacks. While the majority were located around major urban areas do to sheer economic clout and out of the hope that valuable personnel or knowledge would be able to survive in the event of nuclear war. Something that would unfortunately be tested out following the climax of World War 3 and the nuclear exchange of December 21, 2012 when county people fled to the promised safety of the Sanctuaries.


Only for disaster to strike the majority of the "supposed" Sanctuaries shortly after the bombs dropped. Many having not received proper maintenance since their completion during the 80's, leading to the breakdown of key components or they they had simply suffered overpopulation. With even the largest Sanctuary having been designed to house a population of "only" ten thousand, not the massive swarms of scared and desperate people trying to escape the oncoming nuclear hellfire. Some managed to last for decades before they collapsed into haunting necropolis's while others didn't even last a day after the bombs dropped.


Still some have managed to survive into the present day with even a few taking their first steps into a world unlike anything they could imagine. While most of the surviving Sanctuaries still remain tucked away across the remnants of the old US of A quietly waiting for an all clear that will probably never come. Until then life will continue on as it always has with its residents eating their daily rations, maintenance doing their daily repairs, security dealing with the usual drunk or restless youth and the Director overseeing it all from his office. Blissfully unaware of what lies just above the surface until the day that they will have to take their first steps into the wasteland...​

Aftermath of the Westmount Car Bombing in Montreal, Canada which killed 6 and injured 10. This is seen as the start of the Maple Leaf Riots


American troops are deployed into Toronto, its the first time American troops entered Canada since the 1931 Frist Rainbow Riots


Photo of Toronto burning as riots intensify with the redeployment of US troops. Riots enveloped every major Canadian city from Vancouver to Charlottetown


Canadian society continues to recover six months after the ending of the riots
Anybody wanna guess whats happening to Canada?
Nova Gaia

An High Wood Elf noble near the Russian border. One of the strongest magic using races with powers over mostly plant base magic. They would try to wage war against Russia but be defeated in open battle in less than a month after “Operation Weed Killer”.

a Gapana giant swords men take on three US lightly armored vehicles before being put down by a tank.

American tanks move south on a exploratory mission where they would meet the Ingota peoples.

Photo of the Holy Gapana Kingdom who shortly before meeting the PRC. Upon meeting of the two governments they would sign a trade and economic pack.

photo of Empress of Ingota, she would be called a living goddess by her people with powerful magical and physical powers, but her empire was in a state of civil war among other living gods and their armies. She would quickly try to gain an alliance with America even offering herself as the president bride (political marriage is popular among all the Fantasy nations) which was turned down although the US did back her in the war. After six and a half weeks order was restored in her nation.

(photo of an Orc Woman)
The story of the Orc people is a long and sad one from one slave master nation to the next. Their homeland of AshFall rich in natural resource like iron, coal, and oil would remain a colony until the US back uprising a year after there arrival. It would support the Orcs with small arms and light armor just enough to win, but not fully enough to conquer the empire of humanity. This would back fire as the new central government would fall into civil war with Russian back Orcs fighting against the US back government.

Saudi Arabian jets takes on sandworms as local tribesmen run away. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran would do battle against the sand worms and there cults for well over three years.

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US President Walt Disney, seen above during a diplomatic trip to France in 2005, where he would meet with the French President, as well as French aristocrats and celebrities, including the young noblewoman by the name of Aurora Rose, prior to her and Cinderella's joining of what Disney would dub the "Princess Club".

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Aurora Rose, French celebrity, actress, best friend of Cinderella Perrault, as well as nobility, her parents being part of a royal family. Being a part of Cinderella's inner circle, she has been granted a part in the Princess Club.

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The divisive French President (2002 - 2007) Eleanor Malen Dorival of the Nationalist Party, daughter of the infamously far right Jean-Malo Dorival of highly nationalist party "Le Juste Cause" or The Right Cause. After loosing the 2007 election, Eleanor would retire from public life, though still making interviews on occasion.

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The group has been called out for being anti-Semitic, anti-muslim, as well as being anti-immigration, anti-homosexuality, and anti-abortion (Among other things), even being compared to the "Skull & Crossbones Party" in the UK.

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Seen on the left is Claude Frollo, the highly controversial and highly religious former Minister of Justice and the 2012 presidential candidate of The Right Cause, however allegations of sexual assault during his time as Minister and his military service, along with rumours that The Right Cause had started the Notre Dame Cathedral fire of 2012 (An inccident the party had blamed on Muslims) would see him being forced into dropping out of the party, and party being forced to drop from the race.​

<In-Universe-Talk>: "Minister Frollo was the very definition of insanity, from what I could tell, during his tenure France was borderline fascist, would have been worse if it wasnt for Minister of the Armies Phoebus de Châteaupers using what he had of power to stop most of Frollo´s actions. Wouldn´t be surprised if that guy talked to the fireplace while being alone"

(OOC: In other words, Im liking this Disney characters in real settings AU^^ You are doing a great job so far)

Image of what appear to be US marines with a graffitied Soviet BRDM, taken by our recon team on Earth 4535 Zeta. They weren't able to see much more before coming under fire. Apparently the IZ we picked to open the wormhole at was the sight of a major armed confrontation.
The Canadian Troubles and it’s some how spills over into parts of the US forcing the US? Or did War Plan Red happened?
ill just reveal it. Canada gets conquered in the Revolution or 1812 but as a way to get peace the US gives it significant autonomy making them more like a puppet. Things go much like our TL for simplicity sake save for the Rainbow Riots which were more or less attempts at freeing Canada that fell apart after heavy handed American responses. The carbomb (by Canadian freedom fighters) kills some prominent American (Cabinet member, senator, celebrity take your pick) and under US pressure the Canadian government cracks down on the freedom movement which starts the riots. The US uses this as a chance to further integrate Canada into the country, while still not directly annexed many Canadians are living in America in all but name.


A "man on the street" segment from a Canadian news network asking about the rise of terrorism ahead of the proposed Canadian Unity Act


Canadian troops after a raid on a Nativist militia compound. Strikes increased on both sides as the CUA reached the floor of the Canadian Congress.


Justin Trudea, incumbent President of Canada. An ardent nationalist he won the election but was initially blocked from office by America over his outspoken views which, while harshly denounced the Canadian Home Militia still sympathized with granting Canada increased autonomy or even total freedom from American control.


The McKinley Oil Fields burn after an assault by the CHM in retaliation for the passing of the CUA
Tree Of Liberty
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some patriots during the battle of Lexington and Concorde where they would lay by the road and highways as sniper or do ambush. They would also use IEDs to attack British trucks and supplies.

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Minuteman bunker hill shortly before the battle of the same name. Where the Patriots would hold the hill causing large losses for the British before they would retreat into the country side.

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A group of Patriots as they ride through a small city. These groups would use a hit and run style of warfare hounding and harassing until they could get enough force to meet them and open battle or making the Brits pull out of certain areas. War in the country side terrorism in the city was a phase often repeated by them.

Let me know what else you guys want to see.​
I'm going to be honest this is making me picture a cyberpunk sequel featuring a futuristic version of the American Civil War. Where you have Lincoln and the Union fighting for the Liberation of replicant/synth styled "bio-andriods" against the vaguely biopunk south.

That and of course ww2 in SPAAACE!!!
I'm going to be honest this is making me picture a cyberpunk sequel featuring a futuristic version of the American Civil War. Where you have Lincoln and the Union fighting for the Liberation of replicant/synth styled "bio-andriods" against the vaguely biopunk south.

That and of course ww2 in SPAAACE!!!
I’m sorry but as soon as I though of cyber punk civil war this came to mind:
And honestly your idea sound pretty good.
US Army Bio-chemical Research Division: Project Chrysalis

Lab: T-233

Date: October 12, 2012


There was tired resignation... no frustration in my voice that day, as I looked out of my office window "what are we doing here John?" While he just... looked up from the daily reports and said "winning the war, advancing the boundaries of science, redefining the human species Mike... you know this."

I just couldn't take it anymore at that "Advancing Science!?" Anger just overwhelmed me "John we're not redefining anything we're butchering people!!!"

"Those people invaded our country, killed close friends and loved one's, including your son might I add! Besides we've learned more about human genetics and bioscience in a month than in nearly the entire previous decade from before we started large scale human experimentation. For Christs sake Mike we've developed medication that's capable of cleansing the human body of irradiated particles within the first year alone. Hell look at this Sara Mackenzie only a few months ago her child would be a mess of deformities, genetic defects and cancers from the nuclear fallout in the atmosphere but now not only is her child going to be born free of any physical deformities or genetic diseases but its going to born stronger, healthier and smarter than any child that came before."

"Yes and at what cost!? Do you even know how many people have died screaming in a research cell, while their biology was broken down and rearranged!?"

"I'm well aware of the fatality rate Mike."

"These are human beings!"

"Regardless our research here will not only ensure America's leadership in science but also revolutionize humanity as species."

"If we survive the war, let alone win in."

"Of course we're going to win it! You've scene the data, our troops are advancing further in China and Russia every day, they've already taken Moscow and let's not forget the famine that sweeping through China or how what's left of the Red Army are tearing each other apart."

"John... we're using nuclear bombs as artillery shells!" After that hits were exchanged and I signed my resignation. I didn't want anymore part in the horrors I created, so I decided it was time to reconnect with my what was left with my family. Believe it or not I was watching the Looney Tunes with my grandkids when I recieved new that the warheads broke through the defense grid and the helicopters came for us. Melanie could barely hold back her tears while she held her kids tight, they didn't even understand what was going on.

I’m sorry but as soon as I though of cyber punk civil war this came to mind:
And honestly your idea sound pretty good.
