PC: Muslim settlement of Lucera (southern Italy) survive to modern time

The Muslim settlement of Lucera (Lucaera Saracenorum or Lugêrah in Arabic) was a settlement created by Frederick II Hohenstaufen of Sicilian Muslim after their revolt in Sicily Frederick II started around 1220 expelling the Muslim from Sicily after failed revolt and afraid of them being too close of the Maghreb wich could support their possible futur revolt but he resettled part of the Muslim in mainland souther Italy at a bigger distance from the Maghreb in multiple city like Lucera , Girofalco , Acerenza etc .... in 1239 Frederick would order the concentration of the Muslim in Lucera and Apulia the ressetlement has taken place by 1240 with 20 000 Muslim in Lucera 30 000 nearby in Apulia and 10 000 in community outside of Apulia . After the initial shock of the forced exile the «Saracens » of Lucera will be the most fervent support of the Hohenstaufen monarchy providing a very important part of the military force of the royal army participating in battle like Cortenuova or Benevento . They would also win the trust of the Swabia House since they aren’t connected to to their political rival and would have important automy with good relation with their sovereign house . Historically after the Battle of Benevento (and with it the anihilation of the Saracen corps) between Manfred Hoenstauffen and Charle I of Anjou in 1266 the Kingdom of Sicily would be conquered by Charle who will basically offer them the same deal as the Hoenstauffen autonomy and right to practice Islam against important military levy but when the news that Conradin the last Hoenstauffen descends the Alp to take back the Kingdom of Sicily Lucerna is the first city to revolt against Charles in 1267 followed by other ghibellines city but the defeat Tagliacozzo and following death of Conrandin will doom the revolt and Lucera will be starved into submission in 1269 and forced to accept the establishment of 240 Provençal family in the forteress who dominated the city . His son Charles II will massacre and sell the population of Lucera in slavery he seem to have been motivated by the need to pay his debt . There would be a small attempt to create a mini Lucera in civitate with some survivor two year later but it would lead nowhere . Now say the hoenstauffen either win at Benevento or Tagliacozzo with their already good relation between them and the more tolerant heritage of the Hoenstauffen inherited of the Norman of sicily could the Muslim community of Lucera survive to modern period ?
I imagine most would be forced to convert or leave no matter what and in time an extremely small and endogenous community would remain hiding their beliefs.

Something akin to say the Belmonte Marranos
Does it still end up as part of Spain? If yes, then they're going to have a hard time surviving the inquisition.
No I was thinking that they wouldn’t end up as part of Spain and that the Hohenstaufen would pulll a Capetian and implement agnatic primogeniture for Sicily to remain independent with the throne going to cadet branch instead of stranger king
I imagine most would be forced to convert or leave no matter what and in time an extremely small and endogenous community would remain hiding their beliefs.

Something akin to say the Belmonte Marranos
I was hoping that they could Lipka Tatar a somewhat accepted minority but that honestly a possibility too
The latest end might be wiping off by Mussolini.
Well Mussolini himself doesn’t exist because of butterfly but a Mussolini analogue could be a danger to the community even if I think that if the community survive to the XX century they would survive to present day and be nothing more than local curiosity
Have the Aragonese gain Sicily earlier.
Why and How ?
I mean you need whatever government rules southern Italy to be forced to be at least somewhat tolerant, so I'd recommend a surviving/revived kingdom of Africa.
I mean you need whatever government rules southern Italy to be forced to be at least somewhat tolerant, so I'd recommend a surviving/revived kingdom of Africa.
Weren’t the Norman of Sicily and their Hohenstaufen successor already quite tolerant I don’t see any of them wanting to throw away the mutual beneficial relationship they have with the Muslim of Lucera especially after they have demonstrated their loyalty countless time . But I understand your point that a great idea .