Moonlight in a Jar: An Al-Andalus Timeline

So in view of the last post, this one will seem hilarious and ironic.

To the surprise of none, I'm beginning to realize I've kind of run out of gas on this story. Maybe it's just burnout, but I'm at a loss for where to go next - or more accurately, I have a broad idea of where it's going, but getting there isn't sparking my creative impulse like it used to. I'm thinking that the best move at this point is to hit pause for awhile until I can find my creative energies on the topic of Al-Andalus again.

That's not to say this thing's over. But for the moment, the well's empty, and I think it needs some time to refill.
Take your time. Forcing yourself to write when you don't want to will just produce subpar posts and make Moonlight's quality drop.

I'm sure that if you do find your juice again, we will once again get the good content that MiAJ is known for-
Take your time. Forcing yourself to write when you don't want to will just produce subpar posts and make Moonlight's quality drop.

I'm sure that if you do find your juice again, we will once again get the good content that MiAJ is known for-
Yeah, that's one thing I don't want. As much as I know where I want to go, getting it down has felt like an ordeal, and I don't want to just grind out crap for the sake of saying I posted. I want to feel it, especially since this is something I do for fun.

My pattern of interests tends to be cyclical, and I can't imagine a world in which I don't eventually loop back around to find the jar full again. At the moment I just seem to be in a pattern where my focus has been caught by a bunch of other stuff, namely playing 20-year-old Simcity games obsessively, reading about Siberia and yelling at political talk radio like a goober.
@Planet of Hats of course not trying to be pushy just curious if there were any updates and checking in with how you're doing. Still following this timeline and patiently awaiting its return. Wishing you the best!
@Planet of Hats of course not trying to be pushy just curious if there were any updates and checking in with how you're doing. Still following this timeline and patiently awaiting its return. Wishing you the best!
Thank you. I've been mostly tooling around in the map thread lately. Moonlight's world still has space in my brain, but I continue to find myself struggling to get past just how enormous the world has become.
Thank you. I've been mostly tooling around in the map thread lately. Moonlight's world still has space in my brain, but I continue to find myself struggling to get past just how enormous the world has become.
Obviously if you're still burnt out don't push yourself, but have you considered working with other people to lighten the load. I know that has helped other timelines like These Fair shores and stuff
Thank you. I've been mostly tooling around in the map thread lately. Moonlight's world still has space in my brain, but I continue to find myself struggling to get past just how enormous the world has become.
Tbf I think one thing you could do is focus on Europe first, even with china becoming more and more important as they go through an industrial revolution.
It doesn't, honestly. Amazigh and pre-Hilalian Arabic dialects predominate.

I genuinely have enjoyed reading this timeline these past few years. I know you’ve taken a break on the timeline, and by all means only write something when you feel ready, but if you need inspiration perhaps a languages/dialects map could spark some new ideas about the rest of the timeline.

Also, I’ve been genuinely enjoying the Canada-world maps.