Map Thread XVIII

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For a future history project I've been working on.

UN Parliamentary Elections are held every five years. Districts are drawn by the UN Elections Committee every ten years. The UN Elections Committee is not composed of Members of Parliament, but rather by members of the General Assembly, who represent UN member states.

Each district contains roughly 100 million people, and elects ten MPs on a proportional basis. Those of you who are good at math or have good eyes will probably notice that this means a global population of 6 billion. Global population has declined, mostly in East and South Asia, for a number of reasons, from global climate change leading to a fall in living conditions, to a more even distribution of education and the rights of women, to simple demographic changes - China's population fell by almost 44% by 2050 due to the One Child Policy coming home to roost.

So, the UN Parliament has 600 members. Notably, for almost 500 million people, this is the only representation they get - these are the inhabitants of the UN Mandates, who live under direct UN administration. Most of them live in India, in the UN Mandate of Bengal, or in the disputed territory of East India, which is administered by the UN but is still claimed by India.

For a future history project I've been working on.

UN Parliamentary Elections are held every five years. Districts are drawn by the UN Elections Committee every ten years. The UN Elections Committee is not composed of Members of Parliament, but rather by members of the General Assembly, who represent UN member states.

Each district contains roughly 100 million people, and elects ten MPs on a proportional basis. Those of you who are good at math or have good eyes will probably notice that this means a global population of 6 billion. Global population has declined, mostly in East and South Asia, for a number of reasons, from global climate change leading to a fall in living conditions, to a more even distribution of education and the rights of women, to simple demographic changes - China's population fell by almost 44% by 2050 due to the One Child Policy coming home to roost.

So, the UN Parliament has 600 members. Notably, for almost 500 million people, this is the only representation they get - these are the inhabitants of the UN Mandates, who live under direct UN administration. Most of them live in India, in the UN Mandate of Bengal, or in the disputed territory of East India, which is administered by the UN but is still claimed by India.


I feel like these need colours especially in Indonesia.
Well I guess we are going into part two. this will hopefully be shorter. Btw I'm trying to get all of my new fictional cities in but it's going to take a while so it'll update.

This leads us to the geopolitical aspects of this conflict. Since September 2017, Wisconsin has been governed by a younger figure who has grown himself a cult of personality not seen since the reign of Alexander Koktni (1957-1993). Marco Diaz has become the face of political reform in an authoritarian state like Wisconsin. He has promised to amend the constitution turning Wisconsin into a multiparty state instead of the current one-party rule under the National Revolutionary Party which has governed the nation since 1926. He also says that he will grant amnesty to almost every faction and has refrained from carrying out mass executions or killing of captured rebels like his predecessors did under Samuel Schmidt (2015-2017) and he says that the military junta will soon dissolve and will be replaced with a party-led organization that will guarantee the "reimplementation of socialism" in the country.

Despite touting a return to socialism, Marco has moderated his stance to mean developing socialism off the Vietnam model but with more localized and communitarian ownership of businesses as well as the right to foreign investment. But that will beyond the scope of this so-called "Vietnam" model. Wisconsin has turned its back on the United States and the West because of their support for the rebels while embracing Ushen, a nominally constitutional monarchy and other countries such as Russia, India, Belarus, Syria, North Korea, South Korea, Armenia, Poland, Germany, and numerous other countries.
President Diaz has also said that next year most of the civilian detainees and political prisoners will finally be realized with the exception of far-right dissidents and others considered a national security threat to the country. As mentioned before, he also intends to grant amnesty to the majority of the captured rebels and said that they would be allowed to go back into civilian life or join the armed forces if they chose to.

Also under President Marco Diaz, Wisconsin has begun to mend ties with a strained country, Mexico. Since 2001, the Mexican Aztlan Republic a totalitarian dictatorship had carried out a terrorist attack on a Wisconsin delegation that killed several of the delegates including the Minister of Defense and the Foreign Minster. Because Mexico would not apologize or admit that they did the attack, Wisconsin severed ties with Mexico which enjoyed close ties since 1927 when the Mexican Aztlan formed. Inspired by the recent DPRK-US summit and the thawing of relations, President Marco Diaz who actually has relatives from the country of the MAR, held a summit in Tenochtitlan where he and Chairman Lucho Ocuil, in power since 2013 restored ties and began to normalize relations again. (Yeah very ASB for the record its not an Aztec state, its Mexico but under a militarized totalitarian socialist state)

As the regime mends ties with former foe, more interesting developments began occur since the early March summit with Chairman Ocuil. Recent satellite images deep inside Wisconsin regime territory show what some in the United States see as possibly of Wisconsin going down a path that could have consequences in the future if the images are what they appear to be.
Last year in late 2018, President Marco Diaz made his announcement that in 2019 he would step down as Defense Minister and hand it over to Patrick Sugnog and he would sack Thomas Luc who was in charge of the dreaded National Security Directorate (Wigwam) secret police since before the coup in 2010 and was given the command to George Patrick. After he made this announcement he gave a
speech that gave some subtle hints of what Wisconsin's next priority could be.

"Let this always be a reminder to our enemies and to those who have helped with the destruction of our socialist fatherland, do not take my stance and my reforms as a sign of capitulation to the imperialists. We are always ready to make peace with former foes and we welcome the thaw that we are seeing in Korea. But let's make no mistake, the West promised us so much but delivered so little in return. Mistakes were made there is no doubt about that, this program had flaws and we must correct these flaws and make striding efforts to reconcile and heal the wounds of national division, but despite what happened nearly four years ago, we did not ask Washington, Brussels, Saint Paul or Ottawa to send mercenaries in our homeland and turn our nation into Iraq, Libya or Syria. We did not ask for such a fate to be met...

As we implement these new reforms we are also ready to consider new alternatives in order to secure our national unity and safeguard the socialist nation from aggression. We would not be happy at this but if the United States who now has an unpredictable president that says one thing but does another, wishes to continue these failed policies against our country, we may have to find another alternative. I don't think, given the thawed atmosphere we are seeing in Pyongyang and Seoul that this alternative is desirable for our national economy and for our people. But the United States should consider this a possibility in the future."

Is this the sign that Wisconsin is planning on developing its own ballistic missile program and possibly begin it's very own nuclear weapons program like North Korea? At the moment its very unlikely that they have the means to start something like a nuclear weapons program because of the civil war but recent photographs show what appears to be a new large complex that could be the beginning stages of a new research facility that may lead to the creation of a rocket launch facility and research complex. For now its too early to speculate what Wisconsin intends on doing.
In another sign that Wisconsin is moving away from the west is their military uniforms. Last week the Wisconsin government announced that they would be going back to their pre-1995 service uniform and dress uniform that was worn by the Wisconsin Armed Forces from 1959 until 1995. The uniform including its service cap resembled something out of the socialist bloc countries but with some influence from their German counterparts and from Latin America. (It wasn't as over the top as North Korea's were though).

Despite these reversals, Wisconsin still intends on going along with these reforms regardless of these changes.

These new changes for Wisconsin culminating with a new leader in charge of the state who is keen on political reforms for his country is in contrast with the bloody civil war that has been raging on in Wisconsin since July 22nd, 2015.

As of early 2019, an estimated 300,000 people have died in the civil war with an estimated 80,000 to 100,000 civilians killed by all factions on both sides of the war. There are no clear good guys in this conflict but it hoped that Marco will come on top as a better leader for Wisconsin and a leader who will not repeat the mistakes that the military junta had made in 2015.


  • Civil war map of wisconsin with cities.png
    Civil war map of wisconsin with cities.png
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Here's something for a Monarchist America scenario with a very limited French revolution and a failed German one.
Featuring, by continent :
Federal Empire of America : The Diverse and Welcoming Empire. And why we're in this whole mess.
Imperio del Tawantinsuyu - The Bourbon Kings there have claimed to be the new Incas for the past two centuries.Canada - yes, it's Canada, not Québec.
Grand Duchy of California - Still love their beaches
Kingdom of Amazonia - The prefect place for a supervillain lair !
Kingdom of Patagonia and Araucania - The EU, but in South America. They say you can summon eldritch with the language the Welsh use to speak to the Basques.
Britain - Still butthurt about that time the French took Dover and taunted the Londonians.
France - The graceful loser of the Great War. The only one to enjoy a peace with honor.
Russia - You LOSE, You get NOTHING, Good day sir!
Triple Commonwealth - Had Diet problems. Adopted a new Regime. Lost a few kilograndees.
Megale Hellas - Maybe a bit too Megale...
Austrian Congo - They're growing chins at an alarming rate.
Kingdom of Buganda (under Austrian protectorate) - considering cattle raids on Ethiopia.
Kingdom of Liberia - Entirely private enterprise due to early slavery illegalization, less black apartheid then OTL
Dutch Cape - Boer-wank
Big Persia - It Achaeman'ed up.
American Mongolia - now with motorbikes.
A Tale of Three Dragons - China is divided between the Hong, Yue and Qing dynasties.
Kingdom of Jerusalem - To Deus Vult or not to Deus Vult ? Here is the question.
This is a great scenario! What's with the state based around the expanded Cape Horn, and the small purple one between Lincoln and the Midwestern state?
The Cape Horn state would be the Falkland, kept afloat for as long as it could be by what remained of the British navy, and while they aren't technically part of the Entente, the backing of many former Commonwealth lands has kept them from being annexed by Argentina. Even during the end times, the British still keep tabs on their former holdings. (Honestly it's one of the nations I'm most iffy on having in the scenario)

And the small purple state between Lincoln and the Midwestern state (the Plains Republic), would be the Republic of Lakotah, the only Native American state to come out of the conflict, it is heavily focused on presenting itself as "civilized" and "American", while at the same time attempting to respect its Native culture. It's a hard balancing act, but it's gotten them into the Pan-American Alliance so far
Hmmm, I can't help but feel there would be some sort of lake at the end of the Rio Grande, Ivoshafen. And while I am squinting at Mexico getting the Gulf for what I presume to be naming reasons, I am happy to see California at least got to take advantage of that loophole.
Hmmm, I can't help but feel there would be some sort of lake at the end of the Rio Grande, Ivoshafen. And while I am squinting at Mexico getting the Gulf for what I presume to be naming reasons, I am happy to see California at least got to take advantage of that loophole.
The main thing about Mexico’s gains is that they weren’t “directly” effected from the Event, and even though they were in political turmoil in OTL, they were able to get themselves in order while the US was busy fighting off rebellions and Corruption in order to take the Gulf. It was more of a right place, right time kinda thing, if the US wasn’t in such a bad spot then Mexico never would have been able to take advantage and take the Gulf.
France (+dominion/colony/empire whathaveyou) are not colored blue?
I smell anglocentric bias...

Well, I am English but don't let that prejudice you.

I concur, any England with so much of France would be wagged by France.

Who says it wont be?

Well, it's only 1448, not long after the time the British achieved Peak France OTL: these things take some time.

Except weren't the lords French lords from France who spoke French and resided on the mainland? And even the ones who did stay in England was mostly Frenchified Normans who also spoke mainly French.
So from 1066 it's French lordship over English territory. That their highest title was the independent "kingdom of england" didn't make them English... even less so if the crows of England and France are united.
Lords who spoke french owned lands in France. Lords who spoke French owned lands in England. Both coveted the more prestigious title "King of France". Political divides eventually lead to divergent cultures, not the other way around of "English vs French" leading to conflict
At first I said it ironically, but now I will seriously ask you to re-evaluate applying anachronistic models of "britishness" on the past, when in reality feudalism was not national.

Except that the 100 years war developed a proto-nationalist, mutually hostile attitude in both countries, the British monarchy was switching over to English by the early 15th century, and the British Parliament also become English-speaking in the 1400s. (Of course I dunno _when_ exactly Bob is picturing his English Triumph, so for all I know the area has been continually united since the 1200s, making all I just said irrelevant.

But that's my very point. In the beginning, there was no difference between the lords in France and England, as they were both from France. It was only after a hundreds years of war that they began to see themselves as not only separate, but having more in common with the people they ruled over in their respective territories.
The lords of England became English by being exiled to England. If they had kept France, then there would be no need to turn native in England.
Uniting the crowns means there's no long power struggle, means there's no division. It would never be an "english triumph" it would be "one french lord replacing another" and then business as usual.

And as I said, it matters when it happens. If it happens in the 1400s, there's going to be a struggle in which either the Anglicization of the English elites is reversed, or they lose France.

This is based on Edward I being in alliance with Peter IV of Aragon in 1337 making the initial stages of OTL Hundred Years War overwhelming for France.

A quote from wikipedia on "English People";
"Anglo-Norman continued to be used by the Plantagenet kings until Edward I came to the throne. Over time the English language became more important even in the court, and the Normans were gradually assimilated, until, by the 14th century, both rulers and subjects regarded themselves as English and spoke the English language.
Despite the assimilation of the Normans, the distinction between 'English' and 'French' survived in official documents long after it had fallen out of common use, in particular in the legal phrase Presentment of Englishry (a rule by which a hundred had to prove an unidentified murdered body found on their soil to be that of an Englishman, rather than a Norman, if they wanted to avoid a fine). This law was abolished in 1340."

So French was still the legal language at the time and an influx of French speaking subjects and Nobles would probably see it retained and a dual language system arise which would, over time, probably merge into something we would not recognize today.

Also, I never stated that this was a "Kingdom of England" situation. It's more likely to be along the lines of the Austro-Hungarian Personal Union [but increasingly more equal].
I’m thinking of starting a project of the speculative evolution and/or asb variety of this tilt!-map below:
(Australia at the North Pole instead of Antarctica at the south. Otl layout is shown for latitude comparison)

What software are you using for this? I'd like to play around with a generator and I know there used to be a simulator somewhere but for the life of me I can't find it.
Here's the path of human* migration out 'Africa' in my fantasy world. Note several overlapping migrations in a few areas. The darker the earlier, the lighter the later.

*Humans are basically two species. You have the Ael who are 'elven-like' and basically have the height and facial features of East Africans; tall, high cheek bones, and dark skin but their ear lobes have evolved to be connected to their jaws so that moving certain muscles in their jaw and throat give them slightly better directional hearing than us IRL humans. The other race are the Hara, who are 'Neanderthal-lite'. Shorter than us IRL humans, stocky, strong, rounder faces and large noses but not as caveman-like. Both can reproduce with each other which results in us actual humans, with some looking more like one than the other because of genetics. They are all considered humans though; kind of like if Homo Sapiens wasn't the only species of human to survive.

I hope you all enjoy! Please ask questions and give me comments if ya want! I hope that I managed something half-decent here.

Sooo....the notion here is that the only reason our world didn't get overrun by Eldritch horrors is because Lovecraft lived to pin them down as fictional entities in books and short stories? :hushedface:

Sooo....the notion here is that the only reason our world didn't get overrun by Eldritch horrors is because Lovecraft lived to pin them down as fictional entities in books and short stories? :hushedface:

That is the exact concept, yea :p

It's very meta, but it's something I absolutely love, that somewhere inside of his head, those nightmares were real.
Federated Provinces of Osean Federation and Constituent Republics of Union of Yuktobanian Republics
(Note: Osea is supposed to be divided into 7 (6 before Belkan War) federated states with each have their own provinces which has staggering total of 68. The idea is to make Osea kinda like Fallout USA which has 13 commonwealths and 50 states)

Canon Version

Fanon Version (this one divided that one large blob in the middle of Yuktobania into two)

Edit: added the canon and fanon version of the subdivision's borders
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Our Sacred Empire(3).png

Our Sacred Empire.png

IDK, what sort of nation should be betwixt Italia, France, and Germany? Savoy or Provence? If a Savoy based "Burgundian" kingdom, then what role did they play in the Great War that just finished? And the same for Italy. If they were on the losing German side, then i might slice off Venetia or at least Friulia and Istria. If so, then definetly the Roman Sicily/Calabria regions will become a new greco-italian nation. The Lower Burgundians (Savoy or Provence) might take some regions from Italy. I might push the frontier further back to reflect a more medieval POD than the 16th century border it has.

If Italy sides with the French allies, then they would seize Roman African states, and take a portion of Calabria and Istria.
View attachment 448722
View attachment 448723
IDK, what sort of nation should be betwixt Italia, France, and Germany? Savoy or Provence? If a Savoy based "Burgundian" kingdom, then what role did they play in the Great War that just finished? And the same for Italy. If they were on the losing German side, then i might slice off Venetia or at least Friulia and Istria. If so, then definetly the Roman Sicily/Calabria regions will become a new greco-italian nation. The Lower Burgundians (Savoy or Provence) might take some regions from Italy. I might push the frontier further back to reflect a more medieval POD than the 16th century border it has.

If Italy sides with the French allies, then they would seize Roman African states, and take a portion of Calabria and Istria.

can i ask what year the map is?
Once again I neglect my fantasy map thingy and all the other things I'm working on in favor of starting something new.
Here it is so far.

All I will say is that it is a location in a franchise created to sell toys.
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