Map Thread XV

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Japan and Ottoman wank
Possible that the remaining British authorities become like the Mughals were. Actually that might make British India a bit more stable... Either way, everybody but Japan and possibly some of the Russians in China are doomed.
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View attachment 320197
World in 1927

The Europeans continued the expansion of their American Empires. Churchill routinely visited New York and a person country estate and soon America became his pride and joy. Britain came into quick rivalry with Holland for control of America. Neiuw Brabant was tuck right between the New England and Southern Colonies. The British and Portuguese cared little for their African settlements, all they cared for was the resources in which they held. In 1919 the Spanish landed in what would've been Veracruz. Russia's supposedly unhindered expansion was unable to be stopped. Russia was pulling vast ammounts of resources to her "war effort" to colonize the southern Asia lands. Vladimir Lenin has not returned to Russia, and died in exile in Switzerland. Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin are essentially revolutionary gang members, reking havoc along the frontier. Sweden was a minor colonial power in its colonization of "Vinland", but due to ever increasing Russian prowess signed a defensive treaty with Germany in 1923. In 1925 Germany signed another defensive pact this time with Romania, who wasn't at all eager to get involved in the Greco-Bulgarian Great Game. Britain meanwhile planning to settle India, secretly supporting Germany over Russia. The Israeli's meanwhile continue to recreate the old Jewish Empire's of before, determined to never die. The British meanwhile in 1927 began under the guise of Lord Churchill to claim all of the United States' East Coast, and planned for a war against the Netherlands in North America. Austria meanwhile began to establish small outposts in Panama, and Gabon. One Admiral suggested Austrian Australia or East Indies. An army commander suggested Austrian Peru. But meanwhile in the Germany colonies one painter now settler began to rise in his colonial status.

Why would Sweden and Norway take the near worthless Labrador coast, when there's better land elsewhere, also why would Denmark only take Greenland.

I think there will be some kind of Congress where the world are partitioned.

I would suggest that the Scandinavian countries gets shared control over Canada. The three countries are in a interesting limbo, they're not great power, but they have large merchant marines and was threated as independent actors. Also with the disappearance of American and Canadian grain import Denmark are a pretty important grain exporters. Giving them Canada (plus maybe some of USA's northern prarie states) would be a good compromise, it's not very good land, but the Scandinavian will love it. The three states are friendly enough to have shared custody.
ISOT maps are cool, but maybe the ones where no time has passed yet (i.e maps where it is just the original nations on a blank earth) should go on their own thread for discussion.

The world a hundred years after the four Empires (Holy Carolingian Empire, the Caliphate, Khazarate of Zion and the Celestial Throne) reached the pinnacle of their power. The last century saw great amounts of warfare and ideological strife. The great Empires survived with their core territories, but their periphery has mostly gone on its own way.


  • 4 Empires 2.0.png
    4 Empires 2.0.png
    93.2 KB · Views: 802
i finished up that artsy-schmartsy 1984+ alliances map i was working on. during development, i got a few more ideas as to what this world looks like, namely:
  • the full-on Oceania stand-in is officially called the Oceanic Treaty for International Security (OTIS), intended as an analogue to NATO if not in its real function, reputation, and geopolitical composition then for its opposition to the Soviet Union
  • Brazil is nominally allied to the North American Union as a member of OTIS but pretty much does its own thing otherwise; i've also worked out that the real basis for its totalitarian nature is the strictest, most abusive and obstructive bureaucracy in the world where even tiny mistakes on official documents could get you arrested and you'll be sitting in a "holding cell" for literal years before you even get to plead your case, let alone go to court and resolve it
  • Argentina isn't part of OTIS like i'd originally planned because they nominally control Uruguay, which is actually one of the freer non-superstates in the world and has some more positive communistic elements which the violently anti-communist NAU wouldn't stand for out of principle but they don't want to wreck their "friendship" with Argentina
  • Nepal and Bhutan are actually allied to China despite being closer to the Equatorial Federation politically
  • Taiwan is all by itself similar to England mainly because they don't ideologically align to any of the surrounding powers; they're freer than England but nearly as isolationist with a basic foreign policy of "fuck you, not our problem" and everyone pretty much just leaves them alone out of disinterest (though the PRC does want to take them over, stopped only by the Equatorials threatening war--the Equatorials would prefer if Taiwan joined them as well so that they can help improve their situation but are content to leave them be in the meantime)
  • Cuba is a formal ally of the Soviet Union and that's the main reason they're still around
  • Japan and Peru are oddball allies, though Peru is mainly a junior partner to Japan (the idea was inspired by Alberto Fujimori, one of Peru's OTL dictators who also happened to be ethnically Japanese; he's probably still in power in TTL's present-day)

keep in mind that the map is showing only de jure alliances--as the other 1984+ maps will indicate, the situation on the ground is more complicated than what's shown here. the Soviet Union and Western Bloc + Cuba are shown in orange, China and its allies/puppets in red, OTIS in green, the Equatorials and their de jure allies in pale yellow, Argentina and Uruguay in pale red, Japan and Peru in dark yellow, Taiwan in gray, and England in dark red. it's less obvious, but the Pacific disputed zone is shown in neutral white without any outlines. i've also omitted Antarctic claims
1984+ alliances.png
Seeing as even I don't know if I'll end up taking it far enough to finish the map of North America, here are the claimed internal borders of the USA in my alternate Fallout map series.
Fallout, US Navy, Internals..png

The US is hoping to look like this by 2200. They may be a bit optimistic about about getting Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America all up to snuff by then though (They will control them soon enough, if they can avoid blowing up the world a second time).
Seeing as even I don't know if I'll end up taking it far enough to finish the map of North America, here are the claimed internal borders of the USA in my alternate Fallout map series.

The US is hoping to look like this by 2200. They may be a bit optimistic about about getting Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America all up to snuff by then though (They will control them soon enough, if they can avoid blowing up the world a second time).

So what happened to the post-war canon characters? Were they butterflied away or were still born but entirely different people from canon?
Seeing as even I don't know if I'll end up taking it far enough to finish the map of North America, here are the claimed internal borders of the USA in my alternate Fallout map series.
View attachment 320364
The US is hoping to look like this by 2200. They may be a bit optimistic about about getting Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America all up to snuff by then though (They will control them soon enough, if they can avoid blowing up the world a second time).

....How is it still alive?
So what happened to the post-war canon characters? Were they butterflied away or were still born but entirely different people from canon?
Given that I have ripped the beating heart out of the Fallout Universe by having the US survive in a meaningful fashion and decide it needs to help rebuild the world, I'm inclined to say butterflied.

....How is it still alive?
The US because the Navy actually did something other than sink all their ships after the Great War. The map series because it is easier to do then my timeline.
Given that I have ripped the beating heart out of the Fallout Universe by having the US survive in a meaningful fashion and decide it needs to help rebuild the world, I'm inclined to say butterflied.

True but there probably are some Ghouls still around in this scenario. Not to mention Vault 111.
View attachment 320197
World in 1927

The Europeans continued the expansion of their American Empires. Churchill routinely visited New York and a person country estate and soon America became his pride and joy. Britain came into quick rivalry with Holland for control of America. Neiuw Brabant was tuck right between the New England and Southern Colonies. The British and Portuguese cared little for their African settlements, all they cared for was the resources in which they held. In 1919 the Spanish landed in what would've been Veracruz. Russia's supposedly unhindered expansion was unable to be stopped. Russia was pulling vast ammounts of resources to her "war effort" to colonize the southern Asia lands. Vladimir Lenin has not returned to Russia, and died in exile in Switzerland. Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin are essentially revolutionary gang members, reking havoc along the frontier. Sweden was a minor colonial power in its colonization of "Vinland", but due to ever increasing Russian prowess signed a defensive treaty with Germany in 1923. In 1925 Germany signed another defensive pact this time with Romania, who wasn't at all eager to get involved in the Greco-Bulgarian Great Game. Britain meanwhile planning to settle India, secretly supporting Germany over Russia. The Israeli's meanwhile continue to recreate the old Jewish Empire's of before, determined to never die. The British meanwhile in 1927 began under the guise of Lord Churchill to claim all of the United States' East Coast, and planned for a war against the Netherlands in North America. Austria meanwhile began to establish small outposts in Panama, and Gabon. One Admiral suggested Austrian Australia or East Indies. An army commander suggested Austrian Peru. But meanwhile in the Germany colonies one painter now settler began to rise in his colonial status.
Loving this. I hope for a fair bit of Austrian expansion, at least as long as war doesn't break out with Russia. If that happens, well, everything will get messy.
Given that I have ripped the beating heart out of the Fallout Universe by having the US survive in a meaningful fashion and decide it needs to help rebuild the world, I'm inclined to say butterflied.

The US because the Navy actually did something other than sink all their ships after the Great War. The map series because it is easier to do then my timeline.

Bah! America was rotten to it's core, falling apart, and needed to die in the Great War, and stay dead Post War, less Mankind makes the same mistakes and leads to another Great War.

But good map.


Another from this timeline:
The divided city of Bogotá, one of several partially controlled by the progressive FARC and partially by competing regimes. Barranquilla (divided with Gran Colombia), Barquisimeto (divided with Venezuela), and Caracas (ditto) are others.

1. Lake is shared. Relations between the two powers are lukewarm and the border across the lake is to be determined "at a future point in time".
2. Since the border was gradually opened about 200 years after the catastrophe, these neighborhoods have seen lots of investment. Something resembling early 21st century gentrification is occurring here.
3. Satellite town created by Gran Colombia about 170 years ago for refugees from East Bogota who didn't want to live under those "filthy commies" as well as European and North American guest workers, many plagued by cancer, harmful genetic mutations, and infertility as well as depressed IQs due to malnutrition and radiation in their homelands. Ironically quite poor and disinvested and a hub for far-left activity.
4. Gran Colombia wasn't happy when they lost the Monserrate church, one of the most iconic in Colombia. It now appears on all sorts of FARC-issued banknotes and on the coat of arms of their government of East Bogota.
5. On the other hand, the post-catastrophe distaste for resource-intensive technology means that most of El Dorado Airport could be shut down. One small runway and a rudimentary terminal is kept for "necessary" aviation and the old terminal has been transformed into a cathedral basilica.
6. Fortified hill towns built after an attempted reactionary coup in Gran Colombia that threatened a war against FARC. Now penal colonies.
7. Among the last suburbs built before the nukes fell. Its bitterly cold climate means that it frequently gets snow and a small ski hill is reportedly under construction in the high mountains.
8. The showcase district of West Bogota. FARC citizens are encouraged to be envious of it and ignore the massive shantytowns that are just a few kilometers away.
9. These old skyscrapers have been converted into vertical farms.
i've also worked out that the real basis for its totalitarian nature is the strictest, most abusive and obstructive bureaucracy in the world where even tiny mistakes on official documents could get you arrested and you'll be sitting in a "holding cell" for literal years before you even get to plead your case, let alone go to court and resolve it
I'd be surprised if they even had any people left in their government.

Deleted member 97083

i finished up that artsy-schmartsy 1984+ alliances map i was working on. during development, i got a few more ideas as to what this world looks like, namely:
  • the full-on Oceania stand-in is officially called the Oceanic Treaty for International Security (OTIS), intended as an analogue to NATO if not in its real function, reputation, and geopolitical composition then for its opposition to the Soviet Union
  • Brazil is nominally allied to the North American Union as a member of OTIS but pretty much does its own thing otherwise; i've also worked out that the real basis for its totalitarian nature is the strictest, most abusive and obstructive bureaucracy in the world where even tiny mistakes on official documents could get you arrested and you'll be sitting in a "holding cell" for literal years before you even get to plead your case, let alone go to court and resolve it
  • Argentina isn't part of OTIS like i'd originally planned because they nominally control Uruguay, which is actually one of the freer non-superstates in the world and has some more positive communistic elements which the violently anti-communist NAU wouldn't stand for out of principle but they don't want to wreck their "friendship" with Argentina
  • Nepal and Bhutan are actually allied to China despite being closer to the Equatorial Federation politically
  • Taiwan is all by itself similar to England mainly because they don't ideologically align to any of the surrounding powers; they're freer than England but nearly as isolationist with a basic foreign policy of "fuck you, not our problem" and everyone pretty much just leaves them alone out of disinterest (though the PRC does want to take them over, stopped only by the Equatorials threatening war--the Equatorials would prefer if Taiwan joined them as well so that they can help improve their situation but are content to leave them be in the meantime)
  • Cuba is a formal ally of the Soviet Union and that's the main reason they're still around
  • Japan and Peru are oddball allies, though Peru is mainly a junior partner to Japan (the idea was inspired by Alberto Fujimori, one of Peru's OTL dictators who also happened to be ethnically Japanese; he's probably still in power in TTL's present-day)

keep in mind that the map is showing only de jure alliances--as the other 1984+ maps will indicate, the situation on the ground is more complicated than what's shown here. the Soviet Union and Western Bloc + Cuba are shown in orange, China and its allies/puppets in red, OTIS in green, the Equatorials and their de jure allies in pale yellow, Argentina and Uruguay in pale red, Japan and Peru in dark yellow, Taiwan in gray, and England in dark red. it's less obvious, but the Pacific disputed zone is shown in neutral white without any outlines. i've also omitted Antarctic claims
Finally, a 1984 scenario with a POD in 1949, as George Orwell intended.
I'd be surprised if they even had any people left in their government.
the Brazilian government is selective about who they prosecute for clerical errors ;)
Finally, a 1984 scenario with a POD in 1949, as George Orwell intended.
well, 1948, but yeah ;) that had more or less been my intention going in--NATO being founded in 1949 just happens to fit perfectly with that (believe it or not, i didn't actually know what year NATO was founded in before i looked it up for context) but if it hadn't i would've included something about NATO being dissolved because the Soviets took over Europe
Europe ISOT 1914.png

World in 1937 another 10 years after the previous

Austria in 1928 began to settle Panama and claimed it as Neu Bosnia. Austria under Kaiser Ferdinand consolidated and once again became just the Austrian Empire (thought this was essentially a USGE move). In 1929 Britain fought the Brabant War against the Netherlands over claims of the US-mid Atlantic. A firm British victory, lead to the deportation of over 100,000 Dutch citizens back to Holland, Amazonia, and South Africa. To make up for this Dutch ships sailed and built Neiuw Rotterdam and the Colony of New Holland in Western Australia. The Australian Rush had begun. Quickly Britain mustered a small garrison and fleet in 1931 and sailed to Adelaide. Meanwhile German and Austrian colonists landed around Darwin and Derby, claiming new land for the Central Powers. What was left of Muslims in Bosnia, and Thrace, were deported to the area of Oman, and allowed to run loose, many former soldiers turned into warring tribes for water, food, and power. Scandinavia ultimately united into a economic union (similar to that of the EU). Belgium finally in 1933 mustered enough resources and a few hundred people and set out from Antwert and established New Flanders in Argentina, a small colony, it is likely to be swallowed up by German Patagonien. There was a minor border conflict between Israel and Greece which won out for Israel. A week after the small conflict, Israel began to plan, the reconstruction of the Suez Canal. Persia was mainly dominated by Central Asian Turks following Russian colonization and was home to many railroads leading down to ports which the Tsar, now extremely old began to prepare for colonization efforts as part of the Black Sea Fleet was shipped to one in 1935. For Joseph Stalin, him and a bunch of other followers in 1937 trekked out into Burma, and planned to create the worlds first Communist State. Bulgaria under Ferdinand III also began a large military build up preparing to drive the Greeks out of Macedonia, and the Ionian Sea. The Tsar had essentially abandoned all interest in the Balkans realizing it would start a war between all of Europe, and focused on the colonization of Asia and Western North America. Churchill's plans and ambitions as governor of the near independent colony of British America began to see tensions with French Louisiana. France took sides with the Russian giant while Britain stood on the sidelines of any European War, figuring it could pull of a Seven Years War trick in America. Italy meanwhile, began to prepare for the Novo Italia Canal, a new project to give Italy perminent funds as ships would pass through.

Behold, TACOS world, where I used every single colour on the most complete TACOS colour map I could find, except the Turkish supranational union one.

I also quickly did a couple of maps joining the travel map ISOT trend.



A decade after the 21 states, Washington DC, and Ontario were sent to this world, the US has begun to rebound. The 2020 election was a solid win for the Democratic candidate Joe Biden. Since then, he's won a second term in the 2024 election. The USA has created five territories, them being the Midway, New Jersey, New England, and Minnesota territories. Both Canada and the US also have unincorporated areas populated with settlers. The US and Canada has yet to officially reach an official border for the post event nations, but it's informally agreed that the exact pre-event boundaries are unlikely to remain.
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