Map Thread XV

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America with Nebraska State Legislature political parties.


Nonpartisan (Any/All) - 435 Representatives, 100 Senators (100% PV)


Attention all bandwagon passengers, this is the final stop. Please disembark in an orderly manner.

Someone oughta' write a "unified bandwagon theory", detailing the initiation of a bandwagon, its rise to prominence and wide use, and its eventual snarky subversion and fall.

Note: I love bandwagons, but it is sorta' funny to see this pattern again and again.
Balkanizing Balkanizing the Balkans.




It's like the other Darker World but with Fictional entities.

  1. TL-191 CSA, from 1941
  2. The Pacific States of America and the Nazi Puppet Regime from Man in the High Castle
  3. A Portion of Soviet-occupied America from Red Dawn
  4. A fair amount of Decades of Darkness USA from 1910.
Working on a Oneshot, where the Justinian Plague is A LOT worse. Basically an early, less deadly but worldwide "Years of Rice and Salt". Finished up most of Europe, and the Mediterranean. Open to questions if anyone has any.
Europe, The End Times.png
Cool map! Why is Venice still alright?

By the POD, Venice was still a tiny semi-city relatively isolated from the rest of Italy. As result it wasn't a major trade hub and thusly wasn't hit. Anyone who made it to Venice was forced away by the local guards.


Not quite.

It seems like Scotland, the Irish states, and a bit of the Greeks made it out OK. Same for the Dutch states.

What happen to Egypt?

Egypt was the first major outbreak of the infection. Massive population+Large Water bed = lots of casualties. It was one of the worst hit in OTL.
X-posting my MotF entry...
The Ghost of America

I got the idea for this map from Massachusetts's state license plates, which have the slogan "The Spirit of America" on them. The scenario basically revolves around the United States crumbling, and all that remains is the state of Massachusetts and an area around Washington, D.C. and northern Virginia. For years and even decades, the United States of America was in a period of prosperity. Taxes were low, incomes were high, and once again the notion of only one parent having to work to live comfortably was standard (of course, in some families both parents worked). Regardless, the country experienced its fair share of change. There were now 54 states, the four new ones being New Amsterdam, Jefferson, Nova Virginia, and Chicago, and a few other areas were deciding on whether to become states as well. Its demographics were noticeably different, and overall the populace (and consequently the government) became more socially conservative and isolationist. The old two-party system remained, but states like Massachusetts and Vermont now voted for Republicans, while Arizona was a Democratic favorite. However, this period of prosperity came to a crashing halt when in 2051, when President John Alford was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by a fringe Californian nationalist group, the Patriotic Californians. Alongside this, the terrorist group set off an explosive device during a session of Congress. Both of these actions essentially destroyed the federal government in its then-current incarnation. The United States entered a painful recession, worse than the Great Depression, and it dragged the world with it. The America of 2051, well, at least its population younger than 45 years old, could not remember a time of anything but prosperity. Consequently, the younger population had no idea what to do, worsening an already troubling crisis. Matters weren't made any better when suddenly, the state of California declared it was seceding from the country. This raised suspicion among many Americans, and several reports started to circulate that the Californian state government was behind the attack on the federal government. America's newly formed government contemplated invading California, but not before California launched a surprise attack on Jefferson to try and retake its old land. Ultimately, this was the event that caused a domino effect, and by early 2052 only Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland, Washington D.C., and northern Nova Virginia remained part of the United States of America, although the majority of Senators and House representatives remained loyal to America. Most pundits speculated that this is how the dust would settle for the United States, but it suffered another blow when a disloyal faction of the U.S. Army performed a coup d'etat in Annapolis, Maryland. Already weakened with the deserting of virtually the entire Union, the further fractured U.S. Army could do little more than try and defend Washington, D.C. as one of its prized remaining possessions fell. Luckily (if you could call it that) for the United States, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which had formed into somewhat of a local power) intervened for its own self-interests, which meant that The Junta, as it came to be called, became relegated to central Maryland though none of the former Old Line State was given back to the United States. During the Maryland Civil War, Rhode Island, hoping that its northern neighbor Massachusetts would follow, figured that its days in the Union were numbered and it signed a deal to join the Commonwealth of New England, of which New Hampshire and Maine were members. After the largest civil wars in what was just a few years prior the world's premier power settled, the battered and broken United States was a lonely union of Massachusetts, Nova Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Strangely, elections are conducted as if every state was still there, and there are representatives for all 54 states in Washington. The so-called American Republics do not recognize these elections, and some of them will prosecute people if they are found to be participating in them. The importance of the American Republics range from laughable (i.e. a collection of towns in Kansas that call themselves the American Empire) to moderately important (i.e. Pennsylvania, the Associated States of Appalachia). The fracturing of the United States has pressed the country out of its relative isolation, and it has become more active in NATO with what little power it has left. Canada has largely assumed the former role of the United States, something that is a bit of a sore point in the hearts of American nationalists, because Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota defected to the Great White North. A few counties around Portland, Oregon are also controlled by Canada. Oregon's state government formed a committee to research the best path for their state, but just as the state announced its intentions to join Canada the expansionist California invaded and all Canada was able to save was the Portland area. Saying that the United States of America of 2061 is playing second fiddle is being too generous- for at least the near future, the United States is just another place on the map... the spirit of America is now a mere ghost.


(54 state flag courtesy of
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Isaac Beach

Perhaps I'm a bit dim, but what is the overarching governing body in London with the power to establish global policy? The only overarching structure in your description is the bureaucracy. (And I'm not sure what "segmental autonomy" means. )

Is the Technocratic Party another Blood and Soil party? Because that would make them rather poor technocrats. :biggrin: Are the "Blood and Soil" parties the same as the "regionalist and autonomist" parties?

I don't think we white Americans do mixed race: no matter what Tiger Woods may say, we continue to consider him black. :oops:
Similarly, if the Blood and Soil parties don't represent poorer whites, who do they represent?

That's my bad, I've been trying my hand at Mandarin in which I too feel a bit dim, and coming back to the English speaking world I forget that I need to explain things in more detail rather than just words, which is where I'm at with Mandarin. The body is the Federation Parliament, located in London for sentimental reasons, and the bureaucracy surrounds that. Aside the legislature itself, it's predominantly made up of white British men, which'll come back to bite them when not only the Dravidians but everyone else from Hong Kong to New Caledonia (Cascadia) gets frustrated with having so little power next to London proper.
Segmental autonomy basically means every small group within the Federation gets to govern their own internal affairs; the only things that are governed in tandem with the other Dominions is global trade, foreign affairs and military matters among a few clerical jobs. This under the aegis of a combined identity that the member states are supposed to encourage, bypassing the identity of each national government altogether; people have a local identity and then a transnational identity.

Sorta, I just looked it up and apparently it's a specific Nazi ideology. I just thought it was a general term to describe any authoritative, brutally progressive (progressive in a Maoist sense anyway) regime. They do believe in ethnological purity and extreme segregation between each ethnic group, hence why mixed folk are considered second class citizens. But they're more about pushing forward the national agenda than any specific obsession with race. Also depends, but most are to some degree or another; the Japanese community's party especially, but also the Latino landowners in the north-west who don't appreciate protestant whites moving onto their land and the small though influential Black Muslim community primarily found around OTL Tucson.
Well poor ol' Woods would be shut into a ghetto in this timeline, and besides golf isn't particularly popular in America here. :coldsweat:
Some of them do; most do vote for the Technocratic Party because their landlord tells them to -and some really well polished propaganda helps- but those that don't, predominantly around the Great Lakes and OTL Alabama, tend to go after a somewhat Marxist party that holds a large berth of seats in the House of Representatives. The Technocrats hate them, not least because they see socialism as the devil embodied in the Federation, but they can't outlaw them because they'd have a rebellion of disenfranchised whites along the whole of the Mississippi.
From Forgotten No More:

National Southern Line
(formerly known as the Terminus Line)

Southern Railline #.png

1. Terminus, Georgia
2. Macon, Georgia
3. Valdosta, Georgia
4. Marshall, East Florida
5. Tempi, East Florida
6. Boydville, East Florida
7. Savannah, Georgia
8. Charleston, South Carolina
9. Columbia, South Carolina
10. Greenville, South Carolina
11. Chattanooga, Tennessee
12. Nashville, Tennessee
13. Bluffton, Tennessee
14. Natchez, West Yazoo
15. Columbus, West Yazoo
16. Birmingham, East Yazoo
17. Greeneville, West Florida
18. Junction, West Florida
19. Biloxi, West Florida
20. Mobile, West Florida
21. Pensacola, West Florida
22. Bay City, West Florida

A lot of places have different names from OTL.​
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