Map Thread XIII

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For which MOTF is this?

This map is for the current, ongoing, MOTF (that is, MOTF 111).

In addition to an early establishment of a Portuguese colony in the Cape, there is a far earlier discovery of gold at the witwatersrand basin (which prompts a gold rush of sorts).
Interesting, do you have a full version of that colour scheme?
It's the TACOs color scheme. I use he version on this page.

He always does. In my opinion only mods should be allowed to do it since they can close the old thread right away as well, but that's just me.

How did Germany retain entire East Prussia including Danzig (it seems), but lost entire Silesia?
I agree. We really need to decide a new bread can be started only when the old read is on page 500 or more.
Interesting map. I have some questions though, that is, if you made a backstory.

  1. What happened to the Middle East in general? Specifically Saudi Arabia?
  2. What happened to Ukraine?
  3. What happened to Pakistan?
  4. Why is Italy split in two?
  5. What happened to North Korea?
  6. Is that a Latgale separatist republic I see....?
1. ISIS was mostly defeated in Iraq and Syria by 2017, with Iraq begrudgingly handing over greater autonomy to the Sunni regions. The Kurds became de facto independent before formally leaving in 2020. Syria never recovered fully from the Civil War. Saudi Arabia descended into chaos after the oil economy collapsed and a power struggle broke out among the Saudi royals. NATO was able to set up a shaky democratic Republic based out of Hejaz, but are menaced by Islamic State in the Arabian Penninsula (ISAP) in the south. Yemen basically turned into Somalia. Overall, things have only become worse here.
2. Ended up with a Traninistria type situation in Eastern Ukraine, with Novorossiya being recognised by almost no one except Russia. Ukraine joined the EU in 2027. Novorossiya has become black market capital of the world.
3. Largely succumbed to extremist rebels and rampant corruption, prompting a NATO-Indian intervention to secure their nuclear weapons. Makes the occupation of Iraq look like a trip to Disneyland.
4. Economic problems led to a rise in regional separatism, with the Northern League demanding they shouldn't "subsidise" the poorer South. The split was decided by a highly dubious referendum.
5. Death of Kim Jong Un without an adult successor led to a civil war culminating in a joint Chinese-RoK-UN intervention. The Chinese are still refusing to leave their occupation zone.
6. The Putinist government of Russia began making threatening statements over the ownership of Russian majority parts of Latvia.
This map is for the current, ongoing, MOTF (that is, MOTF 111).

In addition to an early establishment of a Portuguese colony in the Cape, there is a far earlier discovery of gold at the witwatersrand basin (which prompts a gold rush of sorts).

How early? I'm not sure but I think the gold on the Witwatersrand could only have been mined from the late 19th century anyway, due to the nature of the ore deposits.
Here's the most recent map for my Reverse Map Game (hosted on the Wiki) called Diversa Pars. This map, for the year 1972, is made my Saturn120.

WHY?! do Brazilian communists always, always, always rise up in the ephing Amazon?!

Weird Turkish internal borders. German SW Africa internal borders. Any reasoning for any of those?

Not going to get started on clusterf*ck that is/was the USA...
Presenting: New Backstory!

Old in an Era Meant for New

It started with a vote. In 1912, Champ Clark, the nominee for the Democratic Party presidential campaign, won two-thirds of the vote on the vote of Williams Jennings Bryan, who broke the voting deadlock of over forty ballots, most of which went to Clark. This vote changed everything, as Clark maintained the party unity to support his campaign, which ended in the popular and electoral vote of Champ Clark as the 28th President of the United States of America.

"I, James Beauchamp Clark, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Almost immediately after the elections, Clark instituted a policy of increased isolationism in late 1912, especially against the Europeans, who seemed to be gathering tensions over Europe. Finally, in 1914, when war broke out, an extreme isolationist United States offered only munitions and cotton to the participants. When a blockade was issued by both Britain and Germany, Clark responded by sending armed escorts with the commercial ships, while docking in a neutral Norway. Both nations, not wanting to go to war with the industrious and mercantile nation, reluctantly allowed the ships to pass by. This only went to prolong stalemates in the West, and increase German power in the Eastern Front. However, as 1917 came around, the now militaristic regimes had to forcefully coerce the population to continue the war of attrition, only staying afloat by use of propaganda and conscription. This all ended when the Russian Empire collapsed and splintered into many different ideological groups, the Soviets in the West, the Tsarists in the East, the Menshiviks in the North and the Liberals in the South. Although Ludendorff and Hindenburg viewed this as a chance to regain momentum in the East, the Kaiser and other leaders of the European powers realized it was only a model for their own collapse if the war continues. This recognition led all to come together at the Convention of Bern, the capital of Switzerland. It resulted in a multitude of territorial changes, such as Germany gaining power in the East, but losing power in the colonies, France losing overall, Russia following up France as a major loser, and Britain gaining many colonies overseas. Meanwhile, Austria-Hungary is only held together by the economic and industrial help of Germany. Soon after, in 1937, a radical imperialistic Japan took advantage of the unstable situation in China to try their hand in conquering Chinese Manchuria. However, they did not take into account the the United States would step out of its isolationist shell to "protect American assets", evicting Japan from China and restricting them heavily, save for their position in Korea. About three years later, the situation over Europe seems glum as France rearms and readies for war under the banner of the First French National Socialist Party, a totalitarian government replacing the seemingly "weak" parliamentary monarchy. Germany, an economic world leader, looks on with worry at not only France but the Soviets in the East, where they have been supplying the collapsing Mensheviks for quite awhile through smuggling, hoping to strengthen their only hope at deterring any thoughts of Soviet invasion of former territory, including German-controlled Poland. Austria-Hungary faces secret Soviet support of rebellions in the puppetized Serbia and other less-loyal parts of the empire. Britain seems unsure as to join sides in the political situation,either France or Germany, as old habits die hard. Meanwhile, Tsarist, Democratic and Soviet Russia, the first two already occupying territory of the Mensheviks, seem ready to go to war yet again after an unstable treaty ending the Civil War signed in 1921 seems ready to be broken. Japan is still bitter against the U.S. over the harsh repercussions of the so-called Manchurian Conflict, and those feelings may soon be shown. It is now 1940 and the Menshevik state is soon to collapse. Will war break out, or can you stop it?


Nation Summaries

German Empire – After the Great War, Germany remained as one of the few remaining powers in Europe, and experienced a mild recession 1919-1921 as a result of the near collapse of not only Germany’s economy but everyone else’s. However, Germany’s economy pulled through after their economic rival, the British Empire, slowly began declining in economic power, using its major reserves form territory gained in Europe. Politically, however, the German Empire is a different story. The Kaiser could only hold on to the glory of the war for so long, eventually falling to domestic unrest from liberals who demand government reforms. Meanwhile, their colonies have been relinquished, only holding on to Tanganyika because of the efforts of General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck in the Great War. In other places, such as the Pacific and the rest of Africa, it remains the runt of the imperial powers. The threat of a rising socialist France and the growing Soviet Russia threatens the safety of Germany, though, and leaves many Germans wondering whether they can keep the peace as Europe's new policeman. Germany is one of the strongest leaders in science, military, and European industry.

Austria-Hungarian Empire – Completing their goals, the Austrians exacted their revenge upon the bitter Serbian neighbors by creating a puppet of the formerly sovereign nation. This would not end without unrest, of course, and had to deal with such until the placement of young reformer Otto von Hapsburg as Emperor-King. In 1921, Otto enacted a set of new laws that would loosen the bonds set on Serbia and other ethnicities within the empire. Because of this, he is popular among his subjects and peers, which is a first since the Great War in Austrian history. Economically and industrially, Austria is seen by others as Germany’s “little brother”, as they have been feeding off of German prosperity for a while. However, as it is with Germany, the bordering Soviet Russia threatens to break the golden era for the Austria-Hungarian Empire.

French First National Socialist Republic – France was nearly destroyed. Germany took strategically important Alsace-Lorraine and killed over 1,000,000 people, the only compensation being the attaining of German Cameroon and Turkish Mosul. This led to extreme financial deficits, putting the French economy on the brink of collapse in 1919. After these hard times, in 1931 a national-socialist party arose led by vengeful, surviving veterans of the Great War and radical republicans who demanded massive rearmament, revenge, and economic recovery for “the patriotic French people” who deserve a better life. Finally, in 1937, the National Socialist Party completed a full takeover of the French Parliament, with Clément Devereux at the head, leaving a number of policies throughout the government, such as the expulsion of any French-Germans and the molding of the parliamentary monarchy into a totalitarian state. With re-elections in 1940, Europe holds its breath as the French tension in the West nearly boils over, especially Britain, who is concerned about their loyalties.

British Empire – Once a strong and proud nation, the war ended with an ego bruised and an economy failing. Gaining many overseas territories from Germany and Turkey, Britain was one of the better countries coming out of the Great War, for the most part. However, the economic strain of the war left British economy slowed down, which would’ve caused the fall of the worldwide economy if Germany had not stepped in Britain's place. Because of the demand for economic recovery by the leading Conservative Party, the possibility of the independence of most of the Commonwealth became less and less possible, even leading the British to create the Irish Free State in 1922. In cultural terms, however, Britian remains the best, dominating the world of art and expression, becoming a leader in a world outside of their own. In 1931, the lingering of storm clouds over France worries the British Empire, which is afraid of the rift that could appear between the peoples of Britian on which side to choose in the possibly inevitable war. Britian is a leader scientifically and industrially.

Russia* - Splintered shortly after the Russian Revolution and Civil War. This ended in 1921 with a faux treaty that carved out the nations from occupied territory of each faction.
  • Soviet Russia - Established in the heartland of Russia, this Red monster pulled out of the war in order to fight a conflict on their homeland: the Russian Civil War. Stationed on the Volga River and in the upper half of Ukriane, this ideological machine is focused on industry and expansion, looking towards the United Soviets of Siberia in the north. Led by the former war comissar Leon Trotsky, tensions threaten to rise again as expansion becomes a priority for the ambitous leader.
  • Democratic Republic of Russia - Formed in the wake of the Russian Civil War, this country is led by the belief of a need for a more democratic and liberalized Russia. Originally led by General Denikin, it was succeded by liberals who escaped the grasp of both Tsarist and Soviet Russia. It is made up of the lower half of Ukraine and what remains of the Russia Caucasus. It is somewhat economically strong, with support from the European nations capable of supporting another nation. Domestically, however, turmoil arises as different political parties appear, who the worrying Russian people believe will convert the Democratic Republic of Russia into a copy of the Soviets to the north or the Tsarists to the east.
  • Republic of Russia - The result of the toil of loyal tsarists, this constantly shifting nation was created by the proclamation of Admiral Kolchak as Supreme Ruler of all Russia as he took over the Omsk Government. It became similar to France during the French Revolution without as much bloodshed soon after, quickly changing leaders and governments in the shortening span of 3 years. This hurts the nation economically, without being able to support exports and imports for as long as the next one came in. It is now 1940, and the placement of a new Tsar brings a combination of fear and hope from the citizens.
  • United Soviets of Siberia (NPC) - After a Russian Revolution kicked them out of everywhere but northwestern Siberia, the Menshevik minority formed the United Soviets of Siberia, their own version of what should be the ideal government in Soviet Russia. But the situation is dismal for their future, as the only support they receive is supplies from the German and, to a lesser extent, Austrian empires, and is threatened at all times as said supplies is smuggled through Soviet Russia. Politically worse than Tsarist Russia, it is unsure whether the United Soviets of Siberia can continue as a valid nation, especially with the approaching occupation of their land by the Tsarists and Reds.
Imperial Japan - Upset with the loss of imperial territory in China after the unfavorable Manchurian Conflict in '37 forced them to abandon all assets in China save for the Korean Peninsula, they began absorbing Russian territory to the north such as Vladivostok and Kamchatka in order to make up for their losses, much to the disdain of Tsarist Russia. Their bitterness is directed towards the U.S., who supported China in their war against Japan, building up their military for the preparation of war against the nation. But with indecision of the Emperor of whether it is worth it to go to war with a more economically and militarily superior US, can war be avoided?

United States of America -Don't let their isolationist policies fool you: If any economic assets overseas are threatened, they will intervene militarily. When the Great War popped up, however, America refused to participate following the election and re-election of James Charles a fierce Democratic isolationist who did not want to partake in the destruction of the war. That was not the only factor, as United States mercantile ships were escorted by the Navy to Norway, were they would supply Germany until the ending of the war in 1917. Economic worry spiked after the war when the British Empire's economy faltered, and were grateful when Germany stepped on the scene. Another example was shown when Japanese takeover of Manchuria occurred, leading the U.S. to declare war, temporarily frightening the people of the US who hoped that the conflict would not end in bloodshed. The brief and victorious war in the end pleased the public, however, and nationalism surged during the 3 year period afterwards. With a war threatening Europe yet again, the American people hunker down for yet another bloody war. They are an economic and industrial powerhouse, a leader in science and military, especially naval technology.

*On account of the splintered Russia, different summaries for different nations will be written.
Well, since everyone's doing it, a cover of nlspeed's Command and Conquer map.

Finished the text to accompany this map.

Command & Conquer

In 1924, Adolf Hitler, the leader of the German NSDAP, mysteriously disappears. Without him, the entire Nazi Party collapses, and after a failed communist insurrection the Weimar Republic stands. However, in a few decades Berlin, and the rest of Europe, will have to face another threat: the Soviet Union. Sensing weakness in the Western powers, Stalin takes his chance to spread socialism to many countries through the force of arms. After taking the Baltic States and starting a war against the White remnants in Finland, the Red Army invades Poland in 1941. Stalin is immediately greeted with declarations of war from the Allies of Britain, France and Germany. Soviet forces advance quickly through Europe, before being stopped by the Allies on the Rhine. When American support comes in 1943, the Allies begin to turn back the Soviets, first liberating Italy and Greece, then mounting a major counteroffensive against the Soviets through the North German Plain. The Soviets were driven back to Moscow, where Stalin was killed in the fighting. The remaining Soviet leadership signed an unconditional surrender with the Allies.

The Allies placed Alexander Romanov, a distant relative of the Romanovs ruling in Finland, in power. A man who promised peace and cooperation with the West, Romanov seemed a good choice for leading a post-Stalin USSR. This would prove to be a costly mistake. In truth, Romanov despised the Allies, and only cooperated with them as a means of gaining complete control over the USSR. The Soviets surreptitiously supported communist revolts around the world, the most devastating to the Allies being the fall of Mexico and the formation of the Mesoamerican Soviet Republic. The Soviets formed the World Socialist Alliance, ostensibly as a humanitarian organization and an ideological complement to the Allies, but in truth formed against them. The time came in 1972, and Romanov launched his invasion of the United States, using Soviet forces in Mexico. Armed with new Tesla technology, and the Psychic Corps of the mysterious Yuri, the Soviets managed to make major gains against the Allies both in North America and in Europe.

Further complicating matters was war in the East. The Empire of Japan, a minor Allied power during the Second World War, entered into a militaristic phase in the intervening years. Strange and terrible new technologies, such as nanotechnology and wave force weapons, were developed to transform the Japanese military into one of the most advanced fighting forces in the world. Taking as many bits and pieces of East Asia as they could, the Japanese used the Allies' weakness during the Soviet attack to launch their own invasion of the Allied territories and China.

By 1974, the Soviets were at the gates of Washington and captured Paris. The Allies were desperate, and in their desperation, President Michael Dugan made a deal with the devil. He recognized Japan's conquests in the East, muscling his European allies into agreeing to the same, and in exchange the Japanese would turn on their Soviet co-belligerents. Having no love for the Soviets, the Japanese agreed, and launched a surprise attack against Soviet forces in the far east. The surprised Soviets withdrew their forces from their offensives, and those Soviet divisions left behind to consolidate their gains were smashed to pieces by the Allied counterattack. However, the tired Allied armies and a Japanese army ill-equipped for a major land war could not maintain their offensives into the Soviet heartland itself. When Romanov began to consider negotiations, his advisor, Yuri, took psychic control of Romanov. During the Battle of Moscow, Allied forces weakened Yuri and captured Romanov, who upon his liberation decried Yuri as a traitor and sought an immediate peace with the Allies to fight this new threat. The last phases of WWIII involved the Allies, Soviets and Japanese hunting those forces loyal to Yuri. Yuri fled to Antarctica, where he may plot without the other nations interfering.

The post-WWIII peace was tense, and none of the three major powers trusted one another. To prevent another European war, the European Allies (sans the UK) formed the European Union, with the express purpose of creating a European superpower that can counter the Soviet Union in case of war. The victory of the Chinese communists in 1984, the Brazilian communists in 1987, the collapse of India in 1985, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1980, all brought the world closer to WWIV.

In 1997, history changed in Italy, when a meteor carrying an alien crystal landed on the banks of the Tiber River. Referred to as Tiberium, this crystalline substance quickly became a popular building material as it leeches heavy minerals out of the surrounding soil. Tiberium spread rapidly throughout southern Europe, and was even imported into the Middle East by the local despots. It was at this time that the Brotherhood of Nod was formed, taking advantage of its intricate knowledge of Tiberium to make a pretty profit off Tiberium mining operations around the world. Led by the enigmatic Kane, Nod seemed to pop out of nowhere. However, Tiberium would prove to be a curse, not a blessing. Tiberium’s mutagenic properties became widely known by 1999, and so Allies and Soviets moved to contain its spread. This began a secret war against Nod cells, which continued to spread Tiberium around the region, destabilizing countries and taking control. In response, the great powers formed the Global Defense Initiative, or GDI. Only the use of Allied cryotechnology and force of arms against Nod created some stability in Europe, but the Middle East would suffer. In the meanwhile, the Chinese communists split from the Soviet Union, and began to pursue their own goals.

Ever since the end of WWII, the Middle East has been a battleground for Allied and Soviet influence. This has led to many brutal dictatorships receiving support from one of the two blocs, which in turn led to deep-seated resentment against both powers. To counter Allied and Soviet influence, and to bring strength back to the Islamic world, the Global Liberation Army was formed. Intending to work past ethnic differences and the different sects of Islam, the GLA had two goals in mind: overthrow the local dictators and establish a Middle Eastern superpower. In these goals, the GLA was surprisingly effective, as support from Nod and the instability caused by Tiberium allowed them to subvert local governments and forge their great empire. WWIV would begin in 2003 when the GLA attacked Soviet, Chinese and Allied bases around the Middle East, leading to those three powers declaring war against them and their Nod allies. While the GDI forces initially crushed any opposition, the use of advanced Nod technology prevented the GLA from collapsing completely. Continued terror attacks stalled the war, and by 2006 it was a quagmire.

The war would shift in focus with the Scrin invasion. The aliens who had seeded Earth with Tiberium in the first place, the Scrin harvesting force believed they would encounter a dead world. However, their timing was off, and only a few areas of the world was devastated by Tiberium. Deciding to use the element of surprise, the Scrin attacked human forces indiscriminately, which in turn set aside their differences to attack the Scrin. Faced with a surprisingly technologically advanced foe, the Scrin were driven back to the most Tiberium-infested portions of the planet, as it was only those areas where human forces were unable to successfully operate. When the Scrin attacks stopped, humanity decided not to go for the kill, and instead focus on rebuilding from the devastation.

It is the year 2013, and it seems that the world will soon fight another world war. The Allies remain the top dogs, a powerful alliance of dubiously democratic states. But the United States is suffering: after the questionable election of President Howard Ackerman in 2012, a series of revolts calling itself the Enclave began throughout the United States. The Americans have asked for, and received, Allied assistance against this rebellion, which has possible Nod ties. The military leadership of the Soviet Union, a relatively minor participant in WWIV, see an opportunity to recreate the prestige of the World Socialist Alliance, but first they must crush the GLA-supported rebellions in Central Asia. The Japanese got off relatively scot-free in the war against the Scrin, and their militaristic leaders see a greater threat in the rising Chinese dragon. Nod and the GLA have broken over issues of religion and the role of Tiberium in the world, and have begun their own war in Africa. The Nod AI, CABAL, has his own ideas about how to fight Nod’s wars. The GDI, split between rival powers, remains largely powerless, but GDI Director Lia Kinsburg has a few plans to change that. In Antarctica, the ageless Yuri makes designs for a Tiberium-powered psychic dominator, something powerful enough to bring the entire world under his will. To top it all off, the Scrin request for reinforcements has been processed, and another fleet will soon be arriving to the Sol System to relieve the local Scrin forces. The world has already suffered from four world wars. Who knows if it will survive another?
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What is that...I don't even know what to call it! A Confederate Empire?

And did the British move to Northern Africa? And what's that at Southern Africa?

A Confederate Empire? More like; the Supremacy of America. ;)

As for North Africa, yes that is the British-in-exile. More specifically, the Empire of North Africa.

Meanwhile in South Africa, that's the Drakan Federation. :D
A Confederate Empire? More like; the Supremacy of America. ;)

As for North Africa, yes that is the British-in-exile. More specifically, the Empire of North Africa.

Meanwhile in South Africa, that's the Drakan Federation. :D

Jeez Louise! A S.A.W.! Or more specifically, a Super America Wank! By this time, America should have colonized Antarctica. What time does this take place?
Around the early 1950's. ;)

Seems like another world war should be taking place between the "supremacy of America" and the "USSAsia".

Judging from what this appears to be, I'm unsure whether you should be happy that they're wanked.

Meh, America being wanked is cool and all, but imagine the public issues you would have to deal with when the people want independence (like, say, India and such.) And France. Just...France.
Seems like another world war should be taking place between the "supremacy of America" and the "USSAsia".

Well, considering that in '45, they just came out of the Eurasian War, neither the Supremacy nor the League of Democratic Nations, want another war. Not with the risk of Nuclear MAD being a factor.

Meh, America being wanked is cool and all, but imagine the public issues you would have to deal with when the people want independence (like, say, India and such.) And France. Just...France.

Well, for the areas like India, America doesn't give two shits, their going to be subjugated and made into slaves whether they want to or not. :(
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