Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg


Gone Fishin'
We know what Goring is doing in Kaiserreich but what about the rest of Hitler's inner circle? What are they doing in KR Germany other then being some of the most evil men in history?
Himmler is an insane chicken farmer who wants to breed the Master Chicken. Hitler is dead. Göring is wannabe Supreme Leader in Africa. Heydrich is one of Göring's henchmen. The rest of the scum are probably nobodies.


Gone Fishin'
We know what Goring is doing in Kaiserreich but what about the rest of Hitler's inner circle? What are they doing in KR Germany other then being some of the most evil men in history?

Speer is a architect. Goebbels is a movie critic. Ferdinand Schörner and Heydrich are in mittelafrika, along with Julius Streitcher, Konrad Heinlein is as minor german politician on the sudets.

I once asked about Emil Maurice to the team, they just replied that "he's not close to the kaiser".

Deleted member 82792

I been watching a few Turkish TV shows on Netflix recently, so I'm wondering, what would everyday life be like in the Ottoman Empire by 1937? How would the culture and monarchy evolve by the 30's? Especially with cool things like the cinema and mass media? Also, is the Orient Express still running?
Himmler is an insane chicken farmer who wants to breed the Master Chicken. Hitler is dead. Göring is wannabe Supreme Leader in Africa. Heydrich is one of Göring's henchmen. The rest of the scum are probably nobodies.

How does the Master Chicken differ from the standard chickens we keep at work?

We know what Goring is doing in Kaiserreich but what about the rest of Hitler's inner circle? What are they doing in KR Germany other then being some of the most evil men in history?

Hitler, in KR lore, was killed in the original Weltkrieg when Germany intervened in the Russian Civil War. Heydrich is mentioned as being a member of Goring's staff in Mittleafrika, Himmler I like the Worfann101 suggestion, and the others are probably members of the German National Populist Party.

What's Hollywood stars are working in 1937?

I'd like to know what became of Laurel & Hardy in KR's universe. Charlie Chaplin is mentioned early in game in an event for the release of "modern times," a real life Charlie Chaplin movie which was the last of his movies to feature his iconic character, the little tramp.

I'm also guessing George Formby is probably entertaining the proletariat masses in the Union of Britain somewhere, assuming he survived the 1925 Revolution?


Gone Fishin'
How does the Master Chicken differ from the standard chickens we keep at work?
Presumably, according to Himmler, it is a genetically superior chicken purged of Jewish and Asiatic influences, fit for consumption by the higher races.

Or something else equally stupid and insane.
Kinda surprised but not complaining that Napoleon VI and Jean can become heads of state. I hope they can still become monarchs of France

It's been long known (or at least presumed) that Jean will be restored by the NatPop French Action. Napoleon was certainly not expected, but will apparently be a "late game Easter egg". Who would want to restore the empire though?
Not sure the choice to portray De Gaulle as highly supportive of the Action Française feels right in the National France rework. Sure, he had sympathies for them in his younger years and had a certain disdain for Parliamentarism but he was not publicly anti-Republican and he had a certain touch of legalism. Not to mention that he doesn't seem to have shown the radical behavior you could see within the core of the Action Française. So seeing him align with the AF and then take down the Republic feels... wrong. Even accounting for the divergences, I can see him be more authoritarian than OTL but not necessarilly to the point of being fully supportive of the Action Française. I guess I'd have been fine to see De Gaulle have contacts with the AF but not to the point picking him as Pétain's succesor inevitably leads to the downfall of the Republic.

Otherwise, the rest of the rework seems good.
I guess I'd have been fine to see De Gaulle have contacts with the AF but not to the point picking him as Pétain's succesor inevitably leads to the downfall of the Republic.

It doesn't though. Mordacq can still overthrow the Pétain+de Gaulle duo.

EDIT: And the dev has just told me that should Mordacq's AuthDem junta retake the mainland, he will always restore democracy.
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It doesn't though. Mordacq can still overthrow the Pétain+de Gaulle duo.
Yes, but what I meant is that De Gaulle is basically portrayed as always anti-Republican. Again, he did have sympathies for the Action Française in his younger years and was skeptical about Parliamentarism but what he did OTL was institute a Presidential Republic when given the chance to do so. From my understanding, he doesn't even that option: he will always go full on Monarchist.

I'm not saying De Gaulle couldn't be part of the Young Guard and go more Authoritarian than he was OTL. But to me that doesn't necessarilly translate into full support of the Action Française: wanting a strong executive doesn't necessarilly mean being fully anti-democratic. I'd rather have De Gaulle play a role as a "middle road", where he is more radical and authoritarian than Mordacq but not necessarilly full-blown Action Française supporter (though he could have that option): that should be left to someone else.

The trouble is that I don't see who would fit that role. For a moment I thought Darlan because of his associaton to Vichy OTL, the fact he's in National France according to Kaissereich lore and the French Navy still today as a rep of being pretty conservative (to the point it's still nicknamed La Royale). But Darlan apparently was more center-left politically which doesn't fit the bill... And I don't know the rest of Pétain's entourage enough.
EDIT: And the dev has just told me that should Mordacq's AuthDem junta retake the mainland, he will always restore democracy.
Well, McArthur could go American Cincinnatus in older versions (don't know if he still can) so I'm not surprise if Mordacq can basically be French Cincinnatus...
Presumably, according to Himmler, it is a genetically superior chicken purged of Jewish and Asiatic influences, fit for consumption by the higher races.

Or something else equally stupid and insane.
Probably they are also plump to a ridiculous degree like modern day turkeys