In Britannia Salutem

485 AD

Artos read the message that he had received from Cerdicus again. No it did not change! He flung it across the room to Bedwyr who picked it up and rather slowly, as his literacy was not that good, read what was written. His eyes opened wide.

“If this is true it changes rather a lot in the East”

Artos snorted

“Although it is third hand, coming from Anthemius to Cerdicus and thence to me I have no reason to think other than Anthemius believes it to be true”

Bedwyr shook his head

“Peroz and most of his nobility slain by the Hepthalites! I know that he has been having as much trouble with them as we did with Attilla and the Huns thirty years ago”

Artos nodded

“The Hepthalites are those Huns that went south east rather than west like Attilla and, sa, they have been giving Peroz trouble for years. It would seem that he decided to end it. Well he has, but not in the way that he intended!”

“Is there any way that we can confirm this? It doesn’t affect us directly but the trade routes will be disrupted”

Artos shook his head

“But it does Bedwyr. Anthemius is going to be concentrating on that border for years which means that his eye will be distracted from the west. I would not be surprised to hear, in the near future, that Romulus takes advantage of the situation.

He has been stymied to a certain extent by the influence that Anthemius has over much of the senate. If Anthemius is, rather understandably, distracted by further sorting his eastern border more to his liking”

Bedwyr nodded

“Plus Cerdicus is growing concerned by that young king of the Franks and growing rumours of discontent amongst the Visigoths.”

He snorted

“If I was Romulus I would think that I had received a gift from the gods! Both Cerdicus and Anthemius being distracted gives him much more of a free hand. I know that we would have seized such an opportunity if we had been in the same situation”

Bedwyr paused

“I assume that you have arranged for that Persian tailor to be sounded out about the situation?”

Artos smiled

“I didn’t have to! He asked to be granted a meeting before I received this message from Cerdicus”

So it was about a couple of hours later that Artos received Garshasp Pana. Pana prostrated himself at Artos’ feet.

“Get up! I am not the Shah”

Pana slowly raised himself

“If you say so My Lord”

“I do. Now what can I do for you. I have no need of any of your excellent robes at the moment. My wife always thought very highly of them”

Pana shifted slightly. He was, very unusually for him, finding it difficult to find the right words. Artos took slight pity on him.

“It would seem to me that you find yourself in a situation of which the ramifications are as of yet unclear. The rumours of what has come to pass have reached even our ears here in the uttermost west”

Pana shifted again

“My Lord I am but a humble tailor. However such rumours have also reached my unworthy ears. Such rumours have come west before, I would implore My Lord to remember that not all such rumours have any foundation in the truth. The reach of the Shahanshah is long and his friendship should not be easily spurned on the basis of such rumours”

“I would not spurn the friendship of the Shahanshah.”

“I am most gratified to hear that My Lord”

“However with whom am I having this friendship? Or has that information as of yet not reached such a humble tailor as yourself?”

“My Lord, the name of the Shahanshah is irrelevant”

“Indeed? So it is just coincidence that after such rumours have reached us you have sought an audience with me. One would be forgiven for thinking that you wish to ascertain if certain steps are now going to be taken”

“My Lord, although I believe in coincidences, after all they happen every day, I don’t trust them”

“How very true. You may put your mind at rest. I have no, confirmed, evidence that you are anything other than the simple tailor that you have always claimed to be since you arrived in Venta”

“My Lord is as wise as he is all seeing”

Artos nodded

“Our audience is at an end”

Pana obviously thought about prostrating himself but refrained from doing so. Instead he bowed deeply and left the room backwards still bowing.

“Well?” asked Artos

Bedwyr smiled

“He is very good. He has confirmed that we know of Peroz’s death and also that we know that he is the representative of the Grand Wazir in Venta but are not going to act on that information.”

“As of yet, Bedwyr. As of yet. He will have his uses”
485 AD

Gulielmus smiled to himself as he entered the Watch Headquarters. Things had certainly progressed since he had first started working with the Watch all those years ago. He approached the duty Centurion.

“Strabo! Haven’t you retired yet?”

“Less of the retirement Young Man!” growled Strabo

“I wish to see the Legatus” stated Gulielmus.

“He’s a busy man and you really need an appointment” started the young watchman to Strabo’s right.

Strabo rolled his eyes

“The Master was a Watchman before you were a gleam in your parent’s eyes. Show some respect!”

“I have my orders, Centurion”

“Well I’m countermanding them. Go on through, Master”

Gulielmus bowed his head and went in the direction that Strabo had indicated. As he left he heard Strabo chewing out the watchman. He turned, Strabo nodded at him

“Don’t worry I won’t be too hard”

“That will be a first!” replied Gulielmus.

He found his way to the Legate’s office. He found Lucius frowning at a pile of paperwork. His face lit up on seeing Gulielmus.

“Rescue me from this.”

He indicated the pile

“This is after Ianus has sorted out what is important!”

Lucius saw the expression on Gulielmus’ face

“Why do I not think that I am going to enjoy this?”

“You know me too well. I wish to speak to Ailbe”

Lucius frowned

“I would have thought that you would be glad to see him locked up. He is the so called Master of that group which split off during Llacheu’s rule”

“He would claim that we departed from the Cult.

Remember what we stand for”

“Vengeance and justice”

Lucius paused

“Although for you I would put those two words the other way round”

Gulielmus inclined his head

“Ailbe is many things, a liar, unscrupulous, power hungry and those may be considered his better points. However, what he is not is a murderer”

Lucius frowned

“But everything points to him!”

Gulielmus nodded

“Indeed it does and I cannot fault the logic which Conatus has applied to seemingly solve that murder. His explanation covers everything that is known about it and solves the myriad potential contradictions.”

“However you think that he is wrong!”

Gulielmus shook his head

“Say mistaken rather than wrong. I do not doubt that Ailbe is involved at some level and before you ask no I do not think that Conatus has missed anything. As I have already said, I cannot fault his logic.”

Lucius looked hard at him

“Yet you still think that he is mistaken?”

“Sa, at least as to the identity and motive of the murderer. Not for the sequence of events”

Gulielmus paused

“Conatus admits that he cannot categorically state that Ailbe carried out the murder, just that given all the evidence the balance of probabilities is that he did.”

Lucius sighed

“I worked with you too long not to take what you say seriously. Very well you may speak with Ailbe but with either myself or Conatus present”

Gulielmus inclined hid head

“Both of you would be most acceptable”

“Come on then”

Lucius chuckled

“There will be another, Conatus likes paperwork even less than I do. However he has persuaded a Brigante named Laochrus to do most of it for him”

“A literate Brigante in Venta? I would have thought that he would be in Drustan’s employ?”

Lucius shook his head

“Something typically Brigantian about family honour apparently. He is very close mouthed about it. Anyway, they will be just finishing their duty. If we are fast, we will get them before they get to an inn”
485 AD

Ailbe was led into the room. Inwardly he was seething, there were many things for which he could have been arrested and found rightfully guilty, this, so called murder, was not one of them. To make matters worse it wasn’t even incompetence on the part of the watch. He had the motive and the opportunity, various witnesses had seen him leave the scene of the crime and had not seen anybody else enter or leave the premises before the body was discovered.

He watched as Conatus and Laochrus entered, he was not surprised when Lucius also entered but he was shocked by the fourth person who entered. Ailbe glared at him

“I did not think that you would stoop to coming to gloat at my misfortune”

Gulielmus glared back

“The Goddess knows that Venta would be a better place without you and the victim is no great loss either. However you are not guilty despite the evidence”

Ailbe gave a start

“You are going to try to prove my innocence?”

Gulielmus gave a snort

“The last thing you are is innocent! However you are not guilty of this. You could have ordered his killing given what this man was doing but you would never have sullied your own hands in committing this murder”

Gulielmus paused

“In fact I don’t even think that you would have ordered his killing.”

Ailbe looked at Gulielmus and waved at Conatus and Laochrus

“These two have put together a sequence of events which makes sense”

He snorted

“Even I would think that I was guilty, if presented with what they have produced”

Gulielmus nodded

“Their case against you is entirely logical and contains no contradictions. However their final conclusion is erroneous. You did not carry out the killing”

“Oh?” replied Ailbe

“I know that I didn’t but how have you reached that conclusion?”

“Because you were not the last person to see Euchelimus alive”

Laochrus stirred

“We did investigate Valerius who reportedly found the body. He has never come to our attention before. There was nothing to connect him to Euchelimus except that he was a fairly regular customer”

Gulielmus inclined his head

“I agree, but did you also check his family?”

“Sa” answered Conatus

“We could find no connections there either”

“All his family?”

Conatus frowned

“All his family”

“Including his cousins in Londinium, sorry, Caer Lond?”

“He has cousins in that place? It has been basically abandoned for years! Hold on! Euchelimus came from there years ago. Long before Valerius came to Venta”

Lucius cast a glance at Gulielmus

“What do you know that we don’t?”
485 AD

Gulielmus sighed

“I don’t know everything. I have drawn logical inferences from what I do know but logic is not always enough”

“Apparently not” snorted Conatus

He looked at Lucius

“Why bother with this? Ailbe here is guilty of many things. Venta would be a far better place without him”

Lucius frowned

“Of that there is no doubt. However if we find people guilty of something they didn’t do because we don’t like them, and we know it, it is the start of a slippery slope back to Vortigern’s days in charge”

Conatus sighed

“I don’t disagree but..”

Lucius shook his head

“If Gulielmus said that he didn’t do it then he didn’t”

Conatus bridled

“But he is Master of the Cult of Morrigan, Ailbe is also”

Lucius shook his head

“If Gulielmus wanted to, he could have left this all unsaid. After all with Ailbe gone, those that follow him would drift back to Gulielmus. Na, I have known Gulielmus for many years, I trust his judgement. However Gulielmus, it is up to you to convince me. Otherwise..”

Gulielmus inclined his head. Lucius saw the expression on Conatus’ face

“I also trust you implicitly Conatus. Gulielmus has stated that there is nothing wrong with the logic in your explanation of what happened. It is up to him to provide the evidence or information that you lacked”

Conatus looked slightly mollified

“Very well, what is this lacking information?”

Gulielmus composed himself

“I will have to refer to events towards the end of Vortigern’s rule. You two (he nodded at Conatus and Laochrus) are too young to remember events of that time.”

Gulielmus looked at Lucius

“Do you remember the death of Vortimer?”

Lucius frowned

“Vaguely, I was a Decurion serving with Ambrosius, not privy to such things. Wasn’t Vortimer poisoned? I presume on the orders of Guitolinus”

“Poisoned, but not on the orders of Guitolinus. Guitolinus for all his faults wanted Britannia to thrive and Vortimer was a far better ruler than his father. Nor was it Rowena, at the time of Vortimer’s death she was still living in Hengist’s household. Although she had met Vortigern and plans for their marriage were progressing.”

“Vortimer had severely disrupted the plans of the then Leader of the Cult. Although no lover of Roman ways neither did he wish a return to the old tribal ways which the then Leader wanted. Is that not so Ailbe?”

Ailbe started on hearing his name but nodded

“Sa, Vortimer was actively ignoring the Leader’s wishes and was actively plotting against Vortigern because of the favour that he was showing Hengist at the expense of local Britannians”

“How does he know this?” asked Lucius.

“Ailbe was then serving the Leader in various ways, usually not ways that would be publically disseminated”

“Ah” replied Lucius

Conatus and Laochrus looked confused

“Think you two!” snapped Lucius

Understanding dawned in Conatus’ eyes

“I’ll explain later” he said to Laochrus.

“Euchelimus was the man chosen to carry out the plot. A hawking glove was made for Vortimer and was delivered, supposedly from the then Lord of what was still known as Londinium.”

Gulielmus stopped and looked at Conatus who had gasped.

“Do you wish to continue Conatus?”

“I assume that somehow that glove was the cause of Vortimer’s demise”

Gulielmus nodded

“I’m not sure how but I assume that there was a poisoned needle sewn into a seam. Anyway Vortigern needed to publically avenge Vortimer’s death. He was after all still his heir despite Vortigern knowing of his plotting against him. He ordered the death of the Lord of Londinium of which Ailbe was a part”

Ailbe stirred

“Sa, I know you were just carrying out the Leader’s orders” noted Gulielmus.

“However whilst arranging for the demise of the Lord, you killed one of the Lord’s guards and crippled another”

“They were unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time” stated Ailbe

“That may be so. However you were responsible what happened whilst Euchelimus murdered the Lord”

“They were Valerius’ cousins!” blurted out Laochrus.

Gulielmus shook his head

“Na, but they were in charge of the guards that night. They were discharged from service dishonourably for incompetence. They died a few years later fighting against the Suetids.”

“What has this to do with Valerius?” asked Lucius.

“He was the crippled guard!” stated Conatus

Gulielmus nodded

“Sa. He swore to avenge the dishonour cast upon his cousins. It took him years to find out what happened. When he did he came to Venta, following both Ailbe and Euchelimus.”

Gulielmus shook his head

“If only he had not been so eaten by the need for revenge, he would have made a fine watchman. Anyway it took him years to be able to plan his revenge. The timing had to be exact so that Ailbe would take the blame for Euchelimus’ murder”

Ailbe stirred

“How did he find out that I would be visiting Euchelimus?”

Gulielmus snorted

“You were using him as your go-between! Nobody suspected that he was more than a cripple earning a few coins carrying messages”

“But he was called Vindictus!” exclaimed Ailbe

“Apt pseudonym” remarked Conatus.

“He murders Euchelimus, knowing that you were planning to visit him owing to the disagreements you were having over the direction that your part of the Cult should be following. You found Euchelimus dead when you arrived and hurriedly left without summoning the watch as you knew that once they found out about your disagreements you would be blamed. Valerius who had kept watch then found the body and was one of the key witnesses against you.”

Conatus shook his head

“I believed him!”

“You had no reason not to” answered Gulielmus

“Who would believe that a cripple could murder Euchelimus?”

Lucius frowned

“Seems more than a bit convoluted to me”

“It was, but it enabled him to gain his revenge on both the architects of his cousin’s dishonour”

Conatus looked at Gulielmus

“How did you work this out?”

Gulielmus smiled

“I asked him. He knew of my reputation as a watchman and assumed that I knew all, so confessed”

“Where is he now?” asked Lucius

“Sitting outside”

Lucius groaned

“No Britannian court would ever find him guilty. It is to do with family honour.”

He paused

“However I will still put him before My Lord Artos. As for you Ailbe. You are free to go. However be aware that we have found much in Euchelimus’ property. Your freedom may well be short lived!”
c 2000AD
In a small isolated Christian church near Daewhen [1] on the Brigantian/Karbrok border is an ancient tomb. It is topped by the figure of a man in what appears to be Rhumadi armour, lying prone, the legs crossed, the feet resting against a dog, the hands apparently clasping a heart, but no inscription to determine to whom the monument belongs.

Local folklore tells that it is the tomb of Peredur ab Loskal [2], a famous warrior, whose last exploit was killing a huge wyrmm which infested the country, and had its den on a wooded landmark now called Pren y Loskal.

Apparently the story goes that on returning home from serving the Lord of Rheged, Peredur was determined to free the area from the wyrmm. He asked why no-one else had yet succeeded in destroying the creature. Even the strongest and bravest warriors sent by the Lord of Brigantia had failed, as it seemed able to recover from any wound inflicted upon it, shaking off a strike from a sword like an insect bite.

Peredur, therefore, made extra plans, getting a suit of armour prepared, with every part of it being covered with spikes like spear heads set with the edges pointing outwards. Thus defended, armed with his sword, and accompanied by a faithful dog, he went forth to seek the wyrmm, which he quickly found in a thicket on the Hill.

The wyrmm, glad of another victim, pounced upon the armed man, ignoring a wound from Peredur’s sword, and folded itself around his body, intending to squeeze Peredur to death, and afterwards to devour him at leisure. However this was not to be.

The spear heads were sharp, and pierced it all over, so it quickly uncoiled itself again. To the surprise of Peredur, as soon as it pulled away from him, and the spear head coated armour, its wounds instantly healed, and it was strong and vigorous as ever.

A long and desperate fight ensued between the warrior and the wyrmm, without either gaining much advantage over the other.

With Peredur tiring, and fearing he could never inflict a fatal injury on the wyrmm, he swung his sword once more and chopped a segment from the end of the wyrmm’s tail.

His faithful dog saw his chance and quickly snatched up the beast’s flesh and ran across the valley with it for nearly a mile. He left it on a hill near a local Church, and immediately returned to the scene of combat. Snatching up another fragment, he took it to the same place, and returned again and again for other fragments until they were all removed, the last portion taken being the poisonous head.

Peredur, now rejoicing at his victory, stooped to pat and praise his faithful dog, who looked up and licked the knight’s face. Sadly, the poison of the wyrmm was still on the dog’s tongue, and both fell down dead within an hour of their victory.

The villagers buried the body of the knight in the Church, and placed a monument over the grave, on which were carved the figures of the knight and his faithful dog, to witness to the truth of the story.

[1] OTL Malton

[2] Interestingly one of Constantine the Wise’s most faithful companions was also called Peredur ab Loskal who was Brigantian


The origins of this piece of local folklore are lost. However it would seem to be the memory of the border raids that occurred in the area between Brigantia and the Danish Lordship of Karbrok. Certainly at the time of Constantine the Wise, the badge of the Lords of Karbrok was a wyrmm

Author’s Note

This is the ITTL version of the story of the Dragon of Lochsly Hill. So I’m sorry, but there is little originality here, except in the context of the story. It would more properly belong in a thread about the Prydannian fightback against the Vikings but I’m suffering from lack of vision at the moment so tried something different.
c 2000AD
Karllyn tablets

The Karllyn [1] tablets are a collection of about 1000 preserved wooden tablets that were found during excavations for the new underground line link between Nordabrugh [2] and Hrunwich [3] Excavations of the site took place between 1980 and 1983, after which the current line was constructed on the site of the archaeological dig.

The tablets are amongst rarest written documents found in Britain, dating from 405 to 432 AD in the post Rhumadi period from which very little has survived [4].


The Karllyn site consists of three acres in what was the Rhumadi city of Londinium. The archaeological site had previously yielded a 3rd-century Temple of Mithras, which was partially excavated in the 1930s, but this effort was incomplete, and Tukfeld House, was built atop the site in 1938. However, the demolition of Tukfeld House in 1980 gave archaeologists a chance to reopen the dig. Between 1980 and 1983, a multitude of artefacts were discovered at the site, including the Karllyn tablets, discovered buried 40 feet underground.


About three hundred of the Karllyn tablets have been translated. Tablets vary in content, including financial documents from Londinium, Legal documents including a judge calling a pretrial hearing, and educational material. One tablet shows the alphabet written out, indicating the presence of perhaps the last school in the area. These all show how a Rhumadi style of life continued at the time in Londinium, and in some cases flourished although the legions had been withdrawn.


There is one set of about eighty tablets which sparked, what may be politely described, as contentious debate amongst historians at the time. They seem to be a diary of a junior official attached to the Magistrate of Londinium. They describe everyday life in Londinium and show the increasing difficulties encountered as the years passed. That in itself would cause little discord, however the terms used for the descriptions of various leaders who arose at that time do. They are all, except the Magistrate of Londinium, described as venal grasping men who were out to gain as much wealth and power for themselves as possible rather than trying to preserve the Rhumadi way of life. The events described in the tablets are corroborated by other surviving sources of the period but are described very differently.

The depiction of the first Lords was so at odds with the traditional view that for some time it was wondered if these tablets were fakes. However the provenance and age testing soon proved that these tablets were contemporaneous with the others. It was then wondered if they were a work of fiction, as connected to what actually happened as any such novel is. However, since 2000, a consensus has grown up that they are a partisan record of the time written by a staunch follower of Rhumadi ways, who felt that even those Lords whom we consider to have defended such a way of life, for example Ambrosius Aurelianus, were backsliders and not pure enough in their approach.

However, even those who still dispute the characterizations in the tablets, are now agreed that they give us an insight into the period leading to the disastrous Civil War of the 430s.


[1] Karllyn, the ITTL name for what is OTL the square mile. It is an evolution of the Viking name Karlon, which in its turn is an evolution of the Ostangle name of Charlond. That is obviously derived from Caer Lond.

[2] OTL Harrow

[3] OTL Greenwich

[4]Most contempory sources about this period in Prydannian history are found in Amorica.

It should be noted that the Vindolanda Tablets also exist ITTL.
c 2000AD
Saint Byldat

Also known as Illtyd, Eltut, and Hildutus. Byldat is venerated as the abbot teacher of the divinity school, Bangor Illtyd, located in Llanbyldat Fawr (Llantbil) in Silur, Cambria. He founded the monastery and college in the 6th century, and the school is believed to be one of Prydannia’s earliest centres of learning. At its height, it had over a thousand pupils and schooled many of the great saints of the age, such as Saint Duffydh [1] and the historian Gildas [2].

St. Byldat was popular among the western Prydannians, but there are few dependable sources about his life story. The earliest mention of St. Byldat is in the Vita Sancti Davidus, written in Amorica, about 600 AD. According to this account, Byldat was the disciple of Bishop Germanus of Auxerre in north-central Hallia. According to the St. Duffydh biography, Byldat was the most accomplished of all Prydannians, and was well versed in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as well as every type of philosophy, including geometry, rhetoric, grammar, and arithmetic. He was also "gifted with the power of foretelling future events". It appears that he was an educated Prydannian living after the departure of the Rhumadi from Prydannia

According to Life of St. Byldat written circa 1140, Byldat was the second son of Emrys of Arfon and a cousin of Pelias of Deva. According to this Life, Emrys intended him for service in the church and had him educated in literature for this purpose. However, he forsook his religious upbringing, choosing instead to pursue a military career. He took a wife named Julia, and became a soldier in western Britain, in service first to Artos, and then to Amhar. As a result of this, he is called St. Byldat the Warrior.

Byldat served both Artos and then Amhar faithfully for many years, rising to become one of Amhar’s trusted advisors. However he had a reputation of being, still, very devout in his faith, which led to his, eventually (after the death of his wife, who had been a moderating influence). staying away as much as possible from Went, as he clashed often with those who followed Mithras or the Cult of Morrigan. Despite this, all, even those with whom he clashed, regarded him as one of the wisest men alive.

One afternoon, he took a patrol, hunting one of the now very rare Hibernian raids onto the lands of Kadoggan [3]. He sent a message to the abbot, demanding that the abbot feed them. The abbot deemed their demand to be very rude and improper, but graciously offered them a meal anyway. Before they could enjoy the meal, the ground opened up and swallowed the whole party as just punishment for their impiety. Only Byldat was spared, and he went to Kadoggan on his knees, begging forgiveness for his sinful act. The abbot told him to give up his selfish ways and go back to his religious upbringing.

Byldat helped pioneer the monastic life of Cambria by founding a monastery in what is now Llantbil. This became the first major Cambrian monastic school, and was a hub of Christianity in post Rhumadi Prydannia.

St. Byldat's feast day and commemoration is celebrated on 27th Gortreffin [4]. According to legend, Byldat was buried west of the town of Prykon [5], in Capel Byldat, which was demolished in the late 20th century. Until the 19th Century, Byldat was honoured by the practice of ‘watching’ (keeping vigil) at a local cairn before his festival.

[1] OTL Saint David

[2] OTL author of De Excidio, ITTL author of In Salutem

[3] OTL Saint Cadoc

[4] OTL July

[5] OTL Brecon

NOTE This is OTL Saint Illtud and I have used the Wikipedia article on him as a basis for this post.
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What is the technological level and general state of society (personal freedoms and culture and suchlike) at 2000 AD? Have any of the European states got colonies in North or South America?
What is the technological level and general state of society (personal freedoms and culture and suchlike) at 2000 AD? Have any of the European states got colonies in North or South America?
All perfectly valid questions, to which my answer is, I have no idea! All I can say for certain is that at least some technology is on a par with OTL, as I have mentioned television programmes and have implied an equivalent to Wikipedia. The climatic drivers will remain the same as OTL until at least the 19th Century, but as to the rest ?????

Hnaef Ebissason’s face grew blacker and blacker as he rode further north. The harvest in this part of Caledonia had been disastrous even though it had been more than adequate further south. There had been storms and winds just before the harvest and as a result very little had been left that could be harvested.

That in itself would have been a cause for concern. However as he had ridden north to investigate the situation on his father’s orders it became clear that the local thegn, Eowulf had commandeered what little had been harvested for the use of his own household leaving the both the small Saxon farmers and the locals to starve. Raids for food had become commonplace and the King’s Peace was being bent severely out of shape if not broken.

Added to which the harvest had been even worse in those lands still held by the Picts and there were rumours that the Crann-Tara had been sent out summoning the Pictish warriors to war. Hnaef suspected that there were not that many left after his brother’s campaigns a decade earlier but the Picts had a history of coming back from any setback far more rapidly than would have been believed possible.

With that in mind he had sent out scouts as he had approached Eowulf’s settlement. Some had already reported back that the surrounding countryside was far too quiet and there were signs that large bodies of men had recently passed through the area. The wind changed and massive black banks of cloud began to form. Hnaef looked around, apart from the change in weather, there was something else not quite right. He couldn’t put his finger on it but he decided to take no chances. He signalled to Beofrith who was his second in command,

“I don’t like this, too many of the scouts haven’t returned. Get the men into battle formation”

“Are you sure?” asked Beofrith

Hnaef just looked at him. Beofrith nodded and gave the orders. There was much grumbling from the men but that ceased when the arrows started to rain down on them.

“How far is Eowulf’s Hall?” asked Hnaef

“Under normal circumstances a couple of hours. Now, it’s in Thor’s hands” replied Beofrith.

Hnaef nodded. Once the arrows had ceased he waited for a few minutes but there was no attack.

“They’re going to pick us off a man at a time” he muttered.

“Right, onward!”

They were attacked three or four times, each time a shower of arrows and then a charge from Pictish Warriors. The Saxons gave as good as they got if not better and so, five hours later, when Eowulf’s hall came into view Hnaef still had the vast majority of his men.

“Surely they will send a relief party” stated Beofrith.

Hnaef looked at the wooden walls.

“It doesn’t look like it”

They were not attacked as they grew close to the fort and they soon realised why. The gates were off their hinges and the only live things within the walls were crows which were picking at the bodies.

“Well that explains why no relief force and why at least one of the scouts didn’t return” noted Beofrith.

Hnaef nodded, he was looking at the gates

“They’re beyond repair but we might be able to manoeuvre them to form a barricade. I don’t want to retreat into the hall, it would be a death trap especially if they used fire arrows”

Beofrith looked at the thatched roof and nodded in agreement.

“Right, you lot, get those doors up as a barricade and see if there are any wagons left to support them”

The men worked hurriedly and a makeshift barricade was put across the gateway inside an hour. The clouds got blacker and the atmosphere heavier.

“Thor’s going to be throwing his hammer soon” noted Hnaef

“As long as he hits those damned Picts not us” replied Beofrith.

Hnaef organised patrols of the walls and the rest of the troops hunkered down and tried to get some rest if not sleep.

The first attack came after the moon glimmered briefly through the banks of dark clouds. The Picts attacked silently and attempted to swarm the walls at all points. The Saxons were hard pressed but managed to drive them back.

The second attempt, at close to midnight concentrated on the makeshift barricade erected where the gates had been. It was a close run thing but again the Saxons managed to drive the Picts off.

Hnaef looked around, nearly all his men were now carrying wounds of varying severity. At least five were incapable of fighting on the walls so had been placed in the hall.

“Unless there is some miracle, we are not going to hold” whispered Beofrith.

Hnaef nodded absently

“Those bastards will attack again just before dawn” he stated

“I agree” replied Beofrith

He sniffed the air

“That damn storm hasn’t started yet. Thor must be having a break!”

Another two hours passed. As Hnaef had predicted the Picts attacked again just before dawn. This time they succeeded in breaching the walls and those Saxons that survived had no option but to fall back to the hall.

Then the storm broke, thunder rolled across the skies and lightning flashed, the heavens opened and there was torrential rain.

“At least they won’t be able to use fire arrows” muttered Beofrith

“It doesn’t matter. They have the advantage of numbers and they have us trapped. Still we shall take most of them with us and they shall show us the way to the Feasting Halls of the Gods” answered Hnaef.

There were no attacks during the day but if any Saxon tried to leave the hall he was peppered with arrows. After several fruitless attempts, the Saxons stopped even trying. As night fell, the Picts attacked again. The battle was short but fierce and once again the Picts were driven off. As they were again when they attacked at midnight.

By this time there were only seven Saxons left alive. Hnaef who himself was now carrying several deep wounds looked around.

“I am not going to die cowering in this hall. Let us show those worthless Pictish Curs how true Saxon warriors die!”

The other six warriors cheered and banged their swords against their shields.

So just as the sky turned grey with the incipient dawn, the Saxons threw open the doors of the hall and charged out. They took the Picts who had been preparing their own attack by surprise and soon had hacked their wat through the ring of Picts surrounding the hall.

However they soon lost momentum and were brought down one by one. Finally only Hnaef Ebissason stood, blood streaming from various wounds on his arms, legs and face.

“Come on, you Pictish Cowards, see how a true warrior fights” he shouted to the surrounding warriors.

A great hulking brute of a Pict stepped out of the ring. He raised his sword in salute to Hnaef

“I am Carvost Ap Eoganan. It will be an honour to be the one to slay you”

Hnaef laughed

“In your dreams! I am Hnaef Ebissason and I will slay you!”

The battle between the two lasted hours. Each was covered with blood streaming from the wounds that they inflicted upon each other. However finally the wounds that Hnaef had suffered before took their toll and his movements became slower and wilder. Eventually he stumbled. Carvost stood back and allowed him to rise to his feet.

“Fool” snarled Hnaef

“You should have killed me whilst you had the chance”

He flew at the giant Pict again. However Hnaef was getting weaker and weaker and Carvost broke through his defence and thrust his sword into Hnaef’s stomach. It was a fatal wound. However Hnaef stood and still threw insults at the Picts but his legs gave way and he fell to his knees dropping his sword.

A young Pict made to thrust his sword into Hnaef but was cuffed away by Carvost.

“Leave, he deserves to die with honour” snarled Carvost.

He picked up Hnaef’s sword and placed it in his hand

“If I had the strength” whispered Hnaef

“I know” replied Carvost

“Let my father know that I died well” whispered Hnaef and he fell onto his face, dead. Carvost raised his head to the skies and shouted so that all could hear

“I will travel to Ebissa, so called King of the Saxons, and tell him of the death of his son. May the sky open and the ground swallow me if I fail in this”

Ebissa sat on his throne glowering at the huge Pict who was stood before him. Part of him was screaming that he should just cut him down where he stood. He had after all freely admitted to having slain his son. However Ebissa controlled himself. Firstly, because it had taken great courage on the part of this Pict, Carvost Ap Eoganan to come and stand before him to impart this news. Secondly, he had come bearing the signs for a parley and even the Picts, faithless curs that they were otherwise, honoured those and he was not going to show himself worse than they. Thirdly, this Pict had come with a great weregild. This showed that they did not want war over this, other things, perhaps, but not this.

“So my son died as a true warrior should”

“Sa, he inflicted these wounds upon me although he was already badly injured”

Carvost pointed to several wounds upon his body, he pointed to one in particular

“If your son had not already been so badly weakened by his wounds, this one would have got me. If he had been as unwounded as myself then the outcome would have been much more uncertain. He was a brave man and a skilful warrior.”

Ebissa stared at Carvost

“Why had your people raided the lands of Thegn Eowulf?”

Carvost stared back

“Because not only had he taken much needed grain and food from his own lands for his own personal use but he had also ravaged our settlements closest to the lands which he claimed and taken what little food they had, again for his own use”

Carvost paused

“Now, we care little for the fate of those who accepted him as their Lord, and raids by them would have just been countered by similar retaliatory raids. However, this Eowulf, Carvost spat the name, didn’t just take the food.

His troops killed all in those settlements down to the oldest man and youngest child”

Carvost smiled grimly

“The harvest was so bad that, indeed, we would have raided but not to killing all.”

“The man lies, he is a Pict, we cannot believe what he says” came a voice from the side.

Ebissa’s temper broke

“Yet, you are alive here, accepting my hospitality in my halls, Eowulf. Whilst my son lies dead in your lands”

“He lies” continued Eowulf

“I did none of what he says”

Carvost stirred

“No man calls me liar and lives. May the ground swallow me if I do not tell the truth”

“You are a Pict” sneered Eowulf

“You can do naught else but lie!”

Carvost drew himself upright

“I am Carvost Ap Eoganan of the Vacomagi. When but a boy I fought against the Suetids and Artos. I fought against Octa and Hnaef. I would willingly slay all of you in battle but I do not lie. I challenge you, Eowulf, to back your words with your sword”

“You cannot allow this mere Pict to challenge me My Lord” sneered Eowulf again

Ebissa turned and looked at him

“Are you telling me what I can and cannot do in my own halls Eowulf?”

Ebissa paused

“Carvost Ap Eoganan has issued a fair challenge, certainly by our laws and customs and I believe, his”

Eowulf began to shake

“You cannot seriously be thinking of allowing this, My Lord. Allowing a Pict to challenge one of your most faithful followers in this way”

Ebissa laughed

“One of my most faithful followers? Your family supported Aescwine wholeheartedly. You turned your coat to save your skin, when at least your father and brothers had the courage of their convictions”

Eowulf looked around for support, he found none. Indeed, many were shaking their heads at his apparent refusal to accept Carvost’s challenge.

“I, I have no shield” quavered Eowulf

“Here, you can use mine” came a voice from the back of the hall

“Although it would be born with greater honour by Carvost Ap Eoganan”

Everybody turned

“My Lord Drustan!” exclaimed Ebissa

“I was not expecting you”

“I came with a shipment of grain from my lands as we have heard how bad the harvest was here in the North” explained Drustan.

“I did not expect to hear such a tale nor see a Saxon turn away from a challenge!”

“I need no shield” interrupted Carvost and he threw his to one side.

Eowulf looked desperately around. He found no succour in any of the faces around him. He turned and tried to flee. He was immediately seized and flung before Ebissa.

“You have shown yourself to have no honour” snarled Ebissa.

“All your lands are now mine to deal with as I see fit. You shall have a thrall ring placed around your neck as shall the rest of your family”

“My Lord Ebissa” spoke Carvost.

“Do as you wish with this snivelling worm. However do not enslave his family. They are innocent of at least this”

Ebissa inclined his head

“As you wish. However they are banished from these lands”
Yo, I've been lurking for a while now, love how things are going. One question, I know you tl focuses on Britain and Europe, but are you gonna do something about China and India?