Images from The Anglo/American-Nazi War


Soviet anti-aircraft gunners man a 75 mm anti-aircraft gun in an attempt to shoot down Ju-688 bombers above Krasnoyarsk, March 9, 1959. The attempt was futile as neither of the Soviet AA guns could reach the range of the Ju-688 bombers. As a result, 80% of Krasnoyarsk was destroyed, thousands were killed, including senior Soviet government officials and remaining Red Army officers, as well as Premier Molotov's three great-grandchildren. The attack was a punishment from the Reich since the rump USSR had failed to meet production quotas as stipulated by the Treaty of Moscow of 1943. This incident is what caused Molotov to seek asylum in the Swiss Embassy (before fleeing to Switzerland entirely) as there was nothing he could do to maintain some form of control in the USSR. A first Soviet Civil War would then break out.

Marine Raiders attempt to pull out a Willy's Jeep stuck in the mud in the Burma Trail, c. 1944. The Marine Raiders, along with the American OSS and the British SAS and SOE, conducted special operations missions in Japanese-occupied areas in China in support of the KMT. Using armored jeeps and Land Rovers, the Japanese were often caught in surprise by the fast nature of these special attacks.
Map of the World of the Anglo-American-Nazi War in 1954 on the eve of the St. Patrick's Day Raids on March 17, 1954.

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Map of the 15 German Administrative Regions as of 1 January 2024, including their capital cities and Exclusion Zones.


I've created a map of the 15 possible German statelets.
This map is based off a speculation post I made earlier this year where I listed the statelets @CalBear mentioned in AANW and the discussion threads, as well as my own suggestions. Let me know what you guys think:
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Heres a map of the alliances in the AANW in 2012, based on the QuantumBranching map.

The United Nations, dominated by the Atomic Four of the USA, UK, Canada and Australia, is the dominant Global Alliance, with the CIS as an counterweight to the A-4. All members of the United Nations and UN observers are at least nominally democratic, while many of the UN observer states are flawed democracies or hybrid regimes. The non-UN members of the CIS are either hybrid regimes or undemocratic.

The only non-aligned countries are mostly dictatorships and other authoritarian regimes such as Cabal China, Laos, Bhutan, Turkmenistan, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, the Central African Republic, Congo-Kinshasa, South Mozambique, Nicaragua and the "Oilcan Gang" nations (except for Oman), as well as Prussia.


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Lee Beom-Seok, Korean politician and military leader who was notable for advocating the ideology of Ilminism, an ultranationalist political philosophy with elements of Fascism, especially after Korea became independent from Japan. As leader of the Ilminists, he would be notable for leading the Korean State during the Korean Civil War in which the Ilminists, backed by China, tried to overthrow the Korean government with this civil war leading to the Korean Intervention.
Heres a map of the alliances in the AANW in 2012, based on the QuantumBranching map.

The United Nations, dominated by the Atomic Four of the USA, UK, Canada and Australia, is the dominant Global Alliance, with the CIS as an counterweight to the A-4. All members of the United Nations and UN observers are at least nominally democratic, while many of the UN observer states are flawed democracies or hybrid regimes. The non-UN members of the CIS are either hybrid regimes or undemocratic.

The only non-aligned countries are mostly dictatorships and other authoritarian regimes such as Cabal China, Laos, Bhutan, Turkmenistan, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, the Central African Republic, Congo-Kinshasa, South Mozambique, Nicaragua and the "Oilcan Gang" nations (except for Oman), as well as Prussia.

View attachment 883023

A bit of slight oversight: Vietnam is actually A4-aligned rather than CIS-aligned.
Heres a map of the alliances in the AANW in 2012, based on the QuantumBranching map.

The United Nations, dominated by the Atomic Four of the USA, UK, Canada and Australia, is the dominant Global Alliance, with the CIS as an counterweight to the A-4. All members of the United Nations and UN observers are at least nominally democratic, while many of the UN observer states are flawed democracies or hybrid regimes. The non-UN members of the CIS are either hybrid regimes or undemocratic.

The only non-aligned countries are mostly dictatorships and other authoritarian regimes such as Cabal China, Laos, Bhutan, Turkmenistan, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, the Central African Republic, Congo-Kinshasa, South Mozambique, Nicaragua and the "Oilcan Gang" nations (except for Oman), as well as Prussia.

View attachment 883023

A bit of slight oversight: Vietnam is actually A4-aligned rather than CIS-aligned.
The map also has the OTL Curzon Line when @CalBear has stated that Poland's borders were restored to pre-war status.

Here is a map posted years ago that I feel is more accurate:
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A bit of slight oversight: Vietnam is actually A4-aligned rather than CIS-aligned.

The map also has the OTL Curzon Line when @CalBear has stated that Poland's borders were restored to pre-war status.

Here is a map posted years ago that I feel is more accurate:
Ok. I fixed my maps to show Poland with its 1918-1939 borders and Vietnam as a A-4 aligned UN member.

Now for some photos.


Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran since the abdication of his father Reza Mohammed Pahlavi in 1971. Since he was only a child when he ascended, his reign was under a regency led by his grandmother Queen Mother Tadj ol-Molouk until 1978. His reign saw a strengthening of relations with India and the CIS in addition to the A-4 nations, with Iran supplying large amounts of Oil to the US, UK and other nations.


Ahmad Shah Khan, king of Afghanistan since 2007. The Kingdom of Afghanistan is a staunch ally of India and Iran and a member of the UN and CIS.


Jacques Foccart, first President of the French Sixth Republic and leader of the Nationalist Party. His presidency saw France taking a mostly isolationist foreign policy where France eschewed only but the most basic relations with the A-4 nations, as well as the establishment of an autarkic economy and numerous reconstruction programs across the French nation. He served as President until 1974, when he was succeeded by Pierre Poujade.

Stefan Rowecki (December 25, 1895-September 19, 1970) Field Marshall of the Polish Home Army (Armija Krajova) and Polish Armed Forces and interim President of the restored Republic of Poland from 1960-1964.

Rowecki was a veteran of the Polish Legions of Austria-Hungary in WWI, the Polish-Soviet War and WWII. After the fall of Poland in 1939, he was held in German captivity and refused to collaborate with the German Reich in a proposed anti-Soviet alliance. He escaped from captivity in 1943 and travelled across much of Eurasia to eventually reach Great Britain and join the AK, of which he became Chief of Staff in 1956. Rowecki then saw action in the Western European campaign of 1958 and 1959 and then in the final Battle of Berlin in 1960.

After the restoration of Polish independence in 1960, Rowecki was made interim President in honor of his bravery in the war. His presidency saw the rebuilding of Polish infrastructure, the restructuring of Polish society, the emigration of diaspora Poles, the expulsion of the German settlers and prosecution and execution or imprisonment of German war criminals and local Polish, ethnic German, Ukrainian and Lithuanian collaborators. He stepped down in 1964 after the first free Polish elections in over forty years since 1922. Two years later, Rowecki lead the national military parade for the 1000th anniversary of the Polish nation in 1966. Rowecki died of cancer in 1970, possibly as a result of his fighting in Berlin, and was given a hero’s state funeral in Warsaw that was broadcast on national television.

Today, Rowecki is a legendary hero in Poland and is also known as the Father of Modern Poland.

(This photo was made with FaceApp).
View attachment 884434
Stefan Rowecki (December 25, 1895-September 19, 1970) Field Marshall of the Polish Home Army (Armija Krajova) and Polish Armed Forces and interim President of the restored Republic of Poland from 1960-1964.

Rowecki was a veteran of the Polish Legions of Austria-Hungary in WWI, the Polish-Soviet War and WWII. After the fall of Poland in 1939, he was held in German captivity and refused to collaborate with the German Reich in a proposed anti-Soviet alliance. He escaped from captivity in 1943 and travelled across much of Eurasia to eventually reach Great Britain and join the AK, of which he became Chief of Staff in 1956. Rowecki then saw action in the Western European campaign of 1958 and 1959 and then in the final Battle of Berlin in 1960.

After the restoration of Polish independence in 1960, Rowecki was made interim President in honor of his bravery in the war. His presidency saw the rebuilding of Polish infrastructure, the restructuring of Polish society, the emigration of diaspora Poles, the expulsion of the German settlers and prosecution and execution or imprisonment of German war criminals and local Polish, ethnic German, Ukrainian and Lithuanian collaborators. He stepped down in 1964 after the first free Polish elections in over forty years since 1922. Two years later, Rowecki lead the national military parade for the 1000th anniversary of the Polish nation in 1966. Rowecki died of cancer in 1970, possibly as a result of his fighting in Berlin, and was given a hero’s state funeral in Warsaw that was broadcast on national television.

Today, Rowecki is a legendary hero in Poland and is also known as the Father of Modern Poland.

(This photo was made with FaceApp).

In OTL, I believe he was a tragic casualty of the Warsaw uprising. It's nice to know he has an even more legendary and heroic profile here!

Zera Yacob Amha Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia since 1997. Under his rule, the Ethiopian Empire was remained an authoritarian state with an only nominally democratic system and Prime Minister, with the Emperor constantly involving himself in political manners. His rule has also seen the jailing of numerous dissidents, opposition leaders and ethnic autonomists and separatism. As a result, Ethiopia has been constantly denied UN membership, although Ethiopia is a member of the CIS and an Indian ally.


Constand Viljoen (1933-2019), leader of the South African coup of 1984 and interim president of South Africa after the overthrow of P.W. Botha, a coup which saw the end of Apartheid in South Africa. The coup was the result of large-scale peaceful protests by the ANC and other anti-Apartheid groups combined with war wariness from the Southwest African Bush War, the latter of which would see the independence of Namibia in 1986. Sadly, this coup also saw the tragic death of ANC leader Nelson Mandela.


Said Barre, dictator and President of Somalia from his rise to power by a coup on October 17, 1967, which saw the overthrow and death of first President Aden Adde, until his death of a heart attack on December 19, 1993. Barre reformed Somalia as the Somali Democratic Republic and under a Socialist, Marxist and Somali nationalist regime. Barre clandestinely supported Somali separatist groups in Ethiopia and Kenya, and border clashes with Ethiopia almost broke out in a war that was only prevented by UN mediation. In spite of modernization and unification efforts, he was also a ruthless dictator who imprisoned multiple dissidents and persecuted rival clans. His regime was also an ally of the "inti-imperialist regimes" of Cabal China and the USSR. After his death, his son Maslah Mohammed Siad Barre succeeded him as President and remains as such to this day. Today, Somalia is an isolationist pariah state and one of the few dictatorships and socialist nations on Earth.