I'm currently working on a large and complex alt-history project. I recently had a rather weird idea for the project that I'd like to impliment and that idea is giving the 2000s, 2010s and 2020s different aesthetics than what they had in reality. This includes alternate car designs, fashion, architecture etc.
As far as I know, a concept like this hasn't really been attempted in any medium of alternate history beyond retrofuturism which probably isn't going to be helpful to me in this project as the goal of retrofuturism is to make the present or future look like a technologically superior version of the past. For this project, I want to give the decades of the 21st century a brand new look that is clearly different from reality while also looking like a natural extension of both the '80s and '90s which influenced the majority of 2000s and 2010s aesthetics.
I have no solid ideas for where to start with this project. I know that I'd like the 2010s to be vaguely reminiscent of the '60s in terms of design but not retro-futuristic in any capacity. Overall, I am looking for ideas and resources.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As far as I know, a concept like this hasn't really been attempted in any medium of alternate history beyond retrofuturism which probably isn't going to be helpful to me in this project as the goal of retrofuturism is to make the present or future look like a technologically superior version of the past. For this project, I want to give the decades of the 21st century a brand new look that is clearly different from reality while also looking like a natural extension of both the '80s and '90s which influenced the majority of 2000s and 2010s aesthetics.
I have no solid ideas for where to start with this project. I know that I'd like the 2010s to be vaguely reminiscent of the '60s in terms of design but not retro-futuristic in any capacity. Overall, I am looking for ideas and resources.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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